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OJ is back at it

  • Thread starterPooch
  • Start date
And I guess you think you never annoy anyone with your hateful rhetoric and blaming every problem under the sun on democrats and/or liberals. You're just a typical republican hypocrite who wants to live any deviant way he wishes yet who espouses his moral serpitude.

How many convicted criminals have been free'd once dna evidence proved they were innocent all along? I guess under your theory they'd have already been executed for nothing. And, as a conservative, you ought to realize that killing a prisoner also prevents them from "repenting" and finding God. Now before you go ballistic you should know that I doubt most of them would ever do so and I am a proponent of the death penalty---but only if it's conclusively proven beyond even the smallest shred of doubt that the perpetrator is guilty.
Any one know that dark brunette white chick who's been walking with OJ on the TV in the past couple days?

She's fiiine
alpha..im not sure where all that comes from either..and no i dont have a daughter im single? why do you ask? I agree white people likely have come down on Vick harder than they would have if he had been white, but what he was involved with is nasty. many poeple do value dogs in america as highly as people..right or wrong. But Michael Vick has nothing to do with OJ...he did what he did, and he is paying for it...as he should...there is no racism invovled in that. he has his chance to defend himself, now he has to pay for his crimes. Personally I think sending him to jail is a waste of taxpayers money, and community service and using him as a role model to speak up against dog fighting, drugs, etc...staying in school would be much better and valuable use for him... concerning Iraq..i dont know all the details, cant comment but that is war, and totally different circumstances..again has nothing to do with OJ or Vick.
and wife watcher (and pimp in youre rebuttles to him) stating youre views, whether seen as radical or not (as I stated I agree with you) by others is fine and warranted, and what free speech is all about. But when you state youre opinions in such a mean and derisive way, well then they do come off much more negatively (and even seen as racist whether they are or not) then you try too. try explaining youre feelings/opinions in a respectful way, and you should get respect back from those that disagree, instead of just creating a war of name calling.
also the Jena 6 deal is today in LA. i dont know all details again on that case, although it surely seems (as the conviction was overturned by higher LA court) that this conviction was carried out with racial overtones by an all white jury, when past offenses like that never even reached a court. It is this type of justice that blacks have had to fight agaisnt forever in this country, and it is stuff like this that causes blacks to support OJ and his fist acquittal, even though, most in their hearts new he was guilty, but the fact that it was a black man beating the white system..that came before real justice and murder (which appalls me). the thing with this Jena 6 deal that bothers me the most is that few if any blacks that were called to jury duty showed up..and it is for that..that an all white jury came to be in that case. My point again is blacks have to do everything legally and within the system, work harder, but be part of the systeem...jury duty, voting, and get educated, etc...to get ahead. Not showing up for jury duty, voting. etc...well if you dont, then you shouldnt/cant complain about the system being racially biased against us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
typical ghetto bs to call me an oreo and think of me as an uncle tom. ive heard it before. I'm damn lucky i didnt grow up in the ghetto, and i dont feel the need to appologize for it...but my parents did (look up stuyvesant ave in Brooklyn and Newark NJ, and you see where my family came from) and fought there way out of it to give me a better life and opportunity which i havent wasted (as many have with similar opportunities..black and white).....i dont even attempt to state how hard people in the ghettos have it as start in life compared to me, but i face racism and discrimination also, and drugs too..i grew up on the lower side of middle class, thanks to my parents working 2 jobs each, havinf family and going to night school, and have been taught by those who did start in poverty/ghetto areas, that there is only one way out..education/hard work (and i have never touched drugs) and obviously crying about all the problems you are up against, and bitching and spitting out youre venom doesnt get you anywhere. Many blacks and other races have made there way from poverty, the opportunities are there for everyone. to be honest, I dont pay that much to politics, not nearly as much as I should, and I am not up to speed on all the middle east stuff you refer too, so if that makes me uneducated, or *******, so be it. I live in houston, and no i havent heard from blacks or anyone else from Lousiana who have relocated (temporarily or permanently) here , in my town, about the killing of blacks by the army? If all youre comments are solely about how bad it is for blacks, i have agreed with you over and over in my posts. however, i take each situation on its own merit. OJ, Vick or any others. read what i have written. I cant tell if you hate me for me being an uncle tom, or you hate all whites,jews or what? but you are typical in being jealous of those who have made it , such as OJ and Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby gives back to the black people in many many ways, as does someone like Al Sharpton, but who is really more help in the long run? OJ had it all, but blew it, so if white people want to see justice for him, I dont have problem with it. and if the army has killed blacks for no other reason (during Katrina????) well that is an atrocity that i would vehemently speak against. I am proud to be black, but more than that I'm proud to be an American which is red white and blue. you think i'm a slave to the white man i take it..well i nobodys slave. and i fight against 'keeping the nigger in his place' ideal every day of my life. everything i have said relates to that, i just say it in a respectful way, even to you..i dont need to call you names as you have me. OJ deserves whatever he gets, as does Vick if he broke the law, as do me or you or mandingo or Pimp or Bill Clinton or Condy Rice. you have no idea who I am, and you are a fool if you think i am against you or the black race. but crying about how bad everyone has it in the ghettos doesnt help them. keeping kids in school, off the streets and off drugs, out of gangs...that is the only way out (unless you are blessed by god with some special athletic/artistic talents) . and you state 'their' education, again that is the whitey...again you can cry about the past atrocities and the present ones, and the future ones against blacks..or you can use that energy in positive ways to do things to over come them. look blacks are only waht about 13% of the population in usa? we will always be a minority. but hating all whites, hispanics, asians etc.. because how hard we have it or had it doenst do anything but keep us treading water. Alpha/mandingo you are not better than me or anyone else. i'm sure you have youre strong points..alpha you are obviously well read and not ingnorant...but you arent better than anybody..not by just saying it..only if you have earned it. maybe you have i dont know you, and if you have then you have my respect, but respect is earned not a right. and whether you accept me with open arms, well if you dont that would be youre choice, but a mistake, cause we are on the same side. that is the reality.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
I guess the fact that I wanted to see the man executed immediately who killed those black students for their cell phones, makes me a racist, huh? Give it a break dumbass![/QUOT

