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Anonymous poll what you think of pimpology101

  • Thread starterpassive_hotwife
  • Start date

How do you feel about pimpology101 and his views?

  • I agree with him sometimes!

    Votes: 54 24.7%
  • I love him and his views!

    Votes: 24 11.0%
  • I disagree with him and his views most of the time!

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • I disagree with him and his views all of the time!

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • I hate him and his views!

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Wish he would just shut the fuck up!

    Votes: 41 18.7%
  • Wish he would find a new place to post!

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Wish he would just drop dead!

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • His dick is as small as his brain!

    Votes: 27 12.3%
  • He is a hypocrite and thoughtless pig!

    Votes: 38 17.4%

  • Total voters
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Hey Old Fart. I see you just joined three days ago. Just in time to get involved in this disagreement. I bet you are Passive Hotwife signing in as an alias, and this time you are pretending to be yourself, a MAN!!
Just my 2 cents.
Same old Shit!

This is getting old fast. We all know pimpology101 is an ass and total jerk. And the pople that support his dumb ass shit is why this place is dead most of the time...

They have run off people that might of posted something fun... but have been scared off.

This place use to be fun.... now its a pain in the ass just top see all the shit that is being done here.

Keep up the good work, maybe you will kill this place off in the next few months.

R.I.P. Dark Cavern!
I am not going to address any more posts in this thread, whether they are for me or against me. But I would like to address one particular post before I bow out.

Old Fart: I want you to understand this clearly, if you can see it for what it is and not have blinders on when reading it.......

I have NOTHING against mixed children. Nothing against children, period. I love kids. Which is precisely why I have been laboring to make my point(s) to the hordes of people who just don't seem to get it. So, for the LAST time (in this thread anyway) let me be CRYSTAL clear:

If a mixed child is born, or if ANY child is born for that matter, to loving, attentive, responsible, adept parents and a likewise supportive extended family, then I am very much thankful for that and welcome such a scenario.

However.....(and the point I have tried to make and reitterate countless times), if they are an afterthought and a secondary consideration to the outcome of a couple's sexual fantasy or kink (not considered until the would-be parents have gotten their rocks off for the sole purpose of sexual gratification) then that is an irresponsible, negligent and almost criminal, act.

Women are not cattle and to even associate them, and the would-be-born children, to the term breeding, is ugly in and of itself. People of such character (or the lack thereof) should not be reproducing mixed or same race children period. There are enough single-parent families already in our society where children grow up fatherless. The struggles of a single parent unit are well-known. We needn't add to the monumental task of child-rearing by making the most essential, privileged and important task of human kind any harder than it already is.

Now again, if it is a conscious choice between consenting adults who have been responsible enough to plan ahead for the duties and responsibilities of parenting and their primary interests and utmost concerns are the child's welfare then, by all means, may they produce little bundles of joy and love them unconditionally, living happily-ever-after. To do otherwise is a disservice to themselves, the children and all of society.

This is to say nothing of the "sperm donor" who is perfectly agreeable to do nothing other than rut, plant seed and disappear. Oh how thrilled will the son or daughter of that man be when they find out how they were conceived! Still further, what of the black man with a conscience who wishes to be a part of the child's life but is unable to do so for ramifications within the couples social standing of friends and family? How would this hurt or affect him? So many would-be problematic scenarios could arise from such an irresponsible act if not painstakingly diligently thought-out and considered beforehand! Is this what we want for our children? Children of any ethnicity? More heartache and hardship?

Shame, shame, shame!!!

And don't even get me started on those who wish to, whether in fantasy or not, provide their own daughters to black men (or any man) for the purpose of sexual whim. That is nothing short of sick and to ask me (or anyone with a conscience) to be tolerant of such is an incredible affront and insult into morality. As I said yesterday; intolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry nor should tolerance be misconstrued as free license to behave in any deplorable manner one wishes. Again; freedom is not the ability to do what one wishes but rather the responsibility to do what one ought.

