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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #161

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
If we do nice things for our women, they overwhelm us with the love they give in return.

'an that's the truth.

  • #162

After my wife has sex with a guy, she looks foward to him leaving so that she can have her time with me. This nonverbal conversation says, "I love my husband. He is my partner. I want him to be part of each of these experiences."

It makes me feel loved, knowing that she's eager to be with me.

You wife is saying, "My husband can wait. I want more time for intimacy with my lover."
She's not eager to come home to you.

She keeps reassuring you how much she loves yoy as she gives more and more of herself to him. When his piece grows larger than yours, say "goodbye".
  • #163
Let her have the her overnight, as long as she takes the kids with her. Tit for tat. That way the reality of the situation hits home. Right now there scinerio is a dream that you allow. If you pull plug reality enters and the whole thing comes down. I remember a nurse that was cheating on her husband and when her husband found out he put her out. When she showed up on the lovers doorstep he said "what you doing here, your not welcome go home to your husband" and that is what she did.
  • #164
SoonToBe said:
Loveslife - ...It was just scary to see you saying so much of what Sue had conveyed in her own words.

I love women and those are words I'd expect her to say. I've guided several women through opening up sexually and they mostly have the same concerns and progression.

Indyhubby and reader22 must not have noticed this is a cuckold site. Sheesh. Hey, guys, read the thread that preceeded this thread then reread this entire thread and see that he encouraged her to play. Don't bash Sue for doing exactly what he asked her to do.
  • #165
I thought I would have more time tonight but I got busy with stuff and Sue's fell asleep during Leno's monologue.

Loveslife has it correct - I am a cuckold and after giving it a lot of thought, I am going to tell her yes. They were thinking of next Friday night but I pointed out that it's Good Friday, although none of us seem to be overly religious. I asked her what Brad was going to use as his excuse and he said that he'd already arranged an alibi and I reminded her that she didn't want to be the cause of any problems.

We've talked about a lot of stuff in the last few days including her asking me if I was going to miss her being with Brad. I was kind of taken by that question - it was weird, I answered yes and it felt good to say it. Like a weight had been lifted off of me. She smiled at me and said she thought I would say that.

I asked her what she wanted out of her night with Brad and I guess she got the vibe from me that I was being open and she was too. She started with the same reasons she'd told me earlier, not liking to have to rush home or whatever. I actually asked her if that was all it was or was she looking forward to being with "him" for longer.

When she didn't answer me right away I already knew the answer. She swore to me up and down that it's not love and that she doesn't feel that for him - but then as she looked away from me a little she also said that she loves sex with him. She quickly added, "not more than with you or not better than with you", "just different" and after a pause "more physical might be a way to describe it". And she looked back at me and I just said "it's okay" and I then just said "I understand".

And I do. I know what Indy and Radar have said and I know what others have said here too - but I also know that I feel like a million bucks right now. Something about setting her free to do it - it just feels right. She saw me smiling a little and she said "you're really okay with it?" and I just said that she needs to make sure that this is all it is and again she swore up and down that she just wants more of him.

I didn't ask about watching her but it did come up. She asked if I still wanted to and I nodded and said yes. Again a pause which I picked up on right away and asked "what - what's wrong" and she just said that I need to be sure its something I really want. I didn't understand why she said that until she said that "Brad is very physical with me" and all I said back was "oh" and then I just said "maybe I should wait then?". I didn't push it and sort of left it there.

The fact that this was a Wednesday night did come up. Once she heard the stuff I opened up to her with she said that we should keep up our Wednesday pattern and not have sex tonight. It was weird because I actually didn't expect to (I did not tell her though). I asked her if she'd tell me all about her night when she comes home and she said she would love to.

So, that's it - it's almost all out in the open now. I told her yes when she asked if I "take care of myself" (her term for masturbating) on Wednesdays (of course she already knew that). When I admitted to being turned on thinking about her with him all night she asked me about it and I just told her that the idea of her being in bed with him, having sex whenever they wanted, her sleeping with next to her or closer, (as someone here suggested) her maybe having a "morning" with him before coming home - I told her it all turned me on. But then I added that it only turned me on if, in fact, she was coming home to me.

