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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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I do not think you are a failure. I think you passed a very big test, both for you and for your wife. The physical feelings that you had were the classic signs of adrenaline coursing through your body. The same feelings you might get standing on the edge of a bridge with a bungee cord attached to your ankles.

Talk to your wife and I think she will reassure you that you did just fine. I am pleased that they were that comfortable with you there. If you decide to try again in the future, and I would wait a while, the feelings should be less intense.

Congratulations, you have gone where I have only dreamed of!
You definitely shouldn't be feeling like a failure. As others have said, you and Sue both weathered your first time watching rather well. It bodes well that Sue was able to both be there to intercept you as you were leaving, to check in on you and ensure that you were alright, and that she was then able to go back to fucking Brad without letting her concerns about you kill the moment for her. If that had happened, you would no doubt be dealing with major resentment on her part by now.

The ride itself will never get easier. As grantisaac said, seeing your wife do things with another man that she hasn't (and won't) with you is a major kick. But over time, you will find yourself better able to deal with it.

I would wait a while before you try this again, but not too long of a while. You don't want to wait so long that your fear of getting back on the horse starts to outweigh your desire to ride it. Take this experience for what it was -- something that didn't go completely awry, which is really all you could have hoped for your first time -- and build on that.
It's still early

I thing you're mostly correct. You have not grown apart. I do believe however, that your wife, and you to a lesser extent, can feel something happe ing to your relationship.

Based on what you've written, it appears that she's trying to keep you at the top. She's experiencing an intensity with Brad that she does not want to diminish what she has with you.

Do you want what she does with him to enhance what you and she have together or replace it? If you're involved and present, he adds, if you're not there, he replaces. Sue may not be able to describe what's nagging at her, but she's feeling it.

You are at a crossroad. Here's where I disagree with maryspet. You need to get back on the horse immediately... Before your wife and her lover make that decision for you. Remember, he would probably prefer to keep you out and will only agree to please her. The longer you let it lie, the more time he has to sell her on the idea that it won't work with you there. Then you will begin to feel the pain of being the outsider.
Hey everyone,

Well, in addition to one incredible fuck that we had last night (and I do mean in-fucking-credible) - we've been talking a lot.

One thing that she told me was that as soon as I left their room, that she and Brad were kind of stunned at just my up and going so quickly. She understands it now and is cool with it realizing that if I stayed or made a bigger deal, that - as others pointed out here - that it would have made an awkward situation even worse.

But what she shared was that after I left - she pulled herself away and started to get dressed to follow-me and it was only when she got my text message, that she relaxed and didn't chase after me. She also shared that it took them a while to get started again as Brad felt sort of weird afterwards. She told me that he'd tried to just play it that I wasn't there and that for both of them, when I went into the bathroom, they just sort of let loose with each other and that's why, when I came out, they had gone as far as they had.

I had read one of the comments here about maybe me "skipping the foreplay" and just going in when they're into it. That might be easier for me and Sue seemed to like that idea too as she did say that she didn't so much feel self-conscious about what she was doing but that she didn't feel as uninhibited as she says she normally does.

I did like what I saw though. It was very hot and now, almost 2 days later the reality of the sexuality I saw in Sue is just amazing. It wasn't faked like a porn-movie. It was real - and it was incredible. I thought it would hurt more to see her cum for/with another guy - but that part was a total turn-on for me. I loved seeing her and thinking about what she was feeling - well - let me better put it that looking back now, I loved seeing her like that. At that moment though, I have to remind myself, it felt like someone was just choking me as if I couldn't breathe at all.

I know Indy-hubby says I need to be there but I also know that I love what I'm feeling with her right now without being there - I love holding her and feeling how she feels in my arms when she comes home afterwards.

I looked back and saw that Rego had commented that I fucked her without hesitation. Why would I hesitate - I wasn't mad at her for anything - I was mad at myself for not being stronger - but all I wanted was to fuck her from the moment the night began. Seeing what I saw and then - yes - afterwards for a few more hours seeing what I imagined in my mind - oh god did I want her when she got home.

She said that she and Brad talked about what had happened and they both said that they too thought maybe this was all a bit too much. They thought maybe I should have just seen them kissing or a bit more than that at first. Then worked my way up, slowly, to seeing them the entire time.

