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My wait begins

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #301

well it sound's like sue is wanting to get frank to take more of her than he does now.

do you think that sue has asked frank if he would like more. when she goes away with him. he list's them as mr. and mrs. so how does that make you feel.

and i guess that i am glad sue is keeping frank for now maybe thing's will change with him for sue. who know's maybe he will give her a xmas gift and change and take control of sue as she want's.

keep us posted.
  • #302
Dana - it's clear to me that Frank simply isn't up to giving Sue what she seems to be wanting. While I would rather not think this way, I do know inside that she does want this type of satisfaction (only way I can think to describe what she feels) more frequently but Frank just isn't up to it - he doesn't want her more than their once or twice a week - and my suspicion is that much of Sue's satisfaction that she achieved with him was more self-induced by her than brought by him. I can see in the future that she may want a more demanding and more physical lover - I know that at times when she was with Don, that she saw him more often and that, thinking and re-reading, that perhaps she did achieve some of this with him but wasn't able to accept it yet?

It does turn me on that people assume they're Mr. and Mrs. - again, to me, it just reinforces the knowledge that she's his for that time. I think Frank is like me - both of us can turn it on for a while and be the dominant partner that Sue wants - but it's not the way either of us really are and as things have gone, I can see that at some point in the future, Sue is going to want to have that experience (again). I'm sure if Frank were to initiate it as an Xmas present to her, I'm sure she'd be willing to accept his gift - lol!

I say all of this because as we lay there afterwards she said to me in a very calm voice "do you ever think about it?" She caught me off guard and I said "think about what?". And she answered so calmly "you know, not cumming in me?". For Cocu and Far2 - it's moments like this one that are when we open up to each other. I asked her if it's the sex with me, or is it the cum - not in those exact words. She was close to me and lay next to me with her breasts up against my arm and she said in this really sexy sincere voice "most of the time I think it's just your cum but sometimes I think about what it'd be like to not feel you too". I didn't even realize I was holding her hand until I squeezed it tighter as she said "tell me what you think about".

Now if I hadn't just cum, I know my cock would have shot up like a rocket - but instead, oh god, hearing her say that, damn if it didn't start to throb and grow surprising even me. I looked up at the ceiling and said to her that it turned me on to think about it too and then I looked at her and said that I was "scared to think this way" and I told her that while it turned me on to think about, that I was scared at it becoming a reality and not being something I could live with. She leaned towards me and pulled my chin to face her and she said "baby, you don't have to be scared .... I don't want to give it up permanently" and then she continued "but wow, it really turns me on to think about doing it for a little while". And in that moment - it just seemed right for me to say that "me too ... I'd be okay doing it for a while". She just held my hand for a moment, I think she knew how I felt to say that in a clear unambiguous way. It was actually me that broke the silence when I said "what does Frank think about all of this?" and she answered something like "he's okay with it, I just have to build him up before we go away again" and then she looked at me and said "so, can I talk to him about maybe a little time away in December?" Oh my god - the look on her face as she asked me that - this deep sexy look in her eyes - her slightly pouty mouth as she asked me - her hair tousled back and out of place from her recent passion - and she sounded so sweet, almost like a little kid asking for a piece of candy - can I?

I began to realize that she must have had an idea in her head on the timing of all of this so I came out and said "seems like you already have this planned out - tell me....". And she proceeded to calmly explain that she'd looked at the calendar and though that maybe she could get away the weekend of December 8th and I swear my cock got hard as she said "maybe I could come back that Tuesday?". I kind of nodded my head and started say "I guess so...." when she rolled over towards me and pressed her breasts into my arm and chest and she kissed me deeply and said "thank you - I don't know what more to say". I hugged her and told her that "as long as you're here (and I hugged her tightly) that it'll be okay".

It wasn't until she reached over and started to stroke me to coax me into my second orgasm that she said to me "so we can try for a longer time before I go away?". It took me a second to realize what she meant and as I did, oh man did my cock start to throb.
  • #303
"what does Frank think about all of this?" and she answered something like "he's okay with it, I just have to build him up before we go away again"

OK, now we know what Sue does to "build him up", but what does Sue tell him to get him to have more sex with her, like 'every other day' the last time?

Do you know how much she has told him about your sex together? How she 'restricts' you? and does that get him more willing to "give her more'?

