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change my name to: I'mACuck

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date

I'm more convinced than ever... you need to become a "part" of this activity. The meeting needs to happen and Brad needs to gain and understanding of your perspective. No reason to doubt Sue, but from your prior posts, it sounds like you relationship is solid and built on trust and sharing; and buddy, you're out of the loop on this at the moment...

Watching? I don't know. But a common understanding is imperative...

Just my two cents...
Soon To Be,

I had missed out of several of your posts and caught of on three pages today. I am glad to hear that you and your wife are communicating so well. I think that is the key. If she knows that you are concerned for your relationship, but still willing to let her enjoy, she will have less reason to become attached to him.

Talking to the lover is probably a good idea as it will let him know that he is not stealing her affections and winning her away from you. It does not appear that he is intending to do that but sexual feelings are powerful things and not alway rational. It may also scare him away, or take away some of the excitement for one or both of them. So that is one possible backfire to take into account.

You may have noticed that I recommend a book called, "His Needs, Her Needs." The author does not talk of cuckold (at least not as we practice it) or wife-sharing, but the book is about "affairs" and has some validity here. He talks of balances deposited into her love tank (or account) and withdrawals. When you do something she likes a deposit goes in for you, when you do something she doesn't a withdrawal takes place. Currently you have an large balance, he is starting a small one. You keep her happy and you will always be ahead. You start making withdrawals by not talking, not listening, whining, changing the rules, etc. and he could catch up. That would be trouble.

Good luck and enjoy the ride!
Hey all,

Sue's out shopping so I thought I'd post more about my thoughts and our conversations.

First - about Custer's statement that Brads wife must surely know he's messing around with Sue. I honestly don't think so. I know what you say about smells and all - and yes, Sue's wet pussy does have quite a fragrance when she's aroused. But I also know that from having the kids in the van that she has quite a selection of "wet wipes" and such. I know she doesn't clean up before she comes home, and while I've never asked about it, I wouldn't be surprised if somehow Brad gets cleaned up. Aside of the fact that Sue's told me that he has 2 small kids - so thinking back to when our kids were that young, sex is probably not the first thing she thinks of when he gets home. Matter of fact, that may be more of the drive for Brad if he's dealing with rug-rats and a stressed out wife at home with young kids. I know when our kids were young - that if I had someone I could have a quickie with and not have any issues afterwards - I'd have jumped at the opportunity.

But, as you've all said - it's an unknown till I finally meet the guy - which Sue has promised me for either later this week or early next week.

I guess it comes back to the fact that, despite the angst, that hearing of her and Brad is just a turn-on for me. All I need to do is think about them and I get a wicked hard-on. And Sue knows that - and I think she's learning how to deal with that and how to use it to, in some ways, make things even better for me. In some ways, knowing she has feelings for him makes it somewhat more arousing in that I know how passionate they must be when they're together.

See, that's the thing here - nothing that's happening between them is taking away from us - at least not just yet. If anything, what's been going on is making things better between us.

I'm sure she'll want to have some time with him this week somehow. I do think they'd be doing a lot more "after work" if it weren't for his wife and kids as our kids and I actually eat dinner much later now so our late afternoons and early evenings are more relaxed.

See, that's the thing. Even if she were fucking him every day - she's still coming right home after work and aside of her having this spring in her step and this cheery outlook (and of course, that well-satisfied look in her eyes) - and to me, that's what's most important. And that was one of the things we'd talked about long long ago - that if she ever did start to sleep with another guy, that whatever she did, that it couldn't take away from us. And so far, it hasn't.

Still - I do see the danger - I mean as you've all said, I do think back to when we got together and it wasn't much different - and over time, basically our fuck-buddy relationship grew into our marriage. But that took 2 people - not just one. And as I said, either she's lying really well to me - or she's serious when she says that she has no desires for anything beyond a fuck-buddy relationship with him.

And, then there's the issue she pushes at me - that this is my doing, that I pushed her to do this and that I should have the courtesy to let it play out based on how it's going. I do hope to one day actually watch her with Brad (or someone else) - but I also know that would be asking a lot of her and Brad right now. Perhaps when I do meet him - and if Sue will give us some time alone when we do meet, then I can ask him other things that might be more uncomfortable for the 3 of us to talk about together.