Indeed, for the triumph of evil, all that is necessary is for good men to say and/or do nothing. I don't think Edmund Burke coined this phrase to entitle tolerance for such things as allowing a woman to be "bred," with the children a secondary consideration, or to allow parents to provide their daughters as sperm receptacles for the sexual pleasures of black or any other race of man!

But, to those who think intolerance of such things makes me a monster, then I will say to you all: I pity you and will pray that your sickness is somehow lifted. And that God and your children will somehow, someway be able to forgive you for what you've done, what you've thought and for what you are.
Great response Pimp. I would also like to say that I have nothing against children of any race or color, and as far as I am concerned, people can do whatever they want to do, as long as they don't hurt anyone, and don't try to force what they want on me. Pimp has been trying to say for a while that there are places for some of the wierd shit some of these people are into, and they need for frequent those places. This board, 4-5-6-7 years ago, was a great place for like minded people to get together and have some fun. Now all the cucks, sissys, fags, racist, perverts and child pornographers seem to think this is the place to be. Well I say give em all HELL and make them go hang with their own.

Another point I would like to make about getting pregnant with a black man, just to have his baby. I am a landlord. I have several section 8 rental units. All are occupied by single women with several kids. Most are African American women with African American kids. A couple are white women with mixed kids. Our tax dollars are paying for these people to have a place to live and survive because their African American fathers won't take care of them. I think black men need to be more focused on taking care of the ones they already have, and not just out making more because some loony like passive hotwife thinks it is "Oh so sexy".
Is that all really my fault!

allenandpam said:
Great response Pimp. I would also like to say that I have nothing against children of any race or color, and as far as I am concerned, people can do whatever they want to do, as long as they don't hurt anyone, and don't try to force what they want on me. Pimp has been trying to say for a while that there are places for some of the wierd shit some of these people are into, and they need for frequent those places. This board, 4-5-6-7 years ago, was a great place for like minded people to get together and have some fun. Now all the cucks, sissys, fags, racist, perverts and child pornographers seem to think this is the place to be. Well I say give em all HELL and make them go hang with their own.

Another point I would like to make about getting pregnant with a black man, just to have his baby. I am a landlord. I have several section 8 rental units. All are occupied by single women with several kids. Most are African American women with African American kids. A couple are white women with mixed kids. Our tax dollars are paying for these people to have a place to live and survive because their African American fathers won't take care of them. I think black men need to be more focused on taking care of the ones they already have, and not just out making more because some loony like passive hotwife thinks it is "Oh so sexy".

I undertsand your point, and i even agree with most of it, when you put it thatway... I do not wish to have my taxes used to support others who can but will not work.

But, how is all that may doing just becuase i like and enjoy the idea of IR babies. How am I to blame for all the countrys problems. Im one woman, who is a bit kinky in a differant way maybe... but thats all.
I agree with you mostly, and I quite!

pimpology101 said:
I am not going to address any more posts in this thread, whether they are for me or against me. But I would like to address one particular post before I bow out.

Old Fart: I want you to understand this clearly, if you can see it for what it is and not have blinders on when reading it.......

I have NOTHING against mixed children. Nothing against children, period. I love kids. Which is precisely why I have been laboring to make my point(s) to the hordes of people who just don't seem to get it. So, for the LAST time (in this thread anyway) let me be CRYSTAL clear:

If a mixed child is born, or if ANY child is born for that matter, to loving, attentive, responsible, adept parents and a likewise supportive extended family, then I am very much thankful for that and welcome such a scenario.

However.....(and the point I have tried to make and reitterate countless times), if they are an afterthought and a secondary consideration to the outcome of a couple's sexual fantasy or kink (not considered until the would-be parents have gotten their rocks off for the sole purpose of sexual gratification) then that is an irresponsible, negligent and almost criminal, act.

Women are not cattle and to even associate them, and the would-be-born children, to the term breeding, is ugly in and of itself. People of such character (or the lack thereof) should not be reproducing mixed or same race children period. There are enough single-parent families already in our society where children grow up fatherless. The struggles of a single parent unit are well-known. We needn't add to the monumental task of child-rearing by making the most essential, privileged and important task of human kind any harder than it already is.

