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GF finally going on dates!!!

  • Thread startermattcrowe25m
  • Start date
  • #121
Ok. A new clarity appears.

The whole business has been an attempt by her to get you to notice her simply because you gave her the impression that she had lost you. She reacted by trying to make you respond in a positive fashion, but all you did was cave in further with this get-it-out-of-your-system stuff. She probably had little to get out of her system, she just wanted you to be positive about her.

That's why she tortured you with that marathon of making you listen to her having sex with two lovers and then left shouting that she hated you. She had fired her best shot to wake you up and failed.

If you tell her that you never want her to look at another man, she will probably smile and do just that.
  • #122
Re: Tina

Sorry mattcrowe25m..., I'm surely not wanting to argue.
Clearly you likely know Tina better than those of us on the sidelines, however, I keep hearing you say this is something she has to 'get out of her system'.

Do you really believe that's likely?

I see no reason whatsoever for her to change her acquired tastes and preferences, and I think it most unlikely that you'll be able to change than either. That's why the people on this forum keep suggesting that the best you can do here is 'manage' her encounters.

I may be wrong, but I don't think your lovely, young GF is done fucking around.

I say 'get used to it, and enjoy it'!


  • #123
mattcrowe25m said:
Well last night changed everything. I finally took all of your advice and manned up. I actually blew up on Tina when she got in. She came in and it was clear she had been fucking Terrell. She had dried cum on her legs and skirt.

I called her a ***** and let loose. I told her she didn't have to worry about us being together again. It was over. That I gave her everything and she blew it. I told her she could have fucked anybody she wanted and she had to go and get in another relationship. I told her I hoped she got pregnant and then it would all hit the fan. I told her she could have the apartment, that I was leaving by the end of the month if not sooner. I slammed my door as I went to my room.

I went to get a shower and she came in the bathroom. She started crying and said why didn't you tell me all this earlier. She said she thought I didn't care about her. She said she would have dumped Terrell if I would have just said something. I looked out of the shower and was pissed and I said fine then dump him. She left the bathroom and I yelled that is what I thought.

She came back with the phone and started dialing. She put the phone on speaker and right there told Terrell it was over. That she was sorry, but she didn't want to see him anymore. I was floored. She hung up and said what else do you want. I said nothing it is over and pulled the curtain shut. Next thing I know she is in the shower with me and starts kissing me. I was shocked.

She said I was wrong and I know that now. She said she just needed to hear me say that I wanted her and to stop. We got out and went to my room. She got in bed with me and we talked for what seemed like hours. She said she understood if I never wanted her again. I told her I did and that was what I always wanted. She said she would stop everything to have me back. I said no that isn't what I want. I told her I wanted her to get this all out of her system. She said it was.

I know when she is lying. She said ti is all out if that is what you want.

So here is where we are. I agreed she could go out and have sex with other guys, but again has to tell me everything. No getting involved past that. No Terrell.

She said she loved me and would do anything to get me back. We just held each other and I got maybe two hours of sleep before work.

I had lunch with Jenn and she was like you go. She said I wouldn't have thought she would do it. She said she talked with Tina and she was super happy. She also heard that Terrell was now bad mouthing her after the break up.

So I guess things for now are back on, but I am still little leery.

Is this normal???
I'm disappointed. I was hoping Tina would end up with Terrell permenently.

Hopefully she will work things out with Terrell and be with him again.

She seemed to really love him.
  • #124
Moving forward

Last week we stayed in most of the time. Did a lot of catching up and making up if you get my drift. We went out Thursday and I spoiled her a little.

We talked a lot to and I told her how I felt about everything. The one thing that came of it is she will still have sex with other guys including Terrell. This was my decision. I told her if it was just sex that was fine. She said it was at first but things got out of control because she thought I didn't love her. I told her I didn't care what other people thought about there relationship. I only cared that she loved just me.

She asked me how I felt in all this and I just let it come out. I told her sex is just sex, but the love part bothered me. She asked me if I wanted to do a three some. I said not with another guy because it would bother me seeing her with someone else.

She asked me if I was ok with her having a few sex buddies including Terrell. I said yes as long as that was all it was. We talked about the whole Terrell situation and she asked me if I was ok with them being back together. I said as long as she didn't love him. She said she didn't but she had some feelings and would sort through them. I made her promise she would talk with me about it all. She said of course and kissed me.

