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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #181
It is a rainy Friday evening and Sue is waiting for me in the bedroom.

Last night was sort of poignant in that we both admitted to each other that we missed her being with Brad. We got one of her 'toys" out and I had some fun giving her pussy a bit of a workout before I took my turn - or so we 'pretended'.

And regarding the 2 "stories" posted earlier where the wife wants her lover over her husband - those 2 did sound very hot but they are different circumstances than Sue and I being together without Brad and her saying then that she wants him. That I don;t know I would find arousing but the 2 stories - they do sound quite good. One day I do hope to possibly be in that situation but I do not see it happening with Brad as the dynamics for it to be the 3 of us simply don't seem to be there.

She hasn;t really talked much about her plans for next week but I am sure we will over the weekend. Tonight we are both on the tired side so I suspect it will be an early night.

Thank you all for your kind updates and opinions. I may have not said it before but I do appreciate the thoughts and desires that you have all conveyed.

G'night all....
  • #182

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
Custer, thanks for the guidance. I edit to correct such nicities as I catch. It may be easier to continue the bold text comments unless folks find the method too, too, whatever (the style, not the comments).

You're welcome. I usually feel like using bold-face type or all caps gives others the impression one is shouting at them.... sort of like, you suspect the forum is skeptical of what you're saying, so you'll say it really loud — that oughta' convince 'em. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

  • #183
You don't talk much of Brads wife. Do you think Brad fucks her rough like he does fuck Sue or does Sue make him more agressive because of her sexiness or as his role as fucking another mans wife?
  • #184
I was going to let this lie but....

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
You're assuming. I've been in the lifestyle since 1981 and have seen lots of hotwife, cuckold, cheating, and swinging situations.

It's nice to read how you got your cuckold merit badge, and it's a relevant cautionary tale, but don't assume others know less or that they don't care about this couple's marriage and happiness. Don't assume that you see into other posters' hearts and minds. Don't assume other posters are carless of his marriage for the sake of their own secondhand excitement.

I went back over my posts and I can't any where I attacked you in any way. I don't see even a place where I refer to you directly. If fact, you're so new here, I doubt if many here, as of yet, even see you anything more than a newbie who likes to talk a lot.

Where you get off with your sarcasm and defensiveness, given you were never targeted? Maybe you ought to do a bit of archive reading. My message as been constant: long before Soon even began his first thread. If I thought what you had to say was over way the top, I would not hesitate to address it. Usually however, I do that in a private message.

You are only one voice in a crowd. And although you have posted quite a bit since you joined in Jan, you have not yet established for yourself a reputation or a presence worth noting. You have not yet written anything egregious enough to put you on my ignore list or profound enough to look forward to your posts.

My message is... Get over yourself. It wasn't, and isn't, about you.

Soon.... sorry to clutter your thread with this... I tried to ignore it but couldn't. I'm done now and will now leave it alone.
  • #186

don't forget your place. Maybee you 2 need a chastity devise! Maybee we should talk to your boss (wife).
  • #187
Reader - I have no idea what you're talking about - perhaps you should read more before you post something that doesn't relate.

Loveslife - it's okay - I don't mind Lover51's posts - the were somewhat related but not directly as we haven't been in the situations where what he conveyed would happen.

I only have a few minutes this morning - the weekend was busier than I'd anticipated. We did do a lot of talking - Sue seemed somewhat reserved on Saturday until I told her that I was really okay with my decision and what she wanted. I told her that I believed what she'd said about us and that with that in mind, I wanted her to have the experience she wants (well, not in those words exactly but that was what I conveyed).

I think not being with him this past Thursday may now be getting to her as I don't think she realized herself how much her time with Brad had become part of our sexual relationship. She asked me if I was excited at all about what she was going to be doing and my hard-on gave her my answer. I told her that knowing she really wanted him was all I needed to feel okay about it (well, that plus what she'd said about us) and that if she really felt the need to give herself to him all night long - then that was okay by me. At one point I told her that just thinking of them together all night - sleeping, fucking, waking, showering, eating - that knowing she'd be his all night was a thrill for me.

