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GF finally going on dates!!!

  • Thread startermattcrowe25m
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  • #101
I have to agree with the rest of the posters. You aren't looking for help at this point. You are looking for pain and nothing more. Stop asking us for help and take control of your life. There's nothing to help here. Find a place to live, move out your stuff, delete her from your phone and never talk to her again. She does not love you.
  • #102
If she loves somebody, it's herself and herself. An egoist in the superlative.
Make sure when she is moved out that she forget nothing to have a reason to come back. Then change your locks your phone number and your job. Be happy you got away with a blue eye and did not get burdened with a livelong problem.
  • #103
Dude, given that all of this is true, you are with the wrong woman, IMO.

This girl gives a rat's ass about making you happy and pleasing you. You aren't even into the cuck lifesytle, so why stay with this woman? You aren't getting off on her being with other guys.

This reminds me of a girl I used to date back in college who lived with her ex. I would stay over and sleep with her and he would stew around the house pissed off and bitchy until I left. She would talk shit about him constantly and when I asked why dont you move out, she would respond, because he helps with the bills and I cant pay them alone. So, with all this said, RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!
  • #104
Pretty much over

First I want to say thanks for all those who emailed me and left messages. I actually took the advice some of you gave me. I called my friend Jill and told her what happened. Her fiance was there and he confirmed it. She called Jenn and told her and Jenn finally called me.

Jenn was crying right after we said hello. She said it was all her fault. She said she backed Candy up when she told Tina to do the guys at the house and make sure I heard. She told Tina to be mean and forget me. She said she was so sorry about all this.

She then told me Tina was on her way home Sunday night. She had told Terrell she was sick and really needed to leave a little early. He droped her at Jenn's house then they came to our appartment. Jenn started apologizing and then Tina. She said she was sorry and she didn't mean for any of this to happen like this. Jenn left and Tina and I talked.

She said she was sorry and then said she thinks we needed to take a break. I had to agree. She said she still loved me. I agreed. I told her I wanted her to stay and not leave. She pays half the rent and I wanted her there. We held each other and cried for a while. I don't know where this will lead us. Thanks to all of you who gave me advice. I will let you know if anything else happens.
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  • #105
I think its over. Exactly as I said to you a couple of weeks ago over on DC. And what did you say in your last message almost verbatim what I told you would be said " I'm sorry, I never meant for it happen like this". She wants a break from you because she is Terrell's bitch now. He's the one been sexing her this whole time bareback. What you wanna bet that before May word will reach you through your friends that she is pregnant?
  • #106
Matt, I apologize for my last post. There is no good to come from saying I told you so. My sympathy goes out to you. Despite all the shit you ended up ultimately putting up with, I kinda see what you were trying to do. By giving her some freedom and letting her sow some wild oats, you thought you were being understanding and making a better future for the two of you. This set up might have stood a better chance had it only been the two of you in on it. Too many of her friends, your friends, mutual friends knew. I think her one friend, Jenn, was probably seeing the big picture as well. But her friend Candy, she was out to destroy you as a couple the whole time. And she wanted it to be as hurtful and destructive to you as possible. In the end Candy has succeeded. Tina has to share in the blame as well. She sure seemed easily manipulated by Candy.

If by some chance you two are able to salvage your relationship, you'd better make it damn clear that Candy and manipulative bs are gone,,,,period. If she isn't willing to do that, then Tina has made her choice and you ain't it.
  • #107
There are some of us who have been following your story with great interest. It must have been tough getting the two guy treatment in your own apartment while you had to listen, but I think for most of us we really enjoyed it so if you can brave the negative comments we'd love to hear more!
  • #108
I'm still here

I am sorry it has been so long since I posted. I had to go out of town for training for work. It was also hard the first week and didn't want to talk about everything.

Here is what went on over the first week. We are still living together and Terrell came over twice during the week for the night. I stayed and it was weird.

Jenn and I had lunch mid week to talk. I had tried to kiss Tina on Tuesday while watching a movie and she got mad at me. Jenn said Tina took it hard with the break up and decided to completely call it off with me to figure things out. Jenn even told me that she wanted to just have me like a good girl friend. Some one she could talk to and everything. I wasn't happy but Jenn said it might be my way back in.

Jenn also said that Tina had talked about moving out in two months when are lease together is up. Her parents want her to move in with Candy. Jenn said if she did she would probably be in the same boat as Candy. Pregnant. She said Tina wants to move in with Terrell though. It hurt to hear that.

