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Anonymous poll what you think of pimpology101

  • Thread starterpassive_hotwife
  • Start date

How do you feel about pimpology101 and his views?

  • I agree with him sometimes!

    Votes: 54 24.7%
  • I love him and his views!

    Votes: 24 11.0%
  • I disagree with him and his views most of the time!

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • I disagree with him and his views all of the time!

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • I hate him and his views!

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Wish he would just shut the fuck up!

    Votes: 41 18.7%
  • Wish he would find a new place to post!

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Wish he would just drop dead!

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • His dick is as small as his brain!

    Votes: 27 12.3%
  • He is a hypocrite and thoughtless pig!

    Votes: 38 17.4%

  • Total voters
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  • #101
Gee.........I wonder if anyone didn't see this coming. Who can't let stuff go? You or me? This is the only post you've made all day and it's filled with the same bile you usually spit out. I have told you countless times (and for the last one by the way) that I could give one big flying fuck less what you say, think, feel or do. You may as well give up whatever agenda you have in impacting or influencing me. I know what I post and what I don't. I don't make hate posts. I only make posts about that which I find distasteful (as do countless others). I defy you to show me ONE post outside of those where I "spew hate." Go ahead. Do it. Scour this entire board and see if you can find one; you can't!!

And as far as my having a woman is concerned.......I had one for many years and I'm sure, in time, I'll make the choice to have one again. In the meantime, I'll continue to host my monthly parties and enjoy the fruits of the beauties who attend in a non-committed way. In the meantime, you keep ignoring the one you supposedly do have to follow me around this forum and post nasty messages. See how long you keep the one you have (if you really do even have one).
  • #102
pimpology101 said:
You'd know all about giving up ass wouldn't ya, imabiggafaka

did i touch a nerve there pimples? lol

you said pages ago you was stepping away from this but the urge to type something just keeps on getting the better of you doesn't it ha ha.

bet you couldn't last an hour never mind a day without having to come on here and get your daily typing fix out of your system.

do like the poll says and shut the fuck up!!! :asshole:
  • #104
i personnally find the 6 th. statement ( green bar on the right side )
a statement that is a bit * rude * ,
i enjoy reading Well written English, similar to a Scholar, Pimpo... is often
** to the point ** unlike most Politicians who have to often reply :
(( WELL WHAT I MEANT IS ... )) , i take some, i leave some...
  • #106
There are, at absolute most, a half dozen regular posters here that don't make complete idiots out of themselves every single time they open their mouth. Pimpology101 is one of those. He's one of very few quality posters here.

And with that, I'm off to look for another forum that is more serious than the joke this place has become.
  • #108
I can't see why people are still posting to this thread. It is stupid and so a few of you don't like what a guy says to goddam bad don't read his shit. Half the stuff he post is in response to someone trying to run his ass in the ground. He is a cuck but that don't mean he is going to coward away from some of the negative shit posted against him. I've been hammered on for sticking up for him the bottom line is he says what he thinks. To me I have more respect for a person that will tell you straight out then behind your back. Hell you tried to get xzpaw throwed off to who's next anyone someone wants to start a personal poll on. Hell you would sware at times this is a elementary school site. Lets all get together and say we don't like Pimp we won't play with him no more. This is how silly this shit is. If you want to call him a asshole call him one but if he calls you one back take it you started it.
  • #109
You miss the point!

muleman said:
I can't see why people are still posting to this thread. It is stupid and so a few of you don't like what a guy says to goddam bad don't read his shit. Half the stuff he post is in response to someone trying to run his ass in the ground. He is a cuck but that don't mean he is going to coward away from some of the negative shit posted against him. I've been hammered on for sticking up for him the bottom line is he says what he thinks. To me I have more respect for a person that will tell you straight out then behind your back. Hell you tried to get xzpaw throwed off to who's next anyone someone wants to start a personal poll on. Hell you would sware at times this is a elementary school site. Lets all get together and say we don't like Pimp we won't play with him no more. This is how silly this shit is. If you want to call him a asshole call him one but if he calls you one back take it you started it.