Hearing that seemed to allow her to relax and express herself a bit. She told me that she feels like she's going to her high-school senior prom all over again. How she's going to be going out for a night of fun and romance and how she'll then spend the night with him.

I told her that of course I still had misgiving and such, but that it was much like Wednesday nights for me - in that it was such a turn-on that I actually find myself WANTING her to do it now. Somehow knowing when she leaves Friday morning that she won't be back till Saturday is just incredibly arousing for me.

I think I've decided to start a new thread at the end of the week rather than continue this one. Until then, I'll continue to post my thoughts and desires here as it still feels very good to let them out somewhere.
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  • #189
Not sure that you understood my post. You have been in the same situation every week if I understand your posts. The boyfriend wasn't there with us, only in her mind.

Love your threads, brings me a mix of envy and memories. ;)
  • #190
Oh!!!! Yes, I had mis-interpreted your posts as having been real with her lover being there.

With my new understanding - they are situations that I would most definitely enjoy. Up to now we have not strayed - beyond her desires on Wednesdays - to expressing a preference or desire for Brad over me. I mean we have talked many times over how she feels with him and at times she's teased me about him "being deeper" in her or him cumming more in her than I do. But we have not yet toyed with the fantasy of me "moving aside" so Brad can have her. But it is arousing and I may try it out with her this week. I am already expecting to be told to wait on Thursday night and she's teased that she does want to be really horny so in my mind she may yet again ask me to leave her alone on Wednesday night. Just the thought of her wanting 2 days of desire is intense to think about.
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  • #191
very hot

SoonToBe said:
...I am already expecting to be told to wait on Thursday night and she's teased that she does want to be really horny so in my mind she may yet again ask me to leave her alone on Wednesday night. Just the thought of her wanting 2 days of desire is intense to think about.

Wow! If she witholds her body from you for both Wednesday and Thursday night in anticipation of her lover, that's sooo fucking hot! Very exciting!

If I were in your position, I'd want her to ask that of me. It'd be sooo sexy.
Let us know what develops and what y'all talk about, please.
  • #192
SoonToBe, I notice that you are using Sue's name less often, and instead referring to her as "she" more and more. (She is a Princess to Brad).

Seems to be a trend as you are slowly handing her over to her lover (for his ownership), and she is "becoming less of a wife to the exclusion of all others".

Her mind has been programmed to "stick by you in the security of marriage", so she can wake up beside Brad in the mornings with her "garden" full of his sperm. She needs that to happen, she DESERVES it, and of course you will make sure it happens NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. (thankyou nice man).

I don't think that either you or Sue could back out on cucking now, because you have gone too far along the road. Sue is besotted by Brad and I am so pleased she is.....and so pleased you gave her that gift from your heart's desires. You are a gentleman in all ways, even if no one else has told you.

Does Brad have the keys to your door? So he can let himself into your bedroom at night and slip in beside Sue and screw her while you listen to his "lovemaking techniques" ? Must be nights that could happen. He could be a possum in the night who slips in and out in a few minutes to "wet her slopes" before you roll over and have a lick at what he has left behind 4u.
  • #193
Saraha - I have to hand it to you - you do know how to push the envelope and reach for such extremes - yet at the same time underneath there is a certain level of knowledge.

I think you are reading far too much into my use of 'she' instead of 'Sue'. It is not intentional and I don't think I believe what you are implying is true.

I do love that I am confident now in letting Sue have her time and fulfill her desires. As Friday approaches I am more eager to have it get here and let me experience more. In my mind it sounds crazy but it is true - I want her to have a blast (I didn't intend that pun).

Then you throw in the extreme fantasy of Brad sneaking in and fucking Sue as I sleep next to her! Something all but impossible to consider - but in going along with Lover51's stories - an arousing thought. But it could never happen - not with my kids at home. But then again, that doesn't mean never....

Sue has hinted again that she may want Wednesday and Thursday for herself. I told her that if it was what she wanted that I would be okay. She asked me if it was something that I wanted. I was scared to tell her yes but I suspect she knows that it does turn me on to think about.

Sue also said that she is trying to write me that sexy Email she promised but that she just can't come up with how to say things but that she wanted to send me something "for Friday".

