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Anonymous poll what you think of pimpology101

  • Thread starterpassive_hotwife
  • Start date

How do you feel about pimpology101 and his views?

  • I agree with him sometimes!

    Votes: 54 24.7%
  • I love him and his views!

    Votes: 24 11.0%
  • I disagree with him and his views most of the time!

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • I disagree with him and his views all of the time!

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • I hate him and his views!

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Wish he would just shut the fuck up!

    Votes: 41 18.7%
  • Wish he would find a new place to post!

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Wish he would just drop dead!

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • His dick is as small as his brain!

    Votes: 27 12.3%
  • He is a hypocrite and thoughtless pig!

    Votes: 38 17.4%

  • Total voters
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OMG thank you.

r4real said:
It doesn't matter, but I voted "Wish he would just shut the fuck up."

I used to like scoping the threads here, but I can't seem to browse one without this posin' motherfucker sticking his 2 cents in where it ain't wanted lately. It was good while it lasted, but it appears to be the case on ALL BM/WF interracial boards eventually. There's always a borderline nazi white boy who thinks he's Fillmore fuckin' Slim begging to go home in a box.

Thank you for your vote... I agree fully I wish he would just shut the fuck up!
As if anyone cares what an ass has to say anyway.
I tried to be fair.

pimpology101 said:
By the way..........the poll itself is a little biased (not that I give 2 shits even if the results are 100% against or 100% for). I mean really, one choice is all for me and one is kinda for me......the other EIGHT are decidely against me. How's that for balance? rofl

I really did try to be fair about it. Its just there are far more ways for people to hate you then like you. Nothing I can do about that... You created yoru own online image here.

It hurts to hear what others really think of you don't it. :whatever:
Not hurting me in the least. I am getting equal support. In fact most of the posts have been in my favor. I knew which group of people would vote against me and that is expected and sort of the point. I don't care if they don't like me or what I say. The reason for my posts against them is to get them to shut up or leave in the first place. So trannys, cucks, breeders, pedophiles, homosexuals, fakes, gender impersonators, wimps, sissies, incest afficionados and the like don't like me or what I have to say? My response to that is GOOD!!!!!! They're not supposed to like it!!!!! DUH.......
Just put him on your ignore list.

His main purpose here seems to be getting people to give him money... and insulting and arguing with people about almost every post.
Wow the votes are coming in.

pimpology101 said:
Not hurting me in the least. I am getting equal support. In fact most of the posts have been in my favor. I knew which group of people would vote against me and that is expected and sort of the point. I don't care if they don't like me or what I say. The reason for my posts against them is to get them to shut up or leave in the first place. So trannys, cucks, breeders, pedophiles, homosexuals, fakes, gender impersonators, wimps, sissies, incest afficionados and the like don't like me or what I have to say? My response to that is GOOD!!!!!! They're not supposed to like it!!!!! DUH.......

Its so great to see the votes coming in and the people letting their views on you be heard.

59 people have voted... I’m excited. Your time here as self appointed God and Lord of Dark Cavern is coming to an end. Maybe its time for the people in and around Ohio to put you in your place in real life as well as on the web.

Such a waste of space and time…. Everything you say is all just shit. And the said part is, when all is said and done here…. And you are all alone in bed at night, you know deep down your just shit and people out right hate you and wish you where dead…. How sad is that?

Cant wait to see what the poll shows in a day or two.
:wtf: Give me money???? NO one here has ever given me a penny nor have I asked for a cent. Why would I? Why would they? You really ought to think before you speak Cokeman. I know you like fabricating celebrity stories to feed a fantasy but don't be saying shit like that, pal. That's slanderous.

And ALL of you need to check the very posts you criticize. I post negative commentary on solitary issues such as (for the one millionth time): breeding, pedophilia, fakes, liars, untruths and things of that nature. If you people endorse those things or, ok them by your silence, then none of you who do are stand up people I'd like to associate with any damn way. Say what you will, lie however you may, insult me all you wish. My views nor my tactics are going to change so yes, if you don't like it, better ignore me as Cokeman suggests.
Pa passive house husband..........whatever you're hoping to accomplish is not going to work. In case you have failed to read my posts (or simply can't read; since your english and grammer is so damn bad I assume you may be illiterate also), I don't care if 100% of the vote was "I wish he'd drop dead." It's not going to change one, single thing. I'm still gonna bash you freaks who endorse breeding with no though to the woman or children to be. Still gonna crack on Dad's who incestuouslly wanna see their (any age) children with black men. Still gonna bust the cucks with no self esteem or self respect. Still gonna point out the fakes and the liars. If you don't like that maybe you ought to keep some of your sick desires quiet, change to a new site or just get used to it.
I tried that.

cokeman said:
Just put him on your ignore list.