I have so many more emotions that I'm not sure where to go with all of them. I think I'm easing up on any fears of losing Sue and I don't think I agreee with Indy - that she's thinking something's wrong either. She has said that she does still have trouble accepting to herself that she likes fucking Brad in addition to me and that she enjoys what she shares with him. Maybe that's what Indy's getting at - that she is developing a desire for him that's separate from me. But that's okay - I have things I like to do separate from her - granted one of them isn't fucking - but nonetheless, for now I'm very happy to give her some space.

If last nights' fuck is any sign of what's happening in/for/to her from all of this then I'll certainly take it. It has been ages since I've seen her that sexually desiring - at one point she had my cock as far in her mouth as she could and her hands on my ass trying for more. While she was doing that - I held one leg up and with the other hand - my thumb was rubbing her clit, my middle-finger was buried in her pussy and my ring-finger was in her ass to the first knuckle, just enough to set her off. I could feel her pussy literally grabbing at my middle-finger and all I could think was that just 24 hours earlier it was grabbing at Brad's cock like that. Needless to say, she was a mess when I finished in her.

AS I said, if this is an example of what giving her space is doing - then right now, I don't want to change a thing. Lets get this IUD thing going after New Years - maybe I'll do better with a more spontaneous experience for the first time.
Good evening all,

I only have a little time right now as I have steaks on the BBQ for me and the kids for dinner.

It's Thursday and it's actually the last time Sue and Brad may get together in 2008 - she'd asked me if I was okay if she came home later than usual tonight and I couldn't say no to her. She called me from work this afternoon before she left for the day and asked me "how late can I be tonight?" and I just told her to be home before midnight! I probably should have said earlier but I also joked with her that this was part of her Christmas present.

We haven't really talked much more about last week other than yesterday when - since we weren't having sex last night - she asked if I was okay about her and Brad and tonight.

I've felt so close to her in the past few weeks that I told her it was fine. She then shared that she will, in all probability get her period in the next few days so I told her to go have a good time but to be sure she "saved some for me" - I hope she remembers that later tonight as midnight or later, I'm horny...

That's all there is for now. I'm surprisingly calm tonight - maybe seeing what I saw and experiencing what I did and how Sue reacted and cared about how I was - I think I'm feeling much more relaxed about her and Brad.

We're due for a big snowstorm here tomorrow so I may be home tomorrow in which case I hope to have more time to post...
We're expecting the same storm up here. Mary isn't too happy about it, as she may end up needing to cancel a date on account of it.
Anything more to report here?
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An update

Hey everyone - sorry for the gap in posting but there just didn't seem to be much to post about - and I thought it would just be easier to wait and then do one bigger update.

I re-read what I'd written and it's a good thing I'd taken the time to write it all down as even now there were things I'd forgotten that came back to me when I re-read it. Its weird because now, 2+ weeks later I don't have the bad-memories and bad-feelings that I did just afterwards - matter of fact, reading it now again gave me a wicked hard-on.

No one's home - they're all out somewhere so I hopefully have some time. There wasn't much action here after the last posting as it was time for Sue's monthly but she was "done enough" that we had a nice Christmas-Eve fuck after putting all the gifts under the tree. That and a New Years Eve fuck have been our tradition for 24 years now.

We did do a lot of talking in the past week though. There's been a lot of honesty on both of our parts. From what Sue has shared with me - I really have no fears about our marriage or our relationship. I can't explain it all but she's said a lot of things about love and what she values in life that clearly say to me that she is not confusing anything with Brad, or sex in that matter, with what she says she feels with me and our family.

Maybe us all being home and together - and really great with each other for the past week-plus - kids and the both of us - that has cemented it.

Don't get me wrong though - because if anything has also happened over the past week, it's that she's let her really slutty side out in the bedroom with me. Normally that takes a few bottles of wine or champagne - but she's allowed me to see her sexy-slutty side a lot more in the past week.

From demanding my using her butt-plugs on her to her VERY willingness to let me spank her - including - and quite forcefully - spanking her pussy too. To what she's been saying to me and what she's encouraging her to say to her - telling me when we're fucking that she's been a "bad wife" and going on about her letting other "guys" cum inside her. Telling me after we've fucked that she wants to lie there and let her feel my cum dribbling out of her. And I've gone along with it as far as I can too - to the point of "restraining" her with some neckties and stockings and then teasing her about how slutty she is letting Brad fuck her all the time.

