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change my name to: I'mACuck

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Hey - thanks for the kind words. I couldn't sleep but she's off soundly.

She came home from work all bubbly and told me that they were going out on Wednesday night right after work. She gave me this huge hug and kiss and told me excitedly that Wednesday was when they were going out. As she got changed out of her work clothes she told me how she felt like she'd been asked to go to the prom all over again. She seemed on such an up that I just couldn't come down hard on her and ruin it. So, I just went along and asked her what her plans were and she said they were going to leave straight from work and that she probably wouldn't be home till pretty late. I wanted to talk some more but we needed to get dinner going. Still, I stood there and watched her undress until she saw me staring and jokingly shooed me out of the room.

It wasn't until about 10:30pm that we finally said goodnight to our 16 year old son who retreated to his basement lair where he's oblivious to the world. Then, we finally talked again.

I asked her again what she is thinking and then she surprised me and said I should tell her what I'm thinking. What I'm fearing and what I'm turned on about and that we should sort through this.

I told her my fears were just that - that she was going to begin to feel something for Brad that was previously reserved for just us. I told her I feared she'd fall in love with him in some way even if it was only for the moment.

She waited for me to tell her what turned me on about it. When I didn't start right away she prodded me to tell her whether what she's done so far still turned me on. All I could say to that was "omg - yes, absolutely" and with that she sort of reached over and felt that I was pretty hard just saying it to her.

So I just continued and I told her that yes - so far I was very very happy with her fulfilling my (and seemingly, hers too) longtime fantasy. I told her that just thinking about her with another guy still turned me on to no end and now, to know she's truly been with other guys is totally thrilling to me. I told her that seeing her sexual excitement at the time and then experiencing her desires for days and days afterwards was just incredible.

I thought I was done but she said "so, what are you thinking about for me for Wednesday night?". It took me a moment to think about what I was going to say - but at that moment I literally just said what-the-hell - and I told her that if she was going to do it that she might as well get everything she could out of it as it was a unique opportunity.

I swear I don't know why I said that but I did and once I started, I just kept going and told her how I sometimes fantasize about her being seduced in a dark booth in a restaurant and how she longed to go up to his hotel-room. And how once she was there, that she'd go wild on him and exhaust him before returning home to me. I then added "when I then get my turn".

It felt good to say it. I mean I'd been fighting it for a while but what the heck, let her go out this time and get what she wants out of a night. Yes, I know it might be like lighting the fuse on something - but, hey, according to Custer, she's already doing more than she's telling me. I'm not so sure about that - there's just not that much time she has free right now. But I have to say that it is incredibly arousing to me to just think about what she'll be doing on Wednesday. There's something about the idea of her planning this in advance that is just keeping me hard thinking about it.

Anyway - my mind was racing at all sorts of thoughts. My little wifey becoming a bit of a wild-woman - never would have thought this a few years ago.
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Tonight was much easier for both of us. We shared a glass of wine after dinner while we sat on the front porch and talked a bit. She thanked me for being so good about tomorrow and that she swore again to me that it's just for the night and for her to have fun and that it really means nothing.

She was surprised when about 10:30pm rolled around and I hadn't tried to get her undressed yet. I told her honestly that I wanted both of us to be horny tomorrow night. I told her that I wanted her to fuck his brains out and then, when she gets home - no matter how late - I'm going to have my turn with her. I got that same giggle that I always get when she likes what I said but can't admit to it.

So - we're about to turn in and I think I'll be successful in abstaining till tomorrow night.
Well - it was a bit awkward this morning. I still have concerns deep inside about all this but seeing her primping in the bathroom and then my thinking about Brad having her later tonight - damn if my cock wasn't rock hard. She saw it under my towel as I got out of her way and gave me her trademark giggle again.

I noticed she had a small bag that she was putting some stuff into - I glanced in and saw some sexy lingerie (a lacy bra and matching panties) and some other stuff.

As I was getting dressed she came out of the bathroom and saw me watching as she opened the bag and said "need to be sure I bring this" as she put her diaphragm and cream in.

I don't know what happened but damn if I didn't nearly cum as I watched that - knowing at some point she'd be putting it in for HIM.

She saw me and came over and patted my hard-on poking up from my underwear and just said "later tonight, you get your turn" as if she was talking to my cock!

Over breakfast she reminded the kids that she'd be home late tonight. Both of them looked puzzled until she said something like "you remember, Mommy has a big dinner meeting tonight for work". Kids... They both just said "oh yeah, we forgot".....

