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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #101
Hi. I have just finished ready all of this thread and very horny it ot too. If you want my opinion I think they have a great relationship. She confides in him her feelings towards Brad although I don't think she tells all, I think in that way she is protecting him from too much hurt. She obviously has feelings for Brad that she dosen't want to tell STB ust yet but I think that it is probably just a matter of time.
I don't think their marriage is in any danger, she may tease him from time to time, but he enjoys that, the pain and the pleasure are all part of the process.
I think they have a great sex life, probably much better than many in a mono relationship.
They are both adults and understand in any situation like this there is danger. Where would the fun be if there were no danger.
I say carry on and enjoy. More power toyour elbow
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  • #102
I like the idea of her having several lovers, Brad the main one, and you remaining at home to "have your turn now" when she gets home.

It is important for you to see Brad ejaculate into her while you are watching, so that you can see proof of the importance of Brad in her life.

You are already receiving awesome dividends from her becoming more slutty in the bedroom when you too are alone, and she is sharing her primal fantasies with you because she does not wish to hide anything from you.

Are you beginning to realise how much happier your marriage is becoming by giving your wife the gift of cuckoldry? You will notice that she is becoming more beautiful as her increasing happiness spreads all over her face for the world to see.
  • #103
First - thank you to Mack as his views match mine in terms of the "need" for me to watch them right now. I'm sure I will eventually see them but it will probably need to be more spontaneous than planned - at least for now.

Saraha - I don't need to see Brad cum in my wife. I know he is doing so and I know he is doing so not just because he wants to but also because Sue wants him to and that turns me on a lot. Sue knows that and that is why I feel we're going to be okay - Sue has made it clear to me that this is us doing this and not just her - I feel the same - her time with Brad is just part of our weekly experience together. Eventually I am sure I will watch him do so one day though - it's not as if I don't want to. But for the meanwhile - to Saraha's point - it is clear from how she is when she comes home? that Brad is clearly cumming inside her..

That is also why she doesn't bring up other guys - they only come up when I mention it. As I said before - she says her enjoyment is tied to mine and she is taking her cues from me on what she does.

I do love the changes in her - Saraha - you're right on that. But its not just me - friends and family both said she seemed very "up" over the holidays and that she looked really well. Plus - my god - she actually "wants" sex!!! Perhaps as time goes by and after our son is off to college she will expand her desires, but for now, I think we are both happy.

One thing though. With my feeling much more comfortable with all of this - including desires to go a bit further - unfortunately I am finding less "need" to post here.

I may start a new thread to continue from here.
  • #104
Well, it's another Thursday morning and I"m just about to head off to work.

Sue left about 2 hours ago. But before I go there, this past Tuesday night we went back into our usual routine which included Sue teasing me. This time she started by reminding me that it might be the last time that she'd have to use a diaphragm with me as Friday (tomorrow) she has her doctors appointment. And among our banter, she then said she was going to tell that same thing to Brad on Thursday (tonight).

That comment immediately reminded me that I'd said that I wanted her to be more spontaneous and free to do things if she wanted. I didn't say anything to her on Tuesday night but those thoughts really got me turned on.

That, among other teasing led to some very intense orgasms for both of us.

Last night she continued her teasing - she spent a lot of time naked in our bedroom as she got changed for bed and then washed up naked in the bathroom. Maybe it was just me noticing (the door was open) but she seemed to be taking longer and making a bigger deal out of things. Or maybe it was just in my mind - but at one point she did put a mirror on the toilet seat and then she sort of put one foot next to it and she spent a lot of time examining her pussy. She even plucked a few stray hairs.

Damn if that didn't turn me on but I was a "good boy" and I went to bed with a wicked hard-on. This morning I told her that I wanted her tonight when she gets home and she just smiled and kissed me but didn't answer anything.

It's kind of exciting and that's what led me to post here this morning - as I brushed my teeth and put things away I realized it may be the last morning that her diaphragm either being there or not would tell me what she had planned for that day. That's the thought on my mind right now. Not knowing in the future what she'll be doing.

