I always try to avoid serious topics in this place but I am drawn into this topic just like everyone else. I have very strong opinions on this matter. As you read, remember these are my opinions and I am not trying to change your mind.
First, the thought of reparations is non-sense. It doesn't work in any situation. How did it work for Germany after WWI? Personally, I think its laughable to imply that fucking some white guy's wife could ever make up for slavery, lynchings and years of unjust treatment. I guess I just don't feel the need to get back at the 'man'.
Anyway, Changing mindsets begin with the youth. I was given the sense that I must be all that I can be by my parents. As a parent that is my job to pass that along to my kids. If you wait for someone to give it to you then you’ll be waiting a long time, you become dependent. Now is that freedom or enslavement? For years I volunteered with inner city youth and the hopelessness that was ingrained in so many of their thoughts drove me crazy. I had to constantly build these kids up only to have the outside world tell them that they are nothing. When there is no hope, people are truly lost.
Slowly America is becoming more diverse in her thinking and more accepting of other cultures but she is losing herself in the process. White America still has to realize that, like myself, there are many blacks who are first generation college goers who just need a level playing field of opportunity so that we can compete. Surely, equal opportunity by no means implies equal results.
Black America needs to accept diversity within its own group. Not every black person listens to hip hop, sips cognac, and calls each other 'nigga'. In fact, I have never ever called another black man that term. You see, slang and broken English simply were not tolerated in my house when I was growing up. When I got my BS and started working for a Fortune 500 company black people accused me of trying to be white. I know that is just the jealousy and envy speaking but it was mind-numbing to me that people in my own race could have such a low expectation that when someone tries to improve their situation that they are accused of being white.
Welfare, seriously, why is this considered a black/white issue? You either believe in welfare or you don not. It is not a racial issue. These people are being paid for being poor. I have a problem with welfare because it makes no sense for government to pay its citizens for no services rendered, black or white. Yes… yada yada yada…. I’ve heard all the arguments, more whites are on welfare than blacks strictly going by numbers, as well there should be as they represent a larger part of the population. However, a larger percentage of blacks are on welfare based on our segment of the population.
Unfortunately most people don’t believe the national debt is a problem. The 500lb gorilla is the national debt. We are paying over $260B on the interest alone for 2009. It is out of control and if we don’t get a handle on in ASAP our government will not be able to fund welfare, military, and the nice free cushy healthcare plans our do-nothing political officials enjoy.