She knew what I meant by that and she just turned to me and said that I will always be where she calls home. I swear I almost felt a tear in my eyes! Sometimes you just feel something from your partner and this just feels good - really good.

I"m sure I'll get flamed by some folks here. And yes, I do know that this is a huge thing to do and allow - and yes, Indy and Radar and others do have a point that if nothing else, it moves the bar very far beyond where it was. But I do think, and of course, hope, that it will be okay for us.
  • #166
Well, let me know when the divorce papers come in, I'm checking out of this thread.
  • #167
SoonToBe said:
...I am a cuckold ...I am going to tell her yes.

Yes, that seemed apparant from your enjoying the denial aspects like Wednesday's no-sex, and your instigating the "Brad first" by making an excuse and wearing condoms. I'm not being critical because I think those things are very arousing and I'd do them myself if I was in your situation.

They were thinking of next Friday ...Good Friday, although none of us seem to be overly religious. I asked her what Brad was going to use as his excuse and he said that he'd already arranged an alibi and I reminded her that she didn't want to be the cause of any problems.

I'm not sure why you raised these points. If none of you are religious it just seems like you're causing trouble. Brad's excuse is his business and I'm sure he's thought of the consequenses if his wife sees through his ruse. Ditto for the advice to your wife. It just seems like you're throwing cold water on the idea of them meeting and grasping for reasons to cast a pall over it.

We've talked about a lot of stuff in the last few days including her asking me if I was going to miss her being with Brad. I was kind of taken by that question - it was weird, I answered yes and it felt good to say it. Like a weight had been lifted off of me. She smiled at me and said she thought I would say that.

...I actually asked her if that was all it was or was she looking forward to being with "him" for longer.

When she didn't answer me right away I already knew the answer.

Again, the cuckold aspect. It would excite me to have my wife or girlfriend say that. The emotional aspect is at the heart of the cuckold experience of pleasure and pain. The "letting go" is scary, painful, and very erotic.

I didn't ask about watching her but it did come up. ...she just said that I need to be sure its something I really want. ..."Brad is very physical with me" ...then I just said "maybe I should wait then?".

Notice how she smoothly manuvered you out of the first overnight. That's very erotic.

I think waiting's wise. Let her have at least one overnight alone with him before you introduce the tension of watching. Remember, she used to see him every week, but now has to settle for the occasional overnight. More intense but less frequent, maybe much less frequent. So, let her have her night with him, or maybe several nights, before re-indroducing the watching, in my opinion. At least, that's what I'd do.

...this was a Wednesday night ...Once she heard the stuff I opened up to her with she said that we should keep up our Wednesday pattern and not have sex tonight. It was weird because I actually didn't expect to....

I'd love that. I'd love it that she suggested it. I'd love the shadow of another man causing her to deny me, that she was anticipating him, even though the Thursday meetings are bygone. The cuckold in me would enjoy that. Forget what the idiot "kick the bitch to the curb" posters say. It's a great cuckold moment when she denies you on Wednesdays.

...I asked her if she'd tell me all about her night when she comes home and she said she would love to.

It'll be a delicious mix of jealosy and arousal. Remember the excellent email she wrote. The most erotic part (for me) was the part that would also be the most painful (again, for me), where she spoke of wanting to be "his". If you look deep into your self, was that the worst part of her narrative for you, the best part, or both? I'd love her to say that when she was with him, she only wanted to be his and didn't think of me. But I'd know when she's with me, she often thinks of him. Cuckold angst, arousing and scary.

I told her yes when she asked if I "take care of myself" (her term for masturbating) on Wednesdays (of course she already knew that). When I admitted to being turned on thinking about her with him all night she asked me about it and I just told her that the idea of her being in bed with him, having sex whenever they wanted, her sleeping with next to her or closer, (as someone here suggested) her maybe having a "morning" with him before coming home - I told her it all turned me on. But then I added that it only turned me on if, in fact, she was coming home to me.