His main purpose here seems to be getting people to give him money... and insulting and arguing with people about almost every post.

You are right.... but it’s hard to ignore a jerk that posts so much hate and runs off so many people by posting hate filled reply’s to everything everyone says. Why would anyone want to come here if everything and anything they say is turned in to a chance to abuse them and their views.

He may think he is helping, and protecting the forum, but in fact he and his kind will kill it for sure. People are either free to post their views or their not. If they are not, why come back.

No one agrees with every post here. I sure don’t, and lots of good people post a view saying they don’t agree. But this guy and his kind are not happy just saying they disagree. No that’s not good enough. They do it in a way to hurt people, to bully them, to shame them and to run them off. That’s not right.

When I first started seeing his posts I thought maybe he just hated me. But 95% of his posts everyday are bashing people, name calling, bullying, and are outright abuse. I’m not sure why the moderates of Dark Cavern put up with him.

One last thing… ignoring him just lets him abuse others, and lets him hurt more and more people. Everyone needs to vote and maybe the moderates will take note and do something about him. At east we can hope they will.

EVERYONE: Please vote… This is the time and place to make your feelings known. And its safe… he can not single you out for more abuse… it’s an anonymous vote.
I love your reply’s.

pimpology101 said:
Pa passive house husband..........whatever you're hoping to accomplish is not going to work. In case you have failed to read my posts (or simply can't read; since your english and grammer is so damn bad I assume you may be illiterate also), I don't care if 100% of the vote was "I wish he'd drop dead." It's not going to change one, single thing. I'm still gonna bash you freaks who endorse breeding with no though to the woman or children to be. Still gonna crack on Dad's who incestuouslly wanna see their (any age) children with black men. Still gonna bust the cucks with no self esteem or self respect. Still gonna point out the fakes and the liars. If you don't like that maybe you ought to keep some of your sick desires quiet, change to a new site or just get used to it.

I really love your replies. Nothing says more about you then your own words. The more you speak the more people get to know you and see they hate, intolerance, narrow-mindedness and out right bigotry of your heart. I was going to say heart and soul…. But someone like you could not possible have a soul. You are an empty shell of a man.

I feel sorry for you… and wish you would just go away and find a way to live and let live as they say. But, people like you don’t go a way, they don’t live and let live… they want to spread the hate and hurt others….

Please reply more, not just to me but to everyone here…. Show them in your own words how shallow and empty a human being you are… and how far you are willing to go in hurting and bashing others. Please keep posting here.

EVERYONE TAKE NOTE: I hope everyone who reads his posts see what this is really all about here. It’s not about right and wrong, or what’s hot and not hot, or what’s to kinky to be posted. It’s about him, bashing everyone who does not agree with him. That needs to stop.
Change your name please...

Passive AGRESSIVE is more accurate, but you give all of us real hotwives a bad name with this juvenile poll.

The only reason Pimp will never come out on top of this one is because the adults on this board will not bother dignifying this display of immaturity with a vote. Don't always see eye to eye but at least he's not FoS like most people on here!

It was bad enough when you misconstrued my reply to your "pregnant IR" post a few weeks ago... claiming that those of us who had a problem with your post were racist. That was just asinine. I came here to find, and luckily found, a few wonderful black lovers. I have no problem with IR couples OR children, it's the ignorance you displayed in suggesting it was not at all detrimental to a child to be brought into the world STRICTLY as the fruit of a good BBC f*cking. Live and let live? Sure as long as it involves CONSENTING ADULTS- not children born due to the fulfillment of a selfish fetish.

As I stated before: the pics, storyline... GREAT for a hot sexy fantasy story. But you were totally off base for suggesting that the reality of "breeding" affected no one.

It's a shame that Dark Cavern had to be brought down once again by a childish post/poll like this. I've already had two newer members pm me and ask if this goes on a lot here. So it's disappointing for me to imagine how many intelligent, sexy, black men, coming here for the first time, will be turned off by the immaturity of this current thread. Do us all a favor and let it drop. The only thing this poll proves... is ignorance flourishes.....