She also told me some of the things Tina had told her. She said she asked Tina about moving in with Candy and told her she would probably wind up pregnant like her. She said Tina giggled and said it would probably happen at Terrells anyway. Jenn said Tina told her she was shocked she wasn't already pregnant. She said the first month was weird not wanting to. She said now she is comfortable with the idea of having his baby. That floored me and Jenn said it did her to. She said she talked to Tina about it and thougth it was mostly a joke. She said Tina said Terrell joked a lot about her getting pregnant and that then she would move in with him. Freaks me out for sure.

The thing that confuses me is that Tina told Jenn she still deep down thinks we will be together again. I don't understand. Jenn says I should be strong and stay in the apartment with her. She thinks that is the only way to get us back together.

Before I left Tina packed and went to Terrell's apartment while I was gone. We talked before she left and got a lot of things out. Mainly she got a lot out. She told me she was falling in love with Terrell. She also said she still loved me but it was different now. No real reason why. She said she is thinking of moving in with him, but her parents want her to move in with Candy.

She also apologized for things being weird around the house but hoped it would be different soon. She said she wanted me to think about some things over the trip. She said she would stay after the lease if I was good with few things. She said she wanted me to be her girlfriend not her boyfriend. I was about to blow up when she clarified the situation.

She said she wanted to be able to talk to me and be close with out me trying to be with her. She said that part is over. I was hurt a lot by that.

She said I also had to respect her space. This came about because of me walking in on her in the bathroom and her bedroom when Terrell was over. They were just laying in bed and I rushed out. The other time was I walked in on her late one night when he was over. She was in the bathroom cleaning up after they had had sex. I was just shocked and she rushed to cover up. Like I shouldn't see her.

She said I shouldn't see her like that anymore. I was hurt needless to say.

She said she also wanted Terrell to be able to stay over when ever she wants him too. She said we would talk when I got back.

I got back yesterday and she is still not home, but left a message on my bed that we should talk tonight.

I will try and get a post up, but it is a bad time for me at work. A lot going on.

Thanks for any of the help and the recent post.
  • #109
Grab your sack Matt.

If she didn't honestly think she'd be back with you at some point, she'd have severed all ties a ways back. I've got to agree with the rest at this point though, it's time for you to man-up and kick her politely to the curb. She knows you're there for her as her emergency landing strip...and god knows what kind of financial help you're providing her. And no more pussy, freshly fucked or otherwise? Nope...I say tell her, "Good luck with the black boyfriend babe. I'm movin' on." When your ship leaves the dock for good, just watch her reaction. And this wanting you to be her "girlfriend" shit? Please. When she does come back, she's got it all out of her system. 'Til then, it's time to make the bitch worry a bit, I say.
  • #110
What DuzHer4U said. Grow some balls and tell the bitch you're not going to be her safety net.
  • #111
Make a clean break

Stop talking to Jenn. She may pretend to be your friend and want to help, but she only wants to know what you are going to do and keep you available for Tina. If she were your friend, she would not have exploded at you when she thought you had had sex with one girl during spring break when she knew that Tina had sex with numerous boys in Mexico.

Forget about being friends with Tina, she wants you to be like a girl friend. That can't happen, you are an ex-boyfriend and cannot be friends. Would she tell her other girl friends that they can't see her naked or to say out of the room when she is with Terrell?

You said, "it is a bad time for me at work." Is that because you can't sleep at night thinking about Tina and at work when you are not nodding off, you spend more time thinking of Tina rather than your job? Girl friends are "a dime a dozen, but employment is hard to come by." You lose your job, you lose your income and you are nothing.

Tell Tina that one of you must move out on Sunday, and that there will be no friendship or renewal of the relationship. Get a good nights sleep and concentrate on work.

In other words, dump the bitch, you have suffered enough.
  • #112
Hey Jo Da Jo:

Before your refer to someone as a "fool", you might want to learn to spell the language you're attempting to criticize in. And I'm sure we'd love to read your much better and more interestingly ended story...based on your note above, you're one talented writer. Seems you were reading Matt's whole story all along, so it must not have been completely distasteful...how about laying-off the negative comments unless you at least attempt to do better? I enjoyed Matt's efforts, be they fiction or documentary. Angry, critical, and under-educated is a sad way to go through life jo da jo. God bless.
  • #113
jo_da_jo if you have nothing good to say.......best thing: "say nothing."
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  • #114
Big turn around

Well last night changed everything. I finally took all of your advice and manned up. I actually blew up on Tina when she got in. She came in and it was clear she had been fucking Terrell. She had dried cum on her legs and skirt.

