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GF finally going on dates!!!

  • Thread startermattcrowe25m
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DomBullxxx said:
We're with you guy. I hope she is having a good time. You can tell by what a person writes as to whether or not the story is real. Anyone who has just started into the lifestyle for real, has so many issues to resolve. A fantasy is one thing, but when you get down to seeing and/or knowing your mate is fucking someone else it is always a confusing thing to sort out. At least at first it is. That part goes away over time, or you'll get out of the lifestyle eventually. Some people can learn to love it and unfortunately some can't overcome their fears and emotions. Be true to yourself. Talk to you later. PM me if you need anything.
Thank you so much for the reply. I am hopeing this all gets easier and that she will get it out of her system. I am glad to see someone taking the time to respond. Although I am long winded in the post.
My friend Jill called

Jill my friend who dated Terrell called me back. We chatted for a bit and I was like hey. I have a friend that likes Terrell and I told her I knew you had dated him. She said you are totally bust. I was like what. She said I ran into your EX and Terrell Saturday night. I thought crap. I got quite and she was like it is ok I know you dated for a while. Took me a while to realize who she was though.

Apparently the dinner she was at was for their frat. Her fiance was in the same frat as Terrell.

She said while her fiance was talking to Terrell they chatted a while. She asked me what had happened and I said it was a long story. She said she knew the truth. I was floored. She said Tina told her. I didnt say a word. So did you have some one else that you wanted to go out with. She said I thought you were really into her. I said what do you mean. She said Tina said that you wanted to see other people about two weeks ago. I was like ya no. It had no one in particular.

She said well at least she found some one, but I am guessing you want her back. I was still quite. She said men are all alike. You want what you dont have. That hit a little hard.

I said ya I guess so. She then said and now you want her back. I said kinda. Was just wanting to know what she was up to and found out she had went out with your ex. Ya Terrell is a good guy. Did you know she was into black guys. I said no I think he is the first black guy she has dated. She said he is a good choice because the is a white guy in a black mans body. I kinda laughed. She said he was really good to her when they dated.

She asked me how long they had been dating and I said I was not sure. She said she knew it was just her second date but didn't know when it started. I acted like I didnt either. She said Tina really seemed to like him. I was like really. She said ya. They were holding hands when she first saw them. I was little hurt and didnt know what to say.

She asked if I was ok. I said ya just little shocked. She said well it was your own fault. You wanted to see other girls. Again that hurt.

I said I guess you are right. She said well good luck with it. I was like ok. So you think I have a chance to get her back. She said I don;t know. Most guys I would say ya but he is a great guy. She said if she hadnt met her fiance she would still be with him.Yes that totally worries me I thought.

She said he is a good all around guy. I said ya I remembered some of your jokes. She said ya sorry about that. I didnt know he would be dating my ex. I said it was ok.

That was pretty much all that was said. I didn't know what more to say. We are friends but didnt think this fell under the category to talk about.
No Calllllll

I sent a text to Tina and haven't heard anything back. Over fifteen minutes. I just asked if everything was going good and if she was going to call soon that I was about to turn in. Not true but wanted to hear from her.

Now my mind is really racing.
She called

She called about 30 minutes later. Said sorry she didnt here the phone. She said she didnt have long and had to tell me something. I was said what. I ran into some people we know. I said really, who. Didnt want her to know i had talked to my friend.

She said a friend of yours from school and a receptionist from work that she works with. She said I am sorry but I had to tell them something. I said what. I told them we broke up. She said I hope you are not mad. I said no. She said thanks and she loved me. She then said she had to get back. I asked if she was going to be home tonight. She said would you be made if I said no. My heart dropped. I said of course not we talked about that. She said ok and said she actually didnt know yet. She promised to call back later.
She is staying

She called and said she didnt have long but that he wanted her to stay till tomorrow. I said nothing. She said is that ok. I stumbled and said ya. He walked in and asked her something I was like what is that. She said she had to go but we would talk tomorrow. I asked what time she would be home and said not sure. She would call probably.
The tough part...

