The levels of racial hatred on her are astounding.
Reparations, for the amount of wealth gained through the slavery system. The cotton industry alone, much less textiles. Sugar, Coffee, Tobbacco. 400 years of free labour created a strong economy in Europe and America, so much industry came out of that wealth. Lets take that and ditch it shall we and go back to farming the land with plows, lets forget about Cotton mills, Looms and all the infrastructure that wouldent exist if a Black guy never burst his back in a field while a white man ***** his wife and kids. Go do some research into cilvil rights, find out about the lynchings, the guy who was found beaten to death and at the bottom of a river with a Windmill fan tied to him with barbed wire because he whistled and a white girl told her Pa he said somthing rude to her. Heck the lynching still goes on in certain parts of the south, and you make out Black people have it good. Recently the BBC had a Awards Cerimony. There were thousands of people. Alan Yentob, one of the head honchos notice there was one single black person there. Not asian, not oriental. Black. He wrote a article about the shame of it the next day in a major newspaper.
So saying there is nothing to repay is almost laughable. There is still loads wrong with the way Black people are treated, alot of you like to turn a blind eye or ignore or try to refute this. Its the same as the way Women are still treated, and all this is being done by White men, the ones who if you look hard enough are usually at the other end of some scheme to rip somobody off. Goes all the way back to the Greeks, who were the first to try to cement the White males place in the world.
Apart from that, Blacks fuck better than whites, are stronger, more driven and romantic... and sofar my experiance tells me girls dating most white men are getting short changed.
The Slavers never picked the lazy, or the infirm, or the slow witted. They picked the best of the africans, they worked them like mules... farm horses... thoroughbreds, and they bred them with the strongest women, while the white males sat on thier asses and let their gene pool deteriorate. The Blacks are the the closest equal to what Nazi Germany wanted. Supermen. Bred to be the best, but held back from becoming dominant by lies, hatred and unfairness as is still generally done today albeit to a lesser extent. The Romans did this with their Soldiers, by continually moving them from one Country to the next, keeping them away from Rome and on the move, lest the get the idea of revolt, its the same shit just different male white faces at the end of the line. Except we females can choose who to fuck now, or who to love, or who to marry. It wont take long for the truth to out. Im one white woman whos happy with it.