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My Asian Wife Wants More

  • Thread starterkoreanslut
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  • #261
And I certainly didn't intend to step on toes or anything of the sort. Just making sure we keep perspective. Thanks for clarifying, George. No offense intended.
  • #262
My writing was sloppy. You interpretation was legit. All error here was mine. Thank you for clarifying what I intended to say.
Hey, if Min-Ju decided she wanted her next man inside her last night -- Is that why KS didn't post last night? -- then if they followed my suggestion (an unlikly event) her 'off pill days' ended last night with one day off.

Oh, and I agree. She is not asking for permission as I mis-stated. As you said, she is asking for re-afirmation and transfer of responsibility onto KS, a transfer KS must gladly accept.
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  • #263
The problem with Min-Ju having her wild nights on Wednesday is it takes me so long to find time to write about it, never mind recovering sleep and catching up at work. So I'll write what I can and come back to things later. I know there's going to be some detail and nuance that I won't get right here, in the little time I can steal away from what I should be doing.

I'll start with yesterday. Happily, yes, Min-Ju stuck with her plan of going out dancing with her girlfriends. Because I had a late meeting, I wasn't able to get home before she headed out. Instead, she and I met up for dinner. She was too tired to cook. So the first time I saw her since her night with Caleb was there at the restaurant. She already had a table when I arrived. She got up to kiss me, and even though she had obviously been home to wash and shower long ago, I was very aware that I was kissing her after her mouth had once again been around her lover's cock. It was surreal to be reconnecting with my wife in public that way. I mean, usually when she comes home we are all over each other, kissing and pawing and frantically talking about her adventure. But the restaurant ****** us almost to act as though nothing had happened. When we said down, she asked about my day. Yes, that was her topic of conversation. My mind was in a frenzy, my balls were still aching from last night, I was sitting down for dinner with my wife who had just spent the day fucking another man, and she wanted to talk about my day. It was crazy, but also it felt strangely natural. We talked about this and that just enjoying each other's company, though I kept stealing glances at her. It might be more accurate to say I was ogling her. The server probably thought this was a first date.

I was dying to ask her about last night, but following her lead I held back. Earlier this morning she had texted to let me know she was safe as I had asked, but it seems she liked my suggestion of not telling me when she got home, because her texts didn't say. For all I knew she had spent the day with him.. perhaps in his bed or perhaps out together kissing and holding hands. I wasn't sure which possibility was more arousing, but I had spent the day at work obsessing over it. And here at dinner she wasn't saying either. (I know now, she told me this morning... and I'll tell you later. For now, I'll keep you guessing the way she did me.)

When she did bring it up, it was so matter of fact it caught me off guard. "You're thinking about his sperm inside me, aren't you?" She said it casually, more a statement than a question. I felt my face redden. It took me a few moments to collect myself. "Did you have fun last night?" I asked her. Min-Ju smiled but said, "You didn't answer my question. You're thinking about his sperm inside me, aren't you?" She was looking straight at me. She looked stern. God can she control me with that look, especially with my cage on. I felt myself really reddening, but also smiling despite myself. "Yes," I said. She kind of nodded and went back to her meal, saying "I thought so." She took another bite and ate in silence. I was watching her intently -- and yes, I was thinking about his seed inside her. It's become something of an obsession, and she knows it. She smiled at me -- I swear it was a smirk! She was reading my mind -- and said, "He planted his seed inside me last night, you know."* She chewed her food. "And again this morning." And again there was that smirk. Somewhere in here I began to realize that she was teasing me. She knew that talking to me this way would melt my mind, so she had planned this. And yes, it was really working. (Shortly after we left the restaurant, as we walked down the sidewalk she burst into giggles. She confessed that she thought it would be fun to act all stern to tease her "little cuckold," and she was pretty proud of herself. I told her it was really hot, which it was, as is the way she is becoming increasingly comfortable calling me her cuckold.)

So I realized, or maybe more honestly, half-realized that she was deliberately teasing me by refusing to talk about her night with Caleb, and for the rest of dinner, she wouldn't. She kept telling me things like "His seed is inside me" and "he shot deep into me, baby" and "I loved feeling him cum," but she playfully ducked my questions about just what they had been up to, other than that she had fun. And to my surprise and delight, she was wanting to have more fun that night.

