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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #101
I agree with Puller. My wife has always (with one exception) keep me in the dark as much as possible and has left very little evidence of her activities. I believe it has to do with the whole reputation issue. A man who sleeps around is a player, but a woman is a slut (and not in the positive sense used here).

Although it is changing, a woman's financial stability is also very much determined by her marital status and there are still a lot of dogs out there who don't support their children if something happens to the marriage.

I do hope Sue comes through for you. It is always good to hear more of the woman's perspective on cuckolding.
  • #102
"I believe it has to do with the whole reputation issue. A man who sleeps around is a player, but a woman is a slut (and not in the positive sense used here). "

Very good point that!

I thought it was to avoid providing concrete evidence for later use, but your idea has great merit.

  • #103
SoonToBe said:
...I know it sounds crazy but it is really incredible to watch and see her desires change and grow. I mean not even a year ago she had none of these interests. It sounds weird to say this but it is actually fun experiencing this. It's like another dimension to our lives and in our marriage has been opened up. I am really turned on by seeing desire in her for herself now... As I said above, I am more interested in seeing what she wants on her own time and her own pace.

Thanks for sharing your story SoonToBe. I have enjoyed reading it. The above quote reflects my fantasies and what I want for my wife and our relationship. So far, no luck. She's interested, but just won't go for it...yet. Please keep sharing.
  • #104
Well - she sent me the Email last night and I wound up masturbating to it as soon as I read it! Holy sh!t. I'm still turned on and aroused by it today. She laughed when she found out I jerked off to it already last night and said that she was glad I liked it. I told her it was great and that she should write some more. She asked me what I did and didn't like.

It was like we'd opened a new door in things for us - it was interesting seeing what she'd seem to focus on and what she shared with me. She was scared that some of it would hurt me or bother me. I told her it was actually easier reading it from her than imagining it in my head. She asked if any of it bothered me and I said I felt okay about most of it except for the "heart mind and soul" part but I understood that she meant that for the moment and not beyond that.

I also confessed that I had though it might have been a bit more graphic. That I thought she might be more expressive about some of the more juicy parts. She said that she is not a good writer (and she complimented me again on me being the writer in the family) but said she'd try - as she said "to make it more dirty next time".

I saved the Email as a Text file and attached it here, it was also longer than I thought it would have been.


  • s.txt
    10.6 KB · Views: 849
  • #105
Sptbj - It has taken us over 10 years to get to this point. There were many points when I had given up. Points years ago where Sue got pissed at me for asking her to do things. But under it all, she had long ago admitted that it was a mutual fantasy for us. It took this long to let it sprout and develop naturally.

Give it time, be honest with her and don't pressure her to do things she's not ready to. With enough support and clear encouragement, she may one day succumb as Sue did.
  • #106
Sue's email on last Thursday....


That was most definitely a well thought out, well-written, and provocative summary of last Thursday's events, and her feelings at some of the more critical times, and overall during the evening. Do you think she has any intent on going back in time... that is, describing how the relationship and comfort levels grew and the sex changed for her?

Thank you for sharing this with the forum.

Have you two agreed on the "sleep over" yet?

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  • #107
Casino - I know Sue read and re-read and revised what she sent to me several times over. I had asked her and she apologized to me for taking so long and then assured me that what she started out with was more like a book than a short-email.

I can ask her to share more of her feelings. I see that she, like me, finds it easier to put things in Email than it is for her (or I) to come out and say it out loud.

I believe I know and understand how she felt and what she thought about - but then again, I do only know what she's told me verbally. I'll ask her how she'd feel about trying to share all her thoughts.

She did mention the overnight thing in her Email to me. To be honest we have not talked about it again just yet - but I did say that it was something we need to talk about soon.
I have to say that reading her note to me was, in many ways, easier than hearing her tell it to me in person. Either she intentionally didn't mention a lot of the stuff that gave me so much concern or discomfort - or I am making more out of it than she is giving to it. As we talk more this week I may reach some decisions.

