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change my name to: I'mACuck

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #141
JC - that's hot to think about - both of our wives out with their fuck-buddies.

I spoke to Sue earlier and she did say that she wouldn't be leaving tilll about 3:30pm. I reminded her to be careful and to also have fun. I also asked her to save some energy for me later tonight. She gave mer her famous giggle and just said "of course silly".

I try to fight it here at work but at times images of her entwined with Brad writhing together on a bed somewhere will just flash by.
  • #142
I must say that I could be wrong. He could very well be fucking her all ready. They started with lunches together. Then they became longer lunches. Then they became marital problems with his wife that she was all too concerned about. Then, well you know the rest. A change of dressing style and you get fucked by the boss.

  • #143
JC - I see many similarities between Joy and Sue in their work-related passions.

I had, initially, frowned on Sue's involvement with someone she works with even if he is in a different department. But after meeting Brad a few weeks back, I feel better about them. It is still an odd feeling to actually know and even iike the guy who's fucking my wife - probably as I'm writing this.

How many partners does Joy have? Many here have suggested that Sue should find additional guys - but I just don't think she's there yet.

I'm trying to keep my mind on work but with the clock now showing 4:20pm, I have no doubt where they are already and what they are undoubtedly doing. Still - knowing what I'll find when we get back from pizza later is keeping me on the edge all afternoon.
  • #144

I agree that there are similarities. But there are some differences also. I have never had claim t that little patch of gold between her legs. It was made clear very early on in our relationship that I had no control and never would have over that her femininity, or her ability to use it as she so desired. I had to accept it in that she is bi-sexual and had female lovers. That eliminated any notion of any exclusivity.

The first night we were together we fucked. I knew she was not real particular. The second night she spent with another man. It fueled my fire. I wanted her even more.

As I type this, she is probably getting her brains fucked out. I wait, wonder and can only imagine the pleasure she is getting.

I can usually tell when she and D are planning to get together. Though any day is a possibility, there are times that they seem to plan. Fridays is fairly normal. She abandons the pantyhose for thigh highs or garters and nylons, heels and thong. He gets the royal treatment. it is a turn on to know that he will be fucking her maybe more than once in the day. That is how I found out. All of a sudden, she was never there at lunch time. He was giving her a special treat for lunch.

i am diabetic and as such have lost the ability so I have gotten over it. It is about 8:00 here and she is probably on her third.

Gotta go. Will catch up later.

  • #145

J showed up about an hour ago, about 1 am I hope you will forgive the fact that I haven't posted much and didn't even know that there was a name for those of us whose wives fuck others.

Your story seems to resonate with me STB. I didn't realize that we were called cuckolds. But, i never had any illusions that her pussy was anybodies but to do with what she pleased. It was made clear that she would use it as she wanted, and though I wanted marriage, her physical being was not part of the equation. That has been so.

Anyway, she has the aroma of his cologne, the wt spot of his cum in her panties, and the afterglow of having had herself fucked really hard. As I learn this site , I will eventually tell the whole story. He wined her and he dined her, and then got laid. She didn't return with her stockings so I would guess that D too them off rather quickly and aggresively.
  • #146
Hi all,

First chance to post since Friday night.
The drive home after work gave me time to think about what was going on. Surely by 6pm or so they were already in bed, possibly going on second's already. I let myself get lost in those thoughts till I was home.
I think it was good going out with the kids for pizza as it then took my mind off everything leaving me with the most erotic thoughts still dancing around in my head.

Sure enough by about 8pm when we got home, sure enough as my daughter announced "mommy's home already". That brought me back to reality quickly.

All she shared with me was that she'd had a great time with Brad and that not only did they have dinner together but she said they shared some special time.

I had to wait until after our son called it a night to find out more. And for it to be my turn!

I still cannot describe fully the excitement and arousal I had at watching her undress in front of me. Knowing full well that Brad had enjoyed her in much the same way earlier. She'd obviously changed when she got home but as she slid her panties down and stood in front of me naked - damn if I wasn't hard as a rock.

She seemed very confident - sometimes she'll be less so but not Friday night. I could tell she was still turned on herself by how her breasts looked and how swollen her pussy still was and how darkened in color it was from it's normal pink to a darkened pink as if she was still in need of more sex. And I was happy to give it to her.

I don't recall everything she said but she did tease me a bit by saying things about how she and Brad had made a mess and how it was good she'd had time to clean up before we got home. I began to kiss her neck and body and I swore I could smell or taste Brad on her breasts.

