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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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You're posting about your reality — the good, the bad, and the in between. Please don't ever feel a need to apologize for that. It's what separates your thread from a lot of the fantasy posts on here.

Also, if your gut is telling you that them spending the night together isn't such a good idea, trust it. Your gut feeling is your best defense against the outcome that Indy Hubby is worried about. Of course whether Sue is okay with your gut feeling is another matter entirely. She really does seem to have been taking steps towards being the one in control of your situation.
Very good.... your wife is moving you forward.


SoonToBe said:
.... I just came out and asked her if she's ever thought of someone other than Brad. She smiled and said that she does - but that she's got a good thing right now and unless that changes, she enjoys thinking about it but doesn't have a desire to pursue anyone else. ....

Sounds like progress. The thought of expanding her horizons is circulating in the back of your wife's mind :p....

SoonToBe said:
We started getting amorous and as we undressed and got onto the bed she told me "you know, he wants to spend the night with me". Just like that, very nonchalantly, as if it's no big deal. .... She smiled and said something like she'd try to convince me to be okay with it. And that became the basic premise of all of her teasing last night!

Ah, more progress.... your wife has decided to take you to the next level, and is moving you forward toward acceptance. You'll agree with her, finally (of course), and come to terms with it :cool:.

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I agree, take your time. Keep talking and wait until you feel a little more comfortable before proceeding. You know you want to, but every new step is an adjustment that takes a while to feel right.

Sue has always kept your feelings in mind and I imagine she will eventually make you okay with the idea of her spending the night with her lover.
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Hi all - thanks for the kind words of support. Sometimes I think it's crazy that it was me who wanted to get on this roller-coaster in the first place.

Last night we didn't really talk much more about it - I told her that I needed some time to think about it. She was all concerned at first that I was going to say no to it until I told her that I need to think about it some more and that I wasn't necessarily going to say no but that I needed time to get my thoughts together and then to have time to discuss them with her more. She seemed to like that idea and seemed to be comfortable with waiting to talk about it when I was ready.

Since we were talking so openly she asked me more about my request to watch them again - or, as she put it, to "try to" watch them again. She asked me what I was thinking - and she added whether I thought that watching them might be part of my deciding on her overnight request. I hadn't really connected the two - but when she asked it that way, I told her that I guessed that if I was okay with watching them, that it would probably help my decision as there would be less for me to have on my mind (or would there be more?!).

As we got more frisky she started asking me more about watching her. I told her that I found their foreplay difficult to be there for - and I confessed that I also found thinking about that part to be difficult sometimes. She asked me to tell her more so I just laid it out there like I did here - that I did want to see her and Brad fucking - but that seeing them be so tender and loving together during foreplay just seemed too difficult for me. Yes, I do KNOW that they do all of this stuff together - I know how they must be for Sue to have the sex she does with him, I know he must really get her going.

I don't know - I mean does this sound like I'm crazy - that I could take watching them fucking but not watching them build up to it?

Anyway - that's what I suggested in reply to her - that maybe I find a way to come in and join them after they're past the touchy-kissy parts. She smiled at that suggestion and just said "whatever would make you be okay with this" and then she said "I'll talk to Brad and be sure he's okay but I'm sure he will be". I guess - he was okay with what we tried last time, I guess he'll be fine with this new idea.

We did make love last night after our talking wound down. She was very tender with me and hugged me a lot as I entered her. She told me over and over again how she loved me and loved that we could talk so openly about all of this. Once I was in her all the way I told her that even now - if I just let myself think that Brads cock has been where mine was at that moment - that it just filled me with desire for her.

Lets just say that she "gently teased" me after that. I was on top of her with my arms fully extended and we were both watching our bodies come together - she tipped her hips back a bit (I KNOW she likes to look down and see my hard cock going in and out of her) so we could both watch her. She teased me by saying stuff about "Brad liking this position too" and her liking to watch him just like she was with me.

As our passions built up I did drop down and hold her tightly. I felt her legs wrap around mine and soon the only thing we both heard was each others moaning. Yes - in my head all I could do was see image after image of her - and I'm sure from how she felt with me, that she may have been doing the same - but all we said to each other was loving words. We did cum almost together - she reached first and feeling her tremble under me was enough to send me over the edge right behind her.

We have quite the snowstorm out here today so I'm off to shovel the driveway before venturing into work a bit late. Not much more to share right now. I would like to say that I'm okay with them spending the night together but I'm not able to say that just yet.
Your wife is moving you toward accepting "the whole 9 yards"....