She was dressed in a gray dress and low heels, more cute than sexy. The dress is tight but not form-fitting, with several layers than bounce and shift around as she moves. Not exactly a club dress, but then she's not a club girl. It's short though. I was ogling her rather openly. I mean, she was my wife, and I missed the full curve of her breasts and the slender shape of her thighs, thighs that last night were wrapped around another man. Plus, I was trying to figure out if she was wearing panties. I was reading your comments at work yesterday even though I couldn't reply, and your suggests of laying out an outfit for her were great. I wished I had thought of that in time, but instead all I could do was text her from work saying she should go without underwear.

And that, too, she refused to answer. She said, "You'll just have to grope me yourself to find out what other guys will be feeling tonight." Later, when I had to chance to pull her close to me and hold her as we walked to the club, I did grope her. And... bare!

I'll have to write more about this part soon, but we went to the club together to meet up with her girlfriends. At dinner we talked about how I wanted her to dance and flirt with other guys. She said she didn't think she would be comfortable letting anything really happen, understandably, but I got her riled up to at least talk about letting guys dance with her and press up against her. With another glass of wine, she got playful enough to agree to a delightful dare. She would role one dice, and I would role one dice. The number together was the number of hard cocks she had to feel against her that night! (Sadly, we had to resort to using her phone to roll virtual dice, which took a way much of the visceral thrill.) She rolled a 3. I only rolled a 1. But still, 4 hard-ons for her to hunt down tonight. "Easy enough once a guy gets to rub up against you," I told her. She laughed and playfully punched my arm. At the club I hung out with her and her girlfriends at the bar for a bit, before leaving. I was off to meet up with some of my own friends. She stayed with her friends, including a couple friends who had been at the park when she wore her bikini and at the Irish pub where I first encountered Darren. So yes. She stayed out past midnight and had fun. Nothing dramatic happened though. But I'll have more soon.

So about her birth control pills. I guess I was unclear the other day. She keeps her birth control pills by the bedside, and Wednesday night as I crawled in bed alone I was very aware of her pills. I was very aware of how they were here and not there, and in my cuckold daze I was thinking about how he was shooting his sperm into her bare pussy, maybe even right at that moment. I thought about what might happen if she didn't take her pill... and I even fantasized about taking out her pill and crushing it. She would come home with his sperm inside her and discover the pill was gone. Imagine what a message that would send! But she wasn't off her pill that night. I'm sorry if my horniness made it sound like she was. She takes the pill in the morning, and as long as she came home the morning after her night with Caleb and takes the pill she is fully protected. Since I wasn't there when she came home, I spent the day wondering.. teasing and torturing myself with the possibility... but when I did get home, of course the little bubble for the day was empty. As I knew it would be. She's not risking pregnancy with him... at least not now. In general, if she misses one day she is still probably ok. Two missed days is really pushing it. More than that loses the hormone build-up, so yes as Minos was saying, in that case a woman loses all effectiveness from the pill for the rest of the cycle.
  • #264
Great 'partial' update. Thank you.
Regarding pills. Of course you know what you are doing. In Korea you played with pills toward the end of her cycle. I assume when you play again that way it again will be near the end. I never intended to suggest you two take a substantial risk which might turn a game into reality, even an early terminated pregnancy reality. Enough with the downers. Love, love to read more about your adventures. And here's hoping when you get your next release it is either very satisfying in a subordinate, humiliated, cuck way or equally fun in an intense explosive shooting into her as she screams in delight way.
  • #265
Min-Ju was very snuggly last night when she came home to bed, which felt wonderful for both of us. I guess it was the first time we could kiss or cuddle for almost 24 hours. We ended up having a long talk between the sheets as we wound down and drifted off to sleep, not so much about the specifics of what she's been doing but about how we have been feeling about things. It was nice. She's become more and more aware of how teasing me about other men's sperm turns me on, and she likes talking about it, too. She told me she really likes the feeling when Caleb first pushes between her lips... and when he spurts inside her. She says there is a feeling of "completion" there that she craves. She also told me about how when she sucks him off in her mouth she likes to rub his sperm around on her skin. The slipperiness and texture is something that turns her on. She's always liked this about sperm. But I love how much more she's been wanting to talk about it with me. She's also getting more comfortable calling me "my cuckold." She has trouble with some of the connotations of that word, and I do, too, but she's been saying it more to me lately. Last night we especially talked about her feelings when she's with Caleb -- whether she is starting to feel attached to him or if he seems attached to her. It was hard to talk about, and there's still a lot more talking we need to do. She says that "I have fun with him" but also that "when I really think about it I kind of don't like him." I think I know what she means, though I want to hear more. Because she's just with him for brief periods, for sex or for hangouts, she doesn't really have to think about some of the aspects of his personality that aren't such great fits for her. I'm actually kind of surprised things have lasted this long without her getting unhappy with him. I hope that's a good sign. Still, I asked her something I've been wondering for a while and have been afraid to ask: "Do you think of him as your boyfriend?" She laughed out loud and immediately said, "Nooo!" But then as she thought about it more, she ended up coming back around to saying something like "Well, I guess in a way. I don't like 'fuck buddy'. It sounds too... gross. So maybe boyfriend. Does that bother you?" It's hard to say how I feel about that.