Sue doesn't know what the word cuckold is. I mean she could look it up but it's not part of her knowledge and isn't part of how she defines her relationship with Brad and I - and I suspect - at least now at such an early point in her allowing herself to be with others - that she'd be receptive or interested in expanding on the cuckold-aspects of all of this.

Clearly if I've been lurking here and finally convinced her to go ahead with all of this, that I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for some sort of cuckold-related sexual attitude from her eventually. There's a part of me that would love to hear her say "not tonight, I want to be fresh for Brad tomorrow". I haven't told her that yet though - that I'd like her to flaunt her sexuality like that and to put herself first more. And I guess, until I'm more secure with how she and Brad are - and how she is in general - that I won't suggest that or bring it up for discussion.

I also haven't told her exactly that despite how personal and intimate it is, that I am very aroused by her letting him watch her put her diaphragm in. I still can't figure out why that turns me on or why I can't get it out of my head - but the thought of her sitting there on the bed next to him with him watching her spread her legs and put it in - knowing it's there to protect her from his sperm. Something about the reality of what that act means is touching me very deeply. I hope to one day have the courage to tell her this just as I am writing it here.

Sue was raised as this good catholic-girl and I think it's been enough of a stretch for her to accept that I am enjoying her and Brad - that if I were to push her further towards out and out cuckoldry - that it might turn her off. I want her to reach there on her own - if she reaches there - I want it to be something she wants to do.

Anyway - for the time being, I think we're okay and as I said, I hope to meet Brad later this week or early next. Until then - I'm just watching the bathroom drawer for signs.

More as it happens.
Meeting Brad tomorrow - Friday afternoon

Jusr a brief update as it's been a busy/hectic week.

I will be meeting Brad after work tomorrow evening. The 3 of us will be getting together at a bar near where they work.

Sue has already spoken to Brad, yesterday as a matter of fact, and set the stage for our meeting.

She told him that I knew what they were doing. She told me that he said he'd suspected that I may be in on what she was doing - she said that her relative freedom to be home later whenever had already raised his suspicion but their date convinced him - but he didn't say anything. I told Sue what I'd said here that he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his a good thing.

So that should make this a bit easier on all of us, especially me, in that we can get right down to business and not have to beat around the bush.

Also, this week, the diaphragm has been in the drawer every morning so I am thinking maybe she wants to see how tomorrow turns out? Maybe?

More as it happens.

I think that's great for a few reasons...

  • Brad can observe the relationship between you and Sue. If there is any aspirations toward a romance (beyond the affection that accompanies good sex) that observation may help adjust Brad's expectatons.
  • It formalizes the "cuck" thing as opposed to "sneaking aroung/cheating". I would guess that should make their encounters all that much more relaxed and fulfilling.
  • You can assess the possibilities of introducing yourself into an encounter.
  • You can observe how Brad and Sue interact. There might be some helpful clue's that would help address some of your concerns.
Best of luck on Friday....

Hey Casino.

So, in hindsight it seems that this meeting should have happened long ago in that it would have addressed all these issues.

Still, I like that Sue felt strongly enough to go ahead on her own as she did.

I'm sure we'll be talking tonight about tomorrows meeting.
Soon To Be

I predict a very happy future for you and your lovely,caring, sexy and pleasingly wondeful HOT WIFE. I really feel that you my friend have it made. I certainly hope for all involved the this is how it will work out. Have you ever thought of your wife taking one or two more very nice men for sex partners? As to keep everything very hot for you two and and not chance her becoming to attached to just one. Kinds of a buffer zone so to speak. Best Wishes okdeacon
SoonToBe said:
Hey Casino.

So, in hindsight it seems that this meeting should have happened long ago in that it would have addressed all these issues.

Still, I like that Sue felt strongly enough to go ahead on her own as she did.

I'm sure we'll be talking tonight about tomorrows meeting.


No, IMHO I think you both played this out very well. You're just at the next step (maybe a few feet beyond) and an amicable meeting with Brad should solve all that.

