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My wait begins

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Some how I don't think any long fannel nightgowns made it into the suitcase.
Ya know what, Guy's! ... I think it's reasonable that Steve is having a rough time right now!
No need to taunt him! It's better for him to not think about Sue & frank's trip right now.

I do hope everything went well for all, Sunday evening, Steve especially.

Cheers, Harry
Harry so do i and yes i guess it is taunting him but i do not do it to taunt him.
and yes i know that he need's not to think about it right now.
and yes i hope it all went well for them and especially steve. i hope that he did not get hurt by it. i guess we will find out when he post's about it. untill then i know we all will wait on pin's and needle's to find out how it was for him.
Harry, I'm with Dana on this. It's not meant to taut. I'm very sure Steve knowns this. Besides every Cuck on this board would expect no less from anyone here.

Steve I think You know if there is anything wrong there isn't a person reading this who would not go to the mat (Bull or Cuckold) to help You in any way they could.

We are all here for You My Friend!!!!
well today is it hope you are not feeling the like you have lost something and at this time. you are still looking for it. well hope you are doing well with all of this.

are you going to take the day off to give sue a ride to the airport so you can say goodby
or are you going to work and let her go to frank's and leave from there.

i know you are haveing alot of mixed feeling's about now and we all are here for you.

so keep us posted.
Hang in there Steve, you can do it! I know you must really be feeling the
cuckold angst right now, heck - I'm feeling it and I'm only in this vicariously!
I hope you're feeling some excitement there as well! Like Dana said, we'll
be here for you!

Wow, so much nervous energy and so much fluff. Let's just keep a sense of perspective here. A middle aged man is going without sex with his wife for two weeks! In most households, that wouldn't of itself elicit much comment. Steve actually wants this to happen on balance. He could have stopped it, but didn't.

Having said that, this is new for him. He will need some perspective before even he can understand what is happening in his head, and certainly before he can express it here. He will also be maximising his time with Sue. Any uncertainties she has will be minimised if Steve does not abandon her to Frank prematurely. So if Steve doesn't post by Wednesday night after work and children, maybe we should be wondering. Until then, no news is just that, and to be expected.
Well, I came home a bit earlier than usual as I just couldn't focus on work for I guess, obvious reasons. It's not quite an empty house as my daughter is home and that's good because otherwise it would surely hit me more than it is right now. She texted me that she was leaving earlier this afternoon and said that the 4 1/2 days would go by quickly and that we'd talk later tonight.

I tried to find it in me to post here yesterday but honestly, for as strong as I tried to be, there were times yesterday when it was tough. I went into work rather than staying at home and being reminded of an empty house. But any time I tried to take some time - I just couldn't find a way to get my thoughts together. I'd tried to find other things to do to give her a few hours in the bedroom to get her stuff together.

But when I came up empty - or rather - couldn't deal with focusing on anything - I wound up in the bedroom and that - watching her put clothes aside that she was going to pack this morning after I left - was agonizing at times. The suitcase was on the floor by the closet and she was picking stuff out of the closet and holding it against her while looking in the mirror. At one point she asked me if I'd rather her wait to do it but - I admit - despite the churning in the pit of my stomach, I admit, I did want to watch her pick out what she'd be taking. She made idle talk along the way, asking me about what we'll do for dinner (my daughter and I) and whether I had any plans or anything. I was going to answer her but she suddenly stopped talking and I looked up to see her looking in her dresser drawer. I joked with her "can't make up your mind?" and she laughed and said "no, do you want to help me?". I didn't move and she giggled and said "you can stay if you want" and she went back to picking through her stuff. I did help - at one point she turned to me and said "do you like this top? or this one better?" - at least her question took me out of my daze.

My mind was in a million places. I'll tell about Sunday at Franks later, right now I am just as scattered. But yesterday. I came home earlier than usual not more than 15 minutes after Sue. It was early enough that we had time before dinner for a glass of wine. She was very close to me as we stood in the kitchen, she held my hand and pulled me in for a kiss and said she was going to miss me. I looked at her and was going to say one thing - but the look on her face looked kind of sad, for a moment I thought she might say she wasn't going to go. But I did want her to go. I kissed her back and said in a quiet voice "you want to go though, right?". She nodded her head and I pulled her close and told her that I wanted her to go. I told her that we've come this far and that Frank really was a gentleman about things (he is so far from dominant when I'm around him that he's either a great actor or Sue has a lot of work to do yet). I kissed her and I said "go and enjoy him" and after a second I added "you owe me - I think that's fair". She giggled and said "okay" and then smiled.

