SoonToBe said:
"Harry - going back to that point in what I posted about, ..... I didn't need to be there to know what I was missing seeing and as I said, it was the vision of how they were together without me there that really struck me. Seeing her respond truly on her own and seeing how he treated her when I wasn't there, while it was somewhat disturbing as I am now understanding my own responses better, but it was also profoundly exciting and arousing." Sorry if that isn't as accurate as you'd like Harry."
There is an old 'Truism' that has been 'handed down to me' that says: "I know you believe you understand what you think I said [wrote] but, I am not sure you realize that what you heard [read] is not what i meant."
Now that is supposed to be self explanatory, perhaps it is. I think It explains, what I am getting at. (I replaced "said" with wrote, and "heard" with read),
Steve, I am not looking for accuracy. To attain that I would have to be standing next to you so close that I would see, and hear exactly what you see and hear. And even if that were possible, I would still record the "vision" differently than you. Because my mind would have recorded it differently.
You have a Cuckold mindset. You are writing on a cuckold website. What I am saying is that those two things, among others, have an influence on how you mentally record each event you witness, and therefore how you describe it in this journal.
That is true whether you want it to be or not.
That is true, whether your "vision" is reality -or- fantasy
The bottom line is that you write it, then We read it. And we perceive what we read by another 'mindset' that is uniquely ours.
I have long ago quit being critical of what you are doing, so what I wrote is no judgement of who, or what you are.
I no longer live "vicariously" through your writings. I read, 1.because it's entertaining, and 2.because I'm curious to know what happens in the last chapter.
This is all I expect to say on this issue. You of course can answer. I just don't want to burden you with the need to explain every detail.
Cheers, Harry