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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #121
Good luck!!

And hey, you're already doing better than most of the wannabes on here. Your wife already cucks you. ;)
  • #122
I think I totally understand where you are at. You have dipped a toe in the water and it feels real nice, but you are afraid to just dive in as it might be too deep.

I'm kind of on a communication kick tonight so I will suggest you have a little pillow talk and tell her how much the idea turns you on, but how you are not sure you want it as a full time diet.

I think you are probably comfortable with using condoms and letting Brad have first shot at her jelly free. (I don't believe you would have changed birth control without the whole Brad adventure.) Start there and wade out into deeper waters as you get comfortable.
  • #123
Tell her that you would really like her to find Joe again - and have him as a regular lover as well as Brad. This would really help her to feel very desirable with two sexy guys giving her romantic attention.

You should definitely continue to wear condoms; and let Brad and Joe ejaculate their sperm inside her love tunnel with the gusto she deserves.

You need to cum straight out and say it. It is true you won't be able to "go back or withdraw what you offer her", but she needs Joe as well as Brad to keep her adequately happy. She has admitted she still thinks of Joe from time to time, and would probably fuck him if he turned up, so give her that gift of getting Joe back if it is possible to find him.

Things are progressing well, it just needs time for her to get to where she ought to be in the lifestyle.
  • #124
Saraha said:
Tell her that you would really like her to find Joe again - and have him as a regular lover as well as Brad. This would really help her to feel very desirable with two sexy guys giving her romantic attention.

You should definitely continue to wear condoms; and let Brad and Joe ejaculate their sperm inside her love tunnel with the gusto she deserves.

You need to cum straight out and say it. It is true you won't be able to "go back or withdraw what you offer her", but she needs Joe as well as Brad to keep her adequately happy. She has admitted she still thinks of Joe from time to time, and would probably fuck him if he turned up, so give her that gift of getting Joe back if it is possible to find him.

Things are progressing well, it just needs time for her to get to where she ought to be in the lifestyle.

By your definition. What's wrong with his current situation? Who decides what a "cuckold" really is? Does he really need to be regarded as an inferior man by his wife to satisfy someone's definition? I suspect you folks won't be happy until he's getting no pussy at all.
  • #125
Cuckolding means different things to different people.
For my wife and me, it means that she is entitled to extramarital sex provided she is open about it, whereas I am not. Other couples, particularly those in a female dominated relationship, feel that the husband must be humiliated and come second to his wife's lovers. To each their own, but when I read about lovers going bareback, I can't help but wonder about possible health hazards.
  • #126
Saraha said:
If a cuckoldress requires her husband to wear a condom, and lets her lovers ride her bareback, then cucky should not rock the boat.

Good quote Saraha!
  • #127
Only have a moment to post right now.

Last night Sue really appreciated my being agreeable to using a condom again. She even had a little fun calling me Bill and playing up "how nice it is to see you again". That really got me going.

I only raised the subject of Joe, her very first boyfriend, in the context of "firsts" having a special place in her. In other teasing and conversation I asked her if Brad was looking forward to the "new you". She blushed and said yes. I wasn't really thinking clearly (or was I) when I said something about him being a reason for the IUD in the first place. Sue told me that she liked the idea after her doctor was so positive about it and then said she surely won't miss the spermicide cream - I smiled at that and said "neither will I".

I did ask her earlier this afternoon how she felt down-there. She smiled and said she was pretty sure everything was better. I then asked her if the 4-days was enough and she said that's what the doctor said and then she added "I hope so".

So - I have maybe 3 more hours to decide. I may not have to reveal my fantasy since I can say I'm worried about the 4-days - or that I want to be sure she's really-okay and ready. So that may buy me another day. However, I will only be putting this off till tomorrow at best.

I'm thinking I may just tell her as Mary's-pet and Susans-slave think I should. I liked the idea of saying it'd be part-time on agreement with both of us or something like that.

All I know is that I have this rock hard boner just typing this.
  • #128
Well - we just finished dinner and she's already hinting around about later and has said "I hope you're ready for later....".

I am sitting here in our home office and I am absolutely rock hard again thinking about what I hope happens later.
  • #130
I"m working from home this morning and had time to post an update.

I"m not sure who may be reading here about last night but with a queasy feeling in my stomach I am, I guess, proud to say that I did it last night.