Another issue we talked about is how he sees me. As far as he knows, she's cheating on me with him, and apparently he's said that word to her a few times -- "cheating." Definitely not smart on his part because Min-Ju hates that word and hates that idea. She said the first time he said that really caught her off guard, like a slap to the face, and she almost left to come home right then. Since then, he's learned not to talk about "us" much. Mostly, he seems to ignore the situation, from the sound of things. But I did also ask if he's said things about me. There are a lot of weird contradictions in this whole fantasy I have been discovering, but this is one of the biggest. On one hand, it turns me on to think of her fucking another guy who is secretly laughing at me. But on the other hand, it would be an absolute deal breaker if she tolerated that. I mean, if she pretended to tolerate and laugh along, that would be hot, I think. But actually... no. Definitely not. It's an impossible contradiction. (Not unlike the pregnancy risk contradiction. We both want to play with real risk but at the same time absolutely do not want to take risks.) Anyway, so asking felt pretty risky for me. He seems like a guy who might be kind of... selfish... that way. Min-Ju clearly felt my anxiety, too. She thought about it a lot before answering, in a way that signaled that she was going to have to tell me something I wouldn't like. Finally, she said that "Yes, he has said disparaging things about you a few times." She watched my eyes, looking for my reaction. "But I told him to stop it," she said. I tried to decide if I wanted to ask for details, and finally did. "Early on he asked a couple times why was coming to him for sex if I was dating you. I wasn't sure what to tell him." I nodded. It makes sense he would ask that, and I could understand why she wasn't sure how to answer. She explained that he assumed she wasn't happy in the relationship and, worrying he might mistake that as an invitation to a relationship with her, she told him emphatically that she was very happy in her relationship. Something I was very happy to hear. The problem is that "He then said it must be because you don't fuck me good enough." She looked at me again, watching my reaction. After a bit, she said, "A couple times he asked if you make me cum the way he does." "What did you answer?" I croaked. She looked nervous. She said she dodged the question and didn't answer, but I'm not sure I believe her. It hurt, but also aroused me. She insisted, though, that she's trained him not to bring up her relationship when they're together. One time he did say something mean and non-sex related about me, and she said she got really angry at him. But then she asked: "Do you want me to tell him yes?" She sounded very serious, but I was confused. "About what?" I asked. "When he asks if he fucks me better than you?"

I croaked out an anxious, desperate "Yes." I think it was the scariest moment for me yet.

Other details: She (mostly) had fun at the dance club. A lot of "creepers" came up to her, which she didn't like, but she did allow herself to "sort of dance with a guy" once while she and Kelly were on the floor dancing together. He put his arm around her and pressed against her; she felt him hard against her. So that was "one point." Later, she even let a guy invite her to dance when she was waiting for her friends at their table. She described him as a "cute Middle Eastern guy, tall and skinny, with hipster glasses." She liked that he wasn't pushy. They danced apart at first, but then she "let him grind against me for half a song." That was "two points." She tried to claim another random guy who pushed against her in the crowd at the bar as her third point, and she got indignant when I first said it didn't count. She does like getting her points, haha! At the end of the night, some ***** frat boy mumbled something about "loving Asian chicks" and tried to grope her. That she did not like.