So I'm now at work trying to focus on work instead of what she'll be doing later... But I have to say - whenever I even think about it - damn if it doesn't get me all hard. I'm trying to focus on that part - my arousal and excitement at her doing this instead the the misgivings that I also feel. For now the excitement far outweighs the misgivings...
There would be (at least) 3 advantages. Think about it....


SoonToBe said:
Hey - thanks for the kind words. ....

You're welcome. Yours is an interesting story, with much detail on a psychological level. I — and others on this forum, I imagine — appreciate your taking the trouble to communicate it.

SoonToBe said:
Well - it was a bit awkward this morning. I still have concerns deep inside about all this....

I assume by "all this" you mean your wife going out with her lover for a formal dinner date, followed by genteel fucking at a hotel, as opposed to "informally" fucking him, so to speak, in the back of her van. I suggest this is a concept you need to grow accustomed to. A sexually-mature married woman of your wife's stature has every right to expect the kind of genteel treatment she will receive tonight from Brad, and every right to expect you, as her cuckold, to accept that. She isn't a teenager anymore, and should not be expected to fuck her lover furtively while looking over her shoulder because "a grownup" might see her (say, a passing cop who shines his flashlight into her van), and because neither she nor her lover have sufficient resources for anything better.

SoonToBe said:
....but seeing her primping in the bathroom and then my thinking about Brad having her later tonight - damn if my cock wasn't rock hard. ....

Good. That's the appropriate response. It shows proper respect for your wife.

SoonToBe said:
.... She saw it under my towel as I got out of her way and gave me her trademark giggle again.

Very good. Your wife clearly perceives you are unable to help yourself as she manipulates you into agreeing with what she wants. You're a fortunate cuckold to be married to such a seductive and sensuously-skilled cuckoldress....

SoonToBe said:
I noticed she had a small bag that she was putting some stuff into - I glanced in and saw some sexy lingerie (a lacy bra and matching panties) and some other stuff.

Ah, good, good.... she knows exactly what will be needed this evening, and is making sure she's fully-equipped.

SoonToBe said:
As I was getting dressed she came out of the bathroom and saw me watching as she opened the bag and said "need to be sure I bring this" as she put her diaphragm and cream in.

Excellent. It sounds like your wife has become more open about that, since you brought it up in conversation.

SoonToBe said:
I don't know what happened but damn if I didn't nearly cum as I watched that - knowing at some point she'd be putting it in for HIM.

This too was the appropriate response. You continued to show proper respect....

SoonToBe said:
She saw me and came over and patted my hard-on poking up from my underwear and just said "later tonight, you get your turn" as if she was talking to my cock!

She probably felt that she was.....

SoonToBe said:
Over breakfast she reminded the kids that she'd be home late tonight. Both of them looked puzzled until she said something like "you remember, Mommy has a big dinner meeting tonight for work". Kids... They both just said "oh yeah, we forgot".....

Kids, like women, always know what's going on in their own homes.... or if they don't, sooner or later they figure it out. About the time they graduate from high school and are leaving for college may be the right time for you and your wife to have a conversation with them re. the nature of your relationship and some of the philosophical considerations behind it. My guess would be, it would be best to do this one-at-a-time, because they aren't the same age and to avoid "interactive awkwardness" between them. Perhaps a possibility would be for you to take your son for a long drive while you talk with him about it (so there wouldn't be any telephone interruptions and he wouldn't be able to say "um, gotta go... " and rush off), and for your wife to do likewise, at an appropriate time, with your daughter.

Kids always know when parents are attempting to "fool them" dishonestly, and they appreciate being treated as adults in straightforward conversations about things that matter. In the long run, they'll think more — perhaps much more — of you if you do it.

SoonToBe said:
So I'm now at work trying to focus on work instead of what she'll be doing later...

Yeah, really. It's a wonder you haven't been fired by now.

SoonToBe said:
But I have to say - whenever I even think about it - damn if it doesn't get me all hard. I'm trying to focus on that part - my arousal and excitement at her doing this instead the the misgivings that I also feel. ....

Keep it up (so to speak).... as I mentioned, you're doing well.

