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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Marys-pet - I did encounter the whole "little girl" look with Sue long ago and I suspect that it may have been a factor in her self-consciousness at first. But once she got used to that with me - seeing how I LOVED it - she was better. The funny thing is that she's fine being bare at the nude beach here in NJ but she wasn't at the doctors office and was hesitant with Brad and the guy she was with first up in Boston months ago.

Now - even her girlfriends are saying they are getting their pubes waxed - but she says she could never let another woman do that to her so she sticks with the razor or Nair/Neet. Also, I should have added that I did say that I wasn't happy about her letting Brad do her grooming.

It's very weird to now feel almost normal knowing Brad is so comfortable and intimate with her that she would even suggest it or ask me about it.

Deacon - the only thing that I would say regarding other guys is that i'm only asking her to do it is because of the intimacy issue - it's not that I want to see her being slutty or being with a bunch of other guys. Matter of fact, if the intimacy issues I have get better over time or less of an issue to me, I don't know that I want her being with another guy. I mean I sort of feel like I'd maybe be trading one "evil" for another - and I guess, She didn't shut the whole thing down when I mentioned it so that part went okay (i worried that she'd not be receptive and would maybe stop what she's doing) - but I can say that I am concerned that if she finds another guy she enjoys that it could trigger other events/feelings/thoughts beyond just one guy that I'm not ready to deal with.

That's the kicker for me - am I going to trade one issue for another? Will the intimacy issue fade for me? Will I be faced with her maybe becoming more promiscuous? That all sounds good in fantasy.

I know I'm just rambling now - the next 6 weeks or so will be interesting to see if she mentions it at all or if it's just me.

You wrote..., "i worried that she'd not be receptive and would maybe stop what she's doing..."

You are right.
Once she is accustomed to seeing other guys, it would make her unhappy to limit her newfound freedom.:cool:
Broken Record

Adding another guy or guys might help, but because of the way you're going about this, I believe you are trading one risk for another. Her seeing someone else alone adds more opportunity for her have a romantic relationship which adds new risks to your marriage.

You need to be there so that the experience becomes something you and she share together. You've gone pretty far down what I think is the wrong fork in the road. So, I don't know if you can back up and fix it. But you should, even of it means a painful break with Brad.

It's may not be as hot for her if you're there, but it's certainly better for your marriage.
Soon To Be

Man i understand you totally. Personally i think you sound very confident about Sues and your adventures. Looks like its well in hand. Just coming in to chat with you once in awhile as i like this thread very much. Sue is so hot. Happy Thanksgiving to ALL. okdeacon
For a woman to enjoy sex, she has to surrender herself completely in the moment, and it can take up to two hours for her body to "calm down afterwards" and for the extra blood in the pelvis to drain back into the blood stream.

An orgasm is like a funny joke, you have to lose control of your emotions just like you do when you start laughing or crying. Regaining composure is "getting your emotions under control" again. Orgasm = loss of control.

She likes Brad, so she loses control and has orgasms when he makes love to her. It is completely normal for her to feel incredible splashes of love washing over body when it happens, and also in the days following.

It is important for a cuck to tell his wife how he is feeling about her sexual adventures, but he should never try to impose any form of control over how she conducts herself when out on dates.

A man that tries to set the rules for his wife's dating is not a cuckold, but on some kind of power trip. If she is to enjoy being with her lovers, she has to allow her emotions to flow naturally without interference.

When a man persuades his wife to share her pussy with other guys, anything and everything is possible. Her emotions will take her in directions outside her marriage vows beyond her previous imaginations. A true cuck who wishes to give his wife the gift of sexual freedom as a reward for being a great wife, has to learn to control his jealousy and fears. If he is not able to, then his gift is not a gift at all, but a "parcel with strings attached".

Woman who have lovers will FALL IN LOVE with them if they are treated right. Sex stirs up a woman's emotions, she can't stop that happening. If cucky plays his cards right and supports his wife, then the marriage will grow stronger in many ways.

Any man who wants to be a good cuckold, should e-mail Elsie Sutton and ask for her help. She will put you on the right track if you let her train you.
Hey all - happy night before Thanksgiving (or is that a few weeks too early?).

Anyway - I'm reading with interest the last few posts. While Sue's downstairs making our part of the food for tomorrows feast at her parents house (mom makes the turkey, all the kids/in-laws bring all the sides & desserts) - I thought I'd catch up here.