Lets get back to what we're here for!!
And on that note, because she is right and I respect her opinion and do not wish to ruin this forum for genuine, worthwhile people, I'll step out of this particular thread and let people discuss me however they may.

I apologize to the good people of DC for getting involved and behaving like a juvenile delinquent. My opinions remain the same on all of the subjects I mentioned and intolerance of them is not to be mistaken as bigotry. It's merely standing up for what is right and decent. Tolerance is not a free pass for deplorable behavior nor is it tacit permission for any lifestyle choice under the sun. Freedom isn't the ability to do what you please but rather the responsibility to do what you ought.

I'm done..........
Thank You!

pimpology101 said:
And on that note, because she is right and I respect her opinion and do not wish to ruin this forum for genuine, worthwhile people, I'll step out of this particular thread and let people discuss me however they may.

I apologize to the good people of DC for getting involved and behaving like a juvenile delinquent. My opinions remain the same on all of the subjects I mentioned and intolerance of them is not to be mistaken as bigotry. It's merely standing up for what is right and decent. Tolerance is not a free pass for deplorable behavior nor is it tacit permission for any lifestyle choice under the sun. Freedom isn't the ability to do what you please but rather the responsibility to do what you ought.

I'm done..........

I don’t disagree with your right to not like others or what they post... No one has to put up with things they do not agree with or find distasteful or worse.

This is not about wanting you to accept everyone or everything. Asking you to do that would be just as wrong as your asking them not to post. This is about how you talk to people.

You know someone; I don’t know who once said, “Tact (discretion) is being able to tell someone to “Go to Hell!”. And make them look forward to the trip. For a man who’s profile says he is a writer, and seems to have suck distain for people who cant spell or are less eloquent with words. How can you fail to express yourself in a way that says what you feel is right or wrong, and not hurt people in the process.

As a write you know words both denote and connote meaning. Surly a man with your gift for writing can articulate himself in a clear and easy to understand way that is not hurtful, insulting or bashing. Yet says you are wrong or I disagree.

I think you would find if you took the time to do this more, people might agree with you, and less people would hate your guts for everything you say and do here.

Is that to much to ask… really? No sarcasm intended.
I'm Sorry you feel that way.

TerminalChocaholic said:
Passive AGRESSIVE is more accurate, but you give all of us real hotwives a bad name with this juvenile poll.

The only reason Pimp will never come out on top of this one is because the adults on this board will not bother dignifying this display of immaturity with a vote. Don't always see eye to eye but at least he's not FoS like most people on here!

It was bad enough when you misconstrued my reply to your "pregnant IR" post a few weeks ago... claiming that those of us who had a problem with your post were racist. That was just asinine. I came here to find, and luckily found, a few wonderful black lovers. I have no problem with IR couples OR children, it's the ignorance you displayed in suggesting it was not at all detrimental to a child to be brought into the world STRICTLY as the fruit of a good BBC f*cking. Live and let live? Sure as long as it involves CONSENTING ADULTS- not children born due to the fulfillment of a selfish fetish.

As I stated before: the pics, storyline... GREAT for a hot sexy fantasy story. But you were totally off base for suggesting that the reality of "breeding" affected no one.

It's a shame that Dark Cavern had to be brought down once again by a childish post/poll like this. I've already had two newer members pm me and ask if this goes on a lot here. So it's disappointing for me to imagine how many intelligent, sexy, black men, coming here for the first time, will be turned off by the immaturity of this current thread. Do us all a favor and let it drop. The only thing this poll proves... is ignorance flourishes.....

Lets get back to what we're here for!!

I’m sorry you feel that way… I never intended to twist your words or view. No am I mad at you or anyone for not sharing my view on any topic or post.

What I took offense to is how easily people bash others who’s views are not like theirs. There was a post by Old Fart in the IR preg thread that I think was very good, and says a lot about what I was saying. Maybe he said it better then I did. Read it for your self if you want.

