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GF finally going on dates!!!

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LeNguyen said:
jet2112: Man! Like I was hearing my own thoughts! I totally understand what you're talking about, the same, exactly the same thing happened with me...

mattcrowe25m: Just listen to the "jet2112", I know it will be a very very hard time for you, but in the end, u will be able to figure out which way u wanna go - are u able to be with u gf while she is seeing others or u won't stand the situation and at last u will have to walk away... Just try to be patient, get to know yourself more... Wish u good luck man!
Thanks Len,

I am trying to be patient through it all.
Talked with Jill

I had lunch with my friend Jill who dated Terrell in college. She called me up to go. I knew I could use a little break from everything. Turns out it was the opposite.

We ate and chatted for a while. Then she said I know what is going on with you and Tina. I was like we broke up. She said I am friends with a girl in her study group. She told me and I have talked with Jenn. I just looked like a dear in the headlights. She said first, I want to say you are a really cool guy and Tina is lucky to have you.

She said Jenn had told her things were kinda hard on me she thought. I just spilled everything to her. We were kinda close and I needed an outlet.

She moved over closer and said that everything would be ok. She reminded me that we had both went through this phase. I said ya I know. She said you just have to remember it is just sex. I said ya, but I think it is different with Terrell. She said ya that was what she had heard. I asked for more. She said Jenn had told her what had happened between them and that she was worried about things going the opposite way than she wanted. I said ya we kinda talked about that.

She said she had also talked with Terrell the other night and that was why she wanted to see me. She said they still talk a lot and he mentioned Tina a lot lately. She said last night he mentioned that he wanted things to get more serious with Tina. I felt like my heart would explode.

She said he wants her to move in and he had got her a ring. Not an engagement ring but a promise ring. She has one from me, but doesn't wear it when out with him or others. I got choked up and she said don't Matt. She said I don't think Tina will take it. Jenn knows she loves you so much. I said what can I do. She said nothing now. He is going to ask her on the trip.

I just looked at the floor. She said look it will all be ok. I said thanks but you don't know that. She said no I don't but if it is meant to be it will. I asked her what Jenn thought she said I should talk to her. I could tell the answer though. She said Jenn wanted to run all this by me before she got back. She is going to call and talk to me astsome point about his also.

She said she was sorry to be the barer of bad news. I said it was ok.

We talked for a while longer and for the first time, I am starting to be better with all this. Not into it, but have better feelings about the sex stuff. The moving it with Terrell scares the crap out of me.

I really need you guys to give some advice here.
Hope you like

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Man, she's hot!!

She'd be drop dead gorgeous with a black dick in her mouth.
Spring break update

I went over to Jenn's yesterday to get some of Tina's things she had brought back. We talked for a while. Some good and bad came from it all.

She said Tina had gotten her belly button pierced. I said really. She said ya. Then she handed me a cd with all their pictures on them She said there was a few pictures of it on there. I did look at the pictures when I got home and that definitely didn't help. Nothing worse than her kissing guys. But it still hurt.

I asked her why they got them. She said Tina had done it for me. I had told her before I thought they were hot. That made me really happy. But, that wasn't all I wanted to know obviously.

She said they had a lot of fun and got a lot of sun. She pulled back her shirt and showed me how much she had gotten. She was really tan. She showed me her belly ring also. It was just a pretty basic loop. She said that they both are going shopping for belly rings when she gets back with Terrell.

I bought her two new belly button rings off the Internet. The were kinda cheap, but I liked them. I will try and post a picture of them. I didn't get the one with the initial T on it.

She then told me she had talked to Tina that morning. She said that is part of the reason I wanted you to come over. My heart sank big time. She said Terrell asked her to move it. I just looked at her. She said Tina said yes and he asked her to marry him and she said yes again. I just started to shake and she started laughing. I was pissed. She said I am just kidding with you.

I said why would you do that. She said she was sorry. She said he did ask her to move in, She said no. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS Is what I was thinking. Tina apparently told him she really likes him but that is way to fast. He said he understood but that he really liked her. He also wanted her to stop seeing other guys and get more serious. She said no. Again very happy here. Tina told him she had had two serious relationships and wanted to enjoy college life for right now. He said he understood and then gave her a ring. Jenn said she took it. I was like what kind of ring.

She said it is similar to the one I had given her. She said he told her it was to let her know he was serious about her and that he wanted her to stop wearing the ring I had given her. He doesn't know that I know or that we are still together. Jenn said Tina took it and is wearing it. She said don't let it bother you. She did make a point that it does look odd for her to wear it if we are suppose to be broken up.

