I appreciate the detailed response, of course you answered the question I didn’t ask. I didn’t say your current state was a sudden decision, it has taken the best part of a year after all. I did say it seemed to go against your previously stated core values. The two states of a year ago and previous to now are very much at odds with each other and I remain unconvinced that both could be held naturally. My conclusion is that either you were previously (and perhaps secretly) wanting to be where you are now but not daring to say it (or maybe even fully realising it), or you are in state of some denial now maybe even subsumed by your desire for cuckold angst. From your repeated statements about where you are, I suspect the former.
In spite of that, you continue to make reference to some future period where Sue may see you again as a primary lover, albeit a submissive one. If you truly are beta and Sue truly prefers you this way then this will now never happen. Sue has switched in her mind in how she sees you. It may have held some conflict for her before but that now seems to have gone. Unless she wants it herself for her own reasons, your days of feeling her pussy have gone - even with a condom. You may never feel her bareback again, although I suspect it will happen simply from curiosity on Sue’s part one day. You are fortunate indeed that your desire to be beta has coincided with Sue accepting you this way and shifting her own sexuality outwards to accommodate it. Fortunate also that you still love each other in your new states. I cannot see a way back though, and maybe you and Sue can’t either.
It may at some point in the future leave you vulnerable to whoever follows on from Paul. Any new lover almost by definition is bound to be better than you on the sexual side, if Sue even goes half way on the emotional side with him the balance will tip her towards him overall. For now though, the story of a man in conflict with his desires and feelings is over, just as Raks says. This is a different story going forwards, no doubt one which will secure its own followers.