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Once You've Gone Black, There's No Going Back

  • Thread starterBlack Zeppelin
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Once you go black we dpon't want you back!! That's the truth. I know a couple of white women who have dated blacks, and white guys, upon hearing it, shun them like they have aids. thus the white girl is ****** to settle with a darkie just because she made the mistake of sleeping with a blackie.
BTW, most white girls feel preasured to date black guys due to the racist crap. Whenever a white girl turns down a darkie, the darkie says "What are you racist or something?" The white gal, not wanting to be percieved as being racist agrees to go out with him for that sole reason.
Once you go black we dpon't want you back!! That's the truth. I know a couple of white women who have dated blacks, and white guys, upon hearing it, shun them like they have aids. thus the white girl is ****** to settle with a darkie just because she made the mistake of sleeping with a blackie.

Obviously coming from an insecure, pindicked white boy. This does happen; mostly because the majority of white guys are jealous and afraid that they wouldn't be able to please a girl who has experienced a black man.
I actually respect white girls who go black for being honest with themselves about what they want. Good for them, and shame on those who hide behind racism....
no need for insults

i think its very unfair neet n petite to sat b/f dont wont us white guys making it out as if we are the inferior race there are plenty of black asian females who wont us there were 80.000 thousand marriages in usa between b/f w/m so does that answer your question i think its more of the case that white men have more pride in there own race and do there upmost to keep there race alive where as more white girls dont care
I think that all white women have fantasies about black guys bodies once they reach 35, I know mine does

Dear Sandy

Untill i dated a black man from the Lets meet up section, i did not really agree with your five points. After meeting BigBalls Brotha who actually lives in my area, i come to find points 2-5 to be very true but point 1 has not really happened to me. As an accountant my life is a certian way and i act, behave, and put out an image of that life. Now with BBB i submit to things i would have never done and have never done before. He gets my body when he wants it, he demands things and i obay him, i have even yes sir to him before. No man ever got into me without a condom, but BBB told me "I get what i want, when i want it, where i want it-slut" he then basiclly jumped onto me.

Hes short in height standing to my breasts, but because of his height and the enormius size of his tool i felt his hard on. I struggled some against him at first, but in some smoothe moves on his part he pulled my dress to my waist and his pants off. Sitting on my chest with that monster tool of his in my face, I did something I never done before, i serviced it. Well now he still grabs my hair and pulls me down but I don't resist I obay now.
I guess I'm his totaly now, and I have subcomed to the fact that "If a black man, any age tells a white women, any age, hes wants her she's obligated to satisfy his needs even if only for that time."

K. Sill

PS that young, short master of mine is SOOO great
I know that the "once ya go black bla bla bla " isnt true for the most part or for most people, and so do all of you, so lets move on.

I have had several white girl friends who because of my involvement with black men wanted to try one on for a test drive so to speak. Went out, had some fun, then slipped quietly back into there lives as if nothing had happened. I think it was a brave and cool thing for them to do, now they know what its all about, instead of wondering about it forever.

And the thing about white girls who give it up for blacks being labeled as whores,,, well that I think is true in much of the northwest USA anyway. I still hear an occasional muffled remark like that as I travel tru the mall with my son and daughter in tow.

I have no, zero, nada, understanding of my passion towards black men, but I have always had it, have it now, and hope to have it for the rest of my life. I have nothing to go back to, I have never desired the sexual company of a white male, and have never had sexual relations with a white male. Does this make me unqualified to speak on this topic,,maybe,, but speak I shall

Hi Nikki,

Great post. You've never been with a white male. That's interesting. Being black, my first was a black girl who went to my school. But ever since I have dated white. Like you, I can't explain why I like white women so much, but I do and I hardly ever even look at a sista anymore. Attraction is beyond reasoning I think.
Once Gone....

I have to disagree with some of the prior comments. I do believe there is a heavy percentage of white women who go black and never come back. Part of it is the excitement and the danger and fear of pregnancy. Some of it is the culture and not being able to turn away.

