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OJ is back at it

  • Thread starterPooch
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Husband_white_father said:
And for all of your information, everyone is prejudiced about something in their lives and if anyone ever tells me they don"t have a, racist bone in their bodies, they are damn liers !!

this is wrong,their are people in life who who treat others based on how they are treated,my personal feelings are that if somebody is good enough to treat me with respect and friendship,then he/she gets it back,colour doesn't enter that thought process,if he/she does me wrong or dis-repects me then they get it returned,again colour doesn't enter the decision to do so,and colour wouldn't prevent me from doing so.And i don't conciously contrive to be this way ,its just a natural state of mind for me.Idiots come in all shapes and sizes and colours,there's enough stupid black men in here for me to pull them up on it,but i aint pulling them on it because they are black but because they are being stupid or ignoring the patently obvious,in the same way as i've pulled white men here for obvious character flaws and hypocrisies.I don't claim to be perfect but i don't have a rascist bone in my body,i treat everyman on how he presents himself to me,and colour isn't a consideration
Originally Posted by Husband_white_father
"And for all of your information, everyone is prejudiced about something in their lives and if anyone ever tells me they don"t have a, racist bone in their bodies, they are damn liers !!"
So if you saw a lion on the street would you approach it, try to pet it, or get the fuck outta there? We know the answer. But why? You've never met a lion or had a lion harm you or anyone you know personally...But based on your pre judgement of the lions nature you'd flee.
Prejudice is a neccessary component of healthy living. If you don't prejudge or have some type opinion based plan of action, you could be placing yourself in peril. That is precisely why one should make a concsious effort to judge all individuals as just that, individuals, based on their actions, belief, ect...
If you're not prejudgiced, you're dumb. Whether or not not prejudgice overides your ability to think critically is the question. Everyone's got an opinion. And frankly, some of the opions I see here scare me- very educated/intelligent people with their heads in the sand.
925bbc4sub said:
Originally Posted by Husband_white_father
"And for all of your information, everyone is prejudiced about something in their lives and if anyone ever tells me they don"t have a, racist bone in their bodies, they are damn liers !!"
So if you saw a lion on the street would you approach it, try to pet it, or get the fuck outta there? We know the answer. But why? You've never met a lion or had a lion harm you or anyone you know personally...But based on your pre judgement of the lions nature you'd flee.
Prejudice is a neccessary component of healthy living. If you don't prejudge or have some type opinion based plan of action, you could be placing yourself in peril. That is precisely why one should make a concsious effort to judge all individuals as just that, individuals, based on their actions, belief, ect...
If you're not prejudgiced, you're dumb. Whether or not not prejudgice overides your ability to think critically is the question. Everyone's got an opinion. And frankly, some of the opions I see here scare me- very educated/intelligent people with their heads in the sand.
so now i need to be prejudiced to live healthily,can't quite make your thread out,should i be prejudiced or should i judge them as individuals based on their actions and reactions,because one state of mind seems to contradict the other,tell you what i've got an idea,i'll carry on greeting people the way i do and you carry on greeting people in you own suspicious way and we'll see how each of us gets along,and if your looking for intelligent people with their heads in the sand look no further than those in denial over the oj case
925bbc4sub said:
Originally Posted by Husband_white_father
"And for all of your information, everyone is prejudiced about something in their lives and if anyone ever tells me they don"t have a, racist bone in their bodies, they are damn liers !!"
So if you saw a lion on the street would you approach it, try to pet it, or get the fuck outta there? We know the answer. But why? You've never met a lion or had a lion harm you or anyone you know personally...But based on your pre judgement of the lions nature you'd flee.
Prejudice is a neccessary component of healthy living. If you don't prejudge or have some type opinion based plan of action, you could be placing yourself in peril. That is precisely why one should make a concsious effort to judge all individuals as just that, individuals, based on their actions, belief, ect...
If you're not prejudgiced, you're dumb. Whether or not not prejudgice overides your ability to think critically is the question. Everyone's got an opinion. And frankly, some of the opions I see here scare me- very educated/intelligent people with their heads in the sand.

Oh and by the way,as you have this phobia about lions,i think its only fair that i should let you know of the whereabouts of one that i know of,its a big lion,infact its fucking enormous,but don't threat just yet,its sleeping at the moment,its fast asleep in the halls of justice,just pray to the gods that when it awakes it doesn't see your arse as its first meal.The moral of the tale is for every action theres a reaction
925 you did at least post something that made sense, although I think you have youre definitions messed up. Predudice is about hate...not for someones actions, but just for who/what they are..for being different. That is not a necessary component of health. As far as does everyone have some racism in them..in all likelihood yes, but racism is a learned trait..you arent born with it. what you are stating is that people need to be concerned, careful, watch their back...now that is a smart way to be...but different than being predjudiced.. but i get youre main premise and it makes sense.
Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: 'pre-j&-d&s
Function: noun
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
I know what I meant, and meant what I said.
necouple said:
Oh and by the way,as you have this phobia about lions,i think its only fair that i should let you know of the whereabouts of one that i know of,its a big lion,infact its fucking enormous,but don't threat just yet,its sleeping at the moment,its fast asleep in the halls of justice,just pray to the gods that when it awakes it doesn't see your arse as its first meal.The moral of the tale is for every action theres a reaction
LOL!!@necouple...you two make a lot of asinine statements that are hard to make out.:whatever:

I know where there are some lions too, and some lambs as well...can u guess where? Just look at the real world around you. Here's a hint:the lions can double as bulls, and the lambs are cuckold sissies..

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