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Once You've Gone Black, There's No Going Back

  • Thread starterBlack Zeppelin
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Maybe, maybe not on some aspects. Do you know how many white guys have told me "I am in love with you" vs black guys? I would say the ratio is a good 20 to 1: This is what I have experienced personally. I am not hating on white guys, after all I married one and we are still in love. But I do get more attention from black men than whites, or at least I seem to notice it more. And to add on the size issue, my white experience group has been smaller (2) than my black experience group (7), so I would not call that a good cross section.

But I have dated more white guys than black, not a ton more just a few, and that I love you ratio is closer to scientific than the size issue.

Again, I am not hating on any ethnic group, just stating my observations and experiences. Take that how you will.

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i'd love to hear more about your black guy experiences and the details of your romantic BBC encounters, please share Marie
Scientific penis size studies no significant size differential between black & white men in an erected state.

As to white men verses black saying those three loathesome words to ya.....go figure.
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When we can differentiate the so-called "races" at a cellular level I'll buy all the stereotyping.

People are people and are all, within a very small range of variation, EXACTLY the same on every meaningful level.
Well,i said some pretty mean things yesterday but i guess for me it's pretty simple.I just think that some of them are sexy.And i'd be willing to bet that white guys probably think the same thing about black women.
Your wrong(and so is science if their saying that)about that.Anyone else care to add to this that know what their talking about.
Black men are bigger.

Pimpology just posted some misinformation that I'd like to clear up for any of the ladies that may want to know this..black men are "considerably" bigger than white men in the size department.And if your truly quoting science then your scientists are goofy or something.In fact,on the average,black men are bigger than white guys when soft even than when white males are hard.It's pretty hard to mistake that.(And you should see them when their hard!)Really.Anyone on here(from life experience)can tell you their bigger.
Don't believe this. Don't be misinformed. I did not post misinformation. Rather snowball did.

Look up ANY valid scientific penis size study ever done and you can see the results for yourselves. You needn't take snow's, mine or anybody elses word for it when you can easily look it up and see the statistical data for yourselves, presented in valid black and white (no pun intended) numbers.
Thanks for that bit of information.

Hawke82 said:
You are aware that Kysa Braswell is a fake, and all of her stories were fictional, and written by a man?

Do a search (Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista) for Kysa Braswell fake, and you will see this faker *******.

I was just getting ready to add to that reply of (his?)(hers)when i saw yours right below it.Since it's here by "somebody" i still will.Speaking for myself,I'm completely taken by their size.I feel it all the way to my tummy(and somewhere in the middle of me)and have had the most powerful orgasms that I've ever had,strictly "because" of the size.And they take longer to cum,especially when your giving them head(sometimes a half hour!-or more)They seem more..whats the word?Confident?Determined?Alpha's a good word.Their are plenty of differences between black men and white men(physically speaking)Most are muscular as well.And some are the sweetest men you'll ever meet.And some are not.But i do agree on one point.White men shouldnt be made fun of sloley based on that.And as long as they can continue to keep secret all these differences,they'll be fine. (P.S.I just come on here to see all the big cocks that oftentimes show up here.And the women too.):hitit:
Misinformation on size.

Victoria and Dan said:
In this forum it is not popular to express the truth about penis size, since so many men seem obsessed with this. But, once again, Mr.Pimp is correct, there is not a single statistically valid study that shows any difference in size.
It seems to me that "women" who post this nonsense are usually men posing and expressing their opinion as scientific fact.
If I were a black man, I would be insulted by the notion that all I have going for me is penis size. If this isn't a racist view, I don't know what it is. Please folks, men are men. Just like some women have a large chest, men have varying size of equipment. I don't expect this forum to keep it real; it is a fantsy site. Maybe 1% of what is discussed here is real, the rest is fantasy. Keep the fantasy seperate from fact.
Try telling that to women who've had the experience for themselves.Like myself.Their bigger,stronger,more muscular...I'm sorry but we've been misinformed long enough.
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This old thread is hilarious! A black man took my virginity, in more ways than one if you know what I mean! :bj: While he was great in bed and very well hung, he was not the "biggest" or the best by far. I worked my way through a few black guys, one asian guy, 3 white guys and a couple of hispanic guys. I am currently with a hispanic guy that is not only hung better than all of them but is by far the best and most dominating lover I've ever had! I think that for most of us girls, it's not totally about the size of the black man, or any other type of man for that matter, that we like to see and feel, but more about the contrast and overall feel. The funny thing is, my hispanic guy has a cock on him that's not only bigger than anyone I've ever had, but it's just as dark and contrasting...I Love it! :bowdown:
I really don't think the cock size is all that important to most of the women. What is important to the ones I'm been with is the amount of FORPLAY you give them. Women love forplay they liked being kissed from the head to their toes like to be touched all over their breast kissed and sucked their pussy tounged and rubbed inside and out and around they hate being worked on in one spot work that whole body make them beg you to have sex with them then no matter what size they will enjoy it. Lovin over the years taught me that I say give them good forplay they will be back. Cock size shape color don't mean shit most of the time. OK now ladies on here speak up tell me I'm full of shit. OH if you are a little large they do like that if you have them wet enough.
im surprised

the ladys gonna say it ....size matters. yes you need to have stamina and no how to use it...and also, foreplay is absolutely important, especially when you care for youre lover and want to share intimacy. foreplay will get a woman ready for the real event, and allow many woman to orgams during it. but give them a huge cock and that will (in most cases) make up for the lack of foreplay. the huge cock will get them hot in liew of foreplay.

now u want great sex..combine the 2!
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Come on women speak up here I can't let the Pooch beat me at this. See Pooch if size was a issue old Pimp boy the way he shows that thing around would have a woman by now shit he's still right handen himself.
pimpology101 said:
I'm ambidextrious....use both hands. Preveents callouses and skin-chaffing!

And some peope here say you are dumb now this come back takes a mind shit never thought of switching hands no wonder I have callouses.
muleman said:
I really don't think the cock size is all that important to most of the women. What is important to the ones I'm been with is the amount of FORPLAY you give them. Women love forplay they liked being kissed from the head to their toes like to be touched all over their breast kissed and sucked their pussy tounged and rubbed inside and out and around they hate being worked on in one spot work that whole body make them beg you to have sex with them then no matter what size they will enjoy it. Lovin over the years taught me that I say give them good forplay they will be back. Cock size shape color don't mean shit most of the time. OK now ladies on here speak up tell me I'm full of shit. OH if you are a little large they do like that if you have them wet enough.

muleman,youve virtually just about got it spot on,throw some verbal foreplay and you have it. please guys read this.

wewantu said:
muleman,youve virtually just about got it spot on,throw some verbal foreplay and you have it. please guys read this.

See Pooch I'm in love now Lisa how about you and I do what I said and I can whisper dirty words into your ear while we are playing.
  • #100
damn..............why are all the good guys so far away,would love nothing more than you practicing what you preach on me.


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