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OJ is back at it

  • Thread starterPooch
  • Start date
Bottom line to all this is money talks and shit walks. Look at the Lawyers OJ had against the Judge that presided over that trial. Maybe the Goldmans have got enough of a hold on OJ money he won't be able to buy his way out. Like I said before Johnny boy is dead so he can't suck his ass in front of the media.

i was at home during the whole oj trial, and watched it everyday.. i felt that by the evidence he was guilty...having said that if i had been on the jury i could not have found him guilty because of the way the prosecution presented the case... if there is blame for his being set free it falls on the shoulders of the prosecution.. they failed it's as simple as that..:mad:

Pooch said:
I agree with all of that 99%. Sure there are blacks not wanting to work hard, as there are people from every race. I dont blame the original criminal jury in the OJ case, he was clearly NOT GUILTY in that trial, however, to think he was innocent is a joke. I think we could easily eliminate crime in our country if we had much tougher laws, but liberalism prevents that. however, I dont want to live in a police state either.
thats what i meant by him being Not Guilty in the trial...he was clearly guilty but his defense team won it, and the prosecution blew it.
925bbc4sub said:
I know real victims of violent crimes (to kids even) who have less hatred in their hearts for the perpertrator of the crime than those bloodthirsty Goldamns.

i've got a great idea,how bout we get somebody to murder one of your children,then we pay enough cash to ensure he's gets away with it,then we can all sit back and see how serenely you react
BBWLUVR009 said:
Point well taken , and made 925 that fact.....whut did denzel washington say in malcolm x when kennedy wuz
killd? o'yeah...."jus a case of roosters comin home to roost" or sum shit to that effect

it was ''chickens coming home to roost'',i dont know if malcom x actually ever spoke those words or not,but if he did i'm sure he'd be turning in his grave knowing you attributed them to some actor playing him,but then again maybe he's so ashamed he's happy you signed them off to denzel,you truly must be a product of the tv generation,bet ya didn't know shit about malcom x till denzel played him,and thats a crying shame
necouple said:
925bbc4sub said:
I know real victims of violent crimes (to kids even) who have less hatred in their hearts for the perpertrator of the crime than those bloodthirsty Goldamns.

i've got a great idea,how bout we get somebody to murder one of your children,then we pay enough cash to ensure he's gets away with it,then we can all sit back and see how serenely you react

Not sure what the 2nd paragraph is supposed to mean or who its aimed at, but to call the Goldmans blood thirsty? dont know where that comes from and is frankly unwarranted/unjustified? Cant speak about youre personal experiences, or those of youre friends, but knowing people, and experiencing it youreslelf, is 2 different things entirely, and I do not mean to minimize any pain you have expereienced or feel. But nothing in this world can be worse than losing a child..and then to have one murdered and for the killer to get off like he did is unimaginable, and continue to stay in the news ..playing golf and doing all the stupid ass things OJ has continued to do..he has been arrested several times since the trials and before this latest thing also....the fact they havent taken him out themselves after all these years is amazing in itself. If it was me, I can only think I would have called upon a mafia connection to take care of him!
Pooch said:
necouple said:
But nothing in this world can be worse than losing a child..and then to have one murdered and for the killer to get off like he did is unimaginable, and continue to stay in the news ..playing golf and doing all the stupid ass things OJ has continued to do..

my comments were aimed at 925,it must be torture for the parents of a murdered child knowing that the universally acknowledged culprit has gotten away with it,it would leave a feeling of betrayal of your childs life if the parent didnt do everything and anything to make that murderers life as difficult as possible,the alternative reaction is to curl up in a ball and lose all hope,sounds to me as if the parents have been remarkably restrained,if it was my kid i'd shoot the fucker in the stomach and watch him die a real slow death
well 925 has his black blinders on, and he is one of my people that disgust me. I'm glad we are ingreement NEcouple, for i thought youre comments were aimed at me frankly. LV prosecutors are really laying it on OJ with now 11 different coutns against him, 10 being felonies. Whether that is fair or not who knows (I dont think he should be falsely or overly charged for this crime to make up for his murders, either), but I guess they are preparing themselves for the next dream team. I dont even have an OJ fascination, it just pisses me off that he keeps popping up in news (that book he wrote was obscene, and power to Goldmans for getting it published with the real title 'I did it"..although i would never evre read it), and reminding me of all these problems he represents in our society..which are still prevalent today.
Well the cocksucker got his bail 125,000 ten percent 12,500 a free fucking man. I suppose if it were pooch or pimp or the rest of you 8 to 11 felony charges this would be your bail. I doubt it you would be eating dinner tonight behind bars. Oh well this will give the media something to hound on now till it is over. Another son of a bitch in which justice has not served.
Spoken Like A True Liberal Piece Of Excrement

allenandpam said:
Oh, so you were there. Many of us "believe" he was guilty. You say you "knew he was the murderer", so therefore, I have to assume you were there? Either you know something that others do not, or with this attitude you have, you are a racist.

