Well, certainly money wouldn't do it. Without going into specifics, we live very comfortably, and money is never an issue for us.
One of the things that Brenda loves about me, or so she says, is the fact that she can feel totally free with me, and knows that my love and commitment are totally unconditional. She loves the fact that she can "stray" from time to time for months at a time with some hunky guy, knowing that I will always be there when she is finished with him.
Ironically, with a couple of exceptions, the guys that she likes to have affairs with tend to be more macho, somewhat possessive types. Ramiro, Maury, David, etc. were all such men. These guys would NEVER tolerate a woman, or especially a wife, who has affairs, or even just sex, with other men.
After I have "spoiled" Brenda for years with a freedom that few women enjoy, she would have a difficult time being married to someone who would permanently limit her to only one man for the rest of her life. In other words, she has an animal attraction to men with whom she would never consider a marital relationship.
This is not to say that she has no attraction to me. When she is finished with a particular lover, our sex life goes through the roof! And it's not "mercy sex" by any stretch of the imagination. Indeed, Brenda has a sex drive that I sometimes have a difficult time keeping up with. I'm at my office now and a bit sleepy because last night Brenda and I woke up for some late night lovemaking 3 times.
At this pace, I don't see our sexual connection dropping off anytime soon, so I doubt she will be finding a temporary "replacement" in the near future. But when and if she does, you folks will be the first to know!