Here is what I don't get.
And just so anyone reading doesn't think I'm busting Grinch's balls, Grinch and I even "chat in PMs". I'm just trying to help/understand the thoughts of someone I think is an "ok Joe".
Anyway, back to what I don't get. You seem to be ok with the sex part as long as you aren't watching. At that point,,,,, if she is having fun and enjoys it, what difference does it make if he "respects her" or not. Respect has MANY levels and those levels can change in different settings.
When April does gangbangs, she ENJOYS the VERY intense feeling she gets being used by several men as a sex toy. No respect wanted/needed/expected. For that night, she is nothing more than a cock holster for them and she loves every minute of it.
On the flip side, she has had men she "makes love to". In fact one guy has been involved in both areas.
If a guy who hates me/April comes up and says to her "you're a dirty little slut" he is going to take a beating. Now, if some guy is hammering her from behind,,,,,,, there still isn't nescisarilly (sp) respect, but its a whole different deal. <----- there is the difference in where "respect" comes in. That first guy gave her no respect and will hurt,,,,, the second guy gave her no respect,,, but who cares?
I guess my point is, on that part anyway, like I said, if YOU have no issues of the actual sex, and SHE has no issues with the respect part,,,,,,,, where is the problem????
The rest of your comments, I totally "get".