For Indy-Hubby - I haven't yet pushed the whole watching and taking-part thing with Sue and Brad. To be honest, I feel enough emotional "distress" at what's happening now without being there. I honestly don't know that I'm ready to watch her give herself to Brad. Believe me, there's a part of me that would love to be there and even partake (I've long held fantasy-desires of being the one to hold her legs back for him) - but knowing how they are intimately when they're together, I'm not sure I'm ready to see that just yet. If she were just fucking him and it was all physical and less intimate - I'd jump at the chance. But from what she's shared - I just don't know that I'm ready to see them together just yet. Eventually yes - for sure - but I know I'm not there yet. I know that I'd either do something stupid, say something stupid or wind up just leaving when it got too much - it's all good in my head until I try to put myself there with them.

The other thing is - as I said, I don't see her having much desire to even consider other guys. I mean she didn't reject it when I brought it up but there wasn't much interest either. I know why everyone is saying that she should see other guys - that it'd lessen their closeness and probably make me feel better that she's not attaching herself to Brad - but I keep asking myself the same questions of "why would SHE want to see other guys?" and I can't come to any answers that I can use as part of the discussion when it happens.

If I can get over my issues with her intimacy - which I think I'm getting more used to - then to be honest, I don't know that I really want her going with other guys as Brad seems stable and sane - to this day, I don't have any sense that she's falling for him in the sense of forsaking our marriage, etc. Actually, aside of this intimacy thing - I think I like her liking Brad and feeling safe with him - I mean other than the one night when I don't get to have her, the benefits on the other nights far outweigh any anguish I'm feeling.

I know I've said this before and it echoes what Saraha said - I do get turned on incredibly to think of her going wild with Brad. From how her body feels when she gets home - knowing she is still in that "flushed" state that Saraha mentions - the intensity of knowing Brad has fucked her so recently just gets me so rock hard and turned on. I think in many ways that from the moment we go to sleep Tuesday nights - that I simply cannot wait for that moment when I get to have her again on Thursday night. Knowing she's fucking him - knowing she wants him in her - knowing she loses all control and probably screams as she climaxes - knowing he too does the same as he fills her pussy with his sperm - it's just so incredible a feeling - I think there's a part of me that's actually scared to rock the boat at all so as to not change a thing.

Oh well - hopefully we'll have some time together tonight because lord knows tomorrow night we'll be stuffed to the gills and will be in that post-Thanksgiving tryptophan and alcohol induced haze such that nothing will be going on for sure.

Happy Thanksgiving to all - best wishes for health and happiness with your families and friends.
SoonToBe, I do not know how long you've been here, but if you haven't seen it already you may find this chronicle of one cuckold's journey interesting. It's posted in the XXX Stories forum, in installments, starting here: A Cuckold's Diary - Chapter 1a
Soon to Be,
You are doing vert well at controlling your emotions! It's great that Sue is so affectionate with you at this point, and it sounds like she is working hard at keeping your relationship healthy. Just because she likes hot sex with Brad doesn't really mean anything as far as how much she loves you. I just hope she finds an additional fuck buddy. I know you are working on this, and suggest you continue your efforts.

Have a happy thankful Thursday.
Hey all,

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I know here, the long weekend was most appreciated - especially sleeping late on Friday and letting the lunatics swamp the stores.

It's been an interesting few days as Sue and I have actually talked quite a bit. Without going into excruciating detail - she asked me at one point if I was sorry I started all of this. I guess this was on Friday as all we could do was crawl into bed after all the turkey on Thursday.

She brought it up just like that. I told her honestly that I wasn't sorry and that I loved the changes in her and in us. That led to a lot of discussion about what I enjoy out of what she's doing - and, over a bottle or two of wine, I did open up and tell her what turned me on. I told her that Thursday nights when we get to have our time together that seeing and feeling and even tasting that Brad was in her, alone, that turned me on incredibly. And then I just told her - that at the same time that knowing he was making her cum - was both an incredible turn-on as well as the moment that gets to me the most.

True to our earlier discussion, we didn't really talk about her with other guys. But at one point I did tell her that I would like to see her and Brad together one time. She was very receptive to that idea and asked me when I wanted to? To be honest, I didn't expect that reply from her and I said that as I said here - that I didn't think I was ready to do it just yet. After what I'd said earlier, I think she understood that for now, having her when she comes home on Thursdays is okay for me for now.

She spent a lot of time telling me how she feels about me. I can't remember everything but she said that she's never felt so good about me and us and that she valued and "cherished" everything about us and emphasized that she never wanted anything to come between us.

We are both always horniest on long-weekends and this was no exception. Both Friday and Saturday night Sue began to say how much she missed Brad for the past few weeks. And for whatever reason, that turned me on, that she missed having sex with him, so I played along with her and started teasing her back. It was just this fun back and forth between us - she'd tell me how much she wanted him and I'd tease her back about how horny she must be and that she'll just have to wait. It felt like she was on fire. It felt like it sort of felt for me at least, from way back when we were first dating and the sex was very physical between us - it felt like she really wanted it, she wanted to fuck. What an incredibly great feeling that is.

