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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #121
the Last Thursday?


Unless there has been a change, today is the Wednesday before the final Thursday.

Have Sue and Brad come up with any alternatives yet?

Has the overnight meeting been scheduled?

Last night must have been somewhat intense for you. Hope all is well.

  • #122
Sorry - I've tried to find time to post an update several times over the past few days but have been unable to.

Casino - you are correct - Tuesdays are somewhat intense nights for us (well, me at least) in that mentally the sex is a bit more consuming. Despite this having been a routine situation, I still find myself increibly aroused at knowing she is unavailable the next day and that she will next be with Brad again before me.

She has promised me that tonight we will have time to talk. I asked what her thoughts were on the future with and without Brad and she said she has some ideas and teased me that I will just have to wait till tonight to find out more.

I have not come to a conclusion about her overnight request. In the course of some of what we talked about over the past few days (after her PMS-ness eased) I shared with her my concerns. And at her prodding/asking, I did tell her that iit does turn me on to think of her with him all night but that I am reluctant to let Brad have that experience with her and vice-versa.

In continuing to try to be as open with her as I can be I told her that in some ways I would find the overnight easier, at least in my mind, if I was finally able to actually watch her with Brad. That after seeing them together I thought it would either be easier to say okay, or that I would feel that no is the answer. I can't really articulate all of how I feel except that I guess deep down inside a part of me is still unsure about it all. Seeing her with him sexually will either make it easier for me to be okay about an overnight, or, if I find it to be too much if/when I do watch, that maybe I just couldn't take them having a whole night of that.

I know - I sound stupid. But better that I share my honesty with her, than encourage her to do something that I am unsure of. I honestly didn't think I would feel this way knowing what I do about how they are and what they do together.

She already told me that she will most likely be very late tomorrow night - as if I couldn't guess that...
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  • #123
Last Thursday and Overnight


Don't be so hard on yourself... there are a lot of emotions that you are sorting through, and unlike those here giving you advice from an armchair point of view, you are living this real-time. That being said, we are interested in where you go with this, so please keep us informed to the extent you are comfortable doing so.

  • #124
Pandora's Box isn't easily closed. Sharing your wife with other men, like plunging into war, almost certainly takes on a life of it's own and goes in directions neither intended nor foreseen.

By interfering with your wife's desire to spend a night with her lover you might make her resent you. You encouraged this shared life, and now she wants a bit more. I'd rather be on the side of allowing her freedom and being the good guy than playing the role of "well, yes, I encouraged you to fuck other men but now I'm limiting you."

Y'know what happens when you prevent someone from being with one they're attracted to? You might exponentially increase the desire to be with that person. You wanna awaken the hotwife and then try to shut it down when she wants to spend one night with him? Really? You want that? She's clear what she wants. You really want to grind her politely expressed desire under your wheels? You want what results from that?
  • #125

I hear what you are saying. I also know that while Sue hasn't said what you have said, I recognize that she may be thinking that.

She shared more of what she is thinking last night and I"ll have more time to share some of it here. She was quite explicit about a number of things and asked me a number of things too.

I do think she will probably convince me to be okay with the overnight but I also don't want to just give in either as I feel this could be the top of a slippery slope.

More later.
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  • #126
Well, her period ended a few days ago - she said this one was better than last month so I think she's VERY sold on the IUD.

We had some honest open discussion over the past few days that both made me feel more comfortable as well as less comfortable at the same time.

She asked me exactly what I was thinking about everything that was going on. I told her that I was sorry that her regular Thursday meeting with Brad was going to be coming to an end. She replied that she still hoped, and especially with the warmer weather approaching, that Brad would still find time to spend with her.

I asked her if the end of their Thursday's was at all behind her overnight request. She said yes - and then she said that she hoped that perhaps, if I was okay with it - that there could be others. She said something about if she can't have every Thursday, that when they could get together, that she wanted it to be for a longer period of time.

That led me to open up and tell her about my concerns about them spending a whole night together. She asked me pointedly "what more do you think we're going to do that we haven't done already?". I honestly had no answer for that except to say that for over 25 years now, that I was the only man she'd spent an "entire night" with and that I wasn't necessarily comfortable with her sharing that with Brad. She just laughed at that and said that they've already "fallen asleep" together on some Thursdays - and then just to dig it in she added "and when we have, he's been in me the whole time!".

In the back of my mind, I knew this already - she'd mentioned it several times. She did hold me close and very affectionately kissed me and said "baby, you don't have to worry". Seeing those big brown eyes staring at me just totally disarmed me.