Remember, I have no personal frame of reference here, so anything I say stems from my view of the world, logic, and my heart.

Others have suggested additional lovers/fuckbuddies... not sure how I feel about that if you become comfortable that the relationship with Brad is not significantly risky.

At any rate... wish you luck tomorrow night.

I agree with Casino, his thinking is OK. Meet Brad and speak very little, keep your eyes and ears open.
Watch his body language. Does he stutter or how nervous does he appear? Try to arrange the seating in such a way that your wife will sit beside him. Then watch if he will touch her. If he touches her hand, he is hoping for her to assist him. If his hand gets to rest on her leg, he is very sure of himself. Limit your input to questions, and listen.
This morning and tonight

I'm not sure what to make of this but her diaphragm was NOT in the bathroom drawer this morning!!! I'm not sure what this means - did she bring it for him or me? Is she going to do something with him at lunch? Could she be thinking of doing something after our meeting? At first I was going to call her but now that I'm at work? I think I may actually just wait it out and see what happens...

Enser - that's some interesting things you suggested - seating arrangements and my observing her and him and their actions.

I cannot believe how I feel - finally meeting a man who's been fucking my wife. Just the idea of seeing him and meeting him - knowing what they've done - just thinking about it right now os driving me crazy.

My mind is racing - could she possibly be going to fuck him at lunch? I wonder - if it goes well, maybe they'd let me watch them? Could that be why she took her diaphragm? Damn - I think I'm getting into this mystery...

Wish me well.

Sue knows you are checking for the diagraphm. This keeps getting better and better.. and I know you are on the edge of your seat. Please let us know what happens as soon as you are able...

Good luck!


Now I'm on the edge of my seat....

Hope to hear soon (no pun intended) how last night went...

An interesting evening

Hey - finally a few minutes to write.
I met Sue at the bar in the parking lot and after a kiss she just looked at me and said "you might as well know now, we did it at lunch today, it just happened" and then "he's going to be here soon, can we talk about this later?". I was kind of surprised and for a moment even annoyed by it but after a second I just said "okay" and then I added "I had wondered" because in fact, I had. She said he was going to be there in a little while and I followed her inside.

We sat in a booth opposite each other and ordered a drink while we waited. I asked her how he was when she told him that I knew what was going on. That's when she told me that he was okay about that and then she added that she's also told him that I had asked her to go with other guys. I hadn't expected her to tell him that - not that I terribly minded, but I hadn't expected that.

She told me that he was relieved that I was okay with it - and that was when he showed up.

Now, I'd met him at some point in the past at one of her work-related things when I saw him I remembered him better. I stood up and she did too. I shook his hand and she gave him a kiss on the cheek right there in front of me. He said he wanted to use the mens room and left us.

She asked me if she should sit next to me or next to him? And I was speechless. She leaned over, kissed me and asked me again where she should sit and I just said "wherever you want" she kissed me again and suddenly Brad was back. She sat next to me and he sat opposite us.

We were quiet for a second - I pictured this moment a million times but at that second, I was just lost in a million thoughts that this was the guy who's been fucking my wife! Finally, Sue asked Brad if he saw the waitress and that sort of broke the ice. Talk about awkward.

Anyway - somehow the conversation got off to a rocky start. I mean it's not easy trying to like quiz this guy yet at the same time I just want to tear into him. I asked him point blank early on "where does your wife think you are right now?". He said she thinks I'm in a meeting at work. He then explained how he's working on a project that has some overseas contacts. I know that's correct since I have the same issues at work.

In general, once we got past the first few minutes and into out second drink, we were pretty much okay with each other. He said he had a wife and 2 younger kids that are 3 and 4 years old (he is younger than Sue) and that he had no intention on leaving them. He was very awkward when he explained how he realy enjoyed the time he'd spent with Sue. I told him that I understood - even our own kids at 4 years apart took their toll on our own sex lives at home.

I couldn't believe it, I actually had sympathy for him.

So - things got more interesting after he got up to make a phone call to his wife and to use the bathroom. Sue asked me tons of questions about whether I liked him and all that stuff. I told her that he seemed like a nice guy and that - at that moment, I was actually okay with it. I guess, honestly, I mean she picked me to marry and have kids so she has good taste in guys - this guy just seemed nice to me, someone I'd pick out as a good match for her.