SoonToBe said:
Since we were talking so openly she asked me more about my request to watch them again - or, as she put it, to "try to" watch them again.

I see your wife is again moving you toward acceptance of her fucking her lover in front of you. It sounds like you are gradually accepting her desire for that, despite freaking out (so to speak) during your initial attempt. This is good. More progress....

SoonToBe said:
As we got more frisky she started asking me more about watching her. ....

She's turning up the pressure when your vulnerability is highest....

SoonToBe said:
I don't know - I mean does this sound like I'm crazy - that I could take watching them fucking but not watching them build up to it?

Nope. If that's what you want, it may be the best way to start. Your wife will then guide you to acceptance of her completing "the whole nine yards" with her lover, in front of you.

SoonToBe said:
She smiled at that suggestion and just said "whatever would make you be okay with this"....

Very good.... she realizes she has found the key.


Your wife is loving her role as a hot little slut for Brad and being very gentle about bringing you to enjoying it as much as she does.

Sharing that will bring you closer together. Leave room for her to be enjoyed by many men. she and you will both love that.
Ask Sue to get seven strands of Brad's pubic hair, and put them under your pillow so that you subconsciously will adjust your mind to fully accepting that Brad is Sue's other husband.

It is a shame that Brad's wife is unable to give him all the loving he needs - so Sue has to take over that role and make the most of the short periods of time she has available to top Brad up with highest-quality sex she can. Sue is adding value to Brad's life, otherwise Brad's marriage could be dull-ish.

As Sue splashes out on sexual adventures with Brad, you are benefiting from her growth of confidence. The day will come when once a week with Brad will not be enough, and she will cuck you with other lovers, and when this happens you will find yourself having spontaneous erections whenever you imagine what they might be doing together.

It will be difficult for Brad and Sue to get away for naughty weekends together, but she WILL be able to do this with other guys - and I hope you encourage her to do this in the fullness of time. She really needs to be alone with a lover for 48-72 hours at a time, to adequately bond her heart, body and soul together in a "complete love bond of ownership".

You, sir, might enjoy an occasional spanking over Sue's knees as part of your on-going training. After five spanking sessions, you could easily become addicted to the need to be spanked regularly - it becomes a defining moment when you suddenly realise you can't sleep properly if your ass has NOT HAD a good slapping. Spanking makes your ejaculation squirt further accross the room.
That's some pretty funky ideas there Saraha - between the spanking and the pubic hairs.....

However, - as with all your posts, there is always some truth in them.

From what Sue (and Brad from the short time we talked) has said, he has a really young kid and another not much older - and from what I can tell - you're right, in some ways Sue is filling in for Brads wife.

Your thoughts are hot about Sue, but for as aroused as I may be at what you've written, I'm still not sure I am comfortable with it happening just yet.
I understand how you feel. When my last serious girlfriend, C., and I had an mfm threesome, I loved watching her take his bare cock in her and cum inside her. I licked her clean and we fucked her for hours, sometimes seperately, sometimes with both of us pleasuring her. As i sat back and watched, I loved seeing her straddle him and reach back and guide his cock inside her.

Later, as we all lay on the bed she snuggled up with him and put her arm around him. I felt jealous and said I'd make up the fold out bed for him. He left and drove home, in good spirits.

Today, if I were still with C., I might want them to cuddle, and might want to wake up feeling the bed jiggle as the shared a slow, quiet coupling trying not to wake me. Ot, I might like to wake and find the bed empty. I'd creep out of the bedroom and hear them fucking on the couch. It'd be better if I could tell from her sounds that she was cumming harder than she did with me.

You might want to tell her that if she has more than one lover, the chances for emotional involvement decrease. Maybe you could give her permission for a sleepover with Brad if she fucks someone new first. :)
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Will today be a "regular Thursday"? This phase-down must be a difficult time for Sue (although exciting in other ways it seems) and a bit unsettling for you as well. We are thinking of you both, and the decisions you will need to make in both the short and long term....

Hi - things have been just too busy to find time to post an update.

Tuesday night we did have sex and we did some talking that continued last night. It was honest open communication that I'll try to find time to post about soon. It felt good to share - easier in some ways last night since we knew we weren't having sex last night.

At this point, the plan is for them to have 3 more Thirsday's together - today, 3/12 and - if her period is on-time, a last time on 3/26.