At another point she asked me to tell her everything that I was thinking - that she wanted to hear it from me - what I thought about on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. So - what the heck, I thought I might as well just tell her everything. As I stated here already - I told her Tuesday nights I seem to feel an urgency to have sex with her even if we're tired or busy. Somehow in my mind I need that to allow me to be okay with Wednesday and Thursdays. I then told he also what I posted here - that I have actually come to like Wednesdays and that knowing she is "saving herself" for him on Thursday was very much a turn-on. She asked me why I don't masturbate more on Wednesdays and I told her that I actually enjoyed the arousal building until Thursday night. She giggled at that and said something like "yeah, you sure do want me on Thursdays".

We talked about my earlier intimacy issues. I told her that I still felt unnerved at just how intimate and open she is with Brad - not just the whole being naked thing but just how free Brad seems to be with her body. She said she still didn't totally understand how I could be okay with Brad cumming in her but not with him touching her or whatever else. I really couldn't answer why.

Sue even suggested that maybe I come up and join them tonight and watch but there was just no way to coordinate it with the kids. Fortunately, hopefully, our son will get his drivers license soon (next month) and that may resolve the kid-issue. I told her that I did want to watch them and repeated again that maybe not being there for their foreplay might be easier. She just answered "as long as you think you'll be okay when we're fucking....". She then just asked me "do you want to watch him cum in me?"

I nodded my head yes but it took me a moment to weakly say "yes". She smiled at that and said she thought she would like it if I could be there to share that moment with her. She said that maybe seeing that it's not so terrible would help me get over the last of my issues. I told her that I had the same thoughts but still wasn't sure I could do it. I told her that knowing she's fucking him and seeing her fucking him are 2 different things - even knowing it's his cum in her is still different than watching it happen. She had this concerned look on her face until I said again that I did want to watch her and that, in many ways, seeing him in her at that moment was in fact the pinnacle of my fantasy from so long ago that started all of this. I didn't tell her this exactly but I did tell her that I do love the visions I have of her with her legs wrapped around him.

There was still more we talked about. I asked her if she had any interest in anyone other than Brad. She smiled and asked me whether I did or did not want her to. I told her that I thought since she started with Brad, that our relationship had been strengthened and that I felt much more comfortable talking to her and that I found her even more sexy than ever before. I added that I didn't want that to change if she was no longer seeing Brad. And to that I asked her if she was going to miss fucking Brad on Thursdays. She smiled and just said "yes" - that she was going to miss it. But then she added that right now, she was just focused on enjoying the last time with Brad (yeah right!) and that she wanted to see how she herself felt after things slowed down. (she also told me that Brad has said many times that his wife was getting back to normal and wanting him more too).

As the last thing I'll share for now - she already told me (and the kids) that she would be very late tonight - and she also told me that she wanted us to talk seriously about her overnight when she gets home tonight and tomorrow. I pushed her as to when she wanted to spend the night and she said "maybe next weekend - April 4th" and she then offered that I could come and be with them that same night if I wanted to.

So - I think I'll be ****** later tonight or tomorrow to say yes or no finally and not be able to waffle on it. Wish me luck.
  • #127

I'd say give your wife what she wants. If she wishes to spend a night with her lover — and more nights in the future, after that — I suggest telling her "If that will increase your emotional fulfillment, your sexual pleasure and make you happier, then I want you to go ahead and do it." Then give her a long, deep kiss.

Your wife has treated you well through all this.... very, very well. If you agree to her wishes (instead of acting as a road block), I suggest it will increase your stature with her. From your own point of view, don't forget: "If your wife is happy, you will be happy."

  • #128
You sound exactly like my husband. He loves it when I come home with another mans juices inside. Unfortunately I haven't found the right guy to make a regular fuck buddy. I may have found him last night though :-D
  • #130
When a prim and proper wife allows he natural slut inside her to escape ("allows" being the permission to act her true desires), then she cannot put her "slut" back in the bottle - she has changed for all time, and "vanilla" no longer appeals.

It is impossible to predict what emotions and hidden desires will appear, as over many months she dips more than her toes in the dating pool of available men in the community. Her marriage vows are set aside, and she has the best of both worlds, her husband to love and protect her and give her a comfortable life, and her lovers that she grows to crave more and more as the years go by.

Each of her new lovers brings different thrills to her life, and she needs to have "plenty of freedom from her marriage (all-night passes) to grow her new relationships like a seperate marriage.

Sue will take more liberties outside her marriage as her confidence continues to grow, and as soon as her husband finds he can more easily handle her and Brad fucking each other in front of him.