Tonight is date night. I'm really excited for us to have the evening together. In fact, I should be getting ready right now not posting -- she's in the bathroom putting make-up on. I'm really hoping tonight ends in sex. I loved the text she said me, and she said she's eager to connect with me tonight. I'm so desperate I know I'm going to pop, but still, if will feel so so good to get out of this cage and finally get between Min-Ju's legs again!

minos_dis_crete said:
By all means, though, hold her to the rule of you always wearing a condom while her lover takes her bare.

Ack!! I'm finally about to have sex with her again and you remind me of this rule! I'd actually forgotten. But you're right. I need to make sure she insists I wear a condom, don't I?

George said:
Oh, and I agree. She is not asking for permission as I mis-stated. As you said, she is asking for re-afirmation and transfer of responsibility onto KS, a transfer KS must gladly accept.

Can you explain what you mean by this? Especially the last part about her wanting to transfer responsibility to me. I think I know, but I'm curious.
  • #266
personally i think that in the heat of the moment she most likely and honestly answered him "yes" when Caleb asked if he was a better lover than you are... then when it came up in the conversation with you she tried to first dodge the question as she didn't want to hurt you but then realised that if she prodded you to find out if you enjoy the thought of her telling him "yes" that she could also get rid of her guilty feelings for being so wanton in that moment with her boyfriend and telling him that "yes" he was a better lover than you...

in terms of the condom, i think you shouldn't wait for Min-Ju to bring it up, you should automatically put it on before she mentions it... this will be particularly hot considering how much focus has recently been put on her boyfriends cum being inside her bare pussy, including on her lips when she kissed you passionately. you automatically putting on the condom will show Min-Ju your loving acceptance of her play...

i can't wait to hear the rest of the details of what has been happening in the past few days, particularly her date with Caleb... also really want to know if you found out who the "can't wait, need you" text was really for?

have a great night tonight... enjoy your sex session if she does indeed let you out... i wonder if you would rather have a long hot session where you try your best to be a better lover than him... or if you would rather cum in less than a minute and just highlight to Min-Ju just how much a better lover her boyfriend is... which will it be KS??
  • #267
"Transfer responsibility" is really simple. You asked for this game. You push the game along. You want her to play. She does it for you (and for her). So whatever happens it's on your head. This allows her to reconcile being a good wife doing things for you and being a hotwife for you and a slut for both of you.

You should encourage this helpful rationale for her sake. She does the work. You take the responsibility.
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  • #269
Aww she is such a good cuckoldress to you KS, so cruel but so loving at the same time, gotta do the time you agreed to then you get your treat
  • #270
You poor sod! You gotta love the ride. You asked her to be cruel, remember? So she wants you to be the next guy in her--but you won't be. I guess you both get to suffer for your art. Is Caleb next again? Yes he will be. Or will you be lucky by her finding guy #5 (or #4 if you don't count karoke guy) before Caleb calls for a BJ and gets that and a fuck? Nope. Will she stay overnight in Caleb's bed and get that morning fuck also again? Yep! So when? Tomorrow? Sunday? Monday? Surely he won't wait until Tuesday.
  • #271
koreanslut said:
Noooo!! The cage stays on!

This sounds harsh, but I'm glad. Rules should be rules. And while Min-Ju might be craving "her cuckold's" reclamation, the key to that cage currently belongs to SooYun. It's appropriate that she didn't circumvent the rules.

There's a lot in your post worth discussing. Her possible/denied acknowledgement of your sexual inferiority compared to Caleb. Her confession that she isn't necessarily sure she even likes the guy who has arranged to fill her belly with his cum whenever he feels like it. I hope you recognize how sexy that is. Your hot, korean wife who takes such enjoyment in teasing and denying you, and who has let you convince her to play some truly kinky games so far... she's fucking. Hell, she's voluntarily servicing a guy who she doesn't even know she likes. All because you two have embarked on this adventure of infidelity. Don't call it cheating, because cheating means without your knowledge, but infidelity for sure. Over and over. And you accept it. Because you're "her perfect little cuckold". And she has/continues to be your perfect cuckoldress.

The idea of her tracing and playing with his cum on her skin is ridiculously hot. You mentioned it, but have you closed your eyes and imagined her pussy getting wet as she smoothes his juice across her face/chest/lips? How she enjoys the sensation, plus the knowledge that doing so makes her feel possessed by this dominant male who she could likely never love, but whose cock and embrace and attention she craves... His cum all over her skin. While at the same time you won'y be allowed to cum inside her, even. Prevented by the rubber of a condom. Treated like a visitor, while she freely accepts his sperm as often as he calls. How she enjoys knowing that accepting his cum and absorbing it into her skin as described is especially exciting for you, "her caged cuckold" and that it forces you to deal with even more unreleased desire for her and the game that she initiated for you.

