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change my name to: I'mACuck

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #101
Just a short update.

We talked more tonight and she really started to ask me what I wanted out of all of this. She said now that I was okay with Brad and hopefully that I was okay with her - she wanted me to tell her what I wanted now.

She came out and told me flat out that she enjoyed what she was doing with Brad. Sort of an illicit affair - she said it's really made her realize a lot about what she wants and likes and now feels she can say it to me.

I was sort of unsure what I really wanted. I mean here it is - she's doing what I wanted and enjoying it. And damn if I'm not reaping the benefits in spades with how revved up she seems to be in general.

I asked her how she felt just letting him fuck her like that. I realized that if they didn't go far - an hour was a long time. She looked at me and said that anytime I want to go park somewhere and fuck in the back seat - she'd now jump at the opportunity with me too. She said at first she felt slutty - very slutty just giving into him so quickly at lunch or after work. She even told me what park they go to and I know there's this long drive around it with small parking areas.

I asked her to tell me more and she did. And I think that' swhat I was looking for with her. The more she told me - slowly I listened. It was clear she wasn't comfortable telling me though. I told her that I really wanted to know how she felt so that I could sort of share in it with her.

Slowly though she did tell me a little bit. About how she felt those first few times. She told me several times how she kissed him and how that made her feel very sexy. Inside my god my stomach was in knots picturing some of this but my god my cock was hard. She told me the first few times they didn't even fuck. By this time we were both pretty worked up and as we finally got down to business ourselves all had to do was just let my mind go to any of the hundreds of things she told me and wow - that was it, I was off and she followed shortly behind.

Even better - we rolled over and actually both fell asleep together right after that. It felt so good holding her like that as we dozed off.

We didn't talk much more yet since dinner - but we are going to bed now...
  • #102
So - we talked even more last night and amongst all that was said, I wound up feeling both very confident and comfortable with Sue's view of the situation - confident that she has it in proper perspective and comfortable regarding ger better understanding me. I sensed that on Friday she began to feel that she could share with me more of what she's doing and over the weekend I made it clearer to her that I LIKED what she was doing and that I truly liked that she was doing it for herself too and not just as something that I was wanting.

I did a brash thing this morning when I told her myself to takeher diaphragm to work and to "be sure" that Brad knows I'm okay with what they're doing. Maybe I'm crazy but it just felt like the right thing to say and do after the weekend we just had together.
  • #103
Sorry - I've been consumed with the Wall Street disaster....

It was an incredible feeling yesterday when I handed her the diaphragm and told her to make sure Brad was okay. She said to me last night that when she told him that I'd been the one to tell her to have some fun - she said that he seemed to finally accept - as she now seems to have - that I want her to continue fucking him.

When I got home yesterday and knew that she'd had sex with him earlier and was probably still messy from him - it gave me such a charge! I swear looking at her right then just drove me wild with desire.

When we went upstairs after dinner I asked her if she still had her diaphragm in and she said yes and that she needed to leave it in longer to make sure there were no surprises. Later, just before bed she did let me watch her take it out. For some reason watching her take it out (and put it in too) just gets me turned on. I had thought maybe we would have had some fun together but she said she was tired and that she needed to give her pussy a rest (too much spermicide sometimes gives her a yeast problem!).

Anyway - she did, between hugs and kisses, hug me deeply and say how lucky she was to have me.

I don't know about your weekend suggestion - not sure how we'd work that with Brad. But I can say that over talking last night she did say that if I wanted to, that she'd ask Brad if he was okay with me watching them I do think I'm ready for that now. Earlier I think it would have irked me too much - but now, the scene you described does sound very hot.

More as it happens...
  • #104

SoonToBe said:
Sorry - I've been consumed with the Wall Street disaster....

I hope you and/or Sue are not teetering on the brink of becoming casualties of all that. I gather the number of casualties, on the individual level, is growing and likely to become much larger. From my neck of the woods, which is a long way from yours, it looks pretty serious -- for the entire U.S., and perhaps globally (at least potentially).

  • #105
Hey Custer,

Thank you for the concerns but Sue and I are okay - some questions about some of our mutual funds, etc., but that's it for us directly. Unfortunately, we do have family that worked at both Lehman and Merrill where the future is a bit cloudy.
And, the worst is yet to come ifyou do the research - we are NOT at the bottom yet. What I read was that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will both go the way of Lehman if they do not merge with a bank.
Very scary times - best to have as little debt as you can and to have a home-equity line-of-credit in place because in the next 2 years, it's going to be more difficult to get loans, etc., especially if you don't have a good credit-score...