You are right in that this is going to be a big change for her and both of us and that is some of what we've been talking about (there have NOT been much "quickie" events which is more of a concern for Sue than Brad as I've been made to understand that his own wife is doing better and wanting him herself (much to Sue's chagrin).

We talked about just about everything - talked only though, there were few conclusions reached.

I may have more time later to post more.
SoonToBe said:
You are right in that this is going to be a big change for her and both of us and that is some of what we've been talking about (there have NOT been much "quickie" events which is more of a concern for Sue than Brad as I've been made to understand that his own wife is doing better and wanting him herself (much to Sue's chagrin).

This may be the right time to introduce others into this thing.....
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Casino - that could happen. It was some of what we talked about on Wednesday when we weren't having sex that night.

Before I get to last night, I wanted to share some of what we talked about on Wednesday - I mean it was some pretty frank and open conversation that she started out by asking me "how do you feel with us not having sex tonight?".

I was caught off guard by that as one of her opening lines! She told me to be honest with her - that there wasn't much I could possibly say that would change anything. So, after downing the last of my beer I came out and told her that it drove me crazy with desire that she was saving herself for Brad the next night. She told me that she also liked it - she liked how she felt, knowing that I wanted her and herself knowing that the next person she WOULD have sex with was Brad. I told her that after she went on the IUD that I didn't expect her to let me have her on Wednesdays anyway - and she was surprised by that, I think surprised that I knew her that well and knew of how she was thinking and feeling.

She opened up with me too. She said she loved the sexual experience and desire that Brad has brought out in her. She said that she feels so confident personally and sexually - and I told her I could tell from when we're together. I asked her what she thought was going to happen after March and she was honest and said she didn't know. (last night she said Brad had already started to suggest to his wife that once his Thursday meeting/conference calls are over that he may start going to the gym)

I asked her if she was going to miss it, Thursdays. She hesitated a bit before answering me and then said yes - she said she was sorry if that bothered me or anything but that she has now come to really enjoy and even look forward to seeing him. I told her it was really okay - that I wanted her to enjoy herself and I reminded her of what we'd talked about last week and at other times - of how I felt what we had together when she comes home is just like the dessert after a good meal - that it builds on from what she's doing and that I was no longer scared to say it - that I too enjoyed her having sex with Brad.

She asked me why I wanted to watch her. I was stuck on how to say what I wanted to say so I stumbled along trying to tell her that I wanted to be a part of it and to be there as she experienced her (and his) pleasure. She asked me why I thought I'd feel different now than the last time. I was honest and I told her that since I opened up with her and that since I felt more confident and comfortable with all of this - that I thought I would be able to see them in a different light. I told her that I thought I still felt threatened and that I don't know that I really accepted it back then - but I told her that now I do and that I wanted to maybe come in after they'd gotten started. She smiled at that idea and admitted that she too felt a bit uneasy with me watching the start of them getting started.

She was saying something about how long to wait and how that might work out okay. My mind was still racing at everything and there was this quiet pause and she just looked at me and then leaned over and kissed me which brought me back to our conversation. I knew what I wanted to say but it just didn't fit into what we were talking about and the conversation wandered all over until I finally just said it. I looked at her and I just said "I want to be there when you both cum". I said it quietly just like that and she just looked at me and smiled at what I said - as if it said everything in those few words.

Now, last night was very arousing for me. I don't know why but maybe for the first time - as we cleaned up in the kitchen and we were going through some of the mail and stuff - I suddenly realized that this night, actually every Thursday night, that the whole time we're keeping busy till our son goes to bed - all I could think about was that the entire time she's got Brad's cum in her! I don't know why but that was all I could think about last night. I mean - of course I know that this is nothing new - I mean it's obvious when we get in bed and stuff - but for some reason it just hit me last night in a strange way. I couldn't take my eyes off her crotch the rest of the time till we went upstairs just after 10pm.

My mind had been racing that not more than 4 hours earlier Brad had been fucking her and that she'd been wet from him since then. When we did get into our room I started in pretty aggressively and she pushed me back and said I should relax and wait a bit and for me to "get comfortable" (which means strip down to our undies). She did the same and it was just so erotic seeing her sitting on the bed next to me - just panties and a bra - and again the whole time, this knowledge of what lay between her legs was just driving me crazy!