"There are none so blind as he who will not see!"

The point is, over 50% of the people just wish pimpology101 would shut the fuck up on most if not all of other peoples posts. He is free to make is own posts, but why bash everyone else who say anything. As hotwife pointed out 80% or more of pimpology101's posts are bashing others for one thing or another.

With over 175 pople now voting, cant he and others like him just pull back a biot on the bashing and hurting others. Thats all this was really about. Why do some feel the need to bully othrs till they leave of just never post again.

That really cant help the quality of the place. Becuase int he process of running off some you dont like you may scare off 2 or 3 others you would love.
  • #110
Minnesota_Couple said:
"There are none so blind as he who will not see!"

The point is, over 50% of the people just wish pimpology101 would shut the fuck up on most if not all of other peoples posts. He is free to make is own posts, but why bash everyone else who say anything. As hotwife pointed out 80% or more of pimpology101's posts are bashing others for one thing or another.

With over 175 pople now voting, cant he and others like him just pull back a biot on the bashing and hurting others. Thats all this was really about. Why do some feel the need to bully othrs till they leave of just never post again.

That really cant help the quality of the place. Becuase int he process of running off some you dont like you may scare off 2 or 3 others you would love.
Some poll anyway ten choices 2 for eight against nice try. I'm not trying to be rude to you either but with this kind of childs poll anyway with two for what do you think is going to be the higher number for or against.
  • #111
Minnesota_Couple said:
"There are none so blind as he who will not see!"

The point is, over 50% of the people just wish pimpology101 would shut the fuck up on most if not all of other peoples posts. He is free to make is own posts, but why bash everyone else who say anything. As hotwife pointed out 80% or more of pimpology101's posts are bashing others for one thing or another.

With over 175 pople now voting, cant he and others like him just pull back a biot on the bashing and hurting others. Thats all this was really about. Why do some feel the need to bully othrs till they leave of just never post again.

That really cant help the quality of the place. Becuase int he process of running off some you dont like you may scare off 2 or 3 others you would love.
Where is your response to the thread you showed pic's of yourself and someone posted "VOMIT" is this bashing why aren't you bringing him into this also I would say that is bashing and crude.
  • #112
I didnt start this poll.

muleman said:
Some poll anyway ten choices 2 for eight against nice try. I'm not trying to be rude to you either but with this kind of childs poll anyway with two for what do you think is going to be the higher number for or against.

I did not start this poll, and if i did I would of done it another way. Butm that does not mean that the over 175 people who voted are all wrong or wasted their time.

I dont really want to fight here with anyone. It just hurts everyone.

Seems lots of people are willing to jump into defend the people who bash others. But, few if any jump in to help just plan old people who post stuff here. Sure some of it is more then off the wall or very kinky. But, how does that hurt us. But, bashing and dumping on others hurts us all.

I get my share of it just like everyone else who posts here does. But that still dont make it right.

Is respect for others and their views really to much to look for even here?
  • #113
Minnesota_Couple said:
I did not start this poll, and if i did I would of done it another way. Butm that does not mean that the over 175 people who voted are all wrong or wasted their time.

I dont really want to fight here with anyone. It just hurts everyone.

Seems lots of people are willing to jump into defend the people who bash others. But, few if any jump in to help just plan old people who post stuff here. Sure some of it is more then off the wall or very kinky. But, how does that hurt us. But, bashing and dumping on others hurts us all.

I get my share of it just like everyone else who posts here does. But that still dont make it right.

Is respect for others and their views really to much to look for even here?[/QUOTE There is one big thing about the word respect. It is something you earn in my book. I try and show everyone respect that I feel deserves it. I have not bashed you in anyway shape or form. Some peoples views on here don't deserve respect in my book so I don't give it. Thats me but you can respect and think what you want.
  • #114
I just have to shake my head and wonder. Even after I have challenged people to cite even one instance where I have "bashed" someone personally (and they have yet to do so because they can't do so), they still insist on insinuating that I have. Once again I have not bashed any one individual in a personal manner (unless in retaliation to a personal attack on myself; never in initiation), I have only denounced specific interests explained clearly in the context I have described a million freakin' times!!!