Like I said - vacations and time off have a way of letting her go and letting her let herself go. This is one of the first times that it's happening at home with the kids around (of course our son is now 17 and driving so he's rarely home).

more in a minute...
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Thanks for the update, SoonToBe. That's great that you had this time during the holidays to reconnect. Of course I bet she now can't wait to feel Brad's cock inside her again also. Tick tock.
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Everyone came home for lunch so my update will have to wait till later...

Marys-pet - yes, I hadn't gotten to that - but in some ways, even I want her to have Brad's cock again.

More later...
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SoonToBe said:
To what she's been saying to me and what she's encouraging her to say to her - telling me when we're fucking that she's been a "bad wife" and going on about her letting other "guys" cum inside her.

The guy in Boston last year, plus Brad. Ergo, "guys".
Picking up where I left off and with Marys-Pet's last post.

It felt like we'd finally allowed ourselves to be really honest with each other. I can't explain it other than maybe, for me, it was sort of accepting that this is what I and she want to try and do more of.

She shared a lot of stuff with me that as I already said, convinced me that I shouldn't worry about losing her or anything like that. I can't explain it all but I know it was heartfelt and very honest and left me feeling that she wants to do this - whatever "it" is - but that she wants to do it in a way that is what I want too.

I told her that the knowledge that she's having sex with Brad and then having her tease me about it gets me incredibly excited and that I did want her to do more.

What we did realize is that we both have the same sort of concern - not knowing how far we are each going to be comfortable doing more.

I asked her about another guy - if she had any interest. Again, it was a a time when she felt she could say what she really felt openly - and she did say (yes - to whoever said it on an earlier post) - yes - she has thought about other guys and maybe wanting to do more.

She then added that she really enjoys what she has with Brad - and she seemed comfortable talking about my misadventure with them. She reminded me how much it took for them to let me be there and she thanked me for how I seem to be okay about it all.

I told her some of what I already mentioned here - about maybe skipping their foreplay or something like that and she was really pleased about that surprised and very pleased. She did say that she would like to find a way to share this with me more if that was what I wanted.

I also learned that one of her concerns about another guy is that it represents more time away from me. While that thought made me happy I told her that the idea of another guy sharing her - because she wanted it - also made me really happy.

In the end - what we learned was that we both want to do more. I told her that as long as I had a safe-word of sorts - something that I could use at any time, not just at an extreme situation - that it would be good. She agreed that would be good too - so we agreed that anytime either of us mention "Aunt Pam", that for that time, that's about the limit.

She asked some of the things that I've "thought" (fantasized) about her doing (her way of being nice). And I felt open enough to tell her a few things - like a bit more denial but not all the time, perhaps a bit more flaunting of her getting ready for Brad. I even told her that I've thought that this IUD thing could be something she teases me about that she wants to do it for Brad and then she added "or whoever else". I can't describe how I felt hearing her add that - but damn if I wasn't incredibly horny after that.

And of course, all of this honesty and sex talk is what led to the fireworks we've had for the past few days.

She did mention that she has an appointment with her gyno doctor sometime next week to discuss the IUD thing. (I actually like this doctor of hers - we'd discussed me getting a vasectomy a few years ago but I'm just not comfortable with someone messing with my nuts - and her doc told her that if I am truly like this (and I am - pretty much with all doctors) that I shouldn't do it as that is when there are increases of psychological risks which I'm already aware of and had tried to explain to her - maybe its all related to this cuckold-adventure we're living?).

But she also told me about some new procedure that is as effective as getting her tubes tied but is NOT surgery. Something called E-Sure or something like that. It's permanent too which works for us.

So that's it - if I mention "Aunt Pam" in any way - she'll know to pull back on the teasing stuff a bit. Not that she'd ever say it but who knows.

To Marys-Pet - they've already scheduled their rendezvous for this Thursday. She asked me if I wanted to try again? I told her not just yet and that I would let her know when I was. In the meanwhile, as in earlier tonight, she started testing the waters by telling me I'd better have her tomorrow and Monday as after that she will be Brad's again.