However,I did leave it up to her. When I got home and over dinner I hinted around about tonight and got clear signs she was still horny and so I asked her both if she was ready and whether she was sure enough time had passed by. I did it sort of in passing conversation, not as the center of what we were talking about and I wasn't even sure if she'd heard me. I know that I was still sort of undecided.

We said goodnight to our son about 10pm and headed up to our bedroom. I won't say there was a tension between us but there was definitely something in the air so to speak. When we got into bed finally and started kissing and stuff she brought it up. She said again "thanks for being so considerate". I was sort of quiet and just kept up the kissing and stuff. I told her it was no big deal and that I just wanted to be sure she was okay and stuff like that.

As we started to get into it a bit more she said something like "...she did say 4 or 5 days...". And I could tell she was sort of tense too so I just asked "what's wrong?" and she just said it was nothing and she was just thinking to herself.

Now maybe it was my mind playing with me but it just seemed to me that she wasn't all there, like her mind was elsewhere. And to be honest, mine was too. I mean she was so wet and ready - and I knew I could just have her just like that - finally again after 14 years since she was on the pill. And yet I also knew that I wanted something else.

So it really came down to those few minutes. This morning I'm looking back and realizing how big that time was last night. And I guess I'm finally okay with accepting that I want to be a cuckold. I think I had ridden the fence a long time - this seemed like it just fell into place and I know that in those few moments last night, I let myself accept what I wanted.

I played hero and said "look, if you're still worried" - it took her a second to understand what I was saying. She then did the whole "I couldn't ask you again, I feel bad enough" speech.

As I said, I now realize that at that moment I knew exactly what I wanted. I think I surprised her by asking about whether she was still keeping Wedesdays to herself and she just nodded and said "hopefully" with this shy questioning look that I could not lie to.

And that was it - I just said 'I'll be okay" and then after a pause, I said it to her. I didn't say it loudly but I said it enough that she heard "it kind of turns-me on if that's what you want tonight".

It took her a moment to think about what I meant - she said "You know it's not like that - it's not that I don't want you". I looked at her and said something like that may be what she's telling herself but I "knew" there was more to it. And that's when I said "That's what turns-me on".

I didn't know if she would realize all of what I had said and implied until she said "you know what you are saying, that Brad..." and I cut her off and just said "yes, I know what it means". Again, maybe it's me but I swear I saw a smile and a look on her face at that moment.

She didn't tease me at all after that. Matter of fact, it was quite a passionate love-making session. Neither of us said anything else about that part of our fucking. No comment about the condom or what I thought was a lot of cum (for me) in it when we were done. Actually, it was just very passionate and very loving. Sometimes I'll be up on my elbows or have my arms fully extended when I'm on top of her but last night, she wanted me close and wrapped herself around me as we both orgasmed. All she said as she got out of bed to get us a washcloth was "Thank you" and "I love you".

And that was it. It's now almost 12 hours later and I am still turned-on and have a wicked hard-on writing this thinking about what I've done. She still hasn't said anything else to me about it. All I can think about is how I'm going to have to keep my hands off her tonight and what a struggle that will be. I am SURE that there will be some more talking tonight.

I feel good that I let it be her choice and that she got the courage and strength up to let herself say it - even if she told herself that wasn't the real reason, I'm okay with that. And I feel good that I finally said what I was thinking and that she was good with that too.
  • #131
One more thought from me.
I was updating a PM to another user here that I've been swapping messages with and I guess I just wanted to add, so everyone who's reading this will know. When I reached down and felt her last night - knowing she was ready to be fucked and knowing how wet she was and that, as I said, it would be a first in like 14 years to do it safely without diaphragm/spermicide.
I guess you can call me a true cuckold for this want and desire - but at that moment, I know it's crazy, but it just seemed to be an incredible rush and turn-on to admit at that moment (to myself) that I wanted Brad to have her first like that.
I think part of me was of the mindset that this is something special and exciting for us both and that - in a strange way, I wanted it to be even more exciting for Sue to have her feel that nervousness - that anxiety - and yes, that desire - to have Brad fuck her first.
I guess in a way I'm hoping that she'll start to want this for herself when she sees and experiences something like this.
Crazy, I know....
  • #133
Yes, indeed I did. Although right now I am having some second thoughts all in all I am happy and quite aroused everytime I think about it.
Sue seemed quite happy this morning. I do hope she is in the mood to talk about it tonight as now that the cat is out of the bag I do want her to tell me how and what she is feeling and thinking - both about what I told her, what she thinks about me and what she thinks about Brad. I"m also very turned on thinking about whag she may tell Brad and what he thinks about it too.