My wife dated a black basketball player all through college. We married at 27. At age 31, I caught her cheating with a black guy at work. We then went on for another 5 years, but I constantly found signs such as who she had been interacting with on the internet.

Finally at age 36 (9 1/2 years of marriage), I let my wife go. It was hard but I understood her needs. Her sexuality was developed during her college years and she could never completely leave that lifestyle. She knew black guys wanted her and she could not say "no" forever.
Once Gone

My favorite post here is the one where a white woman dated black guys as a young girl and has never slept with a white guy. She indicates in her post that the "once gone black" line is not true at all.

That's great!! You can't even make posts like that up!

honestly i think its once you get good dick you never go back to that wack shit.

I have had good Italian and Irish Dick, good spanish dick and good Black dick

I have had some weak ass "Brothas" to so I don't feed in to that once you go black. It all goes back to the stereotype that black men are animals only driven by their sexual impulses
I'm with the Princess... a hard man is good to find! And if he is of color, well, it can be a bit more interesting but don't kid youselves guys. Just because you are black it does not instanly make your dick 10 inches and you love making skills to die for.
Has anyone who frequents this site ever taken the time to think about the fact that, some of us actually like other people? Seriously, as I have posted numerous times I am very well aware of all of the people on this site that are here merely for satisfying a fetish, and have no plans what so ever to persue any of the crap they describe in conversations that they engage themselves in. However, all of this mindless crap about once you go black you never go back, it is a mind set, merely a statement that has no truth in regards to "normal" people. I've been black, and "went back" and went black again, and came back, and so forth. It has never been some mind shattering experience to where I felt as if I couldn't be with anyone other than a black man sexually.

And I "went black" because I liked a guy, we became friends, and I started getting the age old butterflies and being nervous around him, what some would refer to as a crush. I liked him, he liked me, the rest is history. Not too far fetched, huh?

However, I have black friends, and white friends. I've always had black friends, and listened to black music, etc, way before I "went black". Therefore, that statement is also false, in my case at least.

Oh, and for the lady who mentioned that all the black women hated her for being with "their men"... I'm sorry sweetheart, but that is false as well. Probably, you felt this way because you were merely interested in being what you referred to as a "black cock *****" or a "white slut who fucks niggas". Contrary however, black women despise filthy white women who degrade themselves, just as they despise filthy black women who degrade themselves. It is all about self respect. (As the other guy mentioned)
Now for the truth

Id say there are more black racists percentage wise than white. Also, some of the other posters are right. Around here, if a girl does a black guy and it is commonly known, no white guy will want anything to do with her. She is ****** to stay with blacks or go sexless! Most move away and lie about ever being with a black, i suspect. And to the ignorant ass that believes that all women over 35 want to be with black guys just because his is..... sorry buddy , you just got the short end of the stick with your wife. most wont cheat at all , especially not with a black man! :lol:
I got to say there are plenty of black folk who talk racist trash and get away with shit that white people wouldnt. I have seen it and heard it myself.

As for age i dont think it is as important as some people make it out to be.

O and what the fuck is a hino?
BLk is Best

Yes are blacks are best, no doubt about it. They emerge as the real men as I found out the hard way from my wife's experience. His overall deportment spoke of natural power which I had to recognize. Wht fs need Black totally.
I was seduced by a black man while on vacation with my husband several years ago. James was bold and took me while my husband was ********** in the other room. James and I saw each other everyday for the rest of the week during our stay. One month later he visited us and stayed with us at our home. My husband never said anything but he knew James and I were lovers. Shortly after James went back home a black friend of my husband and I started having an affair. I have to say that before James I had experienced sex with five diffrent white men. I hate to say it, but none of the white men compare to my two black lovers, neither in size or talent.
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ya right

another black man posting as a white women. will the lies ever end?
White Wives Going Black and Cuckolding: A Scientific Explaination

Ever wonder what makes a married white female desire, and eventually convert to a "black only" sexuality? How many of you have wondered what it is about being cuckolded that is so exciting and so thrilling? Why should something so humiliating and immasculating be such a "turn on?" Basically, the next few paragraphs explain why the white wife and white husband (cuckold) both find themselves going black and never coming back.