Cheers, Harry
  • #304
So Steve, what gets to You more? The thought of not being able to cum inside Sue?
Or the fact the Sue is telling You that You can't cum inside Her? Think About It. :confused:
  • #305

it is almost time for sue to head to frank's and hopefuly she will come home and give you a gift from today with him. what ever happen's enjoy and have fun.

keep us posted an sue's upcoming trip away.
  • #306
Will - I have thought of that same question in various incarnations in my head. It is most definitely a combination. I've always said that her denying me was a turn-on - to hear her say she wanted that and to know that she would give herself to her lover. But I will also definitely say that mentally it is a crazy feeling to be turned on by not cumming in her.

In our build-up to my second time last night she asked me how I felt about not just not cumming in her but maybe also not fucking too. I asked her whether she wouldn't miss both and she quickly replied "it's just us talking" and then added "but I'd think there would be someone who'd 'fill in for you'" and she elbowed me as I stroked away. She started to just talk - she said "I mean on one hand you could still fuck me and maybe just pull out at the end". She paused for a second and then said "or I guess maybe you could use a condom if you didn't want to pull out". My hand must have been moving a mile a minute while she seemed to take forever to say the next part which was "or would it be better for you to not get to be in me for a while?". I was quiet thinking she was going to say more until she said "what do you think?". I groaned at her and managed to say something that even now sounds pretty good - I simply told her that "I'll miss making you cum". She smiled at me and said "mmmm - I'd miss that too". She told me how hard my cock looked and then teased me and said "maybe that's what we could try" and then a moment later she said "mmm, that big hard cock and only your hand for relief". She moved next to me and whispered in my ear "I guess I'd really be his then, wouldn't I?" - and she gave me this sexy groan and man did that do it. I'm usually not that quick the second time but wow - she'd pushed all of my buttons and gotten me to open up and wow - when I came that second time, it was like an explosion.

And now, it's time for me to go get the barbeque fired up and get some dinner going. After the third time last night which I'll post later (not much more to really share, no new revelations), my cock is barely throbbing right now so I'm quite content to leave her to Frank right now. Seeing as it's like 5:15pm, I am quite sure she's with him now.

Harry - Sue continues to tell me that she has not told Frank about what we do together other than that at times, I want to wait for her to be with him first. I believe that he thinks she and I have sex on Thursday nights. I do not think she's shared our Wednesday ritual with him.
  • #307
SoonToBe said:
Harry - Sue continues to tell me that she has not told Frank about what we do, together, other than that at times, I want to wait for her to be with him first. I believe that he thinks [we] have sex on Thursday nights. I do not think she's shared our Wednesday ritual with him.

OK, That's part of it, but if Frank is, and has been satisfied with 'once a week', what did she do, and/or say to him, to get him up to, 'every other day,' before the trip, and 10 times, (if I remember right) while they were gone?

If she is going to rely on Frank for sex, while at the same time, restricting you, for some 'period of time', I think she will have to do, or say something, to entice him up to that, 'higher frequency.'

That's what I was wondering if you knew. (?) And if not, something you could ask her during your wednesday night 'fun and talk' time.

Like, maybe she tells him, He's the best, and she just, has to have him more!!! That would get me fired up!!!

Cheers, Harry
  • #308
Harry2614 said:
OK, That's part of it, but if Frank is, and has been satisfied with 'once a week', what did she do, and/or say to him, to get him up to, 'every other day,' before the trip, and 10 times, (if I remember right) while they were gone?

If she is going to rely on Frank for sex, while at the same time, restricting you, for some 'period of time', I think she will have to do, or say something, to entice him up to that, 'higher frequency.'

That's what I was wondering if you knew. (?) And if not, something you could ask her during your wednesday night 'fun and talk' time.

Cheers, Harry

Well Lets take a look at this. Steve is restricted. So Sue is limited as to the amount of sex she gets there.

Frank's sex drive is not quite what Sue would like. Sue really has a higher sex drive.


I would say that would make Sue horny. What do Horny Women do when they have two men that are not taking care of their needs people?
  • #309
Quote: "I would say that would make Sue horny. What do Horny Women do when they have two men that are not taking care of their needs people"?

Well, Will, Based on your previous predictions, she would "go on the hunt"!

However, as Steve has wrote, she don't intend to do that until after the first of the year, if needed even then. So!! ..... Looks like she will have to do (or say) something, to get Frank more excited about sex with her. [or] back off on Steve's "restrictions" [or] both.

Hence, my previous question.

Maybe Sue figures the 'Holidays' will keep her mind more occupied, and she won't be as horny for sex.

We'll never know unless she tells us, via Steve.

Cheers, Harry
  • #310
Harry2614 said:
Quote: "I would say that would make Sue horny. What do Horny Women do when they have two men that are not taking care of their needs people"?

Well, Will, Based on your previous predictions, she would "go on the hunt"!