I told her she better go make up with Terrell which she did over the weekend. We went on a day trip Sunday and that was a lot of fun.

During the week she went out with a few of her friends from school. She hooked up with few guys and spent part of the week with one. He is a black guy from a frat at a different school. She she said he is a lot of fun. She also had some time with Terrell.

Had lunch with Jenn and she said Tina seemed happy. She was happy for me. She said Terrell also seemed happy. I said ya whatever. Didn't really want to hear some of the comments.

Tonight Tina and Jenn are going out and then Tomorrow she is seeing Terrell. Sunday is the other guy she met from the frat. So her weekend is filled. Tomorrow I am going out with some friends so that will make it easier.

One other thing we did that was fun was read some erotica together. We have done that a few times in the past. She really liked this one someone sent me from the forum. It was about a cheating girlfriend. We actually laughed at some parts though. So if you have a story email it to me and we may read it together. I liked the out come. LOL


I hope to here all of your thoughts on this.
  • #125

I am not convinced this is real. however, I know this is the hottest post I have ever read on this site. You deserve an award for your descriptions, and your ability to relate reality and/or tell a good story. You just may be one of the greatest story teller's of your generation. If you are not a professional writer you are in the wrong line of work! Thank you, and please keep it coming, the more story, pictures and details the better.
  • #126

I went to lunch with Tina today and got an update about the weekend. I told her no matter what happened I loved her. She said she went out with Tina and a few of there friends. One of them has a really bad rep and always seems to be the ring leader if they go out together. She said they were a little bad at the bar. I said how bad. I also assured her a few times that I was good with everything as long as it was just sex. She said she was grinding with a few guys and then they were going to leave with a few guys to go back to Jenn's apartment.

She said one guy had to leave early so she took him to a gas station and sucked him off. She also did that to two of his friends later that night. No sex though. Also no sex with Terrell this weekend. She still wasn't feeling good. She had the stomach virus that Jenn had earlier in the week. Puked for like 4 days on and off. She said it was her new diet. But, she is already to thin for me I tell her.

Sunday was when she was bad. She went out with the guy she saw before from the frat and long story short she wound up sleeping with him and his roommate. The guy admitted later that they had done that with other girls before. She said she was little embarrassed but also turned on. She said they hooked up one more time before she left. She also said he told her a few other friends might want to join if she was cool with that. She said maybe. She asked me what I though. I wasn't thrilled obviously. I know she kinda wants to do more than threesome one time at least.

I said as long as you are careful. She said she kinda wasn't this time. She said neither used a condom. I was pretty pissed and she said sorry. She said she would try to make sure in the future. She admitted that it did turn her on, but that she also doesn't want to get pregnant. I think this was a little of Candy coming out of her.

By the way Candy is 5 months pregnant I think. I thought I heard them talking about it. You can tell for sure she is pregnant. I don't ask much about that obviously.
  • #127
How about?

I have been picking up on all the hints where this story is going. I am really looking forward to much more, hopefully. If you really love her you maybe you should try and lick your woman clean after she has been with her lovers she would really love you for that. Maybe start by licking one of her tits, that was recently cum on, and work your way up. Not to because your gay or anything like that, not because you like cum, just because you want to show her your total love and devotion to her and making her body feel great, and to make her feel great regardless of what she needs to enhance your relationship. You should also try to get some of the pictures or movies that all these horny college kids have been taking of her, frats are the worst for spy cams and camera phones. Has she been doing anal yet? thanks for sharing.
  • #128
Matt, how are things with Tina and Terrell?
I hope she comes to realize just how important he is to her.
Let's hope they work things out and become a couple again.
It seems like those two are meant for each other (no offense Matt).
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  • #129
Bye to Terrell

Tina and Terrell broke up. They were out the Tuesday after I posted. They went to where Tina use to work. It is a clothing store and she ran into this guy she use to like, David. He is black and the first black guy that I think she ever really liked. He was always a player and that is why she never hooked up with him. She wanted to date him right after she broke up with her ex before me, but he was living with his baby's momma I guess you would say. She was a friend of Candy.