In reality, it is not "Sue holding Sue back", but "hubby dragging the chain". Sue will already realise where she wishes to take her sexual passions over the next few years, but she is mindful that she loves her husband and is waiting for him to "grow in understanding of her true primal needs" - and feel his "full permission and acceptance that no matter how slutty she becomes spontaneously, HE WILL NOT TRY TO WIND THINGS BACK TO THE OLD, NOW REDUNDANT VANILLA SEX THEY ONCE ENJOYED.

A hot wife needs to always be a hot wife, and once her husband approves of her being hot, permission has been granted for ALL TIME.

The hesitancy that a husband feels when he realises he has opened a Pandora's box when he persuaded his wife to share her cunt and tits with other guys, can release enormous emotional cuckold energy that he did not expect to feel - and it is never a problem of the wife enjoying the extra cock power, but more of the cuck re-organising his life to being "completely monogamous" to absolutely proove to his cuckoldress wife that he is genuine in his desire for her to be polymory to her heart's content.

There should be a reward system (like passing exams at school), so that the cuck can feel he has become a successful cuckold. Whilst his emotions are jerking all over the place, his self-esteem is taking a pounding as more and more strange men date his wife.
  • #131
A bit late, don't you think?

SoonToBe said:
I do think she will probably convince me to be okay with the overnight but I also don't want to just give in either as I feel this could be the top of a slippery slope.

Your wife has a weekly tryst with another man, and you're worried about slippery slopes NOW??? :eek:
  • #132
Perhaps "slippery slope" isn't the best description. I guess what I am concerned about is if I say "ok" to the overnighter that it may then become the norm - either in terms of more with Brad or - if another guy comes along in the future, that it becomes something she expects. She says this is not the case.

She didn't get home until well after 11pm last night - tired as she may have been, she was there for me. I won't go into more now but she was just so beautiful and quite tender last night. I felt I had to be gentle with her - needless to say, I didn't last very long!!!!

This morning I asked her to send me another Email as in some ways she seems to be able to express herself a bit more openly that way. She said she would think about it and she reminded me that she wanted to also try to write me a more sexy one too.
  • #133
Soon to Be has what many husbands wish they had, and that is a wife who will fuck with other men, and not be secretive about it. I still believe that a majority of married men would like to share their wives' pussies with other men, but are not able to admit it to themselves, first of all, much less their wives or anyone else!

Until a guy has had the experience, as have I, of actually being there and watching as another man drives his hardnened prick up the cunt of the husband's wife, he cannot possibly understand the emotions and excitement that is involved.

When a husband hears his wife cry out in pleasure as another guy's prick gives her the kind of deep-cunt fucking that drives her to orgasm, he will know, with certainty, that this is what he has been searching for all his life. He will know that the greatest sexual joy possible is to share his own wife's pussy with another man, then fuck her, himself, as the final act of the evening.

I have been there! I know from first-hand experience what I am talking about. It just doesn't get any better than that!

And to all those men who have fucked my wife over the years, whether I have been there to watch, or not, my undying thanks! You have helped to make one husband extremely satisfied!
  • #134
STB, I have enjoyed reading your accounts of this adventure you and Sue are on. I can also understand the many doubts, excitements, and insecurities you have brought forth during these months. Concerning the overnight thing, it would seem that maybe Sue just views the overnight thing as something she is trading the every Thursday for. She doesn't appear to be viewing it as an extra or next level event. This has especially seemed to be her view since finding out the Thursdays were ending.

I do understand your feelings as well. It does seem to be another level event in her not coming home like she always has. Something that has struck me is that originally the idea of an overnight was something Brad brought up to her. Sue mentioned it to you more along the lines of something she was feeling you out on as something that would please Brad. It now seems to have become something she wants as well,,,for them. This has become an issue that, from the outside looking in, places them on one side and you alone on the other. Not a good place for you. As has been pointed out by other posters, you either come across as the bad guy for not being in favor of it, or by giving in, you send Brad the message that there truly are ********* and you will give in anytime he wants to push. He merely has to convince Sue of whatever he wants, then she works on you to make it happen.

So far nothing I have read has given me the idea that you want to be reduced to second tier status. It seems to have started out as wanting to share your wife with another man, not slowly allow another man to take her away. There is a difference. Any outside relationship needs limits. There is plenty of room for personal growth while still staying inside the boundaries. As both you and Sue have already by the admitted improvement in your sex life at home and the personal discovery it has led to in each of you.