yeah, this is where it gets tougher dude. She starts spending the night away. Yor heart churns all night thinking about it...what they're doing....are they fucking right this instant? Is his cock in her mouth right now? Is he wearing a condom?
Facts: Nothing you do right now, including going and begging her to stop what she is doing and return to you, is going to matter. She has told others you broke up, freeing her to do watever she wants, in front of anyone, anywhere. Soon though, she will start to see through the frat life bullshit, through the player-guy lies, through the scorecard sex scene. She will long for your comforting embrace. The trust you two have established.
But in the meantime, you have to face the fact, the very erotic fact, that your cute little friend is going to have a long, thick, black dick pumping in and out of her pink pussy. She will put her little bare feet up on his broad muscular shoulders and stare wide-eyed and amazed at the realization that she is able to take a cock that large all the way inside her. It will be the same when they do it doggy-style.....feeling his mass all the way up inside her tummy....deep.....bordering on too big.
And sometime soon, when she is back with you, purring contentedly in your arms in your bed, and you gently slide yourself inside her, think about how that little pussy felt to a guy twice your size. And how she's comparing the feeling at that moment. It's going to happen dude...the trick to surviving it is to LET it turn you on. I'll say it again...you MUST LET IT TURN YOU ON. Once you do, the pain and heartache subside and mind-numbing pleasure will take its place. Trust me. Update us soon.
Breeder's right

My friend - I hope you like humiliation and sloppy second's 'cause that's the best you can hope for. To be clear, it ain't her g/f's getting her to do this - it's her and you. If you want anything different - move on.

Hey Mattcrowe25M, This is a very hot story and your gf sounds like a smoking little lady. You are by now a cucked bf and let me tell you is not even a little bit bad. Deep inside you wanted this and by now i am sure you have it. By now you should know now very hot this is . You do not sound like a pussy so you still have all the say so about who your little hot gf fucks. There is no reason why you have to or no reason why you should give this up. All you have to do is just sit back and ENJOY all the thrills she will bring your way. If she decides to screw someone else on the side this is no harm and no foul just as long as she comes home and tells you. She is NOT going to leave you for this black dude as he is just a thrill for her as he is for you. You should just get ready for some hot fresh fucked pussy probably on a pretty steady basis.The joy a hot wife or hot gf can give to their man are unlimited. You are truly a lucky dude to have such a totally fine one as she is. Just wait until you slid your cock into her hot wet stretched little pussy. You will be hooked (i think) so be ready for it and be really kind to her and always remember this was your idea and she is doing it for YOU!!!!!! You have made just one mistake and that was when you hurt her feelings and all she was doing was trying to be honest with you. Any more of this could be a disaster so be careful and thank her for it all. Best Wishes and i can hardly wait to hear more. Please let us know if he got to her big time. The okdeacon said this to you. :p:p:p:eek:
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She's Home

Needless to say I was a wreck all day waiting for her to get home. Around 5 her and Jenn came over. I could tell right off that something was wrong. She said she had to go to the bathroom. Jenn sat down with me in the living room and said she wanted to talk.

She said she had given Tina a Valium. I was like why. She then said that Terrell had dropped her off at her house around 230. She said she came in and they talked about everything that happened and then Tina broke down. She said she had never seen her like this. I asked her what set her off.

She said she would tell me about some of it, but not all. She said I know the deal with you and Tina. She has to tell you everything that went on. That may not happen for a while. She is having trouble figuring out why she is feeling the way she is. I said what do you mean. This is the first time she has ever had feeling for more than one person.

She said she really likes Terrell, but is scared that you are mad at her and don't really mean what you are saying. If you really want her to be happy you are going to have to get her to believe you. I know this can't be easy for you, but I think it is only a matter of time till she is over him and this situation. I told her thanks and that I was hoping it would be sooner than later.

She said see that is what I mean. You have to let her know that she can take her time. She thinks she has to hurry and get all this out. She wants to enjoy herself and experiment. If she thinks she has got to push it she is going to hurt herself. That made me think something bad had happened.

I asked her what happened. She said it is probably better to let Tina tell me when she is ready. I said did he hurt her. She said no that isn't it. They just had sex, but there are parts you aren't going to want to here. I thought I would throw up. She just looked at me. She said Matt you have got to let her know that everything she is doing is good if you want to keep her. I went threw this phase and you are going to loose her if you don't reassure her. I was still stunned.

