Thank you for your very evocative recollections of your skiing weekend and beyond. I think it is clear that both you and Sue have learned from the mistakes of the past, I think it is equally clear that some of the tensions that led to those mistakes are still there. You have said that you have only told a partial story, I hope in time you feel able to give us a sense of the gaps, if not the detail. Still, it is clear that like last time, it was difficult at times for you. Maybe you were expecting the openness of the sex, the passion shown and sustained, but I suspect the loneliness at times got to you more than you expected, the lack of emotional contact. That this carried on into Monday and Tuesday perhaps should have been expected more by you, but after some emotional starvation it still would have been difficult. I suspect Sue switched over on Wednesday morning because she was aware of the building tension within you, otherwise she might have let her 'buzz' last longer. She did well to rescue the situation that night. Only you know how much love and how much calculation went into that, but there was clearly some of both.
I still believe in my jar of happiness theory. You started off overflowing and took little out before the weekend, but by Tuesday night some had clearly been consumed. Maybe last night put a bit back, but not as much and I think this this will be the pattern from now on. If Sue is to find her zone of completeness with Paul, her 'buzz' will have to last longer than two days. She will not want it to stop, but realise that she has to in order to maintain her relationship with you. This is the true meaning of her saying she will make it good for you. So, as her 'buzz' lasts longer, your happiness jar will get depleted further, and again not much will refill it. Of course whilst ever it still has something in it, you will be saying on balance you are still happy. It will take a long time before you truly start to see the bottom of the jar. A journey of many bumps and adventures. A fascinating tale I hope.