She saw my cock struggling inside my boxers and she reached in and fished it out and then just sat back and looked at it. She didn't so much tease me - as simply make me aware that she had fucked Brad earlier. "Brad was hard like that before" "Till I got him to calm down" She spread her legs apart a bit and showed me the damp spot between them "I'm all wet from him". She pulled down the bra-cups and said "My nipples are still hard from him".

She wasn't teasing me - she was telling me exactly how she felt!

Finally when she did get naked she started to stroke me as she spread her legs. "Do you want to see Brad's pussy?" Oh god did that get to me - I know she felt it in my cock in her hand. She spread them a little wider and said "He made a mess earlier but I cleaned up a bit before coming home" and with that I could see how wet and swollen she was and I told her "Looks like he was a bit rough on you?"

She gave me that same giggle again and said quietly "The second time he was". That drove me crazy and to be honest I don't recall anything specific after that other than just about jumping on her and starting to kiss her and run my hands all over her body.

Even now it's turning me on - good thing they all went out shopping tonight for "dress clothes" (we have a wedding coming up in a few weeks).

Normally I would be turned on (that's funny - "normally") but last night I seemed to be very aware of all of Sue - all of her curves and nooks and crannies and as I ran my hands all over her we kissed. I cupped her butt and ran my fingers down to her pussy and I could feel she was very damp and very HOT. And I just had to have her. I pushed her onto her back and began kissing my way down her neck. Down her chest - sucking gently at her nipples (wondering if I could taste Brad at all) and then down to her pussy. I licked gently as I very gently spread her lips apart. My wet fingers glided almost frictionlessly between them and I gently pulled her open.

It seemed like I was so much more aware of everything last night than usually - looking down and seeing her lying there with my fingers spreading her pussy apart - seeing her breathing heavy and her nipples pointed towards the ceiling like little pebbles - damn it was incredible. I pushed my finger inside her vagina - it was hot - it felt almost like melted wax inside. I arched my finger and rubbed the "roof" near where I think her g-spot is and she let out this moan that sent chills through me. I pulled my finger out and licked it - yes, I could taste Brad in her. It's an obvious taste - but it was so damn arousing to me I thought my cock was going to burst as I leaned down to lick her gently. Her pussy lips felt so tender and warm and smooth to my tongue and when I ran it up the middle of her - between the wetness, the taste and how she arched her back and moaned - oh god it was just incredible. I swear I thought I'd cum without even touching myself. I'd tasted Brad's cum in her before - but last night - it just seemed to touch a nerve and drove me crazy.

The next thing I knew we were fucking - and fucking hard. There is nothing so incredible as feeling her wetter and wetter the deeper inside I pushed.

We both only lasted a few minutes after that - seems I'd brought her to climax several times and she wasn't far behind me at the end. As I lay on top of her thrusting gently she wrapped her arms and legs around me and I am pretty sure she had this really nice long orgasm as we both hugged tightly.

I know it sounds so fairy-tale-ish. And I'm sure it probably would have been pretty boring to watch - but for me, cumming inside her at that moment was just very intense last night.

We talked a bit afterwards - I came out and asked her if she'd ever consider or want another guy? She turned my head and stared at me for a moment and said something like "when I'm ready, maybe, but right now you and Brad are all I need".

I"m hoping for a little Friday-night action - but I'm not sure she's up to it - actually, we both seem a bit tired today....

That's all there was to write. I do enjoy posting here. I read back on some older posts - sheesh - I think I've shared my whole life here.
This whole "soon to be" thing sounds like a web fantasy.
R U prepared 2 now ADMIT 2 us all that U have a hidden desire 2 suck cream from Brad's cock on a regular basis?

U have already told us that what u found in your wife's cunt is "finger licking good", so it sounds a logical move to GO STRAIGHT TO THE SOURCE, don't u agree with me?

I think that Sue could sprinkle cinnamon or strawberry jam on her slit before you get your head between her thighs.

Brad has 2 wives, and u will soon b down the list quite away to #7 as she takes many more lovers and has less timeslots available for u.

It is clear that Sue is addicted to extra cock (lucky slut wife), that is why she is SO PROUD OF U HELPING HER.

I would like u to agree to Sue wearing a really nice ring that Brad has chosen for her, and paid for by you (of course). Do u have the balls 2 tell her that she deserves this?
Saraha - I think you need to be gay or bi- to be wanting to suck another guys cock. I don't think there's any grey areas here. Tasting - and enjoying the taste of cum (Brads or mine) in her, to me, is just part of sex between us. Of course it's incredibly arousing knowing what it is and how it got there - but I don't think it goes beyond there for me. However the cinnamon or strawberry jelly idea is interesting for sure!