It is very apparent that Sue has developed strong emotional feelings for Brad. There will be fallout from this. When it ends, and it will end, she will grieve the loss. The further things go now, the deeper she will grieve. Brad's feelings, while not completely known, appear to be as strong toward Sue. Despite his wife returning to normal and wanting more sex from him, he wants to change the dynamic with Sue to keep sleeping with them both. This suggests his feelings won't allow him to simply walk away. I see fallout for your marriage if some boundaries aren't established.
  • #135
And therein lies the crux of my concerns. I think you've perhaps conveyed some of what I am feeling.

I hadn't thought of the thing you mentioned - that it was Brad who first suggested an overnight and not Sue. And, yes, now that you mention it, it is interesting how she does seem to now want this.

I'm also concerned with what Loveslife and others have said here. That my decision to say no could have some consequences of increasing her desire, just as my saying yes could also have similar outcomes.

And then there are the others here who echo Sue's sentiments, that it is nothing more than just more time together.

More as it comes to mind...
  • #136
What he said.....

Jaxunman said:
STB, I have enjoyed reading your accounts of this adventure you and Sue are on. I can also understand the many doubts, excitements, and insecurities you have brought forth during these months. Concerning the overnight thing, it would seem that maybe Sue just views the overnight thing as something she is trading the every Thursday for. She doesn't appear to be viewing it as an extra or next level event. This has especially seemed to be her view since finding out the Thursdays were ending.

I do understand your feelings as well. It does seem to be another level event in her not coming home like she always has. Something that has struck me is that originally the idea of an overnight was something Brad brought up to her. Sue mentioned it to you more along the lines of something she was feeling you out on as something that would please Brad. It now seems to have become something she wants as well,,,for them. This has become an issue that, from the outside looking in, places them on one side and you alone on the other. Not a good place for you. As has been pointed out by other posters, you either come across as the bad guy for not being in favor of it, or by giving in, you send Brad the message that there truly are ********* and you will give in anytime he wants to push. He merely has to convince Sue of whatever he wants, then she works on you to make it happen.

So far nothing I have read has given me the idea that you want to be reduced to second tier status. It seems to have started out as wanting to share your wife with another man, not slowly allow another man to take her away. There is a difference. Any outside relationship needs limits. There is plenty of room for personal growth while still staying inside the boundaries. As both you and Sue have already by the admitted improvement in your sex life at home and the personal discovery it has led to in each of you.

It is very apparent that Sue has developed strong emotional feelings for Brad. There will be fallout from this. When it ends, and it will end, she will grieve the loss. The further things go now, the deeper she will grieve. Brad's feelings, while not completely known, appear to be as strong toward Sue. Despite his wife returning to normal and wanting more sex from him, he wants to change the dynamic with Sue to keep sleeping with them both. This suggests his feelings won't allow him to simply walk away. I see fallout for your marriage if some boundaries aren't established.

I believe Jaxunman has nailed it. Although I certainly sound like the cliched "broken record". This is the dynamic that always concerns me when a wife plays alone.

Their time alone allows them opportunity to develop their relationship: a relationship that does not include you. He wants more and more of her. If you go along, you lose more and more of her to him. I you do not, you are interfering with their "romance" and gradually become the enemy.

I get heat from people on this all the time who either don't get it or just don't care. There always will be exceptions. But, the question is: Is your goal to enhance what you and she share? or is it to provide an avenue for her to develop romantic relationship(s) that parallel the one with you. If it's parallel relationship(s), there's always the risk that a new one will grow stronger or more important to her, than the old one with you. Is the risk acceptable to you?

Do you want to give her away?... or share her?

P.S. I can tell you from experience, it's a giant leap from where you are, to sleeping (actually lying awake) alone, while she sleeps with him. And the closeness you've felt to her when she gets home.... well it "ain't the same" after an overnighter.
  • #137
What is to be

I can sympathise with your doubts as to how events are going to change if she spends a whole night with Brad. I think it is something you are just going to get your head round it. The fact is she has fucked him on numerous occasions, she has even slept with him for an hour or so, while he was still in her.
His circumstanses may have changed and he may not be able to make his regular thursday fuck with your wife. To be fair to her, you have helped to make it special for her, by abstaining from sex on a Wednesday and being there, ready and waiting when she gets home every Thursday, everthing is special for her.
She needs her all nighter with Brad. She also needs to know you are ok with it. Personally I think now is the time that you need to be with her and watch Brad give her a good fucking. See him Pumping her and filling her with his seed.
My thoughts are that she now has a regular thing with Brad, you seem to be ok with it. How is she going to be if she can't have Brad on a regular basis. Will she look for another lover. I think she will. I also think she needs it now more than wants it. I believe that she needs your approval to fuck other guys, Brad would probably be enough, but if he is not available, then she will look elsewhere and she will still need your approval.
A different lover for her will probably not be in the same frame of mind as Brad. Will she tell a new lover about you, how will he react?
I think now is the time that you watch her. See how she is with Brad. She may be totally different with another lover and you may suffer more from that.
Think about it. I would love to know your thoughts?
Best of luck
  • #139
Well, it's Saturday and Sue's out shopping so I'm here reading over the last few posts from everyone.