She said they kinda had a little argument before he asked her this. He knew about some of the things Tina had done with Jenn the first part of the week. He is friends with some of the people that had went with them. Jenn didn't tell me what they did.

Jenn then dropped the bomb on me and said they both said they loved each other to each other. We say it all the time to each other and that made this even more confusing. Jenn said she asked Tina and she said she was kinda confused about it. She told Jenn she had never liked two guys at once. That really hurt and confused me with the other things she had said no to with him.

Jenn then said he wanted Tina to think about his offer and then let him know if she changes her mind. He said that wouldn't be the last time he asked her. I asked her what Tina said. She said well she is confused about how she feels and where this is all going. I said does she want to move in with him. She said kinda, but she doesn't want to lose you. Jenn said if I wasn't around she said she was sure Tina would. I was floored.

Jenn said she was sorry that she didn't want this to break us up. She also said she still didn't think it would. She said she wanted me to know this so I would know what to say. The thing is I don't. I asked Jenn what she though would happen if I asked Tina to stop all this. She said they had talked about it and she said she would probably leave me. I just sat there like a log. She said I don't think that is where you should try and take this. She said Tina had even said though the last night that she was kinda getting tired of living the college life. I was happy but still very confused.

Jenn said Tina was going to try and call me tonight.

I hope all of you will help out here. I haven't gotten that much feed back lately and that is why I am posting all this. Please help!!!


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Dude, I really hate to have to be the one to tell you this... but your goose is already cooked. I don't see any way you come out of this with your relationship intact.
I agree...

When you girlfriend or wife sees other guys without you present, you risk losing her.

I've been at this since 1974. I've seen a lot of relationships end. Most begin with her seeing other guys without her husband/boyfriend present.

When you're not there, it grossly enhances the chances that you'll be totally out of the picture.
Indy Hubby said:
When you girlfriend or wife sees other guys without you present, you risk losing her.

I've been at this since 1974. I've seen a lot of relationships end. Most begin with her seeing other guys without her husband/boyfriend present.

When you're not there, it grossly enhances the chances that you'll be totally out of the picture.
Indy Hubby,

Thanks for the post. I have to believe it will not end. I couldn't stand seeing them together like that. Lets hope this experience will be different.

thanks for the post.
Coming home early

Tina finally called today. She texted me last night to say she couldn't talk yet. Come to find out they had went to a club and were still there late. She got away to the beach area when Terrell ran into town for groceries. She was sorry she hadn't called more. She asked me how my week plus had been and I said ok. Went out with the guys and got caught up on work.

She said the trip had been fun. She said they had drank almost every night and she was sick of that. I asked her how wild she had been and she said not to bad. She said we can talk now if you want. I said ok.

She said she had made it with a few guys all multiple times. She said the first night they hit a club and got to know the owner. He actually lives near us here. She said she did it in his office a few times on the trip. She said he also wants to hook up with her when she is back in town. He stays here near us for most of the year. Has businesses all around apparently. He is also in his late 30s. That seemed weird but so does all of this to me. He is also the one they got their piercings from. He owns a tatoo place down there. She said that was the big surprise Jenn had for her. I was kinda glad to here that.

She said she had hooked up with the black guy from school again. Not Terrell. But he didn't stay down there long.

Then she shocked me. She said her ex, who she lived with before me, was down there. She said they had hooked up a lot. I was pissed that Jenn had not told me. She said it was just sex that she doesn't love him. But it still hurt. Also she said that they didn't use a condom which pissed me off even more. The other guys did with her though. She said that was all the ones she was with except Terrell of course.

She then told me about their conversation. She said things were weird at first when he found out she was with her ex and stuff. She told me she told him no to moving in, but had his ring. I told her i understood not wearing mine because of her dating him. She said thanks for understanding. She also said they had worked things out in the last few days. She said they were going to fly back tonight because his dad needed him to take care of some things. So she should be here before I leave for work tomorrow.

She said she still had a lot to talk about. I said ya we kinda do. She asked me if I was ok with everything and I said ya mostly. She said what is wrong. I said we could talk about it later. She said no she couldn't stand not knowing till then. I said her moving in with him would have bothered me. She said she told him no. I said but do you want to. She said no. She said I just want to have fun with him not a long term relationship. That made me feel a lot better.

