SoonToBe said:
It is amazing at how content and happy Sue seems now that she knows I am okay about her overnight. I can't explain it fully, but in my heart I know that she's mine and I am hers.
Good. This sounds optimal

SoonToBe said:
Looking back at it, I really did make much too much out of it.
That's been my impression.
SoonToBe said:
Now that she's back next to me I don't feel anything uncomfortable at all - all I feel is this incredible desire for her. She's said thank you to me many times today and has said she had a great time on Friday.
Since first seeing the expression, "If your wife is happy, you will be happy too" I've felt intuitively that's almost certainly right

. Your experience seems consistent with this concept.
SoonToBe said:
She asked me if I was really okay about her note to me and I told her that I actually felt better knowing what she was thinking even if some of it was hard to read and accept. But I told her that if last night was any sign of how we would respond to this sort of thing, that I thought I would be okay as long as it didn't become something that was too often or if that was all that she focused on.
I'd say don't worry about it. Sleeping with one's lover is much of what sex is all about. I mean, if a woman does that and a friend asks her about it later, she says "Yes, I slept with him..." — right? Not, "Yes, I fucked him furtively..." (or whatever). If you want your wife to cuckold you — as you do, obviously — then, sleeping with her lover(s) is what she will be doing.
SoonToBe said:
I don't think she has fully come to terms yet with not seeing Brad on a regular basis. I think that will be our next challenge.
If your sexy wife will only be able to sleep with her lover (say) once a month or something on that order, she almost certainly won't find that sufficiently satisfying

. Thus, this may be a good time to gently remind her that he is, after all, a married man with family commitments.... and, although she has handled it well, she has become rather dependent on him in an emotional sense. So, if he remains her sole lover but she'll only be able to sleep with him on rather widely-spaced occasions, she will find herself spending much of her time preoccupied with thoughts of him and their times together — "pining away," as it were — while being unable to spend nights with him. This, you might suggest to her, will not be healthy, because she too has a husband and family commitments.
Thus, you might suggest, this may be a good time to begin thinking in terms of taking another lover — not to replace Brad entirely, but to "fill in" when he isn't available and provide her with additional stimulation and emotional variety.
Since your wife is apparently not enthusiastic about "striking out" on her own to find an additional lover, you yourself might begin thinking in terms of providing her with some assistance. This could be in the form of introducing her to a suitable candidate you know through work (but not too closely), or making it a point to separate from your wife at parties, so she can circulate and talk with men, then letting a suitable candidate know (not within your wife's earshot) that "your wife is easy," or words to that effect. He would then know he had a green light from you to pursue her, without you coming after him.
You seem to be entering a new phase as your wife's cuckold. Good luck!