However, as Steve has wrote, she don't intend to do that until after the first of the year, if needed even then. So!! ..... Looks like she will have to do (or say) something, to get Frank more excited about sex with her. [or] back off on Steve's "restrictions" [or] both.

Hence, my previous question.

Maybe Sue figures the 'Holidays' will keep her mind more occupied, and she won't be as horny for sex.

We'll never know unless she tells us, via Steve.

Cheers, Harry

More people break up during the holidays than any other time during the year. Yes all due respect to what Steve said. Did He tell Sue????

When a person has needs. (Hunger, Thirst, Sex). It is only natural for them to seek out ways to take care of those needs.

Holiday Partys are coming up. Sue will be going with both Steve and Frank I'm sure. And she may even go to one or two on her own. You never know who You meet. Not Only are relationships broken. But new ones are made at this time of year. You meet people numbers and names are exchanged. I know its happened to Me.
  • #311

well said and you are right.

like i said in another post maybe sue will bring you home a pie or not.

ever how it goes have fun with it.

and i do think one of you will have to say something to frank.

you posted one time that before there trip you wanted to tell frank to as you said fuck the hell out of sue . you may need to tell him that now and see where it goes from there.

keep s posted
  • #312
Sounds like you two are getting closer and closer to meeting your desires which seem to be the same. Fear and the ability to openly discuss it seem to be holding you back. I am glad you both opened up. 2 weeks is nothing! Give her a real gift and tell her you would like to go for 3. Tell her you might need her help, maybe even some blowjobs to help you out, that you would keep her pussy free of you sperm for her. Maybe a night of condom sex? 2 weeks is nothing after the last time, right? You can do it, give her more so she knows you're committed to her experience and your's!
  • #313
3 weeks would be better


I agree with far2easy, 3 weeks would be a real challange. Try to convince her to do so!

One question: What about our daughter?
How do you explain to her when mum is away for a week or weeks?

Congratulation! Very interesting post.

  • #314
it is the weekend again and it is your turn now. hope you have fun tonight

did sue come home last night and give you a gift from her and frank's time togather.

keep us posted.

ps i will be gone for three day's so check with you all when i get back.
  • #315

i got back today and hoped to see what was new with stb and sue but there is no new new's as of yet.

so hope all went well over the weekend for stb with sue and she did not come up with some new thing's for stb to deal with.

i guess we will wait and see what has gone on this weekend with them.
  • #316
Well, it turned into a busy weekend such that I simply had no time to get online. Unfortunately a close family friend had a death in their family so part of the weekend was filled with traveling for a wake and again this morning for a funeral so that also put a bit of a damper on things.

But that's not to say that there wasn't anything to share.

Thursday evening I had no sooner put my update here that Sue texted me and said that she'd gotten out later than expected from work and was letting me know she'd be a little late - and she also suggested we go out for dinner - maybe pizza/italian. I looked at the clock and I let my mind wander to what might be going on there - I thought that they'd probably finished round-1 and surely she was lying there naked next to him - and as she sent that to me, perhaps he was waiting to then start on round-2 with her? I realized I'd let a bit of time go by before I texted back a suggestion on a place and told her to text me back what time - actually what I sent was "tell me when you're ready". She sent back a brief "k" in response and I then sat there and waited at least another 45 minute till finally, about 6:30pm she texted me and said "meet you at 7pm".

I know we've met for dinner before after she's been with Frank but it seemed to get to me so much more as we sat there waiting for our pizza talking idly and in the back of my mind all I could think of was that she'd fucked him twice and was probably seeping out of her as we sat there. She even went off to the bathroom at one point and came back and said "better" as she sat down. She didn't need to say anything more and as crazy as it sounds, we didn't talk about her, Frank or sex the entire dinner - she admitted over the weekend that she knew it drove me crazy to sit there like that. She said she'd put in a panty-liner before she'd left Franks and admitted that her trips to the bathroom and other 'adjustments' she did as she sat there (squirming around or whatever) were done for my entertainment more than her need!

There's more to share but will have to wait till later.
  • #317
Sorry to read of your loss

STB, I expected you would be back this morning, and I was not disapointed.

Sorry to read of the loss your family friend is suffering.
Was it from an illness, or a tragic, unexpected death?

Check back in when you can, no rush, we all understand.

Cheers, Harry
  • #319

yes sorry to hear about your family friend.

hope everything else is going good.

look for ward to an update.

keep us posted.
  • #320
Two quick questions,
Did all the disruption over the weekend mean more denial for you and is there any compensation this week?

Last Thursday, when Sue said, "but I'd think there would be someone who'd 'fill in for you'", did you get any impression that she may not have meant Frank?
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