G'night all.
So good to hear from you again! I knew you were going to be off schedule for a few weeks but I still looked for your posts. It's good to hear that Brad will be back in the saddle again!
Good evening.

The only thing I have to share/update here is that they are planning on resuming their Thursday "meetings" again this week.

Sue went to bed early tonight as she has a lot of running around to do tomorrow but she promised me she'd have some time for us tomorrow night - and took the opportunity to remind me of Wednesday night being her "night off".
Hi Soon-to-Be, I have been reading and stuck in awe thinking about how lucky you are and visualizing this relationship. I would ask you to help me a little by ansering a few questions, just to imagine better.
What is your age range 30-35, 40-45?
How tall are you and body size?
I have 6 inches and 6inches around, can you tell me your size?
Decribe your wife physically please.
How old are your kids? and have they ever seen Brad in the house? What do they think.
I appreciate any ansers you give, Thanks
Cleaner - as far as being lucky. Maybe - but as I mentioned before in another thread, this is a second marriage for us both and we went into this with the decision that we'd always talk and communicate as that was what went wrong in both our first marriages. And, we certainly didn't jump into this - it's been building up for maybe 7 or so years - given that we're together for over 25 years now, you can see we had a good foundation.

We're both in our late 40's. I'm 5'11" and maybe 185lbs. She's maybe 5'2" and about 110lbs. There are pictures of her somewhere on this website I forget what thread they are in so you can see what she looks like if you want.

Our kids are 17 and 13. Brad has never been to our house, our kids have never met him. I have only met him 3 or 4 times at various work-related events for my wife. He's nice enough. Looks similar to me in terms of build and sizes. I'm blessed with about 7 1/2 inches and as Sue has said to me, I'm pretty thick too. Brad is similar sized from what she's said and what I saw.

I should add that we're not here because Sue "needs more" or "needs a man". We're mainly here because I am turned on by her being with another guy. She had interests in that area and has, as I now understand her, gone this far because she does enjoy it, but also because I am also enjoying it.

Gotta run.
Well - the new year at work started out crazy-busy and hasn't let up.

Sue did deny me on Wednesday but it didn't matter as I was busy with work-stuff at home until late that night. Last night I went home to get dinner for the kids and then continued on work-related stuff until long after she came home (but it was nice that she visited me in our home-office, locked the door, and then flashed me).

In some ways it was a good thing as after the long holiday break I'd been feeling some angst at her being out - but work conveniently gave me something else to focus on.

Still - by 10:30pm last night after the kids were in bed and I was at a stopping point - man was I ready for a good fucking!!!

She didn't let me down and I immediately realized why I love her fucking Brad as she does - she felt incredible last night. She knew I was just horny so she didn't do much teasing at all - instead she just let me have and use her to my own pleasures.

Whatever they did together, her pussy was heavenly last night - my last few thrusts were incredibly deep and hugely satisfying for me as I let loose like crazy inside her such that it even brought a squeal from her!!!!!

But lying together afterwards was really a great way to fall asleep after what had been a very busy day.

Today is no different so I must run off to a meeting now....
More Then She Wants...

Indy Hubby said:
I don't agree with their assessment and stand by my earlier posts. In my opinion the change in behavior more likely reflects conflicts of her conscience. I believe that she is probably developing emotional attachment to Brad that she finds uncomfortable. She very possibly subconsciously attempting to build passion at home because she feels guilty for what is growing between Brad and her.

As I often say, if the wife meets alone with her lover, it provides a fertile ground for more feelings than a marriage can survive. If the husband is there, the lover is an exciting addition to the marriage. If he's not there, he becomes an outsider.

I totally agree with you I think she is feeling guilty in a way, and is trying to be more passionate two rd her husband, but has Brad in the back of her mind!
And also if he is not joining her on her missions yes I would say he"The Husband" is now becoming the outsider and Brad technically speaking is in side her!
  • #100
I am not sure I agree with the two of you, because Sue wanted STB to stay and would have stopped the one night her husband went to watch. STB has decided he is not ready for that yet and I can understand that, I think as long as you continue to talk and Sue does not seem to be hiding anything during conversations I do not think.

Of course only Sue and Brad know what is completely being discussed but I think STB would know if her heart had changed wouldn’t you think.

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