I guess the fact that I wanted to see the man executed immediately who killed those black students for their cell phones, makes me a racist, huh? Give it a break dumbass!
Thanks For Falling For That One!

allenandpam said:
It helps when you know some facts about what you speak. First it is Jena 6 and not Gena. Then you say they should be exectued. FOR WHAT? The guy they beat up went to the hospital and was realeased that day. You think someone should die over a high school fight? I think when all the facts come out, these people will be released, just like the Duke lacrosse players. Why don't you go and frequent a board that supports racism, rather than one that is here for the races to just have a little fun together.

Apparently, A Democrat from Virginia doesn't even know the correct spelling. Typical. Thanks for setting the Democrat Representative straight on that for me. It does not matter the color of the victim, I am for ending crime and murders in this nation and the liberal approach, which we have been using forever, does not work obviously so we need to truly get tough on crime and not use it as a slogan.

Gena 6

Rep. James Moran

September 12, 2007

I am extremely disturbed about the series of events that have transpired with the 6 black young men in Gena Louisiana. I am asking that you support a complete investigation of the legal actions taken by the attorneys and judge. I have been a VA resident for over 30 years and my roots are from the South. These young men are out future and if this was your son you would not stand for the clear mistreatment and injustice that is occurring. I am asking that you show your support.

Alexandria , VA
mule even that ahole deserves bail that is his right by our laws, he is "innocent" until proven guilty on this one too..i dont want to see 'make up' justice for him....he wont get that till he meets his maker. not like he can go an hide anywhere, so bail is moot for him really. I dont know the details and I really dont care, but it does seem they are really going after him, so maybe he is getting more than a normal person would..who knows...I just want to see the truth be the truth, as I do for everyone no matter race or social standing.
and i must say i dont even know about this Gena 6 situation, will read up on it. but regardless of any misjustices done on either side, that should have no effect on OJ or anyone else. If you do the crime, better be prepared to do the time.
Two points:
1)In the Gena or Jena or whatever 6 thing: If the white student said the blacks could not sit under a tree then arrest the white student and since the black kids beat him up then arrest them. What in the hell is racist about that? You liberal fuckers are the most contradicting pieces of shit on the planet. Last time I checked, I believe saying a black person can not sit under a tree is a hate crime right? Also, beating someone unconcious is assault the last time I checked right? Both are reasons for arrest. So Al Sharpton and his little fucking cry baby entourage will go down there and march like they always do and spout out their little double standard speech.
2) So I hear Donovan McNabb is cring about how black QB's get more negative press than white QB's. Gee, do you fuckers out there ever stop with this insane bullshit? The reason why Manning and Brady are not getting negative press is because they are WINNING, Donovan, and you are NOT WINNING, shit for brains! GOT IT!!! Oh gee, let's all feel sorry for him because no other QB has ever had negative press. Go ask Joey Harrington, Drew Brees, Chad Pennington, J.P. Losman, etc, etc, etc. Bullshit again Mr. McNabb, go fuck yourself, you and your team suck right now and it has nothing to do with your race, dumbass, how's that for negative press?
watcher u make some good points and I agree with you...but nobody wants to hear you screamin yellin and cursin like an ass...makes you look stupid no matter youre opinions, and you get no respect when you dont give it. what got you so pissed off?
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What Got To Me?

Pooch said:
watcher u make some good points and I agree with you...but nobody wants to hear you screamin yellin and cursin like an ass...makes you look stupid no matter youre opinions, and you get no respect when you dont give it. what got you so pissed off?

I will tell you what causes someone to, as you put it, 'yell and cursin' when people on here and everywhere else read what they want to read then try to label you as a racist when nothing could be farther from the truth. I do not care what color a person is but I do care about victims because crime has touched my family and that is why I would love to clean the jails out by executing all of them. They are all guilty, c'mon you can't tell me anything different. When I see or hear of crime then I want the criminals punished now not 20 years from now no matter what their color. Same ole thing on here, if you disagree with someone about anything then you are labeled a 'hater' or a 'racist'. Same ole crap, the world is full of little sensitive people who are pathetic.
Oh and Pimp always gets on my nerves with his little quotes from the movie Tombstone i.e. "birth". Well, Pimp, "You ain't no daisy at all. I guess the stress was too much for you to bear."

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