Ah, yes, having to jerk off instead of being able to have sex with your wife. Her keeping herself for her lover. Very sexy. Also, again, for me, the best and the worst of it would be the nightime intimacy of the sleepover, their waking up and coupling in the night, the whispered intimacies, the words that slip out in such private moments.

...she ...said that I will always be where she calls home. ...Sometimes you just feel something from your partner and this just feels good - really good.

These experiences make sure you'll not take her for granted. You'll stay attentive and loving, and so will she. She has a husband that won't dare take her for granted and an exciting lover. It's good for all three of you.

I'm sure I'll get flamed by some folks here. ...But I do think, and of course, hope, that it will be okay for us.

The bashers don't get the cucky part or the fact you pushed her into this where she'd never have gone without your urging. The risk, well, the risk causes jealosy and much arousal, and also causes us men to value our ladies and treat them well.

Just my opinion. Give Sue my greetings and best wishes, please. It goes without saying that I send my best wishes to you, as well.
  • #168
Loveslife, it was really your post that made me want to come out and own up to it all with Sue.

I do still have some misgivings but it feels so good to be able to tell Sue exactly how I feel and to finally be honest with myself too.

I genuinely do want her to have the experience she wants. When I think about her waking up in his arms and them enjoying a leisurely morning fuck and the maybe showering and dressing together - it just turns me on incredibly to think about her sharing those moments with Brad. Yes, it's going to hurt - I already know how I'll feel next Friday night lying in bed alone - but I also know that I will have such fantasies that there are going to be a lot of sticky wads of tissues by the time morning comes around.

I know Indy and Radar and the others all fear that Sue sharing those intimate moments with him will take away from what we have together. That could be but I wouldn't be honest with myself if I didn't say I want to experience this.

I guess that's the difference I feel. Inside I want to truly experience being a cuckold - and that surely (for me) includes denial and, at times, her even preferring or wanting him more than me at times.

I may regret it later but right now, it feels wonderful to anticipate this and want it to happen.

And yes, from reading your comments on what I wrote, I do see that Sue is getting much better at manipulating me and alleviating my concerns while still keeping me very aroused at what is going on.

Oh well - back to work.
  • #169
Sorry, I don't know how to cut the message up easily like Custer does, so I'll use bold type.

SoonToBe said:
...it feels so good to be able to tell Sue exactly how I feel and to finally be honest with myself too.

The wonderful thing about telling all to her is that she'll probably do the same to you, and that takes your relationship to a deeper and more exciting level.

I genuinely do want her to have the experience she wants.

Scary, and hard to do, but that's what we say to our women that we want, so we need to back it up.

...her waking up in his arms ...leisurely morning fuck ...showering and dressing together - it just turns me on incredibly to think about her sharing those moments with Brad. Yes, it's going to hurt

You've captured both sides of the cuck experience.

...others all fear that Sue sharing those intimate moments with him will take away from what we have together. That could be but I wouldn't be honest with myself if I didn't say I want to experience this.

I guess that's the difference I feel. Inside I want to truly experience being a cuckold - and that surely (for me) includes denial and, at times, her even preferring or wanting him more than me at times.

Yes, the denial and wanting him more than you. It'd turn me on to have a wife or girlfriend who'd be fucking me and out of the blue say, "I wish it was Bob fucking me right now." That'd turn me on to know she was fucking me but thinking of him. I'd also love her to say that when she got herself off, she thought of him, not me.

It's normal that she'd do that some in that he's the special treat while she has all the time with me she wants. Thus, it doesn't mean she'll leave for him, just that he's the exciting variation and anticipation of his time with her arouses you both.

The denial is very arousing, "saving herself" for him. I love that.

I may regret it later but right now, it feels wonderful to anticipate this and want it to happen.

You've got all of us excited right with you. Thanks.