That is never going to change. Never! I am sorry if the people who harbor these despicable interests feel as if they're being "bashed" or picked on in a personal manner. They are not. It is their mental obsession with topics which are harmful not only to themselves but also to others (and, by extension, society as a whole) which incur my rancor. If one has to ask how such mindsets are harmful to us then they really don't get it and that is perhaps the scariest and most sadening thing of all.

You're right about the respect issue in a sense that it is earned and not automatically assumed or given. Some people, those who post some of the trash which I have clearly defined, are some people who will never earn mine nor be given any. If you think that they should be given respect then you're delusional. They warrant nothing but disrespect and disdain. People are not quick to defend people who bash others on this site as you say, but rather quick to point out, in no uncertain terrms and often with vehement opposition, what is tolerable and what is not. The fetishes of the extremists have been clearly told, and not only by me (far from it as I am far from alone in my feelings on these subjects), that these deviant interests are not welcome here nor should they be welcomed (here or anywhere else).

If you think that is bashing people then that is your issue. I will not make apologies for having moral fiber, a code of ethics and the testicular fortitude to voice my opinion when someone crosses a very clearly line that the tennants of decency have drawn in the sand. Just because someone has an alternative sexual interest or there presence is known on an anonymous, adult website that doesn't mean they leave their scruples and code of conduct at the door to allow a free-for-all sexual extravaganza where any and all manner of sexual conduct is permissable like an all you can eat smorgasboard of depravity. People can and do engage in consensual adult sexual behavior of an alternative nature while maintaining to hold steadfastly to virtue and dignity, not allowing the lines of tolerance to be blurred to the point where they allow and endorse a whatever feels good is fine mentality. Some people, even in this environment are much more thoughtful, wise and responsible to do so. Tolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry. Freedom is not the ability to do what one wishes but rather the responsibility to do what one ought.

I'm a man of conscience who, despite his own alternative sexual interest, takes such responsibility very seriously. That will never change and those expecting or hoping it to are going to remain sorely disappointed.
  • #115
I have NO PROBLEM with Pimpology, I even agree with him some of the time. I DO have a problem with BlackStud74, he is a PRICK!
  • #116
Well all know what BlackDud is and what he’s about so don’t let him bother you. He lacks credibility, he lacks character and he definitely lacks game (and obviously couldn’t throw a woman a good fuck if his life depended on it). He matters to less than one tenth of one percent of the people on here. Ignore this idiot and you’ll be better off. The same can be said for his chromosonally challenged, single brain cell-sharing butt-boy, Lewis.
  • #117
pimpology101 said:
Well all know what BlackDud is and what he’s about so don’t let him bother you. He lacks credibility, he lacks character and he definitely lacks game (and obviously couldn’t throw a woman a good fuck if his life depended on it). He matters to less than one tenth of one percent of the people on here. Ignore this idiot and you’ll be better off. The same can be said for his chromosonally challenged, single brain cell-sharing butt-boy, Lewis.

what a shame,he speaks so well of you lol,i knew i wouldn't have to go searching through your shed full of posts to find a rude and opinionated post by you about somebody else,it was only ever gonna be a short time before one would come right to me
  • #118
It didn't come "right to you," you had to go looking for it and, imagine that, it was in a thread about me. I think you're guilty of cyber stalking.

And furthermore, you just illiterated to his opinion of me........I guess you think I should just keep my mouth shut when he (and you) shoots off at the mouth. NOT!!!

And it's hardly rude given how he has represented himself and shown what he's made of. Nor is it opinionated. That would imply I am the only one who has such an opinion of him and, once you finally learn to read, you can see that many, many people, including the person who made the post above mine, share the same feelings about him (not unlike the many who have the same opinion of you I might add).

Would that make all of them opionionated also or merely just enlightened??
  • #119
Wow 183 Viters... very nice!

Its nice to see so many popel vote on this.:clap:
  • #120
Viters? Popel? Are you really new at typing as well, or just a little shy about proper spelling?
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