She apparently flirted and Terrell got pissed and said he was tired of the games. So they broke up. She didn't stay free to long. David called and they went out all weekend. She said they didn't have sex, but she kinda wanted to. I wasn't big on that. Kinda hoped loosing Terrell would end it all.

Monday after she went to the frat house to see her guy friend. She wound up doing three of his friends. Jenn told me about it first. Tina didn't get back home till late that Tuesday. I knew it was something Tina wanted to do for a while. We had some fun that night and read a story I got emailed. It was about a girl that slept around in school. No cuckold stuff.

Wednesday, I had to go out of town which I still am now. She apparently went to David's and is still there. I am just wondering when it will all end now. Sorry for the delay in posting.
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  • #130
Matt, if you and Tina get married, I think you should encourage Tina to continue to have lots of sex with her boyfriends. You might as well have a hot marriage from day one.

It would be nice if your Best Man also went on the honeymoon with you both, and put his cream into Tina before you during the consummation on your wedding night. Obviously, Tina would have to select a Best Man she would be most comfortable with as her Bull.

One option is to have a vasectomy prior to your marriage, so that Tina could have a family sired by her Best Man over a period of years. Your name would be on the birth certificates of all the children born.

It would also be nice for you to take Tina's surname on your wedding day. You change your surname name instead of her.

In order for you to take your role as a cuckold seriously, you should help dress Tina in sexy clothes before she goes out on dates with her lovers.

I love reading what you share with everyone on this website. xo xo
  • #131
Does Jenn still have a b/f?
Jenn always tells you what is happening, does she have a secret crush on u?
  • #132
Matt... it's been a while since your last update. We are all waiting for news!!!
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  • #133
Here is an update

I got back into town the Tuesday after she spent the weekend with David. They actually didn't have sex. She said they just messed around a lot. They went to a club dancing.

She stayed with him till I got back. The day I got back they were at our apartment. I actually came home a day early and didn't tell her. I knew she was with him and I wanted to sleep when I got home. They were watching a movie and apparently making out when I came in. She straightened up and they finished the movie. I went to my room.

He left later that night and she came in to see me. We messed around and we did some oral play.

She took all the stuff down at work with Terrell in it. She said she was upset about it, but really liked David.

I asked her why she didn't have sex with David. She said she wanted to wait and he did to. Also his little girl was with him for the weekend. Tina said she was really cute.

Thursday she went to David's house and stayed the weekend. They apparently had a lot of sex according to Jenn. We had lunch Monday. I got home Monday night and she told me some of the things they did. Mainly just sex all around his house. She said she was sore and didn't feel like messing around. I was ok with that since it all turned me off anyway.

So that is where I am at right now. I am hoping to have some fun tomorrow night with her. Maybe read a story that I have been sent. Thanks again to all those who sent one over.
  • #134
Hopefully Tina and David will get even closer and establish a deep and loving connection.
Let's hope they have a permenent future together. Tina deserves it with him. David sounds like a really good, stable guy.
  • #135
Memorial day weekend

It has been a long week here. I had to go out of town and Tina stayed with David. I got in Friday and Tina was getting ready to go out with David. I helped her shave a little spot that she can never reach. She said she hoped I was ok with it, but she made some plans to go out. I said no I guess not. She gave me a kiss.

Candy and Jenn came by to get her. They were meeting the guys at our apartment to go out for dinner and to go out. Candy is getting big. Jenn also said she wanted to do lunch Saturday if I had time. I said sure. I went to my room and Tina came in to say goodbye before they left. She said she would probably come home or stay at Candy's. She wound up at Candy's and David did to.

She came home Saturday and we talked for a little bit. She asked me if I was ok with her staying out this weekend. I said I was hoping to do something for Memorial day since I was off. She said she kinda promised David's little girl that she would do something with them that day and then her and David were going out after. She said it was weird him having a little girl, but it was kinda cool. She said she played mom when she was with them. That makes me feel really weird. Is that normal???

I asked what she thought about David. She said she really liked him and kinda just moved her emotions with Terrell straight to him. That is also what Jenn told me. Jenn also said that Tina liked playing mommy with his little girl. Again is that normal???

Tina as agreed told me everything that went on. She said David gave her a drawer at his house for some of her clothes. She asked me if I was ok with that. I said ya as long as you still love me and was living with me. She said of course and smiled.