Your balls must be so swollen. Based on what you said in an earlier post, Min-Ju is probably enjoying that quite a bit. Does she admire and play with them? Give them a possessive little squeeze from time to time? It must drive you wild that she's felt at least 5 hard cocks since you were last allowed to press your own against her (let alone inside her). You must wonder if any of them (aside from Caleb's) were bigger than yours, and maybe gave her a naughty thrill, thinking about them deep in her tight pussy. Well, at least what used to be her tight pussy. Do you think Caleb has stretched it out any since you last felt it? Will it still feel like "yours" in a week or so, when you're allowed to use your little penis with her again?

Just trying to torture you. ;) Feel free to try and ignore all that if it bothers you.
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  • #272
I know Min-ju said she wants you to be the next one inside her. I guess she wants that to keep you happy and to keep the sexual connection between you both alive... If you really want to push things and show your submissiveness and acceptance of her new bf you should tell her that you realise that you don't have the skills to satisfy her and that it should be Caleb who gets her again next. That you are happy to wait for permission from your key holder to be allowed inside her pussy... You should suggest that when soo-yun let's you out of your cage you will specifically ask her if she grants you permission to make love with Min-ju... Let Soo-Yun decide... Just think how humiliating it will be to ask some other woman if you are allowed to have sex with your own wife... What would SooYun think of you aa you sit there and ask her that. She will be laughing hard for sure!

Imagine if down the road Caleb knows more about the situation and Min-Ju offers your cage key to him and makes him the one who decides how long you remain caged for and if and when you get to have sex with Min-ju...
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  • #273
I think it is perfectly fine that Caleb disparages you. How else could he make sense of the situatuon that was handed to him? That Min-Ju scolds and punishes him when he abuses the thought of you too much is wonderful. She loves you. Never him. End of story. In scolding him she is demonstrating to him, you and herself the fundamental truth that even in Dom relationships at bottom the woman is in charge. That power of the pussy is unstoppable

The Caleb / Min-Ju dynamic is suitable for a Dom relationship. I continue to question if Caleb, unused to and probably given little thought to his role, is currently likely to be a good, caring Dom, or be a destructive Dom. As you learn more of his personality and character you will be able to decide. Min-Ju's descriptions appear to focus more on the interpersonal dynamics than the physical acts. Her focus will help you in this decision.

However, you might gently, playfully ask Min-Ju to describe more of the physicallity. "How long did he pump into you before he exploded? How deep? How hard did he squeeze your breasts? Is he an ass man, a tit man, or a leg man, or does he immediately dive for your pussy or make you suck him? What does he do differently from me. What does he do that you realy like? What does he do that you could do without or suffer through?--You arn't denying him anything, are you? Let's refresh that enthusuastic yes rule. Does he show you off to hs friends. How does he treat you in their presence? Is he possesive, 'She's all mine--my toy--or my joy (which?) or is he "Hey guys I'm having fun with her-- maybe I can get her to let you have some fun as well."

Where is their relationshp going on the Dom/friend with benefits scale? (Friend with benefits might be a term Min-Ju can accept.) We know where she is on the emotional connection scale--he's not boyfriend material for her.

I suspect the Min-Ju/Caleb relationship will settle in to a "you have to go see him--you promised dynamic, quite satisfying to the submissive, things are a little out of our control, thrills you both want. This relationship could last months, until life intervenes for one of you. He could fill the "Oh, I have to" part of your desire set. Others could fill the adventure, newly strange, and flirting parts, and other parts of your desires not yet fully formed or currently existing outside my limited imagination.

Your wanting to take risks but not 'real' risks that would harm you is very, very common. The UK preference for "Dogging" is an example. Dogging involves casual hook-ups in car parking lots. The "Whose there to fuck me tonight" and the "Will someone, a non-dogger, stumble on the scene when his dick is in me" add to the risk but not "real hard risk" thrill. Ditto with the pill games, the die tosses, the enthusiastic yes requirement before the question is voiced, the "I'll do anything you ask--the make me your slut" and the wish to not impose "constraining" rules; all show this is a way you two like to play. Join the club. You've got lots of company. The inability to fully resolve the 'game risks' from the 'real world risks' is key to the game's enchantment. Worry less. Enjoy the irresolvable.