I'm sure I will have time to post later tonight...
  • #134
You need a special hug for letting Brad have first taste of the cherry. It was what Sue wanted, but she was keeping that to herself out of respect for you, her husband.

I still want you to sow the seed in Sue's mind that if she ever runs into Joe again, then she has your blessing to "start up with him again" or have an "anniversary fuck for old times sake".

That would make you number three husband, but the quality of the sex you have with Sue is likely to feel even better when it becomes your turn to slip on a condom.

After you finish having sex with Sue, would you be willing to empty the condom into your mouth and swallow your own sperm to give Sue the thrill of Brad's sperm having a greater claim on her pussy. Is that the kind of gift you would be prepared to give her? I am sure that if you could see inside her heart, you would notice that she would truly want you to do that, even if she is not yet ready to admit it to you.

Can you afford to send Sue to a weekend spa for a pampering so she can feel more ready to give Brad all that he desires of her?

Could you now let Brad buy her a friendship ring that she could wear with pride of her emotional attachment to him? The ring would keep you focused on the equity of your promises to her, and be a constant (and welcome) reminder of your long-held desire for Sue to share her pussy with other guys.
  • #135
Well, it's just about midnight here and Sue's been asleep for a while and I am horny as hell. Reading my own posts were bad enough but then reading Saraha's last post - my cock is like ready to burst.

I have so many different feelings right now, it's almost therapeutic for me to write them down.

It was strangely quiet sex-wise this evening compared to the past few days. A thought came across me that Sue had always said "no" to Wednesday nights because of the whole diaphragm/spermicide stuff she'd have in her for like 48 hours straight if we had sex. So I realized that in what I'd said last night I'd already changed over to accepting Wednesday's new status as just her not wanting me and wanting to be ready for Brad tomorrow night.

That thought stuck with me in that it made me realize that she is starting to want thing sexually for herself and not just for me. What a turn-on to see happening. All night long until the kids were gone I just thought about what I'd set into motion and how she seemed very happy.

Once we were in the bedroom she started the conversation by coming right out and asking me if I was serious what I'd said about last night and being aroused by using a condom with her.

I wasn't really ready for this just then and I sort of tried to find the right words and I finally told her that it wasn't so much the condom that turned me on but it was using it because I was turned on by what it meant would happen - and I said it - "that Brad would have you first".

From there it just went in every direction. She came out and admitted that it too turned her on - both that I wanted it for her - but also that she felt so wild and aroused by her desire to have the first time with Brad. And she made it quite clear - at one point she said something about being surprised that "my first time with just the IUD for protection will be with Brad and that it is also what you want too".

She looked down at one point and saw my cock as it is now - bulging out of my sweatpants and she smiled and asked "is that because of what Brad is going to get and you're not?". Damn - I nearly came just from hearing her say that.

But for as sexy and erotic as she was at some moments, there was one point where I said something about hoping I'm not going to lose you. At that moment, I can't describe the sudden change in her whole persona - from sexy and erotic to dead serious. She held my head and face in her hands and just said how much she loved me and she repeated that her enjoyment depends on mine. She said she appreciated knowing that I am liking all of this and that I'm okay with going further because she did want to - very much so. But she made it clear that if I wasn't happy with this - or better, if I'm not aroused sexually about it - that she would stop wanting it herself as she would never feel right about it otherwise.

You would have to know Sue to understand how serious she was and I simply do not doubt her. I told her as we kissed that this is something we're doing together and as long as we're both enjoying it, that we should go on.

I did not bring up Joe (sorry Saraha) but from what she said to me and from what I've said to her, I no longer question that she would surely have sex with him. My theory on that is that the men who are partners with women when they have their "first times" are ones who earn special consideration in the future.

I know it works that way as, before Sue and I were together I happened to meet up with my old high-school girlfriend - we were each others "firsts" and despite her involvement with another guy - it was effortless for me to get her into bed and into her panties.

Anyway - I'm thinking that Brad will be one of Sue's "firsts" - the first guy to cum in her in 14 years without a diaphragm and spermicide. I'm not sure why that turns me on but it does.

I told Sue I would try to hold off until she gets home tomorrow night - she smiled and said that would be very sweet.