I personally see a lot of threads on topics I dislike. But I don’t bash them, I just move on, or a rate the thread as bad or terrible… and then move on. I think that it’s a easy way to say what you think and yet no one is hurt or bashed in the process.
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Well he can't just stop at cock stealing pics in which a certain person didn't win out now he is trying to set up another bunch of bullshit to try and deface the Pimp. I'm so sick of the children playing games here or trying to. I know we all came here to look at pics of infested cocks as was posted who is the fucking pain in the ass here it isn't Pimp. As one thread ask where are the real men. Not starting threads like this. Muleman
Hey passive hotwife. You are really biased in your poll and responses. As Pimp pointed out, there are only a couple of favorable options and many unfavorable options. Also, you are replying to and quoting all who agree with you, but not responding to those of us who think you are full of shit. Why don't you just go away and leave this board to people who want to use it the way it was originally designed and intended, for bbc and white women to hook up and have some fun.
Why the petty vendetta ?

First of all the vote is stupid in that the choices are so obviously tainted towards what you want the outcome to be.

Secondly you rant at Pimp for not being what you want him to be,( i.e.: agreeing with you all the time) and for having a pop at other posters and yet you do the same.

Everyone on this board has both good and bad qualities. There are some things said on these boards that press my buttons and there are some things that offend, nay, disgust me. I am sure both yourself and Pimp feel the same. The board encourages discussion and thats the way it should be. If you do not like the way someone disagrees with someone else, move on - it's only a game.

A "vote" like this says more about you than Pimpology and I have to say I have nohing against either of you - I enjoy all your posts - whether I agree with them or not is another matter but you will never (i hope) find me digging to the level of some of the insults that fly around.

And a small point for the pedants amongst us, "Irregardless" is not redundant although it can be viewed as non standard English. The Oxford English Dictionary seems to imply it is heading towards standardisation rather than away from it. If we are arguing about grammar (and I am certainly no expert) I would question the use of "dump ass" as this really does make no sense.
Why you are like a NAZI!

pimpology101 said:
Not hurting me in the least. I am getting equal support. In fact most of the posts have been in my favor. I knew which group of people would vote against me and that is expected and sort of the point. I don't care if they don't like me or what I say. The reason for my posts against them is to get them to shut up or leave in the first place. So trannys, cucks, breeders, pedophiles, homosexuals, fakes, gender impersonators, wimps, sissies, incest afficionados and the like don't like me or what I have to say? My response to that is GOOD!!!!!! They're not supposed to like it!!!!! DUH.......

The best way to explain it is with a very famous quote.

“In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade
unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I
didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to
speak up.” --Pastor Martin Niemöller, 1945

I my self am not a so called trannys, cucks, breeders, pedophiles, homosexuals, fakes, gender impersonators, wimps, sissies, incest aficionados. I am as much against underage sex as anyone, I am not gay or even bi, I am not into any of this as you try so hard to imply.

But, I hate that you bash them for being different.

There is another quote that says….

"If we know, then we must fight for your life as though it were our own…. For if they take you in the morning, they will be coming for us that night."

You like the Nazi’s pass judgment on all who come here and dare to post. You like the Nazi’s would hurt and bash others who are different from you, the pure white boy super race. How isit you and those like you don’t see the evil you do.

You hate the trannys, cucks, breeders, pedophiles, homosexuals, fakes, gender impersonators, wimps, sissies, incest aficionados for what they post. Yet you and those like you who support your type of hate, intolerance, bigotry and prejudice are far worse and far more dangerous to this Dark Cavern forum and even to the American way of life then any small group of pervs maybe.

The Nazi’s showed what they would do with the world if they ruled… and in you way so have you.

Its easy to pick on me, and the few people who try to defend someone else’s freedom to express them self, no matter how distasteful others find what they have to say. The hard part if having the guts and the willingness to defend others when no one else will.

This is not about name calling or pointing the finger... Its about taking a stand for whats right and whats not, and lets start with the freedom of speach.


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Im still just an old fart but!

TerminalChocaholic said:
Passive AGRESSIVE is more accurate, but you give all of us real hotwives a bad name with this juvenile poll.

The only reason Pimp will never come out on top of this one is because the adults on this board will not bother dignifying this display of immaturity with a vote. Don't always see eye to eye but at least he's not FoS like most people on here!

It was bad enough when you misconstrued my reply to your "pregnant IR" post a few weeks ago... claiming that those of us who had a problem with your post were racist. That was just asinine. I came here to find, and luckily found, a few wonderful black lovers. I have no problem with IR couples OR children, it's the ignorance you displayed in suggesting it was not at all detrimental to a child to be brought into the world STRICTLY as the fruit of a good BBC f*cking. Live and let live? Sure as long as it involves CONSENTING ADULTS- not children born due to the fulfillment of a selfish fetish.