I hope you two have a great weekend, full of kinky sex acts and emotions. I have a challenge for you--I challenge you to ensure Min-Ju gets fucked again before the weekend is over. Or, as her true Dom, deny her all underwear until Monday morning. Choose.
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  • #274
I'ts been a while since you have encouraged her exhibitionism. That might be a fun distraction from finding her next fuck buddy.

Consider Tokyocouple's game, lightly modified. Each night she or you flip a coin to determine if tomorrow is an underwear play day. On underwear play days you select her bra and panties (after she picks the rest of the outfit or brfore? Which is more fun? I like after because you can then select underwear that accents her outerwear.) Then she flips a coin twice, each head, she keeps a bra or panty. Each tail, she loses a bra or panty. If it's 1 head, 1 tail, you flip a coin to decide who gets to choose, whether it's the bra or panty that stays home. This result applies to all outfits that day and night. Her daytime outfit, work, shopping, whatever. Her going out to flirt or to dinner with you. And her going out to fuck / stay the night outfits.

For added zest, sometimes you choose the outerwear, her the underwear, or sometimes you choose both.
  • #275
You cruel, cruel readers who got to read my desperate post last night while freely stroking your cocks and laughing. You're loving that, aren't you? Be careful what you wish for, and enjoy your freedoms. Last night was intense and cruel. I feel foolish now for misreading my wife and misreading her text the other night.

We had a lovely evening together: dinner at one of our favorite spots, a nice walk in the evening, lots of touching, and a chance to catch up. She was wearing her orange skater dress and looked lovely. Throughout the evening, our conversation was punctuated with sexy little comments like how I "want to get you later" and how she's "missed feeling" me. It felt like we were some giggling new couple. And the whole night I thought she was wanting to reconnect and have sex again. But no. The kicker is she wasn't even being a tease about it. Once we discovered our miscommunication, she awkwardly explained that she had never been thinking about letting me out tonight and was confused by my comments. "You didn't think I would let you out before SooYun said, did you?" she asked.

This awkward moment of discovery came in the bedroom. After much kissing and cuddling in the living room I suggested me "take this to bed," and Min-Ju happily scampered off to get ready. For myself I couldn't wait. I'm a little embarrassed to say I was a little more excited for the getting-out-of-this-cage part than the reconnecting-with-my-wife part, but I was also pretty nervous about if and how I would be able to perform after being locked so long. As an entered the bedroom, I was bracing for the embarrassment of either not being able to get hard right away and/or spurting almost immediately. Min-Ju was waiting for me under the covers. She told me to take off my shirt and then my pants. The way she was holding the comforter up against her chin told me she had some kind of surprise waiting underneath, but I had no idea what. Then she had my take off my underwear. And there was my cage -- me standing naked in the bedroom with nothing but that plastic cage around my dick. As she motioned me to get under the covers with her, I had this sudden awful, arousing, visceral intense imagination of it being Caleb crawling under the covers to be with my wife, almost as though I was inside his body -- Caleb who had been with my wife now for the past month, Caleb who had fucked her bare and shot his seed into her pussy, Caleb who had made her cum multiple times, Caleb who had made her his blowjob slut.

Under the covers and in her arms, though, that feeling immediately disappeared and it was just Min-Ju and me. I discovered to my delight that she had stripped naked and slipped on a black lace teddy. My hands immediately went to her shoulders, exploring down the sides of her breasts to her belly, and then discovering to my even greater delight that she was naked from the waist down. My hands found her naked hips and the smoothly shaved wetness of her pussy. My cock was raging in his cage eager to get out as I kissed, first sensually, then with a deep and dark need. She seemed surprised by my urgency. I was mumbling about how badly I needed her and how much I looked forward to being inside her again and how excited I was that she was going to finally unlock the cage. That's when the horrible misunderstanding crashed down on me. She said, "Wait, baby, did you think I was unlocking you tonight?" I explained about the text she sent; she got a little serious but said "Oh, no, baby. I meant I wanted to be with you again, yes.. but not tonight." "But you said --" I started. I felt this foolish impulse to get up out of the bed and find my phone, as if arguing over a textual reading of her message would help me any. "So what did you want tonight?" I asked once I had collected myself. Min-Ju giggled a little, clearly torn about whether she should cave and unlock me anyway. "Well, I was kind of hoping you would lick me."