That part was easy. As I stood at the barbeque a little while later my brain went to a dark place - again... I thought that I'll only be cooking for the 2 of us for the next few days and that again kind of hit me - and yes, in addition to her absence with me, of course my brain immediately went to picturing her enjoying dinners out - and then my cock got hard when I thought that perhaps they'd do room-service. It's been intense - one moment feeling horny at the thoughts of her, the next feeling so queasy at the thought of it. Later last night after she'd gone through as much clothes as she possibly needed to (I think she may have deliberately taken longer and teased me at times too) we wound up lying in bed talking about everything - well, everything but the trip. But it was okay - we talked about stuff coming up this week that she'd want me to tend to or remind our daughter about. But eventually it did come back to the trip and she asked me if I was horny thinking about her and if I was okay with all that we'd/she'd done (or rather didn't do) in the past week. I told her that I was definitely horny and she asked me if I'd wanted to "take care of yourself". I took the moment of focus at the time and said "no, I think I want to wait till tomorrow". It took her a moment to think it through and then she just smiled.
I left late for work this morning. Our daughter was off to school by just about 7am - Sue reminded her that she won't be back till Saturday but we're not sure if our daughter even heard us through her music and ear-buds - but she nodded her head yes and did give Sue a kiss goodbye.

That left Sue and I. I knew she was going to finish packing when I left but I just couldn't bring myself to leave. I knew that when I left, that she'd not be there when I got back - and I was right. My daughter wants to watch a movie later and make popcorn so that ought to be nice. I could barely focus on work and now, all I can think about is that she should be getting in anytime now as they had an early-afternoon flight down. We had a cup of coffee and she reminded me that she did need to finish packing and asked if I minded if she did more of it. I joked with her that like most trips she'll never wear half of what she brings - and only after I said it did I realize how it sounded and that made me laugh out loud. She giggled along with me and said "think what you want" and then took her cup and went upstairs. She looked sexy in her night-shirt nicely folding her clothes and putting them in. She did not flaunt the lingerie she packed but I was watching and I know what she took (and she peeked at me in the mirror and saw me looking at her so she knew that I knew). I saw several teddies and several pairs of very skimpy panties get packed. I also saw mainly camisoles but perhaps only 1 or 2 bra's. There was also this matching set - I only saw the bra which is a half-cup that leaves her nipples half-out - but the panties that go with it are crotchless. It actually felt good to get a hard-on watching her. I think, at that moment, I even felt some excitement and maybe even feeling proud that she was going after all.

For as little that seemed to have gone on, the time flew by and it was soon after 8am and I'd need to be on the road by 8:30am at the latest. We talked a little more - asking her when she'd call and that sort of stuff while she was in the bathroom getting her make-up and other crap together. I laughed at all of this stuff - thinking that Frank will get the whole package including the Miss Prissy moments. "You still here?" she said to me and smiled and sat down next to me and gave me what sounded like a pep talk - including at one point, reaching over and patting my semi-hard cock and saying "when I get back, we have a date!", but in general what she said to me was to reassure me that this time is for her, that with all the stress over her dad, that she just wants to let go and she hugged me deeply and said it'll "never change us". As we broke that kiss - I held her hand and that was when I noticed she had her rings on.

I know we'd talked about her leaving them home - and to be honest, I almost came out and said "weren't you going to leave them home?" but instead, I waited to see what she would say - that is "if" she noticed it at that time. But I guess my hand lingered a bit too long because she said "oh yeah" and then looked at me and said "are you still okay if I leave these home?". Even this close to her leaving, and I sensed some hesitation in her. I tightened my hand on hers and held her hands for a second and then I said "yes, I am" and then I stretched out her fingers and held her rings - the motion was obvious - I wanted her to pull her finger out of the rings. She looked at me and said "okay" and then she did it.