Women look for quality, not quantity. They are programmed to look for tall muscular men, with strong broad shoulders and strong arms. These are signals to us that these men are strong enough to protect us, strong enough to make good hunters and providers for our children, and if they have large cocks, they will impregnate us easily and bring us much pleasure. These guys we shall call studs. These studs produce healthy, good looking children. That's why us women would rather fuck Antonio Bandaras than Danny De Vito. When a stud makes contact with a fox, the sex is very, very good indeed! Both people enjoy orgasms which will encourage the procreation of a child. Super sex! Mind blowing sex! Fantastic orgasms!

Men and Women give off chemicals in their natural scents called pheromones. Pheromones are like perfume drugs. When they are inhaled by members of the opposite sex, the body of the inhaler processes information about the person giving off the pheromones. This process is done without you knowing about it in a part of the brain called the synapsis. When you smell the natural perfume of a woman, your body is processing information about her immune systems, her genetic makeup, and is calculating whether or not she would make a good sex partner for you. That's why you guys are attracted to certain women, and that's why you selected your wife to be your wife, because her pheromones told you she'd make you a good match. They caused you to fall in love with her. The same happened to her. Your pheromones told her that you would make a good match. However, that does NOT mean you were the best possible match for her, just the best available at the time.

The advantage of selection is with the woman. If she is a fox, she usually has several studs chasing after her, giving off their pheromones and trying to attract her. She usually selects the best one for her, but sometimes another comes around later on who makes a better match; a super stud. She will always be tempted to change up to a better partner if the opportunity presents itself. Women can be fickle creatures.

When men and women make love, they exchange more chemical pheromones that are passed during french kissing, and from the man's semen into the woman's vagina. These chemicals cause the couple to become attached to each other. This bond is only as strong as the quality of the match made in the woman's synapsis. A superior male can break this bond and create a new one with her if he can manage to get her to experience his pheromones. She will change and become attached to her new lover.

When you separate a man and a woman for a time, the man will build-up both desire for her and also some doubt of her fidelity. When you and your wife make love for the first time after you have returned from a fishing trip, or after she has been out all day and night with her girlfriends, your ejaculate will almost double in quantity, just on the outside chance that she has been unfaithful, and she has another man's semen swimming inside of her. That reaction is called the sperm competition reaction, and those orgasms experienced by men who have reunited with their mates are very powerful indeed! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it also makes the cock harder, and the balls more productive.

Now, cuckolding is the situation where the female has been unfaithful. If her mate knows this, the sperm competition reaction in him will kick in, producing more and more sperm the very next time he is around her, regardless of whether or not they make love. When you see your wife make it with a superior male, your sperm competition reaction causes you to want to cum, and cum hard. Even though the humiliation and jealousy of what is happening also takes place in your mind, the sperm competition reaction can overcome your feelings of anger and jealousy and can cause intense pleasure by making you cum very hard with a lot of semen! This is the component that causes you to like it when your mate cheats in front of you! Your body is so compelled to compete with her lover, that you can sometimes cum just watching them! It's a trick of nature my friends! It's not even a perversion!

Now, more about your wife's reaction. Even though she has a mate (you) and she loves you very much, she is also vulnerable to the pheromones of a super stud. If a superior male comes along who gives off pheromones telling her he is a superior match to you, she will be attracted to him, and her desire to have sex with him will build. If they continue to make social contact with one another, eventually she will try to attract him into mating with her. It's her nature. If the attraction is mutual, the stud will take in the pheromones she is giving off, and the two of them will get hot for each other. They will find a way to have sex, and bring their procreative powers together. As they make love, a sexual bond will build between them and they will exchange pheromones. But that's not all!

