It doesn't matter, but I voted "Wish he would just shut the fuck up."
You're right, it doesn't matter!
By the way, what am I supposed to be posing as? Let's see.....never claimed to be a woman.......never claimed to be a black guy........certainly never claimed to be a cuck. Oh, I must be posing as a guy who doesn't think it's cool for people to "breed" out of sexual kink lest the ramifications of the children who will be born, a guy who doesn't pander to incest because it's depraved filth, a guy who cares enough about an anonymous person to not wanna see them get into porn as it's an industry full of peril and a guy who doesn't succumb to the utter nonsense that white men are innately inferior to the black man. If I'm guilty of posing as a person who does all those things then, yes, I am a poser.
I also hate to break it to you that my 2 cents worth of opinion is no more or less solicited here than anyone elses. I'm also far from a nazi (where that even came from one has to wonder) and since I dunno who Filmore Slim is, I'll just be content being me, thanks! And who I am is the pimp! A man who keeps it real. A man of integrity and a man not afraid to voice his opinion or call people out when I see what I believe to be unsavory behavior out of them. THAT'S who I am!! Put that in your box!!!