More later...... Kids are calling.....
So I told her that I thought he was okay and that I wanted to ask him some more questions and suggested she give me and him some time alone.

When he came back we talked for a moment more and then she said she was off to the bathroom and to call the kids at home. While she was gone Brad and I got down to the heart of the matter. I told him we needed to talk to make sure we were both on the same page on what was going on here.

He said that he was very relieved when Sue told him that I knew what was going on. I asked him why that made a difference and he told me that he was concerned that she was going to mess up her marriage. I wasn't ready for that and he continued by saying that he was surprised when she told him that I had encouraged her and he said that she's very happy because of that. I looked at him and said that I can put up with a lot but - and I put it honestly back to him - I told him that if he ever hurt her in any way I'd be his worst nightmare. But then I added that I did appreciate the changes that I'd seen in her since they began.

We talked a bit more as I saw her still on the phone. I asked him what he thought was going to happen here longer-term? And again, he was easy to talk to so I just put it out there and asked him again what his thoughts were regarding his wife and family and Sue.

Enser - at that point I actually thought about you and he was sitting back from the table a bit at how I was a bit more forceful in asking him. And I had leaned forward putting my shoulders more forward as I asked him if he thought this was more than just physical.

His answer was pretty open. He said he cared a lot for Sue - a friend, yes. But more. He said that they shared a closeness that he hadn't felt for another woman in several years - since he and his wife started having their own kids. He said it's physical - yes - but that he sees in Sue what he hopes his own wife will get back to in time.

He wasn't ready when I asked him how he'd feel if someone else were fucking his wife? But he eventually said that he supposed that if it were physical that he'd be okay with it. Now Sue was walking back towards us but she could see I wasn't done talking so I asked Brad plainly - "what would you do if Sue were your wife and I were you? Do I have anything to be concerned about here or is this just something fun?".

Sue heard me ask that question and she stood there at the end of the booth waiting for his answer. He looked at her and then at me and just said that he wouldn't lie and that in some ways he does feel like he loves her, that he's shared something with her that is special to him, or something like that. But then he immediately looked at her and then at me and said - something like "but I do not love her like you do and I never will".

Now up to now I had sort of been on the offensive with him - and at that answer, I don't know, it just disarmed me and I felt okay about him for real. LIke he'd somehow let me see something that was real in his response to that question.

He said he needed to use the bathroom again and he got up and Sue sat opposite me in the booth. She gave me a hard time about how I seemed to be treating him and I was going to say I was justified and was just making sure of him but instead, I just said something like you're right, I mean he seems okay and something about making sure things stayed in control and she doesn't get carried away.

With that she asked me if she could have some fun with Brad before we had to leave. And at that moment I remembered that she'd fucked him earlier!!! That meant this entire time she'd been sitting there talking to us with his stuff in her! I swear my cock nearly burst. I could barely ask her what she meant and "didn't you do enough earlier today?". She smiled and told me I was silly but that she just wanted to have some fun with Brad in the bar and make sure he knew that things were okay.

I didn't totally understand what she meant until he came back from the bathroom and she motioned for him to sit next to her on the opposite side of the booth from me. She'd switched sides and he was now next to her. As he hesitated and then sat down Sue asked me out loud if I was okay with her sitting next to him now that I knew everything. I couldn't believe she was being this brazen and I could do nothing but say "no, it's fine, you have fun".

We talked about more of nothing and after a bit, we must have been on our 4th drink by this time, they'd begun to put bar-food out like baked ziti and chicken wings. I needed to stand up and I said that I was going to get some food. As I got some food, I turned to see them kissing in the booth. I was going to say something but I didn't but holy crap was that a moment frozen in time for me.

I know it couldn't have been long - maybe just a few seconds but it could have been an hour - I don't know. Her eyes were closed and it was clear their tongues were moving! I was so stunned by this. I mean I know she kissed him before - we'd talked about that and she said she'd enjoyed it and apparently so! I was walking back towards the booth when - and I"m not sure I saw it - but as I walked back I swear I saw his hand caress her breasts before they broke their kiss.