So that's how I ended up, like a good little cuckold, between her legs. I told you how she's gotten more comfortable talking with me about his sperm and his cock. She teased me about how he had been fucking her the day before while I was licking her. She reminded me his cock was there... inside her cunt... where I was licking. She didn't go so far as to talk about how his sperm was there... might still be there... but I was definitely thinking it. In the end, I'm proud to say I managed to lick her to an orgasm. She came hard, though not as hard as with him I'm sure, her thighs pressing on either side of my ears as she shook and squealed.

Maybe my licking earned me some mercy, or maybe I was just persuasive, because I did manage to convince her to luck me for a little bit. "On condition that you don't touch yourself even once," she insisted sternly. "Will you touch me?" I asked in a plaintive voice. "Hehe... maybe" she answered. I'm not sure if that was a good idea or not. She ended up using her pair of padded cuffs to cuff my hands behind my back. Then she had me lay down, awkwardly, naked on the bed. She teased her hands up and down my torso, and took advantage of my sensitive spots in a way that tickled, before she finally went to get the key from her hiding spot and unlock me. God, if felt so good to be out. Not just the sudden freedom to get hard.. but the soothing feel of fresh air and circulation. As she was locking me I felt pretty sure I could escape if I really wanted to, and part of me thought about that seriously, but actually I'm not sure I could. I definitely struggled a bit. Min-Ju kneeled at my side and watched. She loved this. Still in her black lace and freshly orgasmed, if not freshly fucked, she gently and shyly reached out her hand to touch just the tip of my cock. And it felt so good. She stroked my very lightly, dry. I couldn't help myself but beg her to let me cum. But she seemed to really like her moment of power over me. And her mind was on punishment. "What did I say about you asking for release?" she asked. I hesitated. "That I'm not supposed to." "That's right," she said. "But you said you wanted to release me!" I begged. "No. I didn't," she said, pulling her hand down my dry shaft. I felt like I could have cum right there. "SooYun needs to here about this," she said, "Don't you think?" We talked back and forth about this a few times, her asking me to repeat what we had said about punishments before and me trying to squirm out of it. I was scared of what SooYun might say. I wasn't sure I could take more chastity. But I was also feeling very submissive there at the mercy of my wife's hand. I ended up telling her we should both submit to her judgment -- that Min-Ju should be strict about enforcing what she said. "No matter what she says?" she asked, clearly both intrigued and aroused. Foolishly, driven by desperate horniness, I said, "Yes." I even offered to let her tell SooYun about Caleb, to which she gasped and said, "Oh yeah?" Her voice was slow and careful, hard to read. I'm not sure if she was eager or reluctant. I'm still not sure, but she said, "Maybe I will." She asked how I would feel if SooYun finds out about that. I tried to explain that the idea scares and humiliates me but also really turns me on, especially knowing there would be no way to ever take that back, but honestly, I'm not really sure what I said or how well I explained myself. The whole exchange was in a haze of desperate sexual need. I asked if SooYun already knows. After all, they talk in Korean so the full extent of what they say is unknown to me. Min-Ju said she thought she might suspect, but she wasn't sure. Then she said, "But Jisu does know." I felt that new information settle onto my chest like a weight, making it hard to breath. "Oh?" I asked, lamely. "About Korea, not Caleb," she explained, "But yes, she does know I slept with that guy... and she knows you let me." Wow. I knew that, but now really knowing that felt... weirdly anticlimactic actually. At first. But also very arousing. Jisu knows I am a cuckold. SooYun may know.. and may know soon.