But this should be about wives and sex - not about the depressing Wall Street situation...
  • #106
already did

Morgan Stanley already did merge with a bank. It's owned by Chase. Goldman got out of the subprime mortgages early enough to make money on them. GS saw it coming and shorted them when everyone else was long.

They both will weather this OK if they're careful.
  • #107
You might want to check your info again.
Here's a link to a Yahoo posting from within the past hour indicating Morgan is looking to possibly merge with Wachovia.
Morgan Stanley considers Wachovia deal: reports - Yahoo! News

I agree with your assessment of Goldman though - they clearly had brains long before the rest of them. Even AIG got caught up - how stupid can people be. Or, is it more "how greedy" can people be.

Sad, but that's the way it is.

Nothing new with my wife to report in on.
  • #109
My goof too...

Sorry 'bout that too - I totally forgot that was JP Morgan too. Easy to confuse... Maybe they're related? Seems like they were ahead of this too... Either way, this whole thing is fucked up.

  • #110

SoonToBe said:
Thank you for the concerns but Sue and I are okay....


SoonToBe said:
And, the worst is yet to come if you do the research - we are NOT at the bottom yet.

That's what it looks like.

SoonToBe said:
Very scary times - best to have as little debt as you can and to have a home-equity line-of-credit in place....


  • #111
New wrinkle this evening

So - it's now 7:30pm. After we finished dinner tonight the kids went their way and over coffee I suggested to Sue that we have some time together later - as in to have sex.

She surprised me by asking if I'd mind waiting till tomorrow night. I asked her why and she said "well, I was hoping to get together with Brad tomorrow and that'd mean I have to leave the diaphragm in for a really long time and I don't want to get another yeast problem". She then added "but we can surely have some fun tomorrow night!".

I was sort of surprised. I mean in my fantasy-mind I've often gone down the "denial" path. But now that it's for real - I'm feeling rather conflicted. Part of me is annoyed because I was pretty horny tonight and was looking forward to a roll-in-the-hay with her. But another part of me is sort of excited/aroused at her expressing her desire openly to me.

She's now helping our daughter with her homework while I'm sitting here in our office with a hard-on thinking about this situation. I'm sure once the kids are off to bed, we'll have more time to talk about this. But I"m thinking I want to push her towards an IUD so that this whole yeast-thing isn't an issue.

More later.
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  • #112

Well, she's making choices... and planning for herself. You have encouraged her so far and I guess as the saying goes... you can't have it both ways. Sounds like she is looking forward to a happy night with you tomorrow (and you've said it's always hotter post-Brad). Frankly man, I wouldn't make a big deal out of it (easy for me to say I know).

This might be a good time though to open the discussion of you being there at some point... just a thought.

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  • #113
Offer to wear a condom and see what she says. It may reveal alot!

Just a thought.

Careful what you wish for ...you might just get it!
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  • #114
Update before bed while she's watching the end of some show on Tivo.

We talked briefly earlier and she said again how she hoped I was okay with waiting till tomorrow night and then she gave me this nice kiss and she let me run my hands all over her through her t-shirt. I ran them up and felt no bra , I pulled her to me but she pushed away and said some thing about her not kidding that she wanted to wait. She knew that with just that shirt on, with the right caresses and tender kisses on her neck, that I'd have her worked up - so she pushed back and said that.

It was a strange feeling moment for both of us. At that moment she knew that I knew at that moment she, in some way, wanted Brad more than me. I'm hard again just typing this.

It wasn't until afterwards that I realized what had happened - but at that moment, I just pulled her to me again and kissed her again and then let her go.

That was like 5 seconds but after the kiss we looked at each other and I think that's when it registered for me.

It felt very strange and still does.

We didn't really talk much more about that after that moment passed and we both got busy with other things till a bit ago when she told me her show was almost over.

Casino - I know what you're saying and that's the outlook I'm taking in my behavior with her - I thought my reply was supportive but not overly encouraging. And it is exciting to see her like this, but I guess I still have a little uneasiness right now. Good point about being there - I need to somehow work that in. I seem to be sort of flustered whenever the moment could be good but I'll try to stay focused.

Chefton - we don't have any, neither of us like them.
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  • #115
In previous posts you wrote:

"I said that as long as it didn't take anything away from us or our time together, that I was okay with it."

"I had thought maybe we would have had some fun together but she said she was tired and that she needed to give her pussy a rest"

"I suggested to Sue that we have some time together later - as in to have sex.