...from reading your comments on what I wrote, I do see that Sue is getting much better at manipulating me and alleviating my concerns while still keeping me very aroused at what is going on.

Yes, it's nice seeing her guiding the cuckold down the path as she opens her sexuality. You love that, don't you? I would. After all, you've done that, too, in engineering him being the "first" to take her bare with the IUD. I LOVED it that Sue also admitted she wanted him, not you, to be the "first." That's HOT!!! I'd love that!!
  • #170
Loveslife - I agree with almost all of what you posted - except - I do not think I would want to hear her say she would "rather be fucking Brad than me" - at least not in that way. Denial is one thing and I DO get off on that, but I don't think I would want to hear her say she'd rather be fucking Brad while we are mid-fuck.

Other than that - I can't believe I am actually saying it but I do want her to do this as far as she wants to take it.

  • #171
SoonToBe said:
Loveslife - I agree with almost all of what you posted - except - I do not think I would want to hear her say she would "rather be fucking Brad than me" - at least not in that way. Denial is one thing and I DO get off on that, but I don't think I would want to hear her say she'd rather be fucking Brad while we are mid-fuck.

Two short stories that involved me follow. Tell me what you think.

#1 I'm fucking c. at a house party and a guy's watching us and jerking off. I ask C. if she sees how excited she's making him.

"Yes," she says.

"Do you want to fuck him, too?"

"Yes," she says.

"Who do you want to fuck right now, him or me?"

"Him," she says.

I was really turned on by her remark. I kissed her, pulled my big cock out of her and looked over at him. I said, "You can fuck her if you di it bareback and cum inside her."

"Sure," he said and sidled up behind her as she rolled over to take him doggy style.

I slid under her and licked her clit as he fucked her. Sometimes their movement brought him into contact with my mouth. I apologised but he said, "It's all good."

So, I licked them both once or twice, and meeting no alarm, I went right at it. I loved it, and so did they. He came inside her and then she asked me to "taste her," her term for eating her pussy. I did and we loved it, then I fucked her until I came.

He wasn't as big as me, or as fit or young as I was, but he was different, so it excited me when she said (as I fucked her) that she wanted him rather than me at that moment. I liked it.

#2 I was the big-dicked bull (see pic at http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/cuck-bulls-pix/12292-ive-been-bull-would-love-cuckolded.html ) for couples, and one couple I played with, when they were fucking and he was inside her, she said, "When are you going to have that big-dicked guy (me) come over again and fuck me good?"

The hubby got all excited and called me as soon as he could. I loved that, and wish C. had said that about our mfm partners in the same circumstances.[/URL]

Other than that - I can't believe I am actually saying it but I do want her to do this as far as she wants to take it.

That's the wild, stomach-flipping excitment of it all, wanting her to take it as far as she wants, and not knowing how far that will be. Until she evolves, she'll have no idea how far she'll want to go. It's very exciting.

I may be more extreme than most, but see some of where I'd like a new wife or girlfriend to take her erotic adventures at my thread http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/general-cuckoldry/12256-im-new-member-my-story.html

For example, on the thread I say: "Once, I asked her [C.]if she’d like to go to a lifestyle party once a month, if babysitting wasn’t a problem. She said she’d rather go to a lifestyle party once a week, and then further delighted me by saying she’d also like to fuck some other guy three days a week, preferably three different guys! I hoped that one evening she’d say how she met someone that day. She’d take my hand beneath her dress and I’d feel another man’s cum. It never happened, but we fantasized about it a lot. She wanted to, and I encouraged her."

I don't mean to put my own stories into your thread. Just wanted to show what I was talking of.
  • #172
Cuckold for a very long time...

Some folks here think, because I believe see risk of certain behaviors, that I don't understand a cuckold relationship. I'll give you some perspective.

I married my first wife six weeks before my 19th birthday. Before my 20th birthday, she was having sex with other guys. We were married for almost 24 years. She regularly had sex with other men throughout our entire marriage.