I can't wait to see her tonight. It's taking a lot of effort to not jerk-off right now.
  • #105
Hot damm

SoonToBe, Congratulations again you lucky devil!!!! Hell man i am as happy FOR you as you are for yourself. Again what a sweet, beautiful and sexy Hot Wife you have. KUDOS :p okdeacon
  • #106
great story. it makes me want to go fuck someone and then fuck my hubby just a bit after. it feels so good the second round.. so hard to explain.
  • #107
When Brad creams hard in your wife AS YOU WATCH, and he withdraws his sticky cock, a cucky undergoes an emotional adjustment and a sharp down-grading of the marriage vows.

With the wedding vows, "to have and to hold to the exclusion of others (other penises) now set aside, the rules of fidelity are changed for all time.

The old marriage is "effectively anulled" and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you watch Brad ejaculate inside your wife without a condom on, as he is effectively CONSUMMATING THE CUCKOLD MARRIAGE in front of you as an important witness.

Watching them in foreplay is NOT ENOUGH. Your eyes must watch the full time he has his cock in her, and then see him withdraw his sticky cock.

Once you have seen the full sex act between them, your mind will accept that who she shares her pussy with is no longer of concern to you. She is free to express her full sexuality and she should become a lot happier in the process - and this should rub off on you around home.

She may have little tiffs with her lovers from time to time, which is to be expected, so you need to understand that her moods will change a bit as she adjusts to several men (including you) fighting for her attention.

She must always know that you love her unconditionally, and it pleases you very much (and excites you) that she reaches out for extra-marital sex for the enjoyment it can give her.

The first calendar in world had 28 days of the month to co-incide with a woman's fertility cycle to ensure that men and women would obey God's command to go forth and multiply. But when the human race had problems feeding itself, the calendar was changed to co-incide with the sun's rays creating seasons for growing crops.
  • #109
Well, you guys are pretty much too far in the deep-end for me with these last few posts. Saraha - I won't deny though that when I do get to finally watch them together, that moment will be very intense. I understand what you're saying even if I don't go along with the whole extreme aspects of it. Being there as Brad cums inside Sue will, I expect, be traumatic for me - I already know it that at the moment I see and hear him "take her" from me that it is going to affect me deeply. But then again, it already has, in many ways.

I do feel much closer to Sue since all of this started. There is something in the way it has brought our sexuality out in the open that just seems to make it easier for us all around. I think many couples dance around sex - thinking back, sometimes I was too reserved, shy or just didn't feel comfortable discussing sex openly with Sue - not just when I wanted to have sex with her, but also in discussing it in general and also about discussing what she wanted and felt and desired. But now that seems to be fairly easy for us. She is no longer embarassed, ashamed or un-confident about expressing herself and now, neither of us feel threatened by any of this. She knows I will always be here for her and I know she will too - regardless of what she does or who she does it with.

She didn't get home till later on Thursday night - she blamed it on the cold weather but I knew better and knew that they were enjoying themselves. It was obvious from the look on her face when she came home. I had already fed the kids and they were off downstairs so I followed Sue upstairs and just watched her undress. That always gets me worked up - knowing she'd just put those clothes on when she was done with Brad. I could even see red marks on her breasts and on her legs and thighs. But what turned me on most as it always does was when she changed her panties - between the wet spot in them and the way her whole pussy looks (reddened, engorged, swollen and moist!). She just smiled at me and said "you can have your turn later, promise".

It wasn't until 10:30pm that we were in bed again. She took the spermicide applicator and inserted another dose and then lay back and said "your turn - I'm tired but you can have fun".

I pushed into her before I was fully hard - but after one or two strokes I was up to full-speed! It's always different when she's had enough and is letting me have my fun - she just pulled her legs back and told me to do whatever I wanted. I asked her to tell me about her night and she started to talk to me about Brad going down on her first and getting her all wet.

She then told me that she told Brad, as he inserted her diaphragm, that it might be the last time as she had her doctors appointment on Friday. She said that turned him and her on a lot. I knew I wasn't going to last long - just hearing her tell me about that got me almost to the edge. She told me how she got on top of him and can't wait until they don't have to feel her diaphragm in her when she's in that position!