My fingers tenderly teased her swollen pussy till she relaxed and spread her legs further for me. I knew she'd be wet from their time earlier and sure enough, I ran by fingers down and felt her vaginal opening - it felt swollen and very wet inside. She knew I was incredibly turned on by how my cock felt in her hand. Neither of us really could wait much longer.

More in a bit... Someone's yelling for me downstairs...
  • #147
Well, unfortunately, I'm tired right now so the rest of my post won't be as descriptive as the first part - of course it helped that Sue was still incredibly horny this evening and she's now showering while I'm updating here.

Our Friday night was very nice. As I said - after our son said good night we locked our bedroom door and I proceeded to ravage her! Perhaps it was waiting for her the day before - and now seeing her and wanting her. I know she was probably satisfied from earlier with Brad but I know that only made me want her more in some way. She did cum with me before I let loose a short while later.

I remember as we lay in bed afterwards she asked me if I was really okay with Brad and when I said yes, she asked if I would be okay with them doing this sort of early afternoon thing maybe once a month or so? HOw could I say no - I mean just hearing her ask me that got my cock almost hard again so quickly!

I rolled to look at her and asked her if she'd had a good time and she said she had - that she's now quite used to Brad and is quite at ease with him. She proceeded to tell me how she seems to respond very quickly to his tender touches. She knows that I'm not always comfortable hearing about them kissing - sometimes that just seems almost more personal and intimate than fucking itself - but this time it was okay.

I told her that it turned me on to know she's having sex with Brad the way she is and that in some ways I liked knowing he's very comfortable with her body and able to make her feel relaxed and able to enjoy herself.

Now we talked more over the rest of the weekend and there were a number of new things that came out. I encouraged her to be open with me - that her having desires and passions was just incredibly arousing to me. That I think the sex I have with her now, after she's been with Brad, is incredibly satisfying to me. She seemed to need to hear that - that I'm very satisfied from what we're doing.

Like I said, she likes what she's doing - that's for sure, but she's just hung up
on balancing her whole desires and emotions between me and Brad. Yes, I said emotions - it's clear that she likes him. That's cool though - I mean it's better for her for sure, I figure and I think (at least she says so) that he values this relationship beyond just a quick fuck.

She told me she's getting more comfortable being naked with Brad. That perked me up hearing that last night. I asked her what she meant and she just said that she feels very comfortable with him now. Not like she is with me but that she likes him looking at her and she likes showing herself to him - she said it makes her feel sexy. So, she's moved past being self-conscious about how she looks in front of him - I told her that's a sign of her being comfortable with him. I said that I'm sure he thinks she looks very sexy.

I guess she also picked up on my whole preoccupation with her diaphragm because she told me more than once how she let him watch her put it in again. And then she really hit me with a surprise when she, very nonchalantly, said that she showed him how to make sure it was in place inside her! I know what that means - that Brad must have had her twice and she would want to be sure it's in place like she did with me. I didn't say anything to her but that's a lot more intimate than I'd anticipated them being so quickly. But damn if it doesn't turn me on to just write about it again.

That is all there is to tell right now. I'm going off to bed and telling Sue to turn the TV off. Sex together tonight was wonderful - tender, physical (quite at some points) and very satisfying for both of us (very sure about her!) so I think - whatever or however this is happening, it seems to be staying on track and not derailing.

Maybe it's being older that's keeping this within bounds. Shes' only going as far as I'm pushing/encouraging - but she is enjoying it and I guess that's all that matters.

Rego - let me find the 3 pics I was going to post. There's something about the whole dressed & undressed thing I find arousing. I also need to be sure I'm okay with myself if I post them here.
  • #148

I did it - while I'm working from home this morning, I posted her pictures in Dressed and Undressed....

I can't believe it but I did it and I"m friggin rock-hard at the thought of them now being out there for others to enjoy.

I also just got a call from her asking if she can have some time with Brad tomorrow evening but she promised she'd be home early enough for us to have dinner together.

When I said okay - she then added/asked if I can postpone any plans I may have had for her sexually tonight to tomorrow night. I took a huge swallow as I heard her ask that and all I could say was "okay".

I know there's a lot of risks here but I have to say that there is a part of me that wants to see this go further so all I am doing is being supportive and encouraging her to do what she wants. The idea that she's doing this on a sort of regular basis now is just incredibly arousing to me. I know others here have cautioned me that more could be going on - I just don't see how, there's just not enough time. I know the dangerous path we're on - but I want to see her experience what she wants to without my saying no or controlling her. I'm sure this will run its path in time but for now I want to enjoy the journey.