For your information, I am a conservative. I first voted in 1972 for Richard Nixon and have been voting Republican ever since. I can be conservative and recognize racism and call it like it is. You said nothing about any black students and cell phones, you just said you "knew" OJ was guilty. I "think" he was guilty as well, I just don't presume to tell everyone how right I am. And as far as being a dumb ass, I will put my intelligence up against yours anytime about anything.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
Apparently, A Democrat from Virginia doesn't even know the correct spelling. Typical. Thanks for setting the Democrat Representative straight on that for me. It does not matter the color of the victim, I am for ending crime and murders in this nation and the liberal approach, which we have been using forever, does not work obviously so we need to truly get tough on crime and not use it as a slogan.

Gena 6

Rep. James Moran

September 12, 2007

I am extremely disturbed about the series of events that have transpired with the 6 black young men in Gena Louisiana. I am asking that you support a complete investigation of the legal actions taken by the attorneys and judge. I have been a VA resident for over 30 years and my roots are from the South. These young men are out future and if this was your son you would not stand for the clear mistreatment and injustice that is occurring. I am asking that you show your support.

Alexandria , VA

First you say that the "Gena 6 should be executed. That is how you solve crime". Then you blame someone else for not spelling Gena right. I wasn't making a point about you not knowing how to spell, I was making a point about you making dumb statements about something you obviously know NOTHING about.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
Two points:
1)In the Gena or Jena or whatever 6 thing: If the white student said the blacks could not sit under a tree then arrest the white student and since the black kids beat him up then arrest them. What in the hell is racist about that? You liberal fuckers are the most contradicting pieces of shit on the planet. Last time I checked, I believe saying a black person can not sit under a tree is a hate crime right? Also, beating someone unconcious is assault the last time I checked right? Both are reasons for arrest. So Al Sharpton and his little fucking cry baby entourage will go down there and march like they always do and spout out their little double standard speech.
2) So I hear Donovan McNabb is cring about how black QB's get more negative press than white QB's. Gee, do you fuckers out there ever stop with this insane bullshit? The reason why Manning and Brady are not getting negative press is because they are WINNING, Donovan, and you are NOT WINNING, shit for brains! GOT IT!!! Oh gee, let's all feel sorry for him because no other QB has ever had negative press. Go ask Joey Harrington, Drew Brees, Chad Pennington, J.P. Losman, etc, etc, etc. Bullshit again Mr. McNabb, go fuck yourself, you and your team suck right now and it has nothing to do with your race, dumbass, how's that for negative press?