I called her a ***** and let loose. I told her she didn't have to worry about us being together again. It was over. That I gave her everything and she blew it. I told her she could have fucked anybody she wanted and she had to go and get in another relationship. I told her I hoped she got pregnant and then it would all hit the fan. I told her she could have the apartment, that I was leaving by the end of the month if not sooner. I slammed my door as I went to my room.

I went to get a shower and she came in the bathroom. She started crying and said why didn't you tell me all this earlier. She said she thought I didn't care about her. She said she would have dumped Terrell if I would have just said something. I looked out of the shower and was pissed and I said fine then dump him. She left the bathroom and I yelled that is what I thought.

She came back with the phone and started dialing. She put the phone on speaker and right there told Terrell it was over. That she was sorry, but she didn't want to see him anymore. I was floored. She hung up and said what else do you want. I said nothing it is over and pulled the curtain shut. Next thing I know she is in the shower with me and starts kissing me. I was shocked.

She said I was wrong and I know that now. She said she just needed to hear me say that I wanted her and to stop. We got out and went to my room. She got in bed with me and we talked for what seemed like hours. She said she understood if I never wanted her again. I told her I did and that was what I always wanted. She said she would stop everything to have me back. I said no that isn't what I want. I told her I wanted her to get this all out of her system. She said it was.

I know when she is lying. She said ti is all out if that is what you want.

So here is where we are. I agreed she could go out and have sex with other guys, but again has to tell me everything. No getting involved past that. No Terrell.

She said she loved me and would do anything to get me back. We just held each other and I got maybe two hours of sleep before work.

I had lunch with Jenn and she was like you go. She said I wouldn't have thought she would do it. She said she talked with Tina and she was super happy. She also heard that Terrell was now bad mouthing her after the break up.

So I guess things for now are back on, but I am still little leery.

Is this normal???
  • #115

Things in life are anything but permanent.
If she has stopped her seeing Terrell, at least for now, don't be too surprised if she hooks-up with him again. Feelings like that tend to not stay in control once they are intimate and powerful.

If the Terrell break-up IS permanent (good), you will have to be far, far more involved in managing her FB's..., that is, if you actually step up to the plate and DO IT.

If that happens, you'll have to 'manage' her liaisons much more actively, overseeing her choices for FB's or actually recruiting them for her, after all, now you have her liking big cock, don't expect her to stop loving it any time soon.
The best you can do is supervise her hook-ups more closely, and rein-her-in when she strays too far. She'll appreciate the discipline, and, ironically she will feel more free. It allows her to cut-loose even better, because she will know these occasions are arranged or approved by you, so within that time frame/encounter you encourage her to give it her very best (and she will surely have plenty of large cock).
  • #117
It sounds like you are starting to get things sorted out at last. As Ballspanking says, you will have to take the lead in the relationship as you both have sub personalities. There must be a leader and a follower for you to work together and enjoy each other.

I suppose you will have to work at becoming a Dom-Wimp and lead and control her whilst trying to get your pleasure.

What do you really want? Do you want to hear her having intercourse? Do you want to watch her having intercourse, or to think what is happening when she is elsewhere doing it?

An outline of your needs would be a help for further advice.
  • #118
True that, Ballspanking!

Ballspanking's words are to be read twice Matt. Your little fuck pony will perform better tricks if you let it know who owns the corral. Now, you need to take the next step and WATCH her....nay, DEMAND to watch her....fuck some other guy like she's been doing all along. Not her black friend just yet, maybe someone on the far outside of your social set. Better still, a stranger. Tell her you need to watch her in action to get things straight in your head. Tell her you want to see what she has learned. Tell her she MUST do this for you. Down deep, she wants to. I promise she does.
  • #119
Hope this helps

I don't want to see or hear it. I just want her to get it out of her system and us be together from now on. THat is what it looks like will happen now finally.

Puller said:
It sounds like you are starting to get things sorted out at last. As Ballspanking says, you will have to take the lead in the relationship as you both have sub personalities. There must be a leader and a follower for you to work together and enjoy each other.

I suppose you will have to work at becoming a Dom-Wimp and lead and control her whilst trying to get your pleasure.

What do you really want? Do you want to hear her having intercourse? Do you want to watch her having intercourse, or to think what is happening when she is elsewhere doing it?

An outline of your needs would be a help for further advice.
  • #120
mattcrowe25m said:
I don't want to see or hear it. I just want her to get it out of her system and us be together from now on. THat is what it looks like will happen now finally.

If you are not there, she will develop emotional bonds with whoever she is fucking. It'll be just a matter of time until she develops a tighter bond with someone else and you are history.

Since when does anyone ever get good sex out of his or her system? Good sex is addiction, not a passing fancy.

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