"What about your cousin?" I asked. She laughed a little, and her hand stopped. "She doesn't know..." she said. Then, "Do you want her to?" Her cousin, if you have been following from the beginning, does not like me and does not think I'm good enough for Min-Ju. She's hot, and cold, and more than a little self-absorbed. Having her know would.. confirm.. a lot in her mind. Min-Ju sensed my hesitation I think, and shares it, but we were both talking more in the mode of wild fantasy than wise reality, wound up as we were. She started to tease and stroke my cock some more. "If you cum... maybe I should tell her?" she teased. It was just a tease... I think. But I couldn't help envisioning it. My cock spurting helplessly in Min-Ju's hands, all that cum pent up for so long, spurting and seeping around her hands and down my shaft and onto the sheets as she squeals in delight at my helpless fountain... and then punishes me cruelly for it. I thought about just giving in and spurting. For moments I felt it about to happen, with that inevitability that comes when you're right on the edge. And Min-Ju felt it, too. She stroked me a little more earnestly, and a sly smile appeared on her lips as she licked them in anticipation. I'm not sure exactly if she wanted me to cum... I'm not sure if she was hot just at the idea of punishing me... or if she really was ready and eager to be so cruel... I'm not sure. And I suspect I was wise not to find out. In the end, I struggled to pull away and ended up begging her to re-cage me, something that she definitely found fun and amusing.

We ended the night, at my suggestion, with me holding her in my arms from behind as she used her magic want to make herself cum again... and harder this time... squealing out her pleasure... before drifting off to sleep together.
  • #276
Bravo! That is an incredibly hot exchange. I think you made Min-Ju a very happy woman with how eager and then disappointed and then horny and then obedient and submissive you were. I bet she's thinking about how to make your next call to SooYun really humiliating without saying too too much. You begging her on Skype for forgiveness for asking to be released could be super hot.
  • #277
Yes, very hot and cruel moves from Min-Ju... It will be very interesting to see how things go with SooYun and what punishment she decides for you both... I think it will be very appropriate if you follow my suggestion and ask SooYun for permission to have sex. That conversation will provide the opening for talk of Caleb to come up if desired.

You were very strong to be able to hold out and not cum while Min-Ju teased you. How long has it been now?

Hope you will find time to update all your eager fans on all that happened earlier in the week. Also curious to know how Jisu knows about the Korean artist that Min-Ju was with... Please share!

And you still need to tell us how long Min-Ju stayed with Caleb the other night...
  • #278
Hey, just glad to help. We're following the old Army slogan "Be as good as you can be!" But here it is "Be as angsty as you can be!"

You're doing great. Now add to it.
  • #279
I know I still need to catch up with your questions and comments, but there's one more detail from today that I should try to describe. After workout there's this smoothie she makes. She drinks in through one of those fat straws used for bubble tea. So we're hanging out in the kitchen as she's making her smoothie, and then she's standing in the middle of the kitchen facing me holding her smoothie as she starts to suck it down... and suddenly as her cheeks suck in all I can think of is how she must look sucking Caleb. Her actions were totally innocent... until I kind of gave her a look... and then she seemed to intuitively realize what I was imagining. She proceeded to suck.. and suck... and keep sucking... all while holding eye contact... all while she intuitively knows I'm visualizing her sucking and swallowing him. She sucked down the whole smoothie that way.. and swallowed. It was very hot.
  • #280
We ended the night, at my suggestion, with me holding her in my arms from behind as she used her magic want to make herself cum again... and harder this time... squealing out her pleasure... before drifting off to sleep together.

I failed to laud you at how submissive this was, how well it demonstrates your new reality and acceptance of it. Managing to keep your needs at bay understanding you need permission from SooYun, and beg for denial even at the edge of your first near orgasm in almost a month. And then to submissively participate in and relish her taking yet more pleasure with a toy instead of your aching, desperate penis that stained in futility against her backside as she did. I'm sure feeling her, hearing her cum yet again was amazing for you. You're a lucky boy to be able to share that moment with her.

koreanslut said:
I know I still need to catch up with your questions and comments, but there's one more detail from today that I should try to describe. After workout there's this smoothie she makes. She drinks in through one of those fat straws used for bubble tea. So we're hanging out in the kitchen as she's making her smoothie, and then she's standing in the middle of the kitchen facing me holding her smoothie as she starts to suck it down... and suddenly as her cheeks suck in all I can think of is how she must look sucking Caleb. Her actions were totally innocent... until I kind of gave her a look... and then she seemed to intuitively realize what I was imagining. She proceeded to suck.. and suck... and keep sucking... all while holding eye contact... all while she intuitively knows I'm visualizing her sucking and swallowing him. She sucked down the whole smoothie that way.. and swallowed. It was very hot.

This is super sexy, too. She just so loves teasing you. I can't wait until she gets you horny enough to suggest her lips don't belong around your dick any more. But at this rate, maybe she'll make that decision for you.
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