It amazes me that you're planning to refrain from masturbating while your wife is out on her date. I mean, how is that possible...—? If my wife were out on a date with a lover, I would definitely be unable to resist the urge to jack off while thinking about her. I would suggest giving some serious thought to retiring to your room early — say, by about 10:00 — and jacking off while thinking about what your wife is probably doing. Then, tell her about it when she comes home. This would have (at least) three advantages. (1) Your wife would be turned on, knowing that you are thinking about her and jacking off when she is out with her lover; (2) your stamina would be increased, so you would be able to last longer while fucking her after she returns (or the next morning) — something she would appreciate; and (3) you would, in effect, be rewarding yourself while she is out on her date, thus providing yourself with increased motivation to accept and encourage her to go out on "formal" dates.

Think about it, as you agonize over how long it will be before your wife comes home.... it would be the cuckold thing to do....

So - she's probably at dinner right now.
Yes, my mind is racing at what might be going on.
That is only surpassed by my knowledge of what will be going on later.
It's actually got a bit of enjoyment for me right now as I"m typing this - I mean it has been my longtime fantasy for her to actually want to her her own sexual desires. I think it's great that she's doing it.
But of course, there's the other side.... But I'm trying not to go there and enjoy things thinking optimistically about it all.

Custer - you asked about my not masturbating. Unfortunately, I can only cum twice a night - I"m not one of these guys who can just get it up again. Perhaps that's part of Sue's desires - to experience someone who can - good for her.
But that first time for me is always the best - and if I can (and I beleive I will) if I can have that first time with her late tonight - then it'll be worth it. I'll find a way once I click on submit here and move away.

Still - since I posted earlier, my mind seems to be focused on the image of her in the bathroom, or perhaps if she's really comfortable with Brad letting him watch her put in her diaphragm. There's something about that moment - I want her to tell me about that moment and what she was thinking and doing when I'm in her later. I can't explain it but that act of protecting herself from his cum in her is just incredibly arousing to me right now.

So, I need to click submit and do something else with myself....
SoonToBe, have you and your cuckoldress given any thought to you being locked in chastity while she's out on dates with Brad (Custer is likely right, BTW, that she'll be going on more such dates in the future)? It doesn't have to be a long term denial thing, but it could help you refrain from masturbating while you're waiting for her to get home and thinking about what your wife and her lover are doing at that moment.

Eventually your wife is going to want to stay out on her dates all night long, and it will require a lot of self control to keep your hand away from your cock in the wee hours of the morning when you're unable to sleep because all you can think about is the sounds she's likely making while Brad is fucking her.
What would happen if, right before a big date with him, you secretly removed her diaphragm from her purse.

Would she fuck him and let him cum deep inside her? :cool:
Good Morning!!!!!

What a night! She came home just before 1am and one look at her told me all I needed to know. I did manage to not masturbate and by the time she did get home - I thought my cock would burst at times!

I don't have all the details yet since she's still asleep - but I did hear about a very nice dinner and that she was very worked up by the time they went up to their room (he splurged for a room in a nice hotel - not a cheapie motel - and they had dinner in the hotel's restaurant first).

All I know for sure is that they fucked for a long time and he came twice in her before she came home to me.

Wet would be the understatement of the year to describe what I found under her panties. And I have to say, the moment of kneeling between her legs staring at her well used pussy was only surpassed by the feeling of entering that well used pussy. It wasn't so much creamy as incredibly wet. Most arousing to me was that the more we fucked - the wetter she got and the deeper I went, the wetter it was! She was a little embarassed at how we sounded - squishing and slurping but I was totally into it. It was while we were fucking that she told me he'd cum twice in her.

That was it - just the thought of them being intimate together not more than an hour or so earlier and looking down to see this frothy sheen covering us - that was it and I let loose in her like my cock was a fire-hose!

I still get a little angst thinking about it all right now but that is so far outweighed by how turned on I still am. Part of me feels like having her again right now.

And to ball-spanker, I don't know what she would have done and it's not something I really want to consider.

But, in that same vein - I may suggest to her that she look into an IUD as an alternative to the diaphragm. They have hormone-free ones that are supposed to be effective. My thoughts there are that would let me go down on her when she came home - as last night, with that nasty contraceptive jelly in her - no way for any oral sex on her.

Oh well - I'm sure I'll hear from her when she wakes up later but right now at 7:15am, it's totally silent in our house ( the kids are getting in every morning they can sleep in before school starts). She's going in late today - she told me she'd planned this too (kept that from me till last night).