I would love to hear all of your feedback on what to do next.
Two or three day escape

Matt: Tell Tina that she still has two or three days left of her spring break, and you would like to take that time to get away somewhere with her for some quality time (just the two of you) without any interruptions.
man i've been reading the whole time and i gotta say...

your girl is a slut. she slept with TONS of guys on this trip. seems like she jsut wants to fuck everything. and isnt she 21? what do you think shes just gonna be like "ok i've had enough sex" and go back to you? things will never be normal.

dude not all girls are sluts. and falling in love with one and letting her fuck you around like this is gonna end badly for you. look at when you started compared to now. now she fucks black guys.. and lots of other random guys... everywhere... she doesnt do any of that stuff with you.

your done, stick a fork in it, move on.

ps. she looks very attractive, good job.

oh and you should read the other post on this site by engine9.... his girl is engaged and she still fucks around on the guy.
Guildford said:
Matt: Tell Tina that she still has two or three days left of her spring break, and you would like to take that time to get away somewhere with her for some quality time (just the two of you) without any interruptions.
I wanted to do that this weekend but things are really shaky right now. I will try to post later.
This week

This week

Things were great to start the week. She came in and I was asleep. She crawled in to bed with me. I woke up and had about an hour to go till I had to be at work. We talked and discussed a little about the weekend. She said she loved me and we just held each other mostly. She slept the whole day.

I got home and she had cooked. We ate to candle light and talked. She told me everything that went on or so I thought. She said Terrell's dad had ask them to come up friday and stay the weekend for easter. She said they are going up there. She asked if I was ok with it and I said ya. She also said she might want Terrell to stay over since she liked having him in her bed. I was totally shocked by this but said it is up to you who you have over.

She also told me that the thing with her ex was just sex. That she only loved me. That made me feel little better about that. We went out after dinner and we shopped for some clothes. Mostly for her. She said she wanted to get some lingerie just for me. I was pumped about that. She got this really cute outfit from the secret. It was pink and comfortable for her. She said she could almost wear it out. It is very short though. I found two picks of it on line.

Also got her a new belly ring. Terrell had gotten her a few to. You guessed it. The one with a T on it. Looks little different than the one I posted but the same idea. I wasn't really happy about that. She also had his ring on. It looks like an engagement ring. She said it was fake diamond. Still the thought was there I thought. She has it on all the time.

We got home late that night and she modeled what she had bought. Kinda a ritual with her. I did notice a few old bite marks and stuff. She was also bruised between the thighs. I asked her if it hurt. She got really red and said no.

She got on her lingerie and we went to bed. I tried to get something going but she said she was still exhausted. She said lets wait till tomorrow night.

I got up the next morning and let her sleep. I was really happy having her back home in my bed again. Needless to say the day went to hell from there.

I will try and post that later. I have a few things to do right now sorry.


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It gets bad

This week part 2

Tuesday I went home for lunch and found Tina crying hard in the floor. She had a piece of paper in her hand and said she found it while doing some of our laundry. I usually do the laundry and was surprised and still didn't realize what she was mad about. Then she said I found your girl friends phone number. I knew then what it was. She said is it the Karen from work. I said yes.

Here is what it was all about. When I went out with the guys, Karen, a girl from work who has liked me for a while, was at the bar we went to. She wound up hanging on me and the guys got her to kiss on me because I was down about everything. I don't like her and never called her. Didn't really give it any thought. But, Tina has always hated her because she likes me and flirts a lot.

Tina had found the number and called Candy. Candy had found out about it from a friend and told her about the kissing. I told Tina it was nothing. She said all you would have had to do is tell me. You said you didn't want to do anything with anyone except me. She really wasn't mad that I had done it, but that I didn't tell her up front and who it was with. She got madder at me as the discussion went along. She then started getting evil.

She said she hadn't been honest either. She said she loved Terrell and wanted to move in with him. She said she also still loves her ex. She said she didn't love me and about everything else that she thought would hurt me. I couldn't get her to stop. I tried talking to her but she said to get away from her and went to her room. I went back to work.

All I could think about was the argument. I tried to call Jenn but no answer. I got home and Tina was getting ready to go out. I said I was sorry and she said I don't want to hear it. I tried talking to her while she got ready. She even made me get out when she was getting dressed. I went to the living room to wait on her. Then a knock at the door and she yelled to get it. I went and her ex Brandon was at the door. He looked as shocked as I did. He asked if Tina was there I said ya. He said I thought you moved out. I said no and then Tina came out and said She was about to move out not me. I was crushed. She said she would be back late. Then left.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I had a few beers and got a bite to eat and went to bed. Around midnight I heard her come in and went out. I saw them both at the door and went back in. I waited for him to leave and her to come into my room. After about 20 minutes I turned my tv off to see if I could hear if he had left. Needless to say he was there and I wanted to vomit. They were in her room going at it. I turned the tv back on real quick. I got sick and thought i would vomit. I tried to sleep but couldn't.