That did it for me - it was all of maybe 5-10 minutes and as she told me that she said "you'll like it better to baby" - wow, that did it - I blasted my load in her like I hadn't cum in days (which I hadn't!!!!!).

Friday morning after the kids left for school and before I left, Sue was in the bathroom not only taking out the diaphragm (which is always erotic to watch as lots of "stuff" always drips out of her) but then douching so she can be "clean" for the doctor. I hadn't thought about that much before - I wonder how many gynecologists look into a woman's vagina and encounter sperm and whatever else.

I went to work and she called me mid-afternoon and said "I did it" meaning her doc talked her into the IUD.

More later.
  • #110
Sorry - people were yelling for me earlier and rather than them bursting in on me...

So - last night when I got home she told me of her doctors visit. She said that she was uncomfortable with the procedure but didn't have any of the problems she'd read about (cramps and stuff). I asked her when we could test it out?!?! She said that because she's mid-cycle that she needs to use some other birth control for at least a few (3-4) days to be sure everything is okay and that's also how long it takes for it to start to work.

Then she tells me she can't use the diaphragm for another day or so either as everything "inside" is irritated (she later told me that whatever they used to dilate her cervix left her "swollen" and it won't fit) and that it's a common result of the procedure that goes away in 12-24 hours usually.

We were both still very horny and she was into teasing me again too. After dinner last night we were upstairs and she was sorting laundry and she held up her panties from Thursday night and called for me and said "I think these are dirty? Don't you?". Later on, when she told me of her "swollen" problem she reminded me that we had some condoms in the bathroom from when she went to Boston. That was okay with me, I thought I was going to have to settle for not fucking.

When things started to get hot and horny last night she'd been teasing me about how Brad likes certain positions or other stuff. Without spermicide in her I could really enjoy licking her pussy and that was a great thought for the future! She teased me and asked if I could still taste Brad in her (she knew I couldn't...). She continued by telling me that she thinks she's going to enjoy not having to "prepare" for sex! When we were about to fuck though, she really got to me and said "You need to put a condom on just like Bill had to when I was up in Boston last summer.".

It was a turn-on to hear that - I hadn't thought back to that time in a while now and that brought back a lot of things. As I knelt on the bed and opened the foil package I thought to how I felt back then and how Bill must have felt at that moment.

She recognized that it turned me on and teased me more about having to use a condom for the next day or so. And just the way she was teasing me was so erotic - she'd ask me if I had pictured them doing this or that and that would take me in yet another whole direction.

Normally I hate using condoms but last night - it didn't matter, with the way we were connecting it was a total turn-on and we fucked for what felt like hours. I know she came several times - either to me or to the thoughts in her own head. Finally, even through the numbness of the condom - I finally came too.

As I slipped out of her she let out that giggle again. I asked what was so funny and she answered "...turned you on to think about Bill AND Brad.... didn't it...". I smiled but didn't answer - she already knew. We drifted off to sleep after we got cleaned up.

Today - it's wicked cold out but she's all bubbly warm and that bodes well for later tonight.
  • #111
With a little encouraging (it probably wouldn't take much, from what you say about where she is right now), she could likely be persuaded to make you wear a condom every time you fuck her, while Brad is allowed to fuck her bareback.

If you're inclined to go that way, that is.
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  • #113
Marys-pet - I could never do that. It's just not something I'd be able to accept. I mean, as a fantasy - I will tell you that it is arousing for sure - but it's just not something I could do for real, a day or two like now, that sort of thing, I can manage with though it was hard enough getting into it tonight with one on.

But your post did give me pause to wonder if she isn't pulling one over on me with this whole irritation thing - as if she is somehow waiting maybe till the 4 days are up rather than deal with the diaphragm any more at all. I could sort of understand that but she should have just said that. Your post gave me the thought that she may - either intentionally or unintentionally - somehow making this up. I'm hesitant to try to find a way to find out.
  • #114
You can think she is making her irritation thing up if it turns you on to do so. However, I think you can be assured that she was sore and she was honest with you. You have that kind of relationship!
  • #116
SoonToBe said:
Marys-pet - I could never do that. It's just not something I'd be able to accept. I mean, as a fantasy - I will tell you that it is arousing for sure - but it's just not something I could do for real, a day or two like now, that sort of thing, I can manage with though it was hard enough getting into it tonight with one on.