I came up to the booth and sat down a few seconds after they'd separated and the look on Sue's face was one I will never forget. LIke she'd been almost caught red-handed. But what really gave away how she felt at that second was the intense red-blush all over her neck and chest above her blouse.

The next 20 minutes or so were very crazy. Sue was a little ***** by now and after a little bit she was leaning on Brad and at one point she raised her foot and rubbed my leg. We talked openly for the next few minutes - maybe the alcohol made it easier but I asked what they thought was going to happen between them. Might as well ask. So she says that she doesn't want anything to change and asks if I'm okay with that. I said that as long as it didn't take anything away from us or our time together, that I was okay with it. I then looked at Brad and waited for his answer and he was honest and said that he cared a lot for Sue and that the sex was great and he again said that he didn't want anything to change - and then he looked at me and asked me "are we good"? And I just nodded yes.

With that she turns Brads head to hers and gives him a deep kiss right in front of me. I swear - thinking that she's sitting there opposite me with the guy she fucked not 7 hours earlier kissing him was just unbelievable. After she broke the kiss with him she reached out and held my hand on the table - and, as she did that she rubbed her foot up to my lap and she's feeling my hard cock. I was ready to lose it right then. They were closer than I'd expected to see right in front of me as he put his arm around her and held her tightly - I guess he finally felt that I was okay with what was happening - as we were closer to finishing our drinks, I knew his hand was on her leg.

Maybe 10 minutes later we all knew it was time to go. I got up and shook Brad's hand and said that I hoped we'd do this again soon. Sue slid out of the booth after Brad and as he turned she pulled him down to her and kissed him - again, holding nothing back, and then said she'd talk to him on Monday.

He left while we grabbed our umbrella and her jacket-thing. I held her tightly on the way out - as if for some reason I just felt like I had to. It was a weird feeling - actually sort of being okay - I mean if she was going to fuck someone, as I said, she had good taste.

When we got in the car we started talking before we even drove away. I asked her what she thought she was doing in the bar kissing him and more. She smiled and laughed and said that from the way I felt under her foot it seemed I liked it. At about that moment I remembered again that they'd fucked earlier so I asked her about that. She said she really didn't have an explanation other than that a part of her thought that might have been the last time for them if my meeting him didn't go well. I said that sounded kind of strange but sort of okay also so I let it go and just told her that it did make me feel very turned on whenever I'd think about it.

We talked about a lot of other stuff on the way home and I was turned on all night until the kids went to bed. We opened a bottle of wine and we got very close in bed. We didn't talk about Brad though - despite it being on both our minds. Eventually I got my turn with her and she kidded me about being a "shared wife" now. I honestly never thought I'd hear her say that - and even now, I'm not sure if it was the wine talking. But wow - she was incredibly turned on last night and I have to say, without a doubt one of the best fuck's we've had together, maybe ever. It just felt like we were reconnecting. Of course the thought that what I was feeling in her was Brad's sperm in addition to the spermicide cream helped me right along!

Things were great today albeit a little hung-over. I think she knows I"m posting this somewhere as she doesn't ask much questions. I can't say Brad came up in conversation today but there's been this feeling of connected-ness that we seem to feel today. Just an affectionate hug or kiss or look has been common for both of us today.

Time for bed...
Great to hear you are getting some control back. When my wife fucks other guys she tells me before it happens and it is a little agreement we have.So there is no deception and keeps our relationship honest.
I believe you should take her out one night and encourage her to flirt with others and also have a threesome with her and Brad to remind then that you are part of it 2



Sounds like a very interesting experience; rather intense. You handled it well and have "moved forward" substantially, I would say — as has Sue. Well told....


Sounds like most of your concerns were discussed and addressed to your satisfaction, and you, Sue and Brad now have that common understand which was lacking. Clearly, that understanding will require some "maintenance" over time.

Given they became a little physical in your presence, I was a little surprised the topic of "watching" didn't come up. That seemed to be and important part of your fantasy.

Congratulations on getting to this next plane !