She ran out to get us some lunch and when she came back we ate and then read a story that she had picked out. Hers are usually about college girls experimenting. This one was to. I started playing with her and ate her our. I started to move up and she kinda got this look and was like no wait I want to suck you. I said ok. Never turn that down. I was getting close and told her to wait. I am usually one shot and wait a few hours. She sucked harder and boom it was over. She just looked at me and smiled. I said why didn't you wait. I want be able to go till you are leaving. She said ya sorry. Maybe next time.

I knew something was wrong and started to get mad but didn't. I said I thought we were being honest now. She looked down and said ya sorry. I should have talked with you, but I knew you would get mad. I said no I wouldn't. She said she had promised David she would not have sex with anyone but him while they were dating. I wanted to blow up, but said why didn't you just tell me. She said I knew you would be mad. I said well I am not happy, but I want you to be open so I am not mad. She said I told him I wouldn't. I hope you understand.

I said is this what you really want. I said it isn't what I want if that is what you want to know. She said it was for right now. I said are you wanting to break up. She started to cry and said no. This is different than before. I just think that maybe it will make me want you more through this. This all continued for a while and then we made up with me eating her out again and her jerking me off and telling me thank you.

This all kinda makes me feel like we are going down the same old road as before.

Now I am sitting at home for my off day and waiting for her to get home tonight. Sorry for the delay in posting. I hope some of you will leave some feedback to let me know you are still reading and what you think I should do.
  • #136
same day, different dick

This is exactly the same road you went down before. Grow a pair of balls and tell the bitch that if she's with you, then you're going to fuck her, and that if you aren't fucking her then she isn't with you and she can move her shit out of the apartment.
  • #137
]Now I am sitting at home for my off day and waiting for her to get home. what are you waiting for? She will come home, well fucked and you can love your right hand.
I told you before: other mothers have also needy daughters. ;)
  • #138
marys_pet said:
This is exactly the same road you went down before. Grow a pair of balls and tell the bitch that if she's with you, then you're going to fuck her, and that if you aren't fucking her then she isn't with you and she can move her shit out of the apartment.
Amen brother.

I think if this Matt guy is so crazy as to let his girl F-around with any guy who comes down the pike, he's pathetic (sorry to be blunt but it's true).
That's why I have posted that I hope Tina meets a new guy to get into a better relationship with. It sure isn't happeining for her with MattCrowe25m.
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  • #139
Hi Bud

mattcrowe25m said:
I hope some of you will leave some feedback to let me know you are still reading and what you think I should do.

Okay, (and you'll see my feedback hasn't changed one iota) so I'm really hoping that you're making this crap up... cause if you're not, you are the most clueless moron on the face of the Earth. Let's review, shall we?

1. She's been fucking the universe - some bareback - for what, 4 or 5 months now? When will she have enough? More importantly, when will YOU have enough?

2. At some point you expect her to come to you and say; "Okay, I've had enough, so we can walk off into the sunset and be happy now. Put your wish in one hand and a pile of shit in the other. Take a good look. Which one do you think you're gonna get?

3. The only one not getting laid here is you - or haven't you noticed. As easily as she schedules time with her 47 boyfriends, she can schedule time with you - she doesn't. What does that say to you numbnuts?

4. On the one occassion that she THOUGHT you were making nasty with another bitch she left you on the pretext that you were not honest with her. This after she has been well less than honest with you. WTF!?!? Are you getting any of this yet Bozo?

5. When her and her girlfriends speak of you, what do you think they say? If they can stop laughing long enough, they're probably taking bets on how long she can humilate you before you finally GET IT.

So here's the deal my friend, on the firm belief that all behavior is driven by some currency, I can only conclude that the currency you derive by your behavior is the humiliation. You like it. It turns you on. You get a rush from the jealousy. And the thought of your GF fucking everything within a hundred miles of her is at the center of your arousal. There are only two other conclusions that can be reached my friend:

1. You're a spineless moron.

2. This is all just fantasy and some twisted basis for a novel you intend to write some day. In which case, I suggest you try acquiring some writing skills.

Sorry for the abruptness of my message, but at this point you are well passed subtleties my friend. Somebody has to clobber you into reality.

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  • #140
Well said Bubba.

Right On Target.
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