During those years, I experienced almost everything I've read about here. For example: at times I waited for her to come home from a guy's house, or waited in the living room while she was with some guy in our bedroom, or waited in our bed while she went to the guest room for sex with someone spending the night, or joined her in 3-ways (one of the guys was one of my brothers), to name a few. She had sex with both of my brothers for many years.

I ate my first really fresh cream pie in 1974. It's been a staple to this day. Of course I didn't have a name for it then. It was also the year I was instructed to guide another man's cock into my wife for the first time.

In the winter of 1976-1977, while I was away in Germany for six months, she would make an international call to tell me who she just fucked. She and a friend of her's would go out regularly to pick up guys for one reason... to fuck. Ultimately she had a number of different guys who would come over after she put our daughter to bed. They would call and ask if it was OK to come over. If another guy was already there, she just wouldn't answer the phone and they would know someone beat them to the punch that night. Sometimes after one would leave, another would come over. One of her regulars was her ex-husband.

In the late 70s, she worked as a cocktail waitress and would stop at her lover's apartment almost every night after work. Sometimes she would bring a guy home and fuck him on the sofa bed in the living room (next to our bedroom) before coming to bed with me. A few times she would bring a guy into our bed and they would have sex as I lay next to them. I may or may not be invited to participate.

1988 was a watershed year. It was the first time she described to me a guy she wanted to have sex with, told me where he worked and told me to "make it happen". This meant that I walked up to a guy that I'd never met before, dug up the courage to overcome my humiliation, and tell him that my wife wanted to fuck him. He was her first steady black lover. That relationship continued over a year until we moved out of state. In fact, because we wanted to wait until the end of the school year, I moved and she stayed behind from Jan until Jun and they had sex 4 or more times a week.

One of the most erotic things she ever said to me was, "It's a good thing you like for me to have sex with other guys because I could never be faithful to any guy. I tried to be faithful when we first got married but I love cocks too much and couldn't do it."

I've been married to my second wife since 1998. Before we got married, I clued her in on my previous marriage. We tried a 3-way and she liked it. We agreed, before we got married, that she would have freedom to have sex with whomever she chose. That is how we live.

In 1999 she had sex with a black man for the first time. Over the next two years, she gradually ended all of her sexual relationships with white guys. She never lets me forget that I get sex with her because I'm her husband and she loves me. She loves her orgasms with me but they are from my "magic hands" and don't leave her satisfied like she feels after her lovers.

For at least the past 6 years, when she cums, she is either with a black lover or pretending she is. If I'm the one making her cum, she always is calling one of their names, never mine.

I help her prepare for them. I'm her guina pig as she tries different things and asks it I think he'll like this. She compares me to them daily. And rest assured, it's never an ego builder for me.

One time, she and a guy had just finished having sex. I was fucking her missionary, enjoying that wet, loose, silky feeling that some of you know about. She was, after him of course, not really feeling me at all. He moved up and put his semi-hard cock between our faces for her to suck. As soon as he was fully hard again, she pushed me off, and said, "Get off of me. There's no way you're going be the one fucking me if he's hard and ready."

I know who she prefers kissing. It's not me. I know which cocks she like to suck best. It's not my weenis (her name for it). I know who gives her the best oral. I know whose cum has the best flavor. Whose nipples she like to suck. Whose hands she enjoys on her body. It's never mine.

I'm her partner in life. I'm her comfort zone, her security.

I've been a cuckold since 1972 and I've experienced or seen almost everything I've read about here. So when I warn about the "slippery slope" I do it for the people who want both the lifestyle and their marriages. This lifestyle appeals to folks who keep needing the bar raised to feel the excitement.

Sometimes raising that bar in certain ways, opens a Pandora's box that ends the bonds that hold the marriage together. The key is to know your glue and which bars pose risk. Then decide which is more important to you, more excitement (aka cucky angst) or your marriage.

I keep seeing people pushing others to raise their bars so they can get get second hand excitement. They either don't know what they're talking about, don't care who gets hurt or both.