Excellent, you handled that well. Everything looks copacetic. Sue is happy, you is satisfied and Brad at ease. By asking questions one can learn a lot. For instance:
The Pope had planed a trip to New York. His advisers warned him, that he will be met at Kennedy Airport by a swarm of newspaper men and they will swamp him with questions. The best way to handle them is to answer their questions with other questions.
As he disembarked in New York there was a swarm of reporters yelling questions at him. One was ”your Holiness: What do you think about all those prostitutes in this city?”
The Pope remembered what they warned him about back in Rome. Answer a question with a question.
Therefore he asked “ are there any prostitutes in New York?”
The headline in next days newspapers read: The first thing the Pope asked when getting off the plain “Are there any prostitutes in New York?”

OK, that’s a joke. There also has to be a little fun, otherwise nobody comes to the funeral.

Back to your arrangements, as I said , everybody is happy, but nobody mentioned Brads wife, his children, his family. Brad was concerned about Sues marriage. You asked him what his thoughts were regarding his wife and family. Did he elaborate on this? Does his income allow him to keep his children fed and have the expense of a girlfriend? Hotel or motel rooms are expensive these days, a bottle of wine and a dinner here and there adds up. Do you know something about his wife, is she a prude, is she intelligent.
If Sue and Brad meet for an extendet time, his wife will get smart about it eventually. Some were in your post I read between the lines, that Brad had girlfriends before. He might have a reputation and his wife is on guard. The longer this goes on, the bigger the chance that his wife will learn about it. And then it could turn very ugly. Try to learn about his wife. Maybe she could be seduced to put her shoes for a night under your bed.
Anyways I am glad everything went to your satisfaction, sorry I put a drop of vinegar in your happiness but I thought I should warn you before you or Sue are being called as a witness in a diverse case.

I'm still sort of trying to deal with everything. We've been talking more and I've asked some of the same questions to Sue - like "how are you going to keep this away from his wife?" and stuff like that.

It's weird though because actually the part from Friday that really still just gets to me is that she planned ahead of time to have sex with him before we all met. I know she said she thought it would re-assure him or whatever - I'm not sure he knew that I knew they'd been together at lunch?!

Anyway - Sue just answered something like ...it's not like I'm doing him every day.... and ....it's just some fun we're having - like you said you wanted me to.....

She has also said to me is that she feels like she did when we were first going out. That she seems to want and need more sex lately and somehow - the illicitness of her lunchtime fling with Brad seemed to satisfy her need.

Mind you these are all just sort of things that she's shared with me. And at one point she looked at me and said "you did want me to be more sexual and want it more. do you not want that now?".

That line got me thinking. I really don't feel like she's going to lose herself in Brad. I just don't see that - so that's comforting. Also over these past few days - thinking back now, knowing she was sitting there Friday night as we talked, him knowing she was sitting there with his cum in her all afternoon. I don't know - but when I let myself think about that - it just drives me crazy with desire for her. She must have told him that she was going to tell me - I should have asked him more. What was he feeling at that moment - not in general - but at that moment. What would he have said if I asked him "how was she at lunch?". And the more I think about it - there have been other days when she's spent the afternoon filled with his sperm. Damn, that is very arousing to me.

And, knowing now who she's intimate with and knowing that he knows about it too - there's a part of me that would like to see them do more together - or yes, to let me watch. Knowing and waiting for her afterwards is just wild and fills me with desire.

Enser - you asked about his wife and kids. With 2 young kids like that, it's no wonder he's not "getting any" at home. So, in that sense - if Sue's just filling that surrogate role - okay what about it? I got the sense that Brad wasn't looking to mess up his marriage and Sue did say he is working on this project. I guess I"m feeling that if Sue's okay with it then I"ll trust her judgement on it. Plus - as she aptly pointed out, it's not like they're doing it every day.

Anyway - I still have like a million thoughts going through my head about all of this so as they settle down and I can be more coherent, I'll post more.
  • #100
Soon to be...

Why don't you just tell her to have fun, stop checking her diaphragm, and relax now that your wife is a verified HW?

She's having fun, encourage her, and also encourage her to share these things with you. But yoy're bound to run into trouble if she feels you are monitoring her. :cool:

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