Tonight, she's in bed already and I'm following now - she thinks I'm checking on stuff for work tomorrow after the long weekend.

This may sound weird but after 2 weeks of her not being with Brad, well, it's strange to say this, but I guess I did miss our "Thursday routine". It feels strange to feel that, but there it is, isn't it?

Marys-pet - I did start to read Chapter 1a - but haven't gotten through it yet. I may check it out in a moment before turning in for the night. Thanks for the suggestion.
Like I told you in various posts, you won the battle, it's a trip to the gym.

Now she wants to involve you in it a bit in the most effective way, to give YOU as much as possible out of it.

She is the perfect cuckoldress for your needs.

Just get over your nagging insecurities and accept her for what she has become to achieve fullfillment.

Don't worry about extending it to other men yet, she will do that in due course. When she goes on her next course, she will have no inhibitions about lovers and probably take one without worrying too much about it. Just get her off that diaphram thing so she is safe. (You can also enjoy cream pie)
As I'm re-reading what I posted and Puller's reply - I left lots out including parts of our discussion about me watching them Apparently she's mentioned to Brad that at some point I want to either watch or be right there when they are together. She said that Brad wasn't totally comfortable with that just yet either - she told me that he said he wasn't sure he could "perform" with me there. We talked a bit about my apprehension about watching her and she said she totally understood how - given my issues I mentioned about how intimate they are together - that she could see how I might not yet want to see her as she assured me, as she said all along, that if she's going to do it with another guy, that when it happens that she would give him all of herself and that she WOULD enjoy herself. She said that knowing I had a bit of a jealous streak in me years ago, that she did wonder herself how I would be actualy watching her with Brad. So, I suggested that maybe the 3 of us just get together for some drinks one night and see what happens from there - whether I want to join them afterwards or whether it'd be too much. She thought that might work out and she'd let me know this week.

Not much more to tell right now - but thanks to Puller for reminding me to ask Sue about an IUD instead of the diaphragm. I know she has all these concerns from bad-things related to IUD's from back in the 70's and 80's (when she was single and trying out the pill for contraception). That would be very hot if she opted for an IUD - but I also wonder if that would change her behavior at all iin terms of spontanaeity, not having to always be prepared....
Where to start....

Last night she was quite amorous and she enjoyed a good amount of teasing me about how much she is looking forward to being with Brad again after their relatively long hiatus. I did notice that she seemed a bit more aroused than she had over the weekend, etc. so again - I love what the anticipation is doing for her desires with me.

Tonight - she's out shopping - I told her that she might as well go since I know it's my "night off" from her. If I can get rid of the kids such that I can lock the door I may take some time for myself as writing this is getting me more worked up.

She was quite animated tonight - even gently squeezing my cock before she left and saying "your turn tomorrow night". It's so great to see her so aroused and turned on like this. And, as I mentioned - I did sort of miss having some time for myself tonight - to find some stories or videos and let go with some fantasizing.

I did ask her about whether she'd considered an IUD yet. She did surprise me with her answer that she's going to see her doctor in January and talk more about it to ease her concerns - and she did say that if she felt okay about it, that she may consider it - and with a wicked smile on her face she added that "it might be a lot of fun to be able to be spontaneous again".

So - there it is - she'll be off with Brad tomorrow evening and I know she hasn't said it yet - but I expect she'll be late getting home too - something just tells me that. I'm finding that it is easier to accept all of this the more time goes by and it just seems almost normal and I suppose my experiences are getting a bit boring for everyone - or it is just that it's now "routine". It may be so for others, but I am still on the edge of my seat and wicked turned on about it all.

SoonToBe said:
I did ask her whether she'd considered an IUD yet. She did surprise me with her answer that she's going to see her doctor in January and talk more about it to ease her concerns....

It was very gentlemanly to be so tactful re. asking your wife about that. It surprises me she is taking so long to move forward with a better means of birth control. Seems like it would be justifiable for you to gently bring it up from time to time and try to keep moving her forward.

SoonToBe said:
....and she did say if she feels okay about it, she may consider it....

Um.... really—? She will only "consider it"—? Sheesh....

SoonToBe said:
....and with a wicked smile on her face she added, "it might be a lot of fun to be able to be spontaneous again."

Well, for sure. I mean, really....

SoonToBe said:
So - there it is - she'll be off with Brad tomorrow evening and I know she hasn't said it yet - but I expect she'll be late getting home - something just tells me that. I'm finding that it is easier to accept all of this the more time goes by and it just seems almost normal....

Cool.... :cool:

SoonToBe said:
.... I am still on the edge of my seat and wicked turned on about it all.

Awright.... :p

It's well after midnight and I"m still up.

