Now, that being said I really think you caucasians on this forum need to chill out. First off for those of you saying how good we have here because of slavery I would say the same thing to you. Your ancestors left Europe for a reason... and it's not because the just wanted a 'change'. It's because they were sick picking the corn and beans from the king's bowel movement for dinner. They were called serfs and they had nothing from the time they were born till they died. They were super religious, superstitious, ignorant, overworked, not paid, and drank from the same pond that their goat would shit in. They lived in small quarters and there was a law called primo nopti which sometimes allowed royalty to fuck your wife on the night of your wedding. Then if they tried obtaining any type of freedoms...the king simply gave their (leased) land to another if he didn't decide to starve them out or set their roof ablaze. The church did very little except to rob them of their cattle and send them on ridiculous wars... at some point in the early 1800's the lower classes of england and germany were pushing each other out of the way for work breaking their backs to dig ditches for the equivalent of $2 today... couldn't buy anything with it.
The sad thing is many of them came to the new world and passed on the hatred and resentment to the darker peoples here. Some of you seem to still have a little bit of that in you. I'm just telling you to get off of your high fucking horses because you're not that much better than anyone!! peace out.