Now again, if it is a conscious choice between consenting adults who have been responsible enough to plan ahead for the duties and responsibilities of parenting and their primary interests and utmost concerns are the child's welfare then, by all means, may they produce little bundles of joy and love them unconditionally, living happily-ever-after. To do otherwise is a disservice to themselves, the children and all of society.

This is to say nothing of the "sperm donor" who is perfectly agreeable to do nothing other than rut, plant seed and disappear. Oh how thrilled will the son or daughter of that man be when they find out how they were conceived! Still further, what of the black man with a conscience who wishes to be a part of the child's life but is unable to do so for ramifications within the couples social standing of friends and family? How would this hurt or affect him? So many would-be problematic scenarios could arise from such an irresponsible act if not painstakingly diligently thought-out and considered beforehand! Is this what we want for our children? Children of any ethnicity? More heartache and hardship?

Shame, shame, shame!!!

And don't even get me started on those who wish to, whether in fantasy or not, provide their own daughters to black men (or any man) for the purpose of sexual whim. That is nothing short of sick and to ask me (or anyone with a conscience) to be tolerant of such is an incredible affront and insult into morality. As I said yesterday; intolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry nor should tolerance be misconstrued as free license to behave in any deplorable manner one wishes. Again; freedom is not the ability to do what one wishes but rather the responsibility to do what one ought.

Indeed, for the triumph of evil, all that is necessary is for good men to say and/or do nothing. I don't think Edmund Burke coined this phrase to entitle tolerance for such things as allowing a woman to be "bred," with the children a secondary consideration, or to allow parents to provide their daughters as sperm receptacles for the sexual pleasures of black or any other race of man!

But, to those who think intolerance of such things makes me a monster, then I will say to you all: I pity you and will pray that your sickness is somehow lifted. And that God and your children will somehow, someway be able to forgive you for what you've done, what you've thought and for what you are.

Thank you.... and I agree with almost all of this... You said it clearly and with out hate or bashing anyone. Thats all I ever asked for.... Not for you to agree or support it... Just state your views in a way that does not hurt others. and I think you have done that hear.

I want to also point out... i do not take getting preg lightly, nor do i think children are ever 2nd to anything. Maybe I find this such a turn on because I lost my change to be a mother forever when I was younger after losing my one and only baby. I see so many girls who get preg so easy and I wish it was me. I see so many people enjoying life in a way I never will. And in many ways it hurts to know I can change that. And it hurts all th more when because I try to support the girls who want to get IR preg I am hated, called names, told I must be a man… or that I’m sick. It maybe be all word games to many of you… but your words do hurt me… and I know they hurt others.

But, I never, never , never wanted anyone to think that getting preg black or white was all I cared about, for nothing more then a thrill or kink of it... That’s would be tragic… I think and I hope most girls who get preg to any one, even if ***** god forbid would love the baby.

I have to say for the most part I regret even coming here. I came for fun and games… and all I have gotten is based from my first post.

Thank all of you who have supported me here or via email. I know it was not easy… and I know you all where bashed for your visible support of me. Sorry you had to deal with that.

I think I’m going to take some time and look for someplace more friendly to play.
Sorry I dont find him a bit funny.

kdawg68 said:
This is crazy, Pimp's easily the most well-spoken poster on this forum. Keep hatin', fools, but this forum would suck without his commentary. You can't tell me you haven't laughed your ass out of your chair at least once from one of his replies.

There is nothing funny about the posts of pimpology101. The only way to find what he says to be funny is to enjoy seeing and knowing he is hurting others.

Looks to me he gopt his wish with passive_hotwife... she left Dark Cavern.
Maybe some of you thing thats a good thing... but if she can be run off by this posts and bully ways what will happen to others.
I agree, he is not funny at all.

Minnesota_Couple said:
There is nothing funny about the posts of pimpology101. The only way to find what he says to be funny is to enjoy seeing and knowing he is hurting others.