She said are you ok. I said ya. She said you had to know they were doing something when she stayed. I said ya ya. She said Matt she was trying to get you ready for what might happen. That is why Candy had her ask you all the questions.

She said to let her sleep it off. Then talk with her. She also told me that she wanted me to know that she was there to talk to me also. She knew it was hard on me and that Tina was lucky to have a guy like me.

That made me feel better but not sure I should talk to her.

She left and I checked on Tina. She is sleeping in the extra bedroom that everyone thinks is hers. I don't know what to do.

Also, I guess our vday makeup is down the tube.

So how do I convince her anymore. I dont want her getting hurt, but I do want it to finish soon.
Don't push it Dude.

Obviously, she knows it won't last...she sees the end over the horizon....but, she's digging the sex....and admit it, SO ARE YOU. Reassure reassure reassure. Wake her up with a back rub and whisper in her ear that nothing and no one in the world could make you stop feeling like you do for her.

You've got a dream girl that can make your whole life worth getting out of bed for in the morning. This shit turns you on, and few women in this world are as open minded as she seems to be. What I'm saying is that you're hooked on the sweet jealousy of having your woman have sex with other men, and you'll probably always want it to happen in your relationships.....your whole life.You're forming a bond here that can make a great loving relationship and sex that blows your head off. Relax. Reassure.
Jenn called again

Jenn just called to see how Tina was. I said ok still sleeping. She said are you ok. I said not really. She told me she knew it was tough. I said what do I do. I don't want to loose her and I want her to be happy. But I am not sure about all this. She said to just go to her and let her know that I wanted her to be happy no matter what it take. And let her know that you stand by her 100%. But make sure I did it where she really believed me. I was like how. I have told her it was all ok.

She said just be her friend not her boy friend. I was like how. Tell her to think of you as just a friend when you talk about this stuff. (I used some of the advice you all have given me here.)

I said look I am not her girl friend. I dont want her to stop loving me. She was said no that is not what I meant. Tina you will always love you. Just tell her to talk to you like she would me. She said that was what she had told Tina to do anyways. She said to also make sure she told me everything so that I am not kept in the dark on anything. Even if you don't want to know it act like you do.

I said like what. I will ask her what they did and if they had sex. She said you have to do more. You sound like you have to be asking that stuff. Ask her more intimate details so she thinks are are ok with everything that she has to tell you. Like you want to here it. If you don't do that now she will never tell you everything from here on out. I said thanks but there is some of that I am not sure I can handle. She said you may not be able to but you need her to be open with you and think you want to. Otherwise she is going to pull away.

I told her she owed you full honest at least. She also said to make sure I talked to her about the people at the frat dinner they went to. She said she was sorry about all that, but Candi had atleast told her what to do if it happened. Jenn said they all agreed it had to be like she told it. Other wise we would both look like weird. I said ya that was not something I had put a lot of thought into either, but we would get through it. She said that is exactly what I should tell her. She also said that We would have to realize what all that meant and that it might make things even harder. I said I hadn't thought about it but would before I talked to her.

I said ok and thanks. But, I am just worried about all this. She said so is she. But you will get through this quicker and easier if she knows she is free to go about this how ever she wants. That she is not on a set time table.

Also, Terrell beeped in. Just asked to have her call me. I have to say that was a very weird feeling.
Hi Matt,
very interesting and exiting story. Thanks to let us take part of your tribulations. You spend a lot of time to report about Tina, her black friend, her girlfriends and a bit about yourself.
You never mentioned Tina’s parents or siblings. It looks to me that she sees in you a father or older brother figure. A save haven, somebody to fall back to when everything goes wrong.
Its also interesting the way Jenn is teaming up with you “We must tell her” “We have to do this”
Hey mate,
Thank you for your sharings. First of all, just know that I can imagine what u might feel coz I've gone through a similar situation. In my case, it was kinda alot wilder and involved more sexual activities, ur situation is like...step by step...with alot of feelings and caring and talking and doubting, I really wish mine was like that, it would give me more times to think and get used to...