I don't believe Sue likes or enjoys using condoms and we have (and she has) only used them out of necessity which is now taken care of. However, I will admit that in some aspects of my fantasy-ridden mind, a request from her for me to use a condom with her for some sort of reason, if done correctly could be arousing.

The symbolism you seem to equate regarding Brad having greater claim on her pussy I think might be lost on her - but it is an arousing thought, I mean in some ways I am "giving" her to him. But I could only go along with that in the realm of sexual enjoyment and for that moment, not as anything beyond. Nor do I think Sue would want that either despite what you think may be in her heart.

Sue can always go to a spa if she wants, I would have no qualms about that. She could even go on Wednesdays if she wanted.

I think you are projecting a greater emotional attachment between them than there is. At least from what I am seeing and experiencing. But if she truly wanted such a friendship-ring, I don't think I'd care.

At this point, I believe I'm ready to accept whatever she would want. As I said, that she admitted to wanting Brad to be the "first" was incredibly arousing to hear and also clearly said to me that she is wanting things for herself. I'm happy to let her have things for herself as long as we're open with each other and not hiding anything. Since I made this admission to her, I feel as if a weight is off my shoulders and it just seems easier to say "this is what turns me on" and that's it.

That's all I had in my brain for tonight.
  • #136
Wow! I cannot believe the milestones you are achieving and how well Sue is handling them with you. She is one amazing woman!

I look forward to hearing more as Sue "goes further" with this (with you) in the future. You truly are a lucky man!

As to Saraha's post, I don't think I would recommend swallowing your cum out of a condom for her. I think she probably would take this the wrong way. I suggest you let her lead on when, and where from, you swallow any cum. That will probably be Thursday night when she gets home. Enjoy!
  • #137
Yes - I do think it's been a bit more rapid than I would have originally thought. But I just felt that it was the right thing to do I know it sound crazy - and I'm sure the conspiracy folks here like Indy-hubby will read more into it than there is (at least I think so).

I can't really explain it other than it felt good to finally just come out and admit it to Sue what I was thinking. I do think I underestimated her in some ways in her ability to understand me more than I thought.

It just seemed to me like the, almost, perfect situation to encourage. Even this morning as I kissed her when she left for work, she smiled and hugged me and told me how lucky she is. Of course she then added that I "had better be ready for later".
I guess for me for right now it's just something that I did and will just have to live with. To me, knowing what's going to happen later is extremely hot. I had thought today that I would have regrets or second thoughts - but instead I almost feel better about it than yesterday.

The idea that I could make tonight more exciting for us all just seemed like the right thing to do.

I know it seems like this is all happening so easily and almost effortlessly but I think and feel that is much more of Sue's doings than mine. She seems to genuinely understand how this turns me on. I guess that must reflect something positive about how we are together.

Now I'm just hoping the day goes by quickly and that she isn't too late tonight.
  • #139
No conspiracy

SoonToBe said:
Yes - I do think it's been a bit more rapid than I would have originally thought. But I just felt that it was the right thing to do I know it sound crazy - and I'm sure the conspiracy folks here like Indy-hubby will read more into it than there is (at least I think so).

I can't really explain it other than it felt good to finally just come out and admit it to Sue what I was thinking. I do think I underestimated her in some ways in her ability to understand me more than I thought.

It just seemed to me like the, almost, perfect situation to encourage. Even this morning as I kissed her when she left for work, she smiled and hugged me and told me how lucky she is. Of course she then added that I "had better be ready for later".
I guess for me for right now it's just something that I did and will just have to live with. To me, knowing what's going to happen later is extremely hot. I had thought today that I would have regrets or second thoughts - but instead I almost feel better about it than yesterday.

The idea that I could make tonight more exciting for us all just seemed like the right thing to do.

I know it seems like this is all happening so easily and almost effortlessly but I think and feel that is much more of Sue's doings than mine. She seems to genuinely understand how this turns me on. I guess that must reflect something positive about how we are together.

Now I'm just hoping the day goes by quickly and that she isn't too late tonight.

No conspiracy. I just have seen that more often than not, the wife who plays without hubby present moves her emotional bonds to the new guy. That leads to hubby being history.

You are now making it easy for her to make that emotional move.
  • #140
Women have many buttons that need to be pushed. Hubby does not usually find them all. Imagine what happens when a lover discovers them and the wife feels sensations she has never felt before - her husband turns into a cuck overnight. The best bull holds the rudder of the marriage.

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