I have not told her that in my fantasy-mind that I would like this to go further. But as she learns more of what she wants to experience, I will support her along the way. She has asked if I'm okay with all of this and I've always said yes. I have not yet told her that I actually enjoy the denial - just that I'm okay with it. But mentally - the idea of her preferring him in some way - if it's the whole diaphragm-in-too-long thing she said, or if it's that (as one of my PM-friends here suggested) she wants to be "clean" for Brad - either way, it's a turn-on. I told her to be sure to save some energy for me tomorrow night and she gave me that same giggle and said "of course silly".

So here we go - I have to say, I am more enamored and appreciative of her since all this started and I think she senses that too as we do seem to be much closer. I will try to suggest that I somehow take a greater part in this - maybe to the point of watching them one day. But I don't think I'm ready for that just yet and I don't think they are - so for now, I'm content to enjoy the adventure as it is.
  • #149
Hey, whatever works....


SoonToBe said:
Well, I did it - while I'm working from home this morning, I posted her pictures in Dressed and Undressed.... I can't believe it but I did it and I"m friggin rock-hard at the thought of them now being out there for others to enjoy.

Maybe this is related to your being turned on by the thought and the reality of another man sexually taking your wife, and her responding and being intensely turned on by that....

SoonToBe said:
When I said okay - she then added/asked if I can postpone any plans I may have had for her sexually tonight to tomorrow night. I took a huge swallow as I heard her ask that and all I could say was "okay".

Very good, you rose to the occasion. That was the correct response.

SoonToBe said:
I have not told her that in my fantasy-mind that I would like this to go further. But as she learns more of what she wants to experience, I will support her along the way.

Excellent. You have a good attitude.

SoonToBe said:
I have not yet told her that I actually enjoy the denial - just that I'm okay with it.

Maybe you could start giving her indirect hints that would convey that message....

SoonToBe said:
I have to say, I am more enamored and appreciative of her since all this started and I think she senses that too....

It seems clear your wife's cuckolding of you has had, and continues to have, a very positive effect on your marriage.

SoonToBe said:
.... so for now, I'm content to enjoy the adventure as it is.

Hey, whatever works.

  • #150
I have enjoyed all your posts and I have been so jealous of how your cuckold relationship is blossoming. Now I see the pics and find there is even more to be jealous about. She truly is beautiful in mind, body, and spirit!

You are one lucky man and I think you have handled all of this very well.
  • #151
Thanks Susans-Slave.
I appreciate the comments and compliments.

Why is it that when I can't have her that I want her even more? Like tonight - she's sitting downstairs with the kids watching Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune by now - and I just look in at her in her sweatpants and t-shirt and I just feel like ripping her clothes off and ravaging her. But I think I only feel that way because she asked me to wait till tomorrow. Just thinking of her sitting there - her pussy waiting for tomorrow for Brad!

I am now thinking and convinced that this must be the arousal that cuckolds must get - the intense arousal of their wives willingly and openly desiring another guy for whatever reason.

Any other time when she might say "not tonight, can we wait" - it's usually never a problem - I mean any loving husband can surely accept the occasional headache or that she's just not in the mood. But this is so different - she IS in the mood, just for someone else.

She asked me again if I was okay waiting for tomorrow with this big smile on her face as if she knows that I won't say no to her desires. But I haven't really told her yet that waiting like this - knowing like this - actually turns me on a lot. I don't think I'm ready yet to cross that bridge. But I surely know in the back of my mind that I'd love for her to run across that bridge eventually and then tease me to no end about it.

More later...
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  • #152
Dressed & Undressed


I went to Dressed and Undressed 4 and saw a lot of great looking women, but how do I find which one is Sue ?

  • #153
That's a difficult one!

Perhaps it will be posted under the name "SoonToBe"???
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  • #154
And, it'd be posted towards the end of the current point in the thread which is page number 4.

it's an odd feeling to be going to bed next to her - I'm wondering if she's thinking about how I react and behave with her in bed as whether and how I'm accepting of her desires. I've thought about whispering and asking her what she's thinking about but a part of me is hesitant to pry and perhaps, not ready for her to maybe be honest with me if she's thinking about Brad.
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  • #155
Hey all.
I chickened out last night in asking her about what she was thinking or asking other questions.
Instead we just cuddled and I avoided spooning with her to prevent her from having my hard-on pressed up against her butt. I won't say I slept well as it took me forever to fall asleep as I tried to think about other things and to not masturbate.