More later when we talk and I get more details. If I know her, she'll tell me bits and pieces over the phone today just to drive me crazy.
What A Wonderful Wife

Soon to be, you are one very lucky devil man . For your Hot Wife has to be one of the best in the world. Yes she needs to change bc methods. For you need to be eating her sweet little fresh fucked pussy when she gets home. I know you want to for it is something that should be done and its soo good. :p I thank you for every word about her that you post. I thank her for being a wife that fucks other men for her husband. It is also so hot that she is so into it now and you can expect many wonderful box lunchs from the Y. :p So very hot and sexy. okdeacon
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There are also contraceptive patches that can be effective and useful for several days at a time. :cool:
I know, I know.... "you're not that kind of a guy."


SoonToBe said:
.... I may suggest to her that she look into an IUD as an alternative to the diaphragm.

This is a good idea. Diaphragms, I would say, are a crude form of birth control that are not highly reliable. As an alternative, your wife might consider obtaining a depo provera injection. This is a highly-reliable form of birth control that's good for about 3 months, then has to be repeated. It would free her from having to remember to do anything on a per day or per date basis. She can probably get the necessary injection for free or at very low cost at a public health center in your area, or at higher cost from her physician. See, for example:

McKinley Health Center - Depo-Provera (DMPA) - University of Illinois

Regarding your comment:

SoonToBe said:
What a night! She came home just before 1am and one look at her told me all I needed to know. I did manage to not masturbate and by the time she did get home - I thought my cock would burst....

Given that you don't want to masturbate, the suggestion (above) that your wife lock you in a male chastity device — for which she, of course, would be your sole key holder — during her dates is excellent. See, for example:

Welcome to CB-2000.com

(Apparently the most recent model, the CB6000, is best and most comfortable. Also, apparently, it's best to buy from the manufacturer since knock-off imitations are on the market that are cheap and of poor quality.)

Many cuckoldresses — perhaps including your wife, potentially — find it very satisfying for their cuckolds to go down on them and "clean" their lover's cum from their pussies by giving them cunninglingus when they return from dates with their lovers. If your wife were to adopt an alternative to her diaphram, it would enable you to do this for her. See:

The Fine Art of Queening

I know, I know, "you're not that kind of a guy" and are *definitely* not into that. But hey.... now that you're a cuckold, this is all about your wife and her needs — right? I would suggest introducing her to the "queening" site. It may increase her love for you, and your desirability as a husband in her eyes, if she realizes you're willing — and perhaps even want — to do this for her.

I only have a few minutes before work this morning right now. I thought I might have time last night but didn't as Sue was still extremely horny last night and despite both of us still being on the tired-side, it seemed we both enjoyed a rousing time in bed last night.

As long as this pattern holds - I think I honestly don't care what she does (or who she does!) - because the sex last night for both of us was just incredible.

She did share a lot more info and I hope to have time to post that later this afternoon.

However - I did want to reply to a few things quickly.

1) CB-2000. Sorry to those of you who suggested that, but we're not into that (or perhaps, maybe it's that we're not into that just yet). But the reality is that right now there is no desire for that for either of us. I'm quite capable of controlling my masturbation - as I said, I'm at most a 2-shot'er and that first time is the best for me so I'm quite capable of restraining myself to give me more pleasure later.

2) Regarding other forms of BC. Both the diaphragm and IUD are hormone-free and that's something she feels strongly about. The depo-shot and the patch are just alternate forms of hormonal birth-control. Actuallly, here she's considering having her tubes tied or we've learned of a new technique called E-Sure (or something like that) where it is similar to having your tubes-tied - but here, the doc inserts something into both fallopian tubes that causes, over a 1-2 month period, her body to grow scar-tissue such that it results in the same thing - tubes being blocked.

We had considered a vasectomy for me in the past but now she sees that is not a viable solution if she's with other guys.

Anyway - everyone's about to be getting up so I have to run.
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SoonToBe - I love your honesty. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Your lucky to have such a sexual wife. One thought that hit me as I was reading is that anyone can "lose" a lover and/or wife for any variety of reasons. Allowing your wife to express her sexuality by fucking other men may actually enhance your marriage. I guess it's different for everybody.
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Hey Sptb...
Thanks. I find it relaxing in a way to post my thoughts here. There are so many different thoughts that sometimes it helps to see them in writing - sort of validating it all.

You are correct that you can always lose someone if you don't care forthem. I like to think we are approaching this in a sane safe way. But we are both aware of the risks.