I finally went to sleep after I heard one of them go to pee. I woke up twice and heard them going at it again. I was sad and pissed. The next morning I got ready for work and then was eating breakfast. Brandon came out and I just looked at my cereal. He said hey sorry. I said its ok. He said I know you liked her. I said ya well we are broke up. He was about to leave and Tina came out topless. Saw me and covered up. She kissed him and said she would see him tonight. She opened the door and kissed him and dropped the love you bomb. She then went to her room as he left.

I was mad and just left for work. I finally got Jenn on the phone and she said she didn't want to talk to a cheating bastard and she hoped I liked what I got last night. I tried to explain, but she didn't want to hear it. She hung up on me.

I still emailed her all that happened. Not that it helped.

I got home Wednesday evening and she was getting ready again. She said she still didn't want to talk. The same went down. I finally left when they came back in. I got my clothes and went to a friends house. I just said I need to crash for a night.

Thursday I went home for lunch and Terrell was there. I just went to my room after getting my lunch together. While I was getting it ready she told him to come on to her room and help her with something and giggled. I was eating and then they started. She was being extra loud. I just started to cry and left. Threw up in the parking lot and then drove to work. I went home that night and they were still there. She had on the lingerie I had bought her. I went to my friends and came home this morning. They were fucking again and finished up. She walked him out and told him to be careful and she loved him.. She just stared and me and said she hated me and started to cry.

I tried to talk to her but she said to just leave her alone. She packed some clothes and Terrell came back to get her little later.

Even after all this I still love her. I know I am probably stupid, but don't know what to do.

I am posting a picture of Tina, Jenn, and her ex from this week.

I don't know what to do. Please help.


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Son - If any of this is real, you're a fucking idiot. You're not in love with this bitch. You're in love with the pain. If that's what you get off on, then just admit it to yourself and wallow. If you don't dig the pain, then get as far away from that hurtful bitch as you can, and as I told you once before, don't fuck with things you don't know about. This lifestyle isn't for everyone... it's for those that enjoy it. And by the way - it takes two.

we've all told you what to do... drop the skank and move on with your life... i swear. if this shit is actually real, which i doubt it is, then what the fuck is the matter with you?
IF this is real it is time to shit or got off the pot. I mean, either be her sissy cuck maid or get away from her. If you like having her black fucked, then marry her and baby sit for the black babies she will give you.

If this really sickens you, get away from her. Either way, you need to be the master of your destiny and make up your mind. She is a slut for blacks, if you like it stick around, if not dump her ass now
man if this is real, it was so obvoius you were gonna get hurt. you should end it with her completely and kick her ass out! shes just gonna keep bringing guys there to fuck cuz shes an ACTUAL slut... and to make you upset.

like a band aid! right off!!!
  • #100
Matt: I have enjoyed your posts. I believe you, no one would make up something this goofy.

Here is my advice, its free and worth every penny of it. On Monday night you should have insisted on sex, she may have been sore and tired, but one more roll in the hay would not hurt her. She assumed that you had been celibate for two weeks and should have been horny. Then she found the note in your pants and heard the story about you kissing at the bar. Forget about denying what happened, she will never believe you (not after what she has been doing). Based upon your account, I suspect she likes forceful men, try to be a little more demanding and forceful yourself.

Also, if and when she calms down, tell her that you cannot survive on "after thought sex." Most of your sex seems to be after she has had a night of sex with someone else and your sex is more charity. Tell her you need an occasional weekend with her for fun and lust. She can just tell her friends that she is going away for the weekend without any details, doesn't she want to be known as a free spirit?

Tina should marry you. Her other boyfriends may enjoy a night or weekend with her, but none of them would put up with what you are going through.

Finally, there is an old adage that applies to you: be careful what you pray for, you just might get it. Has it occured to you that she might marry you some day, and then decide that she has had enough sex for one lifetime and the two of you can be celibate. I do see one hope for you: when you I die I am sure that the Catholic Church will canonize you and make you the patron saint for unrequited lovers.

Good luck, and think long and hard about what you want.

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