Oh well, back to work...
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  • #194
While you don't necessarily agree with other peoples views, I think it's great that you don't totally dismiss anyone's opinion. You are able to separate the fantasy from your marriage's reality. The fantasy that others have suggested can be provocative and interesting while not being something you or your wife would necessarily try. But it does make for some erotic dreams.

You and your wife seem to have a good grip on your feelings and what's important to your marriage. It's the respect you have for one another that seems to make your cuckold relationship work. Keep up the good work and enjoy what you have with Sue. Just remember to be careful concerning Brad's family.

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  • #195
Tied - thank you for the compliments. It's one of the reasons I post her - to hear a range of opinions and responses. Believe me - I have, in my own way, brought up many of the issues with Sue that people have raised here. In many ways it was this feedback here that gave me courage to open up and ask her things directly and many of the concerns that others here expressed have led me to ask many questions of her.

With regards to Brads family - I have many times asked and expressed concern that if things got out in any way that Sue would be viewed as a slut, a cheat and a "marriage wrecker" and I told her that we would not want the world to know this. She has repeatedly told me that Brad is very careful (even to the point of answering his cell phone at times with Sue being quiet while he talks). I told her that I am even more concerned about Friday but again she assured me he'd taken the proper precautions. All I can do is ask.

Posting here and reading the others that also post here has helped me a lot. Even in what are obviously fantasy posts - there are elements of truth and desires. When I read them I know that there are many people who fantasize in the same way that I (and now Sue) also do. It's reassuring to know that the fact that we have elected to try out some of this for real is much more mainstream than I had expected.

As I've said, it is much easier for me to both accept and truly enjoy Sue having sex with others.
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  • #196
Well - I didn't know what to expect last night and I was pleasantly surprised when Sue genuinely wanted to "make love" and not just fuck.

We didn't talk about Brad but I know I felt aroused thinking about the next few days and I didn't ask Sue but I suspect that her thoughts may have also fueled her passion last night.

We felt so close to each other at points that it totally wiped any worries I have of her with Brad out of my mind. There is just a connection you feel with your wife at certain things that leaves no doubt. I definitely felt it and so did Sue judging from how she too responded.

Afterwards she did ask me if I minded not having sex with her tonight and tomorrow. I gave her a pained look and she said, "how about if I just take care of you?" - which usually means she will give me a blow-job - my smile at that answered her question.

Gotta run to an 11am meeting.
  • #198
So - that's it. I'm sitting here totally wired and awake and all I can think about is her in there sleeping away as if tomorrow is nothing. Maybe it is - I hope it is, but right now, it's all I can think of.

She did give me one heck of a blow-job last night. It's rare that she wants to do it - she'd usually just rather fuck, so that was a nice change.

Tonight, nothing. I knew from what pajamas she had on that she was keeping to her decision. I guess as I thought about it, it sank in more that she did that last night for Brad too. It sounds crazy but I swear it just turned me on even more to think about it. She really wants this tomorrow and though I'm really torn up if I think about it too much, on the other hand, damn if I'm not totally horny just the same.

Pretty f'ed up feeling. I'm thinking about tomorrow night at this same time being alone here and knowing what she's doing.

We did talk a little about tomorrow and she said that she was sure I would be okay afterwards and she asked me what I was thinking. I told her honestly that on one hand I am concerned and not all that comfortable, that on the other hand I am wicked turned on and that she needs to tell me about it when she gets back. And that was when she told me that she'd been writing "for days" as she put it and that she was going to leave me this long note that is more like a book. I sort of joked back that I'd have a lot of time to read it and she gave me that same giggle.

She turned the TV off after Leno's monologue and told me to either go to sleep or go in the other room. So here I am.
  • #199
Hopefully you will share her next e-mail with us. The last one was incredibly hot.

I do suggest that you refrain from masturbation during the time that she is out. I have found that being horny keeps me in the right frame of mind, and that all my negative emotions come to the fore after release. Also, she will expect you to be crazy with desire for her when she comes home and you do want to make her happy!
  • #200
Best of luck with everything today (and most especially tonight) SoonToBe.

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