As I stated before: the pics, storyline... GREAT for a hot sexy fantasy story. But you were totally off base for suggesting that the reality of "breeding" affected no one.

It's a shame that Dark Cavern had to be brought down once again by a childish post/poll like this. I've already had two newer members pm me and ask if this goes on a lot here. So it's disappointing for me to imagine how many intelligent, sexy, black men, coming here for the first time, will be turned off by the immaturity of this current thread. Do us all a favor and let it drop. The only thing this poll proves... is ignorance flourishes.....

Lets get back to what we're here for!!

I posted this the othr day... note sure anyone read it or cared really. But, its seems to me there are lots of guys here picking on one girl who puts her self out there for others.. Why?

Any way her is what I said in the other post.... I have been reading and checking out this place for a long time now, and for the most part I enjoy it and the things people post here. I’m maybe an old fart to some at 55. But I have been married for 37 to the same woman. We have had many ups and downs, and where very much into swinging for many years when we where in our 20’s and 30’s. My wife and I are both white. My wife had a thing for big cock like many women do, and we both thought she should try black. She did and loved it and I loved seeing hre with black guys. So it was a win win for both of us.

We had 6 kids over the years, all mine, 2 boys 4 girls. We hid our sex life, swinging and her love of black cocks from our kids. It was a very different time then now. White girls did not openly date or have sex with black men. If they did they where shunned, by friends and family alike, you could lose your job and or housing, and it was a big scandal if others found out.

I bring this up, because over the years as our children grew, all our girls dated both white and black boys in high school. 2 of our daughters ended up marring black men, and have had mixed babies. 1 of our daughters got black preg and had 2 kids before getting married to a white guy. Our other daughter married a white guys and as far as we know never got onto black guys. But, we really don’t know.

So here we are now, with 11 grandchildren, 7 are mixed for are white. We love them all the same, they all have mothers and fathers who love them, care for them, and live in a happy health home. My wife and I would not of picked black men for our girls nor would we have thought it a good idea for them to have mixed babies.

But, now that they are here, I love them all the same, and would not wish they where any different. I have sent he world changing, and I think it is changing for the best in this area. In all the years since they where born, there has only been one incident where someone said or did anything inappropriate in front of the children. But the police where called and the man was charged with a hate crime and went to jail for his actions.

That’s very different from when my wife and I where young. I think it’s a shame that so many people here are still give the girls and young couples so much heartache and grief over wanting to have a mixed baby. I don’t fully understand why they want to do that…. But it seems the time for hating others for this kind of thing has long past in American.

Even today my wife and I still feel some shame over the things we did when we where younger, but we don’t regret any of it. But, we also do not make a show of it, nor have we ever told our kids, and never will. But, we don’t let our generations hang ups, affect our children or grandchildren.

Ok, I know I’m going to get flack for this post, and I guess I brought it on my self for even posting. But I got so mad reading some of this crap and wondered if the people who post it would say this to people with mixed kids or grandkids face to face, If not, don’t post it here either.
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im not voting although i find this humerous...my posts clearly state my opinoins on pimp and others of his ilk. if i was to vote, i would have to vote all of the above, for at some pi, i have prob felt each way about him. Regardless of his opinions, i have respect for him for his beliefs and his right to state them.

But poeple..racism,hatred etc will never leave society without tolerance and respect for youre fellow man/woman
There is some wisdom in what you say.

Pooch said:
im not voting although i find this humerous...my posts clearly state my opinoins on pimp and others of his ilk. if i was to vote, i would have to vote all of the above, for at some pi, i have prob felt each way about him. Regardless of his opinions, i have respect for him for his beliefs and his right to state them.

But poeple..racism,hatred etc will never leave society without tolerance and respect for youre fellow man/woman

There is some wisdom in what you say and it’s had to find fault with it. However, voting is an statement. Just as so many people complain about the state of the country, yet if you ask them did they vote they say no.

A vote is a powerful tool for change; it should never be disregarded. This poor girl has put her self out there and is bashed here for everything she says.

All that is required for evil to win is for good men to do nothing!

Everyone should vote! Really.
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