It's obvious, by what's written, that most are not deep enough into this to even understand the psychology of all of this. So Soon... be careful. Reverse doesn't usually work and you are on a dangerous path. Manage your risk.

PS The very physical sex is to be expected. It's a huge turn-on to see her experience those highs.
  • #173
Indy Hubby said:
I keep seeing people pushing others to raise their bars so they can get get second hand excitement. They either don't know what they're talking about, don't care who gets hurt or both.

You're assuming. I've been in the lifestyle since 1981 and have seen lots of hotwife, cuckold, cheating, and swinging situations.

It's nice to read how you got your cuckold merit badge, and it's a relevant cautionary tale, but don't assume others know less or that they don't care about this couple's marriage and happiness. Don't assume that you see into other posters' hearts and minds. Don't assume other posters are carless of his marriage for the sake of their own secondhand excitement.
  • #175
Everyone take a deep breathe

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
You're assuming. I've been in the lifestyle since 1981 and have seen lots of hotwife, cuckold, cheating, and swinging situations.

It's nice to read how you got your cuckold merit badge, and it's a relevant cautionary tale, but don't assume others know less or that they don't care about this couple's marriage and happiness. Don't assume that you see into other posters' hearts and minds. Don't assume other posters are carless of his marriage for the sake of their own secondhand excitement.


If I may (and I am not someone who is in the lifestyle although I have friends that are, and I am somewhat envious of Soon's situation), you both bring relevant perspectives to the table. Neither of you is empirically correct, and that's cool... you are giving Soon your perspectives based on you own personal experiences, both of which sound different from one another.

There are others here that I doubt have any personal experience yet do not seem short on perspectives based on fantasy experience - lol; and then there are folks like me who give advice or ask questions from the head or the heart with admittedly no personal frame of reference for the lifestyle. Lastly there are folks that, well....I can't tell where their perspective is coming from (sometimes what planet even) but... to each their own I guess.

Let's try to avoid the urination tournament here. I believe the intent of your posts is not to prove you are right.... it's to make sure Soon get's your point of view, advice and cautions. Based on what he's written... he get's it.

I am a mod on another site and have seen "discussions" like this get ugly for all the wrong reasons. I think you are both great guys with vast expereriences to be shared. If I was a mod here, I would recommend that you make sure we always try to respect the other person's point of view.

Thanks for your posts.... and Soon, please keep us updated by continuing to share your thoughts and experiences.

  • #176
casino said:
...you both bring relevant perspectives to the table. Neither of you is empirically correct....

In posts, I also give the caveat that it's just my opinion. I don't claim wisdom from on high, and I don't presume to correct others unless they give "kick the bitch to the curb" advice when the wife's only doing what the hubby begged her to do, often for years, while she was saying "I need no one but you."

Casino, you're right. Folks need to offer comments or advice, but not start a pissing contest. STB can choose which advice to take, and which isn't relevant to his personal situation and preferences.

Some recommend more extreme cuckold measures that turn me off (chastity devices, refraining from jerking off, insults, tatoos, wearing panties). However, I'm glad they post because maybe one or more of those suggestions may resonate with STB. I don't presume to know what might one day pique his interest.

STB, has Sue talked more about what she's thinking? The "being his" remarks she says that are painful to you are exciting to me. Do they excite you on a cuckold level as well? Just curious.
  • #177
SoonToBe said:
Loveslife - I agree with almost all of what you posted - except - I do not think I would want to hear her say she would "rather be fucking Brad than me" - at least not in that way. Denial is one thing and I DO get off on that, but I don't think I would want to hear her say she'd rather be fucking Brad while we are mid-fuck.

Other than that - I can't believe I am actually saying it but I do want her to do this as far as she wants to take it.


I found it a great turn on when my wife shouted out "Fuck me, (boyfriend's name), fuck me" . I thought it was great that I could still get her that excited that she wasn't sure who she was with, even after she had had his bigger cock many times. Needless to say I didn't last much longer after that!