So how about playing with the fantasy a little more? Stretch your day or two out into the better part of a week. Tell Sue that you want Brad to be the next man to fuck her bareback, and that you will use a condom between now and next Thursday. Then be sure to let her know how much it turns you on, knowing that Brad's swimmers will be the first ones not to encounter spermicide in Sue's pussy. That does turn you on to think about, doesn't it?

But your post did give me pause to wonder if she isn't pulling one over on me with this whole irritation thing - as if she is somehow waiting maybe till the 4 days are up rather than deal with the diaphragm any more at all. I could sort of understand that but she should have just said that. Your post gave me the thought that she may - either intentionally or unintentionally - somehow making this up. I'm hesitant to try to find a way to find out.

Somehow I doubt that's the case. From everything you've posted here, I suspect that if she didn't want to have the hassle of dealing with the diaphragm any more, that she would just tell you so. Making stuff like this up just doesn't seem like her style.
  • #117
I read the last few posts earlier this morning and I'll be honest here and will say that this idea does turn me on. For whatever crazy reason - I was in the shower and thought about it and damn if I didn't get a wicked hard-on.

But at the same token, I'm not sure that I want Sue to know that this is a turn-on for me to think about. I'm just not sure that I want her thinking that way despite that it might be a nice gesture.

I am reminded about a conversation we had a long time ago about her first boyfriend who took her virginity. She was actually on the pill before she was having sex - as her doctor prescribed it to regulate her monthly cycle. The doc told her what it meant - that it wasn't a license for sex but that she couldn't get pregnant - but never told her mom that or she'd have flipped knowing her daughter was on b/c (mom is a strict catholic).

Anyway - she told me that Joe (I think that was his name) was thrilled that he didn't have to use a condom that first time. She said it wasn't great (hurt a bit and made her think all sorts of stuff) but that she did and always will remember him and have a special place for him. When we started talking about her fucking other guys, eventually she came out and said that if Joe did come back around, that she would probably fuck him - that him being the first guy in her and the first guy in her to also cum in her - that she said she would probably always let him have her.

I sort of understand - if my first gf who let me blast inside her came around I too would want to give it a shot for old-times.

Where I'm going with all of this is that I am concerned that if I suggest this and she does go for it, that it will cement Brad in a similar place in her heart.

Plus, to be very honest, I'm actually a bit scared that if I show her that I am, in any way, enjoying the whole "me in a condom and Brad not" - that it may become something she will look to do in the future. She's very aware of what I enjoy in terms of teasing me to enhance our time together - I'm a little concerned that she may add this to her repertoire and ask it of me in the future.

I honestly hate condoms as I just don't get off as well in them. But the whole symbolism thing of what they mean, if I use them and Brad doesn't is absolutely a turn-on. Basically that thought and arousal pretty much convinces me that I am definitely a cuckold inside. I mean I have surely masturbated to these types of stories before but I don't think, even subconsciously, I ever wanted to be in one for real.

I don't think Sue likes them at all though - so that may be a saving grace as even these past 2 nights she doesn't seem happy about using them. And there too, if she sees that there is any enjoyment on my part even though it may be mental and not physical, it could change how she sees them. Right now she only sees them as a diaphragm-alternative, not with any sort of sexual excitement on their own.

Sorry if I'm rambling on but I'm not sure what I should think or do here. I love the excitement that this whole line of thought is doing to me but I'm not sure how to bring it up in such a way that I can find out what she's thinking/feeling without having her change how she feels about it.

She did let me put my fingers in her vagina last night though - she felt okay enough for that. She asked if I could feel the 2 strings (more like fishing line) that come out of her cervix and are attached to the IUD. She told me that's how she know's it in the right place and also how the doctor can remove it if needed. I could feel them and she said that if everything is okay after a week or two that her doctor can trim them back as by then everything should be okay for the longer term. That was weird and exciting at the same time - feeling that inside her, knowing what it meant.