I hope her awareness keeps her from letting herself go. I do have some fears and concerns of her with Brad. Given my choice I would have preferred to have found someone a bit more distant in terms of distance instead of someone she works with (although not directly).

It is wonderful to see her after she's been with Brad. The glow she seems to have - her heightened sex drive - her seeming increased affection for me, it's all been great.

Still - for as eroticallly satisfying as it's been - I have to be honest and say that there's a part of me that has angst at knowing of the extent of their intimacy and close feelings when they're together.

But, at this time, that is far outweighed by how freaking turned on I am at her sharing her body and sexuality with others.

More later - we're all trying to get out of here early today for the long weekend.
I only have a short time - she's watching Saving Grace on Tivo and it only has a little bit left.

So here's some of what went on and my thoughts/feelings on them. She told me how they had a drink at the bar in the hotel before going to dinner and that he kissed her then. I don't know but kissing goes both ways for me - during the passion of sex, I'm very okay with the idea as it heightens my thoughts of her desires. But hearing them kissing in the bar, before dinner, gives me that same angst that keeps me on edge.

She told me how they shared a bottle of wine over dinner and then went back to his room for dessert. After another drink from the in-room bar she said she went to the bathroom to get washed and to change into the sexy stuff she'd brought - I don't think Brad knew she was changing.

I asked her if that was when she put in her diaphragm. She looked at me for a second as if she may have realized that that thought aroused me and she said that she didn't do it then but that she put her dress back on over the sexy undies and then went back out.

She said they kissed for a while on the bed and Brad gradually undid her dress and slowly removed it. She said he'd found her weakness - kissing her neck just between where your collarbones meet - that makes her melt and is like the spigot for her pussy.

I don't remember all the details but at some point they were down to their underwear - she in her lacy bra & panties and him in his boxers. She said they got into a 69 and then I understood why she waited on the diaphragm as she let him go down on her! Damn if that didn't turn me on thinking about that - his tongue in her pussy. And she told me how she could taste how turned on he was from all the pre-cum.

It was when he turned back around and started rubbing against her pussy that she said she needed to "take care of something" (her code for needing to put in her diaphragm). I wanted to hear what she did - did she go into the bathroom, or has she become so comfortable with him to do it in front of him. So I asked "did you run to the bathroom?". And she said "no, I just told him to turn away for a second".

Damn if that thought and scene doesn't get me hard!!!!! I don't know why but picturing her at the edge of the bed preparing herself for his cock....

I asked her at one point what was going through her mind and she said she really couldn't think of what she was thinking other than just really wanting him in her!

It's 48 hours later and still just thinking about it is such a turn-on. She told me during sex how they changed positions, how she felt so open and ******* to him when she knelt on the bed and he was behind her.

I will admit, I get a knot in my stomach though when she tells me how she held him tightly as he came inside her and she followed right behind. I guess somehow I'm still not comfortable with that level of their emotions together - how she held him tightly as she came on his cock. It also doesn't help me that she uses the word "love" a lot in her descriptions and how she's told me how during her orgasms she'll tell him that she loves him.

I know from when we first started dating and she'd say that to me even when we were just starting out - how her therapist after her divorce explained to her that she can use that word to describe her feelings of something other than the emotional love for another person. I just hurts to hear her tell me that she would tell him that while they're fucking - even though I know to have expected her to say it. It gives me pause to think of how I'd be if I were there watching and heard her exclaim that as he's orgasming underneath or on top of him.

Anyway - she's promised me a "quickie" tonight before bed so I'm going to say adieu....
It's been a great Labor Day weekend.
Both weather-wise and sex-wise.

Sue's been just incredibly turned on since last week and we've talked about many things. She said she liked being out with Brad for a while before just having sex with him - that she liked hanging out with him and she hoped that maybe one day I'd join them. She quickly added "having drinks, that is and hanging out, I didn't mean....". I laughed and told her I understood but I asked about his wife and family and she didn't really answer much to that question.

Finally yesterday night she asked me what I felt about what she'd done. I mean we'd talked but she never really asked me how I felt about it other than to make sure I was okay with her and us.
I told her that honestly it turned me on to think of her out on a date. That I pictured her kissing him and then turning passionate in bed.
Every time I look down at her under me while we're having sex it turns me on to think of it being Brad instead of me - wondering how she looks under him - wondering how she feels with him inside her - is she grabbing his cock with her pussy. So, I told her that. She smiled and just rolled on top of me and kissed me passionately after I said that, in sort of those words, to her.