She noticed me watching her more closely this morning as she showered and dressed. She didn't say anything but had a big smile on her face at how I seemed to be entranced in staring at her.

It was all I could think - that she'd be doing this same thing - getting cleaned up and dressed in front of Brad later. I wondered what he'd think of her light-blue panties and lacy bra.

I went back up to the bathroom while she got her coffee ready for the driveto work and checked that her diaphragm was with her - and it was. I went back downstairs to say goodbye and give her a kiss. I mentioned that she was getting in earlier and as I said that I realized what her answer was going to be - "so I can leave a little earlier, remember?" So I just asked what time she was leaving work and I guess I didn't realize just how early she was leaving (with Brad) - she said she wants to be out of there by 2:30pm or 3pm at the latest. That gives them almost 4 hours later! I hadn't expected that - not that I'm concerned (at least not just yet) - but that's a lot more time and a lot more sex than I'd realized. Now, sitting here at work - damn I am so fucking horned up about this! No wonder they go for seconds...

She'd better be awake later tonight!
  • #156
Dressed & Undressed

I found it this time. Was looking at other web sites. Didn't know it was right here.
Damn good looking sexy wife!!! I think a hot wife with a second lover is the ideal arangement. Keeps her more horny for her men.

Shame you are shading her face, got to be a real beautiful face!!!

  • #157
I am still so horned up from yesterday - I saw the compliments here and on the Dressed/Undressed thread that I just had to post another picture of her from later that same night.

I hope to one day see her like this just after Brad is done with her - that picture is from when I had my fun with her.

She was so tender and hot and wet last night. She told me they'd spent the entire time in the motel room. And she told me what motel - it's like a mom and pop motel for like $49 a night. So I guess Sue's worth $50 to Brad for a few hours of fun.

She didn't share all the details with me - at least not just yet, I'm sure I'll hear more of them later tonight as even now we're both quite horny still. She did share that Brad went down on her a lot yesterday afternoon. She doesn't always like that - feeling it's almost too much for her even with me - but she said she let Brad do it because he'd been asking her for the past few times that he'd love to lick her more before she puts in her diaphragm.

I can only imagine it as she told it to me - but seeing her in my mind with her legs pulled back and Brad's tongue in her! I'm about ready to pop again right now.

The only details she shared with me other than the sex being great was that she spent most of the afternoon naked with him too. She said she felt very comfortable with him - not like with me but very comfortable and that, in the sexy scene of it all, she felt very relaxed to just be herself and let him see all of her (I guess as opposed to the quickies in the car or whatever where she's just naked maybe waist down?). All I can think about is her cavorting with him naked as can be. She said she felt very comfortable with him - after her diaphragm was in she said she felt so sexy just being "available" for him whenever he wanted to put his cock back in her.

I nearly died when she said she didn't even feel the need to run and clean-up afterwards. I say I nearly died at that comment because I know it really means she's comfortable with him sexually. It's really only in the past 10 years or so that she's finally comfortable lying there like that after WE've had sex - so I'm not surprised that she's okay with it with him, but that she's okay with him seeing her like that so soon relatively. I didn't ask but surely that means they've probably showered together and cleaned-up together already. I'm just realizing some of this now and wow - it's like a revelation to see that she's really okay and is doing this because she wants it! The idea of them showering together - him washing her body, her doing his - I can't explain how it's making me feel now as I'm first realizng this at this moment as I"m typing it.

I need to go now before I get carried away but hopefully tonight, we'll have more time and we can talk about a lot more. I think she senses that I'm very excited by the things she's doing with Brad and I think that's a good thing for right now. Damn - I could fuck her again right now - especially after clicking over to that picture of her! To think that's how she must look with Brad - oh wow, that's intense to think about.
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  • #158
Hm.... you may be lowballing your wife's value to her lover.


SoonToBe said:
She was so tender and hot and wet last night. She told me they'd spent the entire time in the motel room. And she told me what motel - it's like a mom and pop motel for like $49 a night. So I guess Sue's worth $50 to Brad for a few hours of fun.

The tax was probably 7 to 15%, so (you should realize) Sue's value to her lover was more likely as high as $52 to $56 for a few hours of steamy sex.

Just trying to make sure you don't undervalue your wife.... :rolleyes:

  • #159
I have a slightly different take. I am a bit surprised that you don't sem to buy into it STB. My feeling is that the wife is living a dual role, wanting to be a wife, yet, wanting to be a slut. So, what better way than to act it out in a cheap motel. A woman can then dress the part, act the part, and be doing so in a place that it feels a bit on the wild side.


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