But u know what? I think, soon u will feel comfortable, it is a matter of a "click", a "breaking point", suddenly u will find urself a good place, good view... U can read my story how it began with me, but my gf is way more slutty then urs, your girl seems to really care about you feelings she does want to make everything easier for u to accept...

Also wanted to tell that keep on supporting her, from u, u can make her really really comfortable, more u care about her, more u support her, more she will be emotionally bonded with u, which is always beyond the physical closeness, keep up the good attitude man...

Can't wait for hear more from u :)
Last night

WOW!!! It is amazing how one night can change your whole life. Here is what happened last night.

Around 9 I went in and laid down with her. She looked so cute in one of my t shirts. She woke right up and said hey. I just laid there and held her for what seemed like forever.

I said I know all this has been tough on you but I want you to know how much I love you. I know we have talked about a lot of stuff this week. That said I want to tell you I haven't been totally honest. We were kinda spooning and she looked back shocked. I laughed and said its nothing bad. I was a little apprehensive at first about all this. But I got to thinking after you came in. I remembered how happy you had been to start this. I just want you to know that I am now totally behind you in everything you do.

I said I don't care if it takes a year or two for this to end. Or if it takes longer than that. I will be here for you. I love you and just want you to be happy. If that means I could loose you in this then that is fine because I will know that I did everything I could and you found someone who loved you more. She said you aren't going to loose me. I said thanks and you may have to tell me that again. LOL She laughed also. She said you know I will always love you.

I said I want you to also know that what you do is all up to you. I will support you. Even if you decide to do all the things you asked me the other day and more. She said more with a shocked look and I said you know what I mean.

I said you can go out with him when ever and where ever you want to go. I said technically we are broken up. She looked back and I said you were outed at the party. She said she was sorry about that but didnt know what else to do. I said you did the only thing you really could do.

I told her this will mean that somethings have to change. She was like what. I said I had taken all the pictures of us down out of the house. She said why. I said because when our friends come over they are going to know we are not together. She said ya I didnt think of that. Actually Jenn mentioned that. I said I have moved all your clothes in to your room also. She said no I don't want to stop sleeping in there with you. I said I know, but if will look crazy if that is in my room.

The next statement took it all out of me to say, but Jenn had mentioned it. I said you will want everything to be in here in case you ever have anyone over for the night. She got really quite and said you would want me to bring someone here. I sayed no. I want you to do what ever you want. If you want that then so do I. I am so glad she didnt look back. I buried my head into her back in case she did. She said I don't know that I would want to. I said that is fine but you now know that I am ok with it. This is your apartment too. So you can do what ever you want to in it. She said you have changed. I said I told you I have. She looked me in the eye and said thank you and started crying. We held each other for the longest.

I then said I wanted to talk about something else. I said I want to know everything that is going on. Not just what you do, but how you feel about everything. No matter how small it is. She smiled and said more like you are my friend and not my boyfriend. I said remember I dumped you to find some one else. She laughed and said she should have said it was her. I said ya that wouldn't have been believable because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I got lot of love for that.

She then said she was ready to talk about last night. She said how did it feel to see me leave with him . I said kinda weird, but I knew you were happy and that was all that mattered. She then rolled so we were spooning again. She later said she was little scared to see my face.

She said they went to a frat function at a country club in town. That was when she saw my friend and the lady she works with. I will have more on that later. She said they ate and danced. She said she got little tipsy off some drinks he had ordered. She said that really loosened her up. I took Jenn's advice and said how did it feel to be out with him where everyone could see.

She said it was exciting and felt like she was really out dating again. She said she had forgotten how that felt. I said where did you go after words. She said they drove back to his place and were going to watch TV but some of his friends were there so they just went to the bedroom. He apparently has a nice place and his friends are always coming over I found out. Big tv.