I don't know if I"m making too much out of this - I mean what more can they possibly do together - but on the other hand, the idea of my wife sleeping with him for the entire night and all that entails is still a bit too much for me right now.
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  • #108
Soo, that was really a hot email she sent you. Where she talks about being naked in front of Brad and that she felt like she was his, aer just awesome. How do you feel when you read those parts?
  • #109
There were so many parts of her note that I read, re-read and re-read again. Aside of the "heart mind and soul" part - yes, the part where she says that she is "his" do touch me. It is such a strange feeling though. All at once I am both turned on as well as hurt. I'm at a loss to find the right word as hurt isn't it - but I do feel it in the pit of my stomach when I let myself think about her with him. Despite that feeling though - the other part of me is incredibly aroused that she can be as physical and sexual with him as she is.

The other line that affected me was when she describes herself as a bitch being mounted. All I can think about is her jutting her ass and pussy back towards him as he just used her. Even now it makes me both want to puke as well as masturbate to think about it.

The thing is - aside of those individual moments and her ability to convey how she felt at them - I still love the idea of her fucking another guy. That they are as comfortable together as she says, yes, is a bit unnerving (that's closer to how it feels than hurt) - but despite that, I still love her being so sexual.

I've known for a long time now - several months - that she likes to be naked with him. I saw it first-hand for the short time I was able to stay with them before Christmas when I tried to stay and watch. I was okay with her being naked with him back then right up until I saw him put his hands all over her and how she gave into him so willingly and openly.
  • #110
Congratulations, you have obviously been very successful in making it ever so clear that you want Sue to enjoy sex with other men. Sue has listened carefully to you, and has sought to take your advice completely. You should feel so proud of yourself, because I am and I know Sue is too.

That was the letter you needed to read, and sue took a while to write it because she needed to be absolutely sure the words spoke the truth of her emotions. It is so good that she is totally in love with Brad, because she is therefore connected to "all that Brad can give her". Essentially, Brad now has two wives, even if he cannot be with Sue as often as he cares for in the future. Love of sex will bring them together often, a way will be found.

With Brad pouring his love into Sue, she will become more sexually responsive to you, and so you can have every kind of sex you desire (and have the energy for).

But if you could go down the chastity road a wee way, your emotions could be cranked up in new erotically pleasing ways as Sue's love for Brad deepens into a spiritual marriage. SUE SHOULD WEAR BRAD'S RING, AND YOU SHOULD WEAR A CUCKOLD RING to emotionally aknowledge that Sue and Brad are there long-term. Sue needs to see that commitment from you, so that she can feel the freedom to meet Brad for quickies when the opportunity arises.
  • #111
Wow, you have always been one of my favorite writers on this site but you have just been outdone! I know how you feel when you felt like puking. My gut tightened up in several spots just imagining how it would be to hear that from my wife. I love that feeling!

I hope you and Sue will keep moving forward with her sexual re-awakening. Take it slow and open yourself to the idea of Sue spending the night with Brad, she will be so pleased and I know she will reward you for it.

I think Saraha is moving a little too fast for you, but perhaps one day you will willingly find yourself in just such a place!

Thanks for keeping us posted.
  • #112
Wow... just wow

Sue is selling herself short if she thinks the email she sent you isn't worthy of being in Penthouse Letters. It may not be filled with four letter words and balls to the wall graphic descriptions, but the emotional aspects she describes about being with Brad leave that in the dust. Your wife/cuckoldress is a truly incredible woman.

I agree with Susan's Slave that Saraha is moving a little fast for you, and I've never gotten the sense from your posts that a long term romantic relationship is what she desires with Brad. She sees him as a fuck buddy more than a boyfriend, and the needs he fills in her life are sexual in nature, rather than romantic. I suspect, as the two of you move farther in your journey, that you will find the romantic bond the two of you share strengthening even as the amount of sex you are having with each other decreases. That has certainly been true for me and mine.