When your wife makes love with her superior lover, she becomes his mate! He steals her from you! Here's how: as they have sex, she is taking in his pheromone chemicals when they french kiss, and from his semen in her vagina. Her body will recognize his superior genetic makeup and will reprogram itself to react to his scent and his sexual attentions more strongly than with anyone else, including you! Her strongest and most enjoyable orgasms will be with the lover who has the superior genes, and usually with the largest cock and biggest balls. She will desire him sexually, even if she doesn't like him as a person and still loves you. Her animal instincts will cause her to react to him and desire him. When he is around, her breasts will swell, and her juices will flow. She will begin to give off her own pheromones, and the two of them will become hot for each other, even in front of you! He is her mate now, and that's that! In turn, she belongs to him! He is programmed to have many mates, she is programmed to have the best mate. It's human nature. That explains why men struggle with monogamy, and women do too, except that a woman will change partners but will try to maintain just one relationship at a time with the best male possible. The man is always looking to spread his seed around.

Now comes the fun part: you react to your wife's lover's pheromones too! Inside every male there exists some female qualities. When you inhale your wife's lover's pheromones, your body is also processing the information about his genes. If you get on your knees and sniff his cock with your wife's scent on it, you will get a hard on. If you smell him on her body, you will get a hard on. You are reacting to his superior pheromones mixed with hers. It's a natural reaction. If you ingest his semen by eating your wife or sucking his cock, the same bonding chemicals that cause her to become hooked on him can cause you to become hooked on him if his genes are superior to your own. Your female side develops a taste for his ejaculation. How do you like them apples?

The two of you (you and your wife) become sub-serviant to him. What a stud he is! The fact that you have been conquered by this superior male makes your wife want him all the more. He has now come between the two of you and has stolen your mate. He's also made you like it! Watching or listening to them make love or smelling and tasting the aftermath of their sexual encounters causes your sperm competition reaction to make loads of sperm, and starts to demand a quick release, and that's what gives you guys "the thrill" of being cuckolded.

Of course all of this is chemical-biological, and has no effect on intellect. The rest is psychology. He is after all, a superior male (physically), so he is a better lover. It's your instinct to compete with him that gets your body in such a hurry to ejaculate. Your body doesn't know that having "staying power" is sexy to your wife, just that it is anxious to get your sperm in the contest. That's why you cum just looking at them, your body "jumps the gun". Staying power is something that is artificial actually, something that can be learned and practiced. In the stone age, men were in a hurry to cum because while they had sex, they were vulnerable to attack by other males.
The inferiority thing is a female trait (that exists in all men, even the studs). You want him to know that he is superior because, after all, he is! It's your female side that is attracted to him also. Remember, all of this is taking place in your charged synapsis, not your conscious mind or even a very high level of your sub-conscious mind. It doesn't mean you're gay, or anything like that. He would get the same reactions from a male who was superior to him.

The thrill you get out of the humiliation is because of the sperm competition reaction, the penis envy, and the fact that your wife has used her natural selection (Darwin's theory) to pick someone else over you. It's your physical response to it that turns you on, not the mental response. Soon, the emotions of jealousy and humiliation become triggers for the thrilling sensations. That's why feelings of inadequacy and belittlement seem to fuel your desires to be cuckolded. And just because your wife has a physical lover does not necessarily mean she will leave you or that she will stop liking/loving you!!!
Hi Blackzeppelin2007
I took the time to completely , carefully read your Post a few times after doing a fast scrool over the longgg page... i seldom read very long post.
Somehow... you are right on several aspect about white female sexuality...
her inner toughts and desires...
You desserve that that i take the time to QUICK REPLY you within a few days about some very interesting TOUGHTS about Loving but especially about Friendship in its Beauty and Power
It can be viewed as a detailed analisys into relationship
Edith 26

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