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OJ is back at it

  • Thread starterPooch
  • Start date
get tha fuck off uv oj's dick.....so whut, he allegedly killed a fuckn white woman....who gives a fuck? o j aint doin shit that white men hav been doin since tha early 1700s....gettn away w/murder on anutha race....yall talk shit about oj....whut about justice 4 people like emmitt till in 1955? who tha fuck is hoopn and hollerin about that shit? nobody!!! he wuz draggd frum his uncle's house in tha wee fuckn hours n tha mornin...beatn and tortured for hours on end...then they stabbedand shot him b4 throwin his body in a river...whut theez muthafuckaz never planned on wuz his body surfacin.....none uv thoz muthafuckaz were ever tried...then 1 red neck racist had tha nerve to say his life and luck had been bad ever since emmitt till... then whut about medgar evers? hell brian delabeckwith wuznt tried until 30yrs after tha fact....tha racist bastard will die in prison.....actually i wuz glad they tried and convicted him so many years later....that way he'll spend his remainin days in prison....i actually hope tha muthafucka died slow and alone.....so if u can get away w/it again oj......fuck'em do it again....like i stated earlier....get tha fuck off oj's dick!!!!!!!!!!!
Get off OJ's dick!!!

For all the crackers so sure he did it, why did'nt you present your exclusive evidence at the trial?- cuz of course all you piss ants talking shit have some proof that jury and judge were'nt privy to at trial. Let it go- when someone finally plays by your crooked ass rules and takes advantage of this in-justice sytem you start crying and moaning.
I know real victims of violent crimes (to kids even) who have less hatred in their hearts for the perpertrator of the crime than those bloodthirsty Goldamns. Ahh The Goldmans: slammed OJ's book as a tasteless confession, asked that it be banned, until the judge awarded them the publishing rights, at which point they added a chapter and sent it to print- can you say hypocrites?
Not to make it a racial thing (too late) but this is what you notice about white folks: They talk much about justice, but very little real action. Out of all the cases of documented injustices and wrongful court convictions on file, numerous highly publicized civil rights murders and violations, Genocide and other various atrocities occuring all over the world- and the BITCHES still crying about OJ over a decade later.
Sometimes white peolple, are so openly hypocritical, it scares me.
he will be someone's bitch when he goes to the state pen :) Chris Darden must be smiling
dont like the Bills anyway....OJ wont be the juice anymore...he will be man gravy
Hey 925, for your information, half the people in this thread calling out OJ as the murdering scumbag he is, are black (Pooch and Muleman). So don't go calling people crackers and making this a racial issue. The Goldmans have every right to profit from that book seeing as how OJ, the piece of shit that he is, murdered their son and then never paid dime one after being ordered to do so in a civil conviction.

Sometimes ignorance is so rampant it scares ME!!!
Faggot ass pimp

I knew you'd be the first bitch to moan out loud...I've seen your post here gimp- dont start with me :)
First point; When one denounces a certain activity or action as aprehensible or immoral and then participates in the action previously condenmed it denotes hypocrisy. You failed touch on that point when backing up the Goldman's case.
If you or anyone hadn't realized by now, the whole hype around the OJ case is the race issue..that's why many black people cheered as white people cried when the innocent verdict was handed down. Again, he was found not-guilty- let it go. Find another issue worthy of real tears and maybe we can cry about it together...till then, Stay Off His Dick Nicca,and tell yo' bitch to come 'ere
Peace in the Middle East

Just so you know pimp..
The term "cracker" refers to one who cracks the whip, black or white, not a racial term truly, a periodical reference.
(Thank you very much..) Cracker!!
sick and tired of that asshole

Now we're going to be subjected to a few months more of wall-to-wall TV coverage of that stupid, murdering shithead. Tell me when it's over.
Get Tha Fuck Off Oj's Dick

Point well taken , and made 925 that fact.....whut did denzel washington say in malcolm x when kennedy wuz
killd? o'yeah...."jus a case of roosters comin home to roost" or sum shit to that effect....ur exactly right...he wuz found "not guilty"... and u muthafuckaz hollerin all this racist and racism bullshit.....thank mark furhman... he knew oj didnt du that shit....y tha fuck else du u plant evidence....as 4 that bullshit civil trial....u dont hav to prove shit "beyond a reasonable doubt"....tha goldman's got over purely on public opinion...tha sad fact to all who r bitchn is that a black man wuz accused uv killing a white woman and wuz found not guilty.....as i stated in an earlier post....whites hav been killn blacks b4 we even set foot on this soil and no one wuz ever held accountable for thoz crimes.....so wtf r yall cryin for when tha tables uv in-justice r turned?

and pimpology....u need to shut tha fuck up.....UR AN EMPTY WAGON....ALL U DU IS MAKE A LOT UV NOISE...nuthn u say makes much sense...
bobbimcgee said:
OJ is innocent. Why are they always setting him up? The whites are jealous of his big cock.