She then asked me flat out if I checked the bathroom every morning for her diaphragm being there. I couldn't lie to her and said that I did.
At that moment she knew that I'd known she was fucking him when she hadn't told me - and she also knew it turned me on but I'd never said anything to her. But before she could answer I added that it turned me on to think of her doing it with him after work.

I felt so close to her and that at that moment, I just felt safe telling her everything so I said "of course, if it was at lunch that you two..." and then I said really fast "that would be so hot, his stuff in you all afternoon at work!". She just smiled at me and said that she'd let me wonder about that for a little while! As if she was teasing me with not telling me.

Well, that really led to a hot time in bed. My god can she fuck when she's really horny. She saw me watching her put in her diaphragm - she's not shy with me, sometimes she lets me put it in. I asked her again whether she'd let Brad watch - and this time she answered, "yes, he was in the bathroom and I asked him to bring it out". She paused for a second and then looked at me and said "turns you on to think of him watching me like you are now?!". The huge hard-on stick out of my boxers answered her question.

It was wild - she wanted everything and she got most of it! By the time she climaxed for the last time, I wasn't far behind.

As we lay there I asked her if she knew if she was going to see him this week and her answer was a very casual and confident "I hope so". Then a moment later she added "that's assuming you are okay with it?! Are you?" And with that I got the most sensually arousing kiss from her until I just said "yes, it's okay" when we finally broke the kiss. I rolled up on one elbow and started to play with her and ran my fingers down to her wet pussy. She just looked up at me and said she loved me.

So I guess I'll keep watching the bathroom drawer and see what the week brings.
Well - that didn't take long. I checked and her diaphragm was missing this morning.

I thought she'd had enough on Sunday night as last night she'd said she was a bit tired so she turned in early.

I don't know how I'll handle this - I just called her at her desk at work and there's no answer.

I'm not sure whether I'll ask her anything or just see how she handles it, etc.

I'm now stuck here at my desk with a huge hard-on thinking of her maybe having a quickie with Brad right now!!
So - I'm re-reading my posts and it seems I've caught a discrepancy in what Sue's shared with me.

She first told me last week that she'd been in the bathroom when she put in her diaphragm - but now she's changed that part of the story to him giving it to her and her putting it in while she was in the room with him.

I'm not sure why I'm so pre-occupied and aware of this diaphragm thing. I guess to me that's something I'd always considered to be more private and personal. To be honest about it - I'm sort of surprised that she was that comfortable putting it in with him right there with her. But I guess, they've already had sex like 4 or 5 times already so maybe she's just that comfortable with him already?! Now if she ever tells me she let him put it in - that'd really put me over the edge.

I wouldn't get too hung up on that detail. My guess (just a guess) is that when you pressed her on it, she might have been reluctant to be 100% truthful for fear of hurting you. It sounds like she has been pretty forthright otherwise.

The one thing that does cause me a bit of concern for you is her brushing you off on the "his wife and family" discussion. If I were you, I'd poke at that a bit. Even is she is not falling in love... he might be.

Well, the diaphragm re-appeared after she got ready for bed.
I opened the drawer just a bit after washing up, and there it was. I didn't say anything to her though - it was kind of hectic tonight with the kids starting school tomorrow morning. She went to bed early and I'm following shortly.

I'm not sure what I should do, if I should do anything. I mean, so what if she's having a quickie with Brad. Given how crazy it was here tonight, I don't think I even blame her at all. I'm figuring/hoping that when we're in bed tomorrow night - maybe she'll "fess-up" about today. I mean, she must know I know what she's doing. Or, who knows, maybe she's just faking me out and putting it in her purse and then putting it back later on? I guess, if I never hear about it, maybe I should then start worrying?

Casino - I'm guessing/hoping you're right about her just not wanting to tell me everything, or more likely, telling me what I'd be comfortable knowing. Still, that thought - of him watching her get ready for him. Preparing herself for him. Mmmm - whenever I picture it in my mind....

And, I guess you're right - I do need to push her on the issue of his wife and kids. But if it's just an afternoon quickie, I don't know. I mean I guess our own afternoon-ers from way back when we worked together did lead to us getting together. But on the other hand, I just don't see it as there's more to her than just decent furtive sex in the afternoon...

Anyway - tomorrow's another day.

I guess you're right, at least I'm hoping you are.
We didn't talk about it tonight - kids start school tomorrow morning so she went to bed early.

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