She told me she was still a little "tender" last night but nevertheless, she seemed very horny as was I. Before we got into it she did say she was going to send me a sexy Email and she emphasized that she was going to be more explicit for me and she added that she hoped I would be okay about reading it. I told her that I really wanted to read about all that she felt and experienced and that she shouldn't feel she needed to shield me from anything.

We talked about other things too including the overnight. I did ask her whether this was something she wanted or whether it was something that Brad wanted. She paused for a moment to think about her answer and then said that while it was Brad who suggested it that in the past few weeks, especially with knowing that this past Thursday was the last of their "regular" meetings - that she found herself wanting it too.

She told me several times that it doesn't mean anything to her other than having more time to be with Brad and that she also wanted to be able to be with him and not have to know in the back of her mind that she needed to be mindful of the clock and to come home at a reasonable hour. She said that this past Thursday night she honestly wished she could have spent the whole night with him as by the end - she was quite tired (and worn out!) and would have liked to just cuddle up with him and fall asleep.

I told her that I was okay with the sex part - but that what she said about cuddling up and sleeping in his arms was what was getting to me. She knows that I'm concerned that this will mark a new page in what we're doing together and that I was concerned about what it would mean for us moving forward.

She said that while she could say she loves Brad, she was quick to say that she never wanted to hurt me and that if I truly felt that I couldn't accept her sleeping with him like that, that she would accept that and she wouldn't argue it. But she then added that she hoped I wouldn't be upset if she tried to convince me that it would be okay for us.

We talked pretty frankly at some points. She asked me if I was still turned on by her having sex with Brad. My hard cock gave my answer away. I told her that thinking about her and him always turns me on and I added that knowing he cums in her 2 to 3 times is also very much of a turn on. She asked me if I was coming to accept things more in terms of how they were with each other. She added "you know, the whole intimacy thing you have". I told her that in my mind and when I have her home afterwards, thinking and knowing how they are together was very arousing and that I was more able to accept that she truly is HIS when they are together.

After we fucked last night she told me as we lay there in bed that she never wanted to not have "this" - how we were together - and that no matter what happened, that "this" would never change. And she swore up and down that just spending the night with him wouldn't make a difference to us.

So - I"m still on this fence. I read Jax & Indy's notes - and I think the only thing that keeps me from believing that bad things are going to happen is how and what Sue keeps on telling me - that she just wants it for herself and not that she's in love with Brad to the point that they can't be without each other or stuff like that. The other thing that I"m starting to admit to myself is that in some ways, well, I want to say yes to them. I truly do feel that I like being a cuckold - that there is a certain satisfaction that I feel very deeply about Sue being sexually active with another guy. It's what makes me even look forward to Wednesday - knowing she's telling me she wants him.

I know that there's no turning back once I would say okay to them - and there's this huge part of me that wants to let her do it - just to have the experience. I know that Indy wrote of what I'll feel sleeping alone knowing where she is - but when I let myself think about it, I am coming to realize and accept that I want to feel that, at least once. Just as I want to be there and watch them, also at least once.

I know that both of these things will probably hurt like hell when they happen. I've re-lived what I saw last December when I tried to be there and watch them the first time - but now, 3 months later - I recall the feeling of wanting to throw-up and of being so anxious at what was going on - but at the same time, I now feel as though I wished I'd had the strength to stay and watch. I think back to the moments before I left - of Sue giving herself to him and seeing him so comfortable with her body - and all I can think of is how friggin' turned on I am whenever I think about it and I kick myself for leaving. If I let my mind go to that moment - I think I'll be okay seeing it happen - I mean I do want to share that moment with her to the degree that I can. And in my mind - I can even see walking over to her afterwards as she lies there in a post-orgasmic bliss and I can see myself giving her a kiss goodnight and just telling her that I"ll see her in the morning. I've even masturbated to these thoughts many times. I"m thinking that if I really want this, that I must truly be a cuckold at heart and - in some ways - maybe it's just fate and nature and almost normal for me to say yes to her.

I doubt any of this makes sense but at least it felt good writing it.
  • #140
I would suggest not allowing Brad to stay the night. If she doesn't want to mind the clock, then do it so Brad would need to leave before you go to bed to your wife.
To displace you from the bed, from part of your home, would be a bit far for you.

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