All the whites knows the size of his cock you are as dumb of a son of a bitch as OJ.
Pooch didn't start this to be a racial thread for those who are taking it that way. Also telling OJ kill again and hope he gets by with it is a sick statement to make. It seems funny out of all the post on this only four of you think he didn't do any crime. Think what you want but to me he is a scum bag son of a bitch. I also would say that if he was of any race for what he did. For those who want to hammer on Pimp he has as much right to voice himself as you do. From a Black guy I agree with what he has said here.
i didnt want this to be a racial thing but its impossible for it not to be. Here this blacks and whites...My original and continued opinion on OJ was and is this. Blacks should not try to recoup years of injustices (racism, discrimination, police brutatlity whatever) by gettting away with murder..no matter if they kill white or blacks. I take pride in hard work and earning what i get/got in this life so far, not by any bull shit black worshipping you hear on these forums (which I talk against). Affirmitive action and stuff like OJ just show blacks as people who cant do for themselves and need freebies to rise from poverty and problems. Well I dont feel that way. Blacks are every bit as smart and can be rise above everything just like other peoples have (jews/asians/indians) by education and hard work.
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I personally think OJ is guilty of the murder, but I got over it a long time ago and moved on to things that really matter or that I can actually do something about. If he is guilty of the armed robbery, I hope he gets punished for armed robbery, and not a belated punishment for the presumed murder. I do think the current charge and the details seem a little iffy. Looks like someone might be trying to set him up. Just my white guy opinion.
Would somebody hang this guilty son-of-a-bitch? I remember I said all along even before the trial that he was the guilty murderer and now this. I remember back then people were calling me a racist because I stated that I knew he was the murderer. Therefor, it is now and long overdue for me to say this: TAKE THE RACIST BULLSHIT AND RAM IT UP YOUR ASS!!!!
After hearing the audio tape I do believe his memorabilia was stolen but he is still guilty for the way he tried to retrieve it. We can't go gun waving and taking the law in our hands every time we get screwed. I'd be a mass murderer if that were the case.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
Would somebody hang this guilty son-of-a-bitch? I remember I said all along even before the trial that he was the guilty murderer and now this. I remember back then people were calling me a racist because I stated that I knew he was the murderer. Therefor, it is now and long overdue for me to say this: TAKE THE RACIST BULLSHIT AND RAM IT UP YOUR ASS!!!!

Oh, so you were there. Many of us "believe" he was guilty. You say you "knew he was the murderer", so therefore, I have to assume you were there? Either you know something that others do not, or with this attitude you have, you are a racist.
Recoup This!

Pooch said:
i didnt want this to be a racial thing but its impossible for it not to be. Here this blacks and whites...My original and continued opinion on OJ was and is this. Blacks should not try to recoup years of injustices (racism, discrimination, police brutatlity whatever) by gettting away with murder..no matter if they kill white or blacks. I take pride in hard work and earning what i get/got in this life so far, not by any bull shit black worshipping you hear on these forums (which I talk against). Affirmitive action and stuff like OJ just show blacks as people who cant do for themselves and need freebies to rise from poverty and problems. Well I dont feel that way. Blacks are every bit as smart and can be rise above everything just like other peoples have (jews/asians/indians) by education and hard work.

The black population must look at thier own race to solve their problems instead of ALWAYS blaming the white people. Bill Cosby knows this but what happened when he voiced his opinions? He suffered a black lash from fellow black people for simply stating the truth. The truth hurst sometimes. Just like the Gena 6 bullshit. If you are the one who commits the crime then you pay. Simple as that. It has nothing to do with race. Just like the guy (who happened to be hispanic) who killed those black students; he should be executed just like O.J. should have been years ago and I must say that the Gena 6 should be executed. That is how you end crime. That is what getting tough with crime means to me. Not this panty waste liberal bullshit of a court system we have. You stated 'hard work' well it appears that some of the black race do not want to put in the 'hard work' to get ahead. Fuck them! Go into the prisons and start up the electric chair, empty the prisons so our tax dollars will not have to pay for another one to be built. The criminals are all guilty so get rid of them.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
The black population must look at thier own race to solve their problems instead of ALWAYS blaming the white people. Bill Cosby knows this but what happened when he voiced his opinions? He suffered a black lash from fellow black people for simply stating the truth. The truth hurst sometimes. Just like the Gena 6 bullshit. If you are the one who commits the crime then you pay. Simple as that. It has nothing to do with race. Just like the guy (who happened to be hispanic) who killed those black students; he should be executed just like O.J. should have been years ago and I must say that the Gena 6 should be executed. That is how you end crime. That is what getting tough with crime means to me. Not this panty waste liberal bullshit of a court system we have. You stated 'hard work' well it appears that some of the black race do not want to put in the 'hard work' to get ahead. Fuck them! Go into the prisons and start up the electric chair, empty the prisons so our tax dollars will not have to pay for another one to be built. The criminals are all guilty so get rid of them.

I agree with all of that 99%. Sure there are blacks not wanting to work hard, as there are people from every race. I dont blame the original criminal jury in the OJ case, he was clearly NOT GUILTY in that trial, however, to think he was innocent is a joke. I think we could easily eliminate crime in our country if we had much tougher laws, but liberalism prevents that. however, I dont want to live in a police state either.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
and I must say that the Gena 6 should be executed. That is how you end crime. That is what getting tough with crime means to me. Not this panty waste liberal bullshit of a court .

It helps when you know some facts about what you speak. First it is Jena 6 and not Gena. Then you say they should be exectued. FOR WHAT? The guy they beat up went to the hospital and was realeased that day. You think someone should die over a high school fight? I think when all the facts come out, these people will be released, just like the Duke lacrosse players. Why don't you go and frequent a board that supports racism, rather than one that is here for the races to just have a little fun together.

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