You whine about me being a liberal and defend yourself as not being racist, and then you post kind of shit. Let me ask you a question. How do you define racist? Me personally, I would define it as someone who writes like this shit above.
well, where do i start? well did OJ doit or not? the only ones who really know are OJ and the Goldman and Ms Brown. For me, i have a lot of unanswered questions concerning that trial. Now on to other news,,, I have to as all of the black authors in here a question. This even goes out the the black authors who seem to be level headed. Question: If a white person sees a black person in his "Neighborhood" and shoots him and kills him is he guilty of a hate crime and murder?? I think the answer is very plain !! YES !!! Now reverse that scene,, a white person is walking through a black persons "Neighborhood" and is shot and killed by a black person. is he guilty of a hate crime and murder?? that answer is not as cut and dry these days,,, is he guilty of murder , YES!! but he would not have the hate crime part put on because the black person is the member os a minority group and as the present law is written a member of a minority group cannot by definition be charged with a hate crime ! Even though the motivation for the murders is the same. So for authors like 925bbc4sub, i am tired of individuals in this country who think they are owed something with out having to work for it just because they were born black , or born in a ghetto. I hve known hundreds of black men and women when i was in the service, who grew up in NYC, LA, the windy city and other large cities and none of them had it easy and none of them offered an excuse of their color as to why they either were makng it or not, they all, every last one of them told me they owed what ever they had to hard work and education. I, for one, am sickand tired of every time a black person gets killed by a white person, that it is the race card that is raised first. But when a white person is killed by a black person race is NEVER mentioned as a possible motive. I know i kinda rambled all over in this post but after reading all the other posts it just became unbelievably clear to me that there are wayto many racist black people writting in here and not being challenged for what they are, And for all of your information, everyone is prejudiced about something in their lives and if anyone ever tells me they don"t have a, racist bone in their bodies, they are damn liers !!
hotcouple2007 said:
diarrhea of the mouth got ahold of this dumb fuck.

hey genius - next time before you open that pie hole n talk shit out the side of your face you might wanna say something that doesn't make you sound like a complete fuckin imbecile first.

you're battin a thousand - first defending a double murderer on the basis of it being a race issue? that's a good one, thanks for the laugh! second attacking someone by first defining the term "cracker" as a "periodical reference" which implies its used to recall a time during slavery but then using it as a legit slur against someone who lives in 2007?

Good God man, it's obvious your IQ doesn't hit triple digits but do you have to make it quite so easy to tell?

Like I said periodical reference...used in the early 1600's to describe boastful individuals; used around late 1800's, in one degrading aspect or another, by white southerners to describe themselves; sometime during the period of slavery blacks began to use the phrase to describe the slavemasters and whipping boys.
Dont just check out the wikipedia page and take it as fact, check the sources and then check the discussions on the sources which are always up for debate- remember wiki is user edited/informed.

** scroll down to the debate about whipping as the origin- the college student states 3 references by authors that support my assertion. And funny how there's someone on that page who is also refuting him without any proof**
Hotcouple just because you dont know or believe something to be true, does'nt mean it isn't fact.
Don't just spout shit off, :blahblah:
Back it up.

That may well be the wor'd original use or definition but we all know it has morphed to be used in a racially deragatory way. Much like the connotation that cuckold now implies.
i will say the Jena 6 situation shows what people need to do...use the system to protest and work to make things right . 20K people coming down to that town to protest over zealous prosecution of blacks...now they did deserve to be punished, ...but no different than any others for same crimes... well that is doing something positive. and you can see that there are many haters there still..so the normal good white people can understand what blacks are up against in this country still today...people hanging nooses on their trucks...that is just as bad or worse than a black guy in here telling white to die of aids or whatever was said...
Pooch said:
i will say the Jena 6 situation shows what people need to do...use the system to protest and work to make things right . 20K people coming down to that town to protest over zealous prosecution of blacks...now they did deserve to be punished, ...but no different than any others for same crimes... well that is doing something positive. and you can see that there are many haters there still..so the normal good white people can understand what blacks are up against in this country still today...people hanging nooses on their trucks...that is just as bad or worse than a black guy in here telling white to die of aids or whatever was said...

I agree. As I stated in a previous post, I think these people will eventually be let go. They don't deserve to be in jail. The lone exception might be the one that is still in jail, as he commited assault while on probation.

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