It was probably the most erotic feeling I've ever had knowing what that action meant and what it conveyed to Sue. I kissed her and told her that they'll be here for when she gets back on Saturday. I knew I had to leave for work - if I didn't I'd never be able to. Despite my now fully hard cock which she giggled at as I hugged her, but despite it I managed to get up and pull her to her feet. I kept my composure and told her quietly that "I'm going to go now." and after a short pause I managed to say "Have a wonderful trip and tell me all about it when you can".

So that's it. I feel numb. It's like everything before this morning is one big blur that seems to have come and gone so quickly that its just a whirlwind. But now, well, I just feel numb - almost like I've taken a valium or something that is buffering the world.

Sunday was okay. I'll fill you all in more when I have more time and focus and have heard from Sue finally. Frank was, as always, a gentleman. Sue found a reason to leave him and I alone for a while and we had a surprisingly open conversation - starting with him saying "I am not trying to steal your wife" and him explaining to me what Sue's been telling him. I'm sure there's a certain level of desire on his part to go along with everything Sue says rather than analyze it, he seemed to buy into Sue's whole explanation to him. But more on that later. And yes, I'll add the details that I'm sure everyone wants. I did watch them fuck. He really does do her well and I will also say before signing off that she looks beautiful when she cums under his ministrations. And yes, she did suck my cock - and YES she most definitely swallowed.

But right now, I need to go tend to dinner with my daughter and - hopefully will hear from Sue soon.
Sorry for all who posted here - I didn't read any of the posts yet - I just felt like writing for now. Peak - I did read yours, thank you for understanding where my focus was yesterday. And I confess, I did start some of these thoughts earlier this afternoon (as I said, I couldn't focus on work). It felt good to put down what I thought was something I'd want to remember to post later on.
Good to see your 'post' here today. I realize that I can't relate to your feelings right now. I some ways I can empathize, but where you are right now, is honestly, beyond my comprehension.

For you to get back in communication with your friends here, indicates to me that You will be OK.

I know your writings here are therapeutic, so I gues I would just tell you to "let go" with anything you feel. Some here will be able to 'relate' in some way, i'm sure.
It will be good, when Sue calls, to know she is there and safe. I do hope she experiences what she desires. I know you will love her one way, or the other.
Cheers, Harry
very well said and i do feel the same way.

so steve if you want let it all out.

look for ward to what you have to say no matter what it is. if you talk about nothing is fine to. so stay happy and have fun with it.
Steve< I got to tell You I was starting to get worried about You. But Your here now. One thing You know I will be honest with You. I don't believe in sugar coating it. But I hope You know I will always have Your best interest at heart.
Well done, Steve. You da man! (Well, actually, Frank's the man right now, but you know what I mean).

I hope you enjoy the angst. When it gets difficult, just take some deep breaths, think about how exciting it will be to look back on it, and be calm in the knowledge that your wife loves you, that your relationship is strong and unshakeable, and that while she's doing this for herself, in very large part, she's doing it to make your cuckold dreams come true.
Poignant, classy, confused, tender, a little raw. On the plus side, I don’t think you will have recovered enough to be concerned until at least tomorrow! In fact, I suspect you may not fully process this week until well after Sue gets back, so don’t worry if you can’t during this week.

At least the roller coaster ride has now started. You are strapped in until the finish, no matter what, so you might as well just try to enjoy it. And maybe drop us the odd line about the peaks, troughs and twists along the way.
Ok Steve. For the past month We all have held Your hand and helped You thru Your emotional rollarcoaster. Now here We all Are. Sitting here on baited breath!!! I know Harry. You say I should take it easy on Steve He's going thru a lot. WELL We have also been here For him propping Him up emotionaly. I feel like We have been droped in the middle of nowhere. What is going on. I know I not the warm and fuzzy type.
Great thread

I've just finished going through your thread. You are an awesome writer, and seem to have a terrific relationship with your wife. Keep it up!

Rick :)
With friends like you propping him up like that in your warm and fuzzy way, it's no wonder that STB owes you just what you deserve ..
peakmb said:
With friends like you propping him up like that in your warm and fuzzy way, it's no wonder that STB owes you just what you deserve ..

You Hurt My Feelings

I see You here a Lot!!!!
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