She said as soon as they got in there they were kissing alot. I asked her if he was a good kisser and she said yes. Again I didnt want to know but took Jenn's advice She said she stopped him to take her dress off. She didnt want to wrinkle it. I guess a girl thing. I asked her if he liked her new lingerie. She said ya. Then kinda laughed. I said what. She said not sure if you want to know, but he didnt take much time to enjoy. I said of course I wanted to know. But thought I also wanted to go and find my heart that had fell out when she started talking. LOL

She said ok that she would talk to me like she did Jenn. I wanted to say no I am not your gf but stopped myself.

She said he took off his shirt and she tookoff his pants and boxers. She said he was kinda big. I said to tell me about it. I wanted to jump out of the window actually but trying to be very supportive. She said he is a little longer than your but really thick. I said how long. She got kinda quite and said I didnt measure it. I lol. So did she. She said she asked him. He said almost nine. I froze. I am 6 and she is tight on me.

She showed me with her hands how much thicker by making a c with her hand. It looked twice as thick. I told her that and she said kinda maybe. She said that she sucked him some. Then he lifted her on the bed and licked her till she came. I said how was it. (Note I was ready to vomit at this point) She said it was really good and that she was very excited knowing she was with a different guy. She said is that weird and I said no I know what you mean. Deep down I was going hell ya it is.

She said he kissed his way up like I always did with her and they started kissing. She said she felt so wild. She was kinda tingling all over. I really wanted to hear that. She said they seemed to kiss for forever. Then she felt him rubbing the head up and down her lips. I knew exactly what she did. She raised her legs. I guess it was the unspoken truth that I knew. She said she closed her eyes and took a breath. She felt him starting in and she thought it wouldnt fit. She said she had put lube on it already.

She said he got a couple inches in and it started to kinda hurt but felt good to. I wanted to die the second or third death at this point. She said he finally got almost all of it in and it was bottoming out big time. That was tough to here since I hadn't done that. She said he started to move in and out and she said she just opened her eyes and looked down. She said it was weird seeing it. Like it was someone else. She said she also realize he didnt have on a condom. She said she started tryingto tell him to wait but he had gotten some good movements going.

She got quite then said she had an orgasm. I was quick to respond and said was it different than when we do it. She said kinda. I said to explain how. She said I don't know. She said usually when we are doing it, it is great of course. I laughed. But she said I usually am rubbing my clit and moving to. She said i was just holding the sheets and laying there. It was kinda weird I guess.
She said it also took her a while to get her breath. She is like that sometimes though. She said she finally did and he was still going her pretty hard. She said said stop stop. She laughed and said he got this weird look. She said no it is good and he started right back up but she was like no wait you need a condom. I realized then that it was bare. Totally shocked. He said but we are almost there. She said it wasn't a safe time for her. That threw me for a loop. I said what did you mean.

She got red and said that her and Jenn had been talking and she showed her how to figure out your safe time. We have never done it without protection.

He of course gave her the spill all us guys do about pulling out and she was like no please I have some in my purse. He got one and put the lube on and she told him to lay down. She said she got on him and rode him for a long time and had another orgasm. He rolled her over and really started going to town apparently. She said she came just after he did. She got red and said it was weird but she could really feel him cumming hard.

She said they laid there a while and he said he wanted to go and see his friends. She said ok and knew it would be her time to call me. She called Jenn first apparently to tell her. She said then she called me.
The rest

After that she said she put her panties back on and said she wanted to surprise Terrell so she walked out topless with her hand covering her breast and walked in the living room. She said she said something to him and they went back tot eh bedroom. I said what did you say. She said she asked him if he was ready to fuck her again. I thought I would vomit. She said his friend went nuts. he grabbed her up and carried her back to the room. She said they did it again and then they were going to go to sleep. That is when she called. She said what I heard was him asking if I wanted his old sweatshirt to sleep in.

She did and I figure out that is what she had on when she came in yesterday evening. She said they had sex once more during the night and the next morning. She said part of the reason was she thought it might be her only time with him and didnt want to miss anything. I asked why she thought that and she said because she didnt believe me the other day but did now. We both smiled. I said did you use condoms the other times and she said they did mostly. I laughed and said mostly. She said they tried to do it right after lunch but she was hurting. She said he took the condom off and tried it that way.