She surprised me by asking if I'd mind waiting till tomorrow night. I asked her why and she said "well, I was hoping to get together with Brad tomorrow and that'd mean I have to leave the diaphragm in for a really long time and I don't want to get another yeast problem". "

I thinks this situation is already taking time from you and your wife together. And the "denial" thing started just after you mentioned that you are ok as long as it doesn't take anything away from you and your wife.
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  • #116
The old cuckolding vs wifesharing issue

Hi NowACuck,

I think you need to give this a try. You did tell her this is what you wanted. She is merely being practical and had probably already made arrangements. So I wouldn't read too much into it. Personally I think sex delayed is sex enhanced. Now if she continues to deny you sex unless she has just slept with her boy toy then you may need to be worried. Enjoy tomorrow night!
  • #117
And so it begins. Your sexual schedule is being adjusted to fit around her schedule with Brad. Don't be at all surprised if this becomes more common, and soon she's routinely denying you for a few days before her planned encounters with Brad, in order to save herself for him. After that you not only won't be having sex with Sue, but won't be seeing her naked during those few days either.

This may be difficult for you to see from your current perspective inside your marriage, but I clearly see a chastity cage in your future.
  • #118
I have to say it was very erotic last night watching her change and get ready for bed knowing she didn't want to have sex with me. I guess like a forbidden fruit or something like that. The more I thought about it, the more aroused I was getting. Sue noticed and kissed me and said "thank you" for being okay with waiting. And then she said something about my being excited by her asking me to wait.

I thought of what I should say and I just told her "yes" that for whatever reason - that for whatever reason, it did turn me on. She seemed very pleased by that answer and promised me that I would really enjoy Friday night. When we got in bed she offered to give me a hand job or to help me masturbate if I was really horny. I was tempted - I do enjoy letting her watch me (most of the time she will lean over at the very end and suck me over the edge) - but at that moment I said "no" and told her I'll take it out on her tomorrow (tonight) night.

I lay there next to her as we were falling asleep and I started to think of where I wanted this to go. As if I wasn't horny enough. And I sort of came to the conclusion that I did want to see if this would play out into more of a real cuckold relationship. I thought for a long time about how I felt about her first statement about her - for the moment - wanting Brad instead of me. All I could feel was arousal and excitement and her wanting to express her true desires. I can't totally describe the feeling of knowing that as she went to sleep - that she wanted to have sex with Brad next before me. Is this the thrill that seems to lie under most of the other people who profess to enjoy all of this? I mean I have read many stories and postings where guys enjoy this type of relationship. I do confess that it does arouse me - and I guess I'm surprised at how it feels inside to realize this about your wife. I think it's amazing - at the same time as I know she loves me and is devoted and dedicated to me - that at the same time she also wants to enjoy Brad.
  • #119
Anyway - I guess what I was getting to was that I think I want to see how this whole cuckold thing pans out.

This morning watching her showering and dressing was equally erotic to watching her last night. Maybe even more so. I didn't question that she'd taken her diaphragm with her.

It's an odd feeling to be so aroused and even sort of proud of her that she wants to fuck Brad today. The thought of her taking his cock in her pussy this afternoon is just an incredible turn-on for me. It sounds so strange to think that - but it is what it is.

In the clarity of the daytime I realize what the condom comment was about from Chefton. I now realize that maybe she would have let me have her with a condom so she didn't have to use the diaphragm. I don't think it's anything like she didn't want me to cum inside her - but I guess I cannot be sure.

I also don't see any sort of chastity thing in our future. In looking back at last night - I actually think that every now and then, if it turns her or works for her to ask me to wait - I think I can live with it as long as tonight is as hot and intense as I hope it will be. I have to say that my arousal is definitely peaked-up right now.

Gotta go - the conference call I'm listening to is about to end so I can do some real work.
  • #120
Its Cool

Soon To Be. This is all ok, just think about it. Sure she wants to fuck Brad first. She knows how fucking hot it makes you when she gets home full of his cum. She gets to best of both of you. If you two had sex the night before and she had to leave the spermicide in her. She would not be fresh for him or you the next day. As we all know spermicide ruins a lot of the hot wife rewards. You need to switch bc for sake of everyone involved . Especially hers, for she has to go through all that discomfort to please both you and Brad. If you switch bc then her pussy would be available on a monents notice to either one of you, and it would be fresh. Remember Brad is the guest when he is in her pussy, you are the owner. When you have guests over for dinner and drinks, who gets served first? Guests, right? So Brad or what ever man she will be with, should be offered the pussy first. You two are on top of the whole situation and i know you will get it fine tuned to YOUR liking. You have a real special and HOT, hot wife, so i hope you get to enjoy her to the max. Myself i can hardly wait for your updates. But i would be just like you, in the respect of when i wanted her, i would want her to be ready. Have Fun , okdeacon

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