Looks to me he gopt his wish with passive_hotwife... she left Dark Cavern.
Maybe some of you thing thats a good thing... but if she can be run off by this posts and bully ways what will happen to others.

I agree there is nothing funny about what this guy does or says...

Why he gets support for any of it is beyond me.
One wonders how many profiles one person can have.......especially to cry and whine with over a poll they started themselves but didn't entirely get the results they wanted. Sour grapes indeed. Nice to realize that they convieniently overlook all my logical and conciliatory posts and concentrate on the ones where I admittedly lose my temper. I guess my explanations of why I do aren't good enough. They only see what they wanna see and ignore all the points about why certain behavior shouldn't (and isn't) tolerated.
I hope you people see where passive house wife ,old fart and a few others have canceled their membership. So when these people come on here and fuck this board up with their children like polls and comments some of you people smarten up and see through their bullshit. This kind of shit is what is the downfall of this board with nothing but personal games and negative bullshit. Lets all try and bring this back to what it was and not fall into the style of these fake bastards. Just my two cents on this. Muleman
Pimp's alright, a bit self-righteous at times. Extremely opinionated, but to each his own. The big problem is that he often takes this site and the opinions therein way too seriously!! (especially for a dude always on the prowl to set up gangbangs on white chicks!!) Keep it light, keep it fun, and don't stress. Peace.
Kind of a moot point.

Because their aren't enough women on here to accurately reflect the way "most" people would feel.Mostly just a bunch of white guys on here.(Geez..wonder who they'll vote for???)
Everybodys got rights

pimpology101 said:
Oh? Someone is wrong then. Still, it doesn't matter. The results of this poll, in my favor or not, will not change anything as to how I feel or conduct myself here. Nor will your juvenile postings of unflattering photos and innuendo.

I have not read anything by pimp that is so obscene or immortal that its worth a vote on wheater he should be here or not, sure we many not agree with somethings he says, but at least we know where he stands,,,,and from my point of view he is very open to what he is about.....unlike a lot of other pretenders in here. I once posted that the beauty of our country it that the minor is protected from the majority, because the majority isn't always right.
I agree.

Old Fart said:
I agree there is nothing funny about what this guy does or says...

Why he gets support for any of it is beyond me.

I think they should get rid of "him".Think he is stalking me.(look at how he follows each one of my posts and then always "conveintly(spelled wrong) has something to say.What a jerk.And that guy muleman?one of his buddies.Co-signs it all.
The "majority" hasn't been right in a hundred years.Women are as oppressed today as they were way back whenever.Things are changing..but no thanks to people with "opinions" like yourself.
Snowwhite2007 said:
I think they should get rid of "him".Think he is stalking me.(look at how he follows each one of my posts and then always "conveintly(spelled wrong) has something to say.What a jerk.And that guy muleman?one of his buddies.Co-signs it all.

Yeah I'm a fan of the Pimp he isn't full of bullshit and does not post fake fucking post or threads. He is still here he does not ask for his membership to be canceled like old fart or passive housewife or a few of the others that get on his ass. It's like this dee dee you'll be long gone and the Pimp will still be around. Don't even try and out smart him either he is way to far advanced mentally for your mind to absorb. Give it up cancel and come back with a new plan.
I'm still trying to get my head around all this oppresion stuff. Snowwhite is a bloke right? Calls himself a shemale ? I have no problem with that - each to their own and all that, but why this anti male bile? Is it our fault you are not the sex you want to be? Your posts are all random rantings about some wierd and wonderful things - I just cant keep track
If you don't agree with him, offer an alternative view, if you can logically frame an argument. If you cant logically refute his opinion, go get an education.

Finally! A voice of sound reason. This is all I've been trying to say. I don't expect to be agreed with on every single point. But if you don't agree with me, offer valid reasons as to why. You may even convince me to change my own opinions if your case is good enough and can be substantiated. Insulting me only provokes me. Like poking a sleeping dog.
Very cool

I think pimpology has been very sincere and dedicated to the black lifestyle for white women. Sure, he wants to participate, if he can compete, why not. There are so many fakers on here that he seems perfect.
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