I may have not made it clearer but from what Sue has said and from what I've picked up on, Brad's wife is beginning to resume her "wifely duties" more and more - she mentioned that more than once when I asked jokingly "so, what happened with your quickies with Brad?!". And I think that's also part of what may be bringing an end to their regular Thursday nights. I seriously doubt the whole "gym idea" will work out. And I certainly don't think a ring from Brad is in the cards....

So - I'm guessing that this will soon become a test for Sue - just how much does she like having another guy. I"ve told her that I will miss the intensity it's brought us and our relationship - and reminded her that she is free to find another guy (or - for Saraha's benefit - more than one guy). But as I've written here - I seriously don't see her having any interests there now. Maybe after they stop the weekly get-together, but I don't see a desire in her now. Sue also did remind me that Brad sort of had an interest in her before all of this started, she merely gave into it.

I replied to a PM from someone here with a thought I'll leave with for now. Sue commented to me that she is surprised that I can express myself as well as I can - that I'm different from the stereotypical-guy. I think it is my posts here that let me sort through my feelings - so that it's easier to talk to her.
One of the last Thursday morning?

It's been a while since I was home later on a Thursday morning - thought I"d share my thoughts.

Sue had already told me - over and over again - that she was going to probably be very late tonight. She was non-commital until last night when she said she thought she'd be home by 10pm or so. I knew this already as she'd told me, also several times, that she wanted to enjoy the last few Thursday's as much as she could.

Aside of the occasional teasing, not much happened last night. She did linger in her panties and then naked for a while last night as we got ready for bed. At one point she said "not for you till tomorrow night - remember, I'll be late too". That sort of stuff.

This morning after she dried off from the shower - I know she did it to tease me - she pranced around naked as she did her makeup and then put together a little bag of stuff to bring with her for later. I've seen this before but not her so open about putting stuff in it. Aside of a pair of panties and a tight top - she picked out a dildo and some lubricant and openly let me see her put them in her bag along with 2 Penthouse Letters magazines. It took only a few seconds and when she looked up and saw me watching - she smiled and then went to start getting dressed.
She didn't get home till after 10:30 and all I can say is that she looked quite happy and quite tired.

We went upstairs right away. She smelled clean so I knew she'd washed up and probably took a shower with Brad. When we kissed I swore I could feel her lips were slightly swollen. Her whole body felt warm. She kissed me back but said she was quite tired and said "but you can have me if you want".

She helped me undress her and after lifting her butt to let me slide off her panties I saw her pussy - swollen, reddened and glistening between her pussy-lips. I knew at that moment I didn't care how tired she was.

She helped - held her legs back for me and apologized (no doubt knowing it turned me on) for how tired and "worn out that Brad left her". I just let my mind go to what they must have been doing earlier for her to feel this limp and tired and that was it - I tried to hold back but after just a little bit of fucking - the 2 day wait had gotten to me and I came deep inside her adding to what Brad had previously left.

As we lay there afterwards I asked her to tell me about her night and she said she couldn't just tell me everything right then as it was already late and we were tired. Instead she said to me that she'd send me an Email today and tell me then.

She tried to renege on the offer to send me an Email today saying she'd feel weird writing it to me so I told her to pretend she was writing it to a girlfriend and to just say whatever she wanted. I'm hoping for something good!
With reference to the writing stuff down. Many women in her circumstances have a complete mental block on "providing any evidence of an affair". This will include pictures, recordings and written matter that ties directly to them and could be used against them.

Even though we got married with her in full swing and my complete approval, she has never put anything in hard copy to me or allowed me to make any, despite my pleas to be allowed to do this. She has even cancelled sessions when she knew I was planning something, or even suspected.

With mine there is also an element of denial that I have never understood. This denial is that she enjoys it far more than she wishes me to know. When I ask her if she enjoyed it, she replies "It was ok thanks", when reports from witnesses confirm she was practically hysterical with pleasure. This has always seemed absolutely ridiculous when considering the length of time we have done it, yet it persists.
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Puller - she has told me again this evening that she is writing it. She has told me she will tell it to me from her side and that she hopes I will be okay with it.
I told her I would love to hear it from her.
I do understand about how some women feel about pictures and stuff - Sue has always told me that I should enjoy the few naked pics I have of her because she won't let me take any more (well - at least not while she's sober and straight).

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