She also told me that she fucked with him, but made love with me.

Good luck with your lonely night. ;)
  • #178
Procedure for quoting post segments, in order to comment


loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
Sorry, I don't know how to cut the message up easily like Custer does, so I'll use bold type.

Here's how to do it.

1. Click the "quote" button at the lower-right corner of the message you want to quote.

2. At the beginning of the post, this will appear: "
loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
" . Copy it.

3. At the end of the post, this will appear: (/quote) (but with "quote" in caps, and with brackets instead of parentheses). Don't copy it.

4. Scroll to the beginning of the text you wish to quote, and paste "
loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
" . Then, delete everything prior to this.

5. At the end of the text you wish to quote, type: "(/quote)" (all in caps and with brackets) to signify the end of the text you quoting.

6. Hit "return," and on the next line begin typing your comments.

6. Delete everything after your "(/quote)" entry, if that's the only text you wish to quote. With this, you quote only a single phrase or sentence or paragraph from a post and eliminate everything else.

7. If you wish to quote additional text so you can comment on it, don't delete the text after your "(/quote)" entry. Rather, scroll to the beginning of the next text (note poetry) you wish to quote, and again paste "
loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
". This signifies the beginning of your next quote. (Obviously, delete everything in between you don't wish to quote.)

8. At the end of the next text you wish to quote, again type "(/quote)" (in caps and with brackets instead of parentheses), which signifies the end of your second quote.

9. Again, hit "return" and begin typing your comments.

10. Etc. Continue in this fashion until you have "quoted" all the post segments you wish to comment on.

Note that by doing it in this fashion, you need copy "
loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
" only once. You then simply leave it on your "clipboard" and re-paste it at the beginning of each subsequent post segment you wish to quote.

When you've finished, "copy" your entire sequence of quotes and comments onto your clipboard.

Then, click "save" at lower right. Most likely a message will come up indicating the system has logged you out and you can't proceed further, unless you do the above fairly rapidly. The system does not allow you much time, in other words, to type a "reply."

Do not gnash your teeth and punch your monitor screen. Instead, hit the "go back to previous page" option on your browser, then click "log out" at top right. Then, log "back in" by entering your user name and password at top right. Then, return to the forum subsection (say, "General Cuckoldry"), thread, and entry you were quoting from, and once again click "quote" at lower right.

Then, delete everything in the box and substitute your entire entry by "pasting" it in. (During the log-out / log-back-in procedure, your entire entry — quotes followed by comments — should remain "saved" on your clipboard.)

Then, once again click the "save" button at lower right. This causes your entire entry — quotes followed by comments — to appear as a "reply" in the thread. Your use of quotes, as described above, makes it clear what you are "replying" to.

This probably sounds complicated and cumbersome, but it's actually quite straightforward. You'll get used to it if you do it a couple of times. Right now I'm going to "cut" all of the above onto my clipboard, log out (because I've exceeded the system's time limit to write this), then log back in and post it using the procedure described in the 3 paragraphs prior to this one.


*This procedure would be less cumbersome and more straightforward if the owner of this forum, "dig420," would significantly increase the time limit allowed when one is in the "reply" option.
  • #179


After you "save" a reply to someone's post (thereby posting your reply), you have 10 minutes during which you can click the "edit" button that appears at lower right then make editing changes to your post. In other words, if you flame someone in a moment of rage, you have only 10 minutes (for reasons best understood by the forum owner) to reconsider and modify your "reply" to something more civilized. After that, the "edit" option disappears and whatever you've said in your "reply" is, so to speak, set in stone.

The "edit" option can, of course, also be used to correct spelling and grammar if one is concerned with such niceties.


*The subject line should read "Addendum" not "Addendu." This illustrates that the "edit" option does not permit one to edit the subject line.
  • #180

Thanks for the guidance. I edit to correct such nicities as I catch. It may be easier to continue the bold text comments unless folks find the method too, too, whatever (the style, not the comments).

So, Soon To Be, what's happening?

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