She said they went at if for a while and she said it felt like he was getting even bigger and she had to stop. She said she sucked him off and then he took her to Jenns. We talked a little about what they talked about and how things were changing. She said she loved me so much and thanks for understand. I said what are exes for. LOL

The real truth was that I wanted to jump off a bridge. But I was totally supportive.

After that we laid there till nearly 11. We started to kiss and my pipes started working again. No not over what she did. For the first time that weekend I forgot about that. She said she was glad to see it happen and then said she just wanted to suck it. I asked her why and she said I am kinda sore. Then apologized. I was like it is ok and maybe I could make it feel better. I moved the shirt and looked at it. You could tell it was really red and swollen. I asked if she wanted me to kiss it and she said no it hurt to much. She got me off and then we showered and went to bed.

Also, a lot happened at work today, but I will have to tell that later. This post is way to long and I have way to much work to do tonight.

Thanks for all the advice and hope to hear more.

You can email me or look for me on yahoo. I am at mattcrowe25m@yahoo.com
Ironic, ain't it?

This guy is just a youngster, a first-timer leaning toward cuck-dom, with a super-young girlfriend, and he's absolutely NAILING it as far as managing the lifestyle. It took me YEARS to figure out what he's been able to understand in weeks. Congrats, my man.
Oh, and by the way Matt....maybe the best indication of your indoctrination into the lifestyle is the fact that you wanted to "kiss it" after she'd been fucking her black stud. A valiant offer to be sure.......it won't be long until you find yourself suggesting that she leave the condoms at home and then wake you up upon her return by sitting on your face with her freshly-plowed pussy. Think about that little scenario the next time she is sweetly spooning with you in your bed.
Keep it up dude. You're my new personal hero. DH4U.
Turns and twist

Ok things have really jumped into fast forward. Things we had never talked about are happening. Let me start off with Monday morning.

I get to where we both work and into my office and a good friend comes in. He said what happened. I was like what do you mean. He said the rumor around the office is that you broke it off with Tina. I asked where he heard it and it was from the friend she saw at the dinner. Apparently she is gossip center at our work. I said I guess it is getting around and he was like ya everyone knows. Truthfully we were like the company couple for a while. My boss had even made meantion at the Christmas Party that we should have our wedding at the company. Reason is I am at work a lot to.

I had about half the office come in and ask me what was going on. I started to send out a memo it was so bad. Tina got there later and came to my office on her break. She shut the door and looked like she was about to cry. I got up and said it is ok. Don't worry we will get through this. She said I didn't mean for all this to happen. I said it is ok. She said no you don't understand. Every one knows. I said I know most have been by here. She said when she came in the friend from the party came straight to her. She had taken down all her pictures of us together. She told Tina that she didn't have to keep them up. That everyone here was on her side. Again a lot of people like us together.

She gave me the pictures and said her friend said to give them to me since I broke it off. I said man I am a jerk. She laughed which I was glad to see. She said no it gets worse. Apparently one of the ladies we work with who got Tina the job called her mom. They are old friends. Now her family thinks we are broke up. They really liked me. I was like shit. I was blown away. She said no wait. I just got a call from your mom. I thought I would drop. Her mom called mine and the she called Tina. I said what did she say. She told her I was dumb to loose her like that. Then my mom calls me. Straight to voicemail.

She said the same thing to me I found out later.

Tina then went back to work and came back when she had a chance. She was like everyone knows. How did it spread so fast. I said ask your friend. She said ya she does have a big mouth.She said she is already trying to find the pictures from the party. She said she has a few of me and Terrell with our friends. Sure enough by the end of the day three pictures were up at her desk of them.

Please note here that I will not be posting any pics. Sorry but need to be said again.

A lot of guys came by and had few things to say about that you can guess. Also her parents were ok with it. Her older sister had dated a black guy and they were ok with it.

Also it has been weird having her go to HER room to talk on the phone to him and her friends.

And the white guy from school basically broke things off through Jenn. It was because of Terrell and him being in same frat.

I hope to here from everyone soon.
Okay, no pics, fair enough. Suspicious, but fair enough, especially since one can always black out the faces. But how about some physical descriptions at least? Even the stuff on Literotica tells you what the people look like!

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