I noticed Custer's last reply and found it possibly condescending (not sure - sorry if it wasn't) - so it got me thinking and as I was reading over some of what I've posted - I'm thinking that - wow, it all sounds so easy - and I guess from how I've written it that's how I felt good about expressing it. But it hasn't all been easy.

In looking back, I've trivialized some of our disagreements and concerned discussions. And I think I've understated a lot of the concerns that Sue did talk about earlier on when things became a bit more serious/regular.

However, as I said, I find it relaxing to focus on the more pleasurable/enjoyable parts of it all and share those thoughts here. It's much the same as I do mentally knowing she's getting her things ready tomorrow morning - I focus on the parts of it that get me aroused and not the part of me that, is still there and probably will be forever, that hurts from what she's doing. For me, despite that I love what she's doing, at the same time, somewhere inside it'll never feel right. Of course the good stuff far outweighs the bad stuff - and that's what I post here - that side of things. Sorry if things always sound optimistic.
Thanks for the update, SoonToBe. Rest assured that your posts are far from boring. I, for one, thoroughly enjoy following along vicariously with you on Sue's Thursday fuck sessions with her lover, Brad.

It would be cool if she switches to an IUD after her appointment in January, and I'm sure Brad will greatly appreciate the increased opportunities it will present for him and Sue to fuck.
Hey SoonToBe,

I will tell you again how much I enjoy your posts. You do an excellent job of describing all the emotions involved for you and your wife. Each segment seems to flow from the last installment.

Your story is so compelling that I have shared it with my wife/mistress. She now will ask me every couple of weeks what is new with you. I am hoping that the honest and open way you post will get her excited again about the possibility of taking a lover.

So, Keep posting as long as you have something to say. Thanks!!
She's just going off to work now - getting her stuff together in the car.
Last night she got back from shopping about 10pm and she asked me if I'd been masturbating while she was out. I don't know why I feel guilty and embarassed even to this day but I nodded yes and she smiled and said that was good because she was beat but got a lot of shopping done. In bed she asked if I was okay about everything still - and I was honest and said - yes and I confessed that I sort of missed it for the last 2 weeks. She smiled and hugged me and said again how she loves me.

This morning - we're back to the same routine including her symbolic gesture of making sure I'm aware of her taking her diaphragm.

I re-read Custers comment on her "considering" an IUD. She has an older sister who had a very bad experience back in the late 70's with her IUD. Sue says that the doctors still don't fully understand how the non-hormonal ones work and the despite everything said about the newest ones, she still has her concerns. Hence her caution. She's explained this a few times to me in the past so I'm quite familiar with her misgivings. That she is willing to go to the doctor and hear about the newest ones is a big step for her so I don't take it lightly. And it is a turn-on that she is considering it again as it. to me, is a sign of her involvement with Brad because prior to this, she wasn't interested in it - hence my comment on spontanaeity which I too hope to benefit by as there are many times when we've been out without her diaphragm when we probably would have messed around if she would have been safe - no doubt that Brad will benefit too. And yes - maybe I'll finally get a true creampie. I have gone down on Sue after she's come home from Brad despite their use of spermicide - but have only enjoyed a little bit of oral sex with her as the spermicide can be quite distasteful.

I did suggest to Sue that she could share more details with me of what she and Brad do together - I'm hopeful she'll indulge me a bit tonight.
Hi Soon To Be, I too agree that your posts are very interesting reading. I have one question, where do Sue and Brad play their games? Thursday’s , Sue leaves home a bit earlier so she gets out of work soonerr. Do they go to a motel, or do they have a room at their place of employment?
Enser - I happened to see your post and had a few minutes to reply before my 3pm meeting I need to be at.

I believe I know the motel that they go to on Thursday's. It's a BestWestern that is sort of near where they work. Sue has said that Brad pays cash for the room (midweek it can't be more that $60-70 and it wouldn't surprise me if Sue throws in some of her own money). It's a pretty cheesy place - but as Sue says, it's quiet when they are there and she says that they try to get a room in the rear so their cars aren't parked out front. As I said, I believe I know the place and it's not like a hotel with an indoor corridor to the rooms - the doors are outside facing the parking lots.

I actually prefer this arrangement for them than them using our minivan (obviously a problem in the winter) or them going to a more busy hotel. The BestWestern would be what we called a "no-tell motel" when we were younger.

As I said, I am trying more and more to put the insecurity I feel on the back burner and, instead, focus myself on the parts that turn me on. At some level I think if you love your spouse, that you (should) always feel some level of remorse (is that the right word) at what she is doing - at some level, if you love her then having her fucking someone else still doesn't feel 100% to me. But when I focus on the sex and how we are afterwards, it is not an issue...

I do fear the day that Brad slips up or that this comes out in the open - but not for Sue - more for Brad for the possible impact on his young family.

Off to my 3pm meeting - I should have some time this evening to continue posting my thoughts.

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