More later.
  • #118
SoonToBe said:
I read the last few posts earlier this morning and I'll be honest here and will say that this idea does turn me on. For whatever crazy reason - I was in the shower and thought about it and damn if I didn't get a wicked hard-on.

But at the same token, I'm not sure that I want Sue to know that this is a turn-on for me to think about. I'm just not sure that I want her thinking that way despite that it might be a nice gesture.

I am reminded about a conversation we had a long time ago about her first boyfriend who took her virginity. She was actually on the pill before she was having sex - as her doctor prescribed it to regulate her monthly cycle. The doc told her what it meant - that it wasn't a license for sex but that she couldn't get pregnant - but never told her mom that or she'd have flipped knowing her daughter was on b/c (mom is a strict catholic).

Anyway - she told me that Joe (I think that was his name) was thrilled that he didn't have to use a condom that first time. She said it wasn't great (hurt a bit and made her think all sorts of stuff) but that she did and always will remember him and have a special place for him. When we started talking about her fucking other guys, eventually she came out and said that if Joe did come back around, that she would probably fuck him - that him being the first guy in her and the first guy in her to also cum in her - that she said she would probably always let him have her.

I sort of understand - if my first gf who let me blast inside her came around I too would want to give it a shot for old-times.

Where I'm going with all of this is that I am concerned that if I suggest this and she does go for it, that it will cement Brad in a similar place in her heart.

I often think Saraha's posts are way over the top, but this is where I kind of have to agree with her. If you want Sue to start being a little more Domme with you, and if you want your relationship to move to something that's a little bit closer to a full on cuckold/hotwife marriage, then you need to start ceding some control. No fair withholding information from Sue, because you aren't sure that you're ready to ride the big boy rollercoaster.

Tell Sue that you think it would be a nice gesture if you continue using condoms until after this coming Thursday, so that Brad can have the privilege of being the first man to cum inside her without spermicide. Let her know that thinking about him doing so gives you a hard-on. Then allow her to make whatever decision she wishes based on that information.
  • #119
Disagree Again

marys_pet said:
I often think Saraha's posts are way over the top, but this is where I kind of have to agree with her. If you want Sue to start being a little more Domme with you, and if you want your relationship to move to something that's a little bit closer to a full on cuckold/hotwife marriage, then you need to start ceding some control. No fair withholding information from Sue, because you aren't sure that you're ready to ride the big boy rollercoaster.

Tell Sue that you think it would be a nice gesture if you continue using condoms until after this coming Thursday, so that Brad can have the privilege of being the first man to cum inside her without spermicide. Let her know that thinking about him doing so gives you a hard-on. Then allow her to make whatever decision she wishes based on that information.

If you put the idea in her head, it's you exercising control "from the bottom". It's only her exercising power if it's her idea.

If you want her to "push the envelope" you subtally encourage her to go with it if she has something she wants to try. Then wait for your surprise. It probably won't be what you have in mind. That means it's probably her idea.
  • #120
It's one of the long holiday weekends and that on top of last Thursday with Brad has her still in the mood today.

I read all the last few posts here today and I don't know if I can come out and say it to her just yet. Maybe later tonight after some wine. But what I did say earlier this afternoon when we had some alone-time and were kissing and stuff was "there are still a few more condoms if you are still not ready for the diaphragm" - she hugged me and said I was "so sweet, thinking about her' but that was all.

I'm sort of scared to come out and say it - I mean it's something I just need to be sure I want to say as I don't think there will be a way to take it back afterwards. On one hand I would like her to think and want that as knowing she does would just drive me crazy with desire and arousal. But the other part of me is concerned about what it could mean if she were to want it. I don't know how I would deal with that if it got out of hand or became something more than just these next few days.

I know we're in a good place right now so I'm reluctant to change things - especially not knowing what's going to happen with her anyway. But the other thing I think about is that circumstances like this don't happen often when timing, moods, feelings, the stars, the moon and whatever else lines up just so. It almost seems like fate in some ways.

We're cooking dinner together and it'll be ready shortly so I'm going to go consider things over some wine before dinner.

Wish me luck.

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