I also agree with what Susan's Slave wrote in an earlier post, that Sue has taken your feelings and reactions into account every step of the way. It's likely that she will find a way to address the concerns you have about her and Brad spending the night together, that in the very near future it will become a reality, and that when it does you will find yourself at peace with it, just as you've come to accept Sue not wishing to take other lovers at this time because she's been able to allay your fears about Brad taking her away from you.
  • #113
Nothing new here - it's that time again.
She says she is more uncomfortable since the IUD than before. I told her she needs to give it a few more months before concluding anything. She used to pretty much be like clockwork and that's annoying her too that she's not now.

Anyway, believe me, I told her and she knows that I found her Email wicked hot. And she knows I'll be "using it" over the next few days. My mind has gone in every direction from some of the things she wrote.

Sorry Saraha, I don't see Sue going the whole ring-route. That's just not her. For me, I have found a distinct flavor of pleasure associated with Wednesday nights. It's odd how knowing we're not going to have sex before she is with Brad is so strangely arousing. I can't say I have any interest in ****** chastity though so I think we part ways there in thinking.

I am very torn about her desire for an overnight. I know one of the things that does concern me is that it is one of the last things that remains "mine" with her. That she spends the night with me. It sounds crazy but that is definitely part of it.

Anyway - it's late.
  • #114
You have come a long way in a very short time, I am just stretching out the boundaries alittle to allow you to come to the conclusion of what you and Sue both want FOR NOW.

If several guys as good as Brad turned up, she might find it hard to say no to any one of them, and you could easily get triple value if they are TRULY AS GOOD AS BRAD.
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  • #115
Stretching boundaries is okay but I think you are putting Sue someplace that she is either not ready for or not interested in. I just don't see her, ever, having a "bunch" of guys. I don't even see her looking beyond Brad. Somewhere in her future? Maybe, but I seriously doubt it as it's just not her.

This morning I was reminded of the old joke - where the wife who's having her period barks at her husband at breakfast "how do you want your eggs?" and he just answers "to go"... Yikes - not a sexy night or morning here.
  • #116


I just found this thread and read it from start to finish. I love how you express your feelings and yours is exactly the kind of cuckold relationship that I'd like with my wife. I'm tempted to send her this link or print out the entire thread for her to read...of course I won't just yet.
  • #117
Very Astute

SoonToBe said:
Stretching boundaries is okay but I think you are putting Sue someplace that she is either not ready for or not interested in. I just don't see her, ever, having a "bunch" of guys. I don't even see her looking beyond Brad. Somewhere in her future? Maybe, but I seriously doubt it as it's just not her.

This morning I was reminded of the old joke - where the wife who's having her period barks at her husband at breakfast "how do you want your eggs?" and he just answers "to go"... Yikes - not a sexy night or morning here.

All of Saraha's post are about pushing the envelope with more submission, humiliation, crosdressing etc. for the husband and more activity for the wife without hubby's involvement.
  • #118
I can never get a good read on Saraha, whether these posts are intended as real ideas/suggestions or whether they are made in jest. If they're real - then I have to think that they are misunderstanding or projecting things onto Sue that I don't see. If they're in jest - then I can respect that they continue to ****** the other-side of all of this, going deeper/further. In that sense, they are good fodder for the imagination and fantasy for now - and they do always present the extreme of possibilities so in that sense, they are arousing.
  • #119
STB That is an amazing accounting of the sexual awakening of Suzy. The natural slut in a woman can be most rewarding when brought out to the surface and handled as deftly as you have handled this situation. Your concerns are understandable and how you handle them ...and her, are not something that I would allow someone that doesn't know her and your personal relationship to influence your decision in this matter. You seem to be doing well enough on your own to make these decisions. I wish you both well...and I hope you continue to enjoy a hot fruitfull sexual experience no matter what you decide.
  • #120
Excellent story SoonToBe i love it never stop

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