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My Asian Wife Wants More

  • Thread starterkoreanslut
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  • #701

Have you asked MJ to give you the complete unvarnished truth, no embellishment or sugar-coating? It builds a foundation of trust, helps you to know what pushes her buttons, and the additional credibility will make the impact of statements that hit you in the cuck zone that much greater. E.g., does he REALLY fuck her that much better than you, or was that just a way to tweak you? Of course, there are many more issues than that where you will want to know the truth.

Sometimes, it won't be as hot as you imagined, and sometimes it may hurt. But I think it's best to find out those issues and deal with them.
  • #702
As I eagerly await the rest of the story about what happened, I can't help but to imagine my wife in her place and myself in yours. I know my wife isn't ready to try something that extreme, but the fantasy plays out in my head. It makes me feels horny, and jealous, and excited, and scared, and a whole list of other emotions that just stream together to make an erotic image. I imagine it must have been so much more intense for you. I want to thank you for opening up to us and sharing this time in your relationship. I know it can be hard. I am most interested in how Min-Ju is handling everything. I know it's personal for you two, but I'd like to know more of the details about the two of you reconnecting. It's like I've been reading an epic novel and I'm just about to start the last chapter. Even as I type this, the anticipation of hearing how the story ends is making me breath faster.

I want to know what your punishment is for spilling more than four times. I want to know how long your wife made you wait before letting you reclaim her as your own. I want to hear about your conversation with her regarding the birth control game results. I want to hear about her reaction when you described to her how you felt about everything that had happened. And so much happened. What about the times when you weren't there? What did they talk about? What did she tell him? What did he make her do?

I know that this has been tough on you and I know that you will tell us when you are ready and when you have time. I just wanted to let you know that your story is one of the only reasons I still visit this forum. I've started my own thread about my own wife, but I see how you describe your relationship and I can't help but to feel a little jealous. If I get to experience with my wife one tenth of the things that you have experienced with yours, I would consider myself a lucky man. Thank you for everything you've written so far and please don't stop any time soon.
  • #703
I hoped I would have time to write more tonight, but I don't. And given my schedule, I doubt I will again until the end of the week. Sorry to disappoint!
  • #706
koreanslut said:
I hoped I would have time to write more tonight, but I don't. And given my schedule, I doubt I will again until the end of the week. Sorry to disappoint!


Someone said "You're not our monkey". Dammit, I wish you were my monkey. I would strap you in front of a terminal and only give you a food reward (maybe half a banana) when you produced another post.

Maybe we should take up a collection here to pay your salary so you have more time?

Since you are pressed for time, maybe you can post a few digits and a name to answer a burning question I have: How many times have you had intercourse with Min-Ju since KA left? If it's a small number, who's holding back: you or Min-Ju? How many white pills were in the "not for you" envelope?

More generally, I hope you're not losing interest in describing what happened. Of everything that happened during that week, 95% of it happened out of view, and it must have been amazing. We've only gotten a tiny fraction of the story, and I, for one, want to know a lot more.

For you, posting must enhance the experience. It helps you to comprehend it, as well as re-enjoying it and maybe getting some suggestions. It's also a journal you can use to remember, for yourself and for stories to tell Min-Ju. If you stop posting on this, it means you've moved on mentally, and I think it would be a real mistake to do that until you've absorbed what happened this time. You did this for the experience, but you haven't really fully experienced it until you've gone back through it enough to comprehend it intellectually and emotionally (which is really hard).

On a related note, I'd STRONGLY advise that you and Min-Ju leave third parties out of your sexual relationship until you have reviewed with her everything that happened enough that you've both gotten used to it. You've had this flood of new experiences and you need to make them your own and reach a new understanding of your relationship before moving on.

I emphasized "partnership" in a previous post. Since you were apart so much, you and Min-Ju need to relive each other's experiences to reinforce that partnership. It's also how you will learn about each other emotionally and sexually. In particular, you need to understand more about what turns her on, which is different from what turns you on. Basic questions, like what made KA so great in bed (for her), why did he have such an effect on her, really need to be answered (to the extent that she knows -- I understand that there may be strong subconscious factors that she can't access). What were the most intense and exciting moments for her?

On that same theme, I really think she understands you pretty well now and is an expert at pushing boundaries to the point where she maximizes your excitement without causing disaster (with one possible exception, for a later post). But I don't think you're necessarily as good at doing that for her. You're not bad, but I question whether you really understand her sexuality to the point where you can create an experience for her that compares with what she has done for you. Suggestion: Set aside your own fetishes for a bit, and focus your entire mental energy on her sexual desires, needs, and mental erogenous zones. My reading is that are some things that she would dearly love to experience with you alone, maybe just for you to act more like KA sometimes or maybe something else. You should figure out how to do those things for her. You want to make her happy, and you'll find it incredibly exciting. Maybe it will help for you to think of yourself as her sexual servant, even if she doesn't understand that that's what you're doing (because it's incompatible with making her submissive, which she seems to like in the right dosage).

If I were you, I would feel a certain amount of outrage (in a stimulating, not a bad way) at all the things she did for KA that she doesn't do for you (even though she did what you asked and wanted). If so, you should tell her that, as her husband, you are ENTITLED to be served the same way KA was (for awhile). I bet she would love that!

When you get a chance to post at length, which I hope is very soon, here are some things that I consider priorities (of course, I'll enjoy whatever I get):

You haven't described what happened Tuesday night between going to the store with Min-Ju and hearing her in the shower the next morning. You hinted that it was something amazing. You've told us the major events from your perspective, except for this major gap. I want to know what happened just as you experienced it.

It's great that you started retelling what happened from Min-Ju's point of view. Before KA left, your experience largely consisted of wondering what they were doing. She was actually experiencing those things! And her experiences must have been much more intense than yours! I'm REALLY eager to hear what she tells you.

Your most recent description started when she was first alone in the apartment with him. Of course, I want to hear what happens next!

I would also like to know a little about what was going on just before that:

(1) What was it like for her on the taxi ride back from the airport? Was her heart hammering?

(2) What was it like for her booting you out of the apartment? Did she plan to do it so abruptly, without so much as a goodbye kiss?

(3) (MORE IMPORTANT) What did KA know? Had she promised to sleep with him, or was he unclear about that? Did she have to explain your cooperation with their affair at that point?

I'm planning to post on another topic, and thenI'll try to hang back until you have time to post some more. But I'll still be checking for updates every 10 minutes, even though I know you said you probably won't post until the end of the week.
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  • #707
Per nardpleeker: "On a related note, I'd STRONGLY advise that you and Min-Ju leave third parties out of your sexual relationship until you have reviewed with her everything that happened enough that you've both gotten used to it. You've had this flood of new experiences and you need to make them your own and reach a new understanding of your relationship before moving on."

I completely agree, and to the benefits of posting as well.
  • #708
Short answer questions


I know that your masterpieces of erotica take time to write, and that
you don't have a lot of time. However, perhaps you can find a
*little* time to get some facts out, with the idea of filling in the
details (and emotions and incredible descriptions) later (but really
soon, I hope).

To that end, I have prepared a list of very interesting questions with
very short answers. You can treat it like one of those online surveys
that promise only to take a few minutes of your time. I would be grateful
if you could answer even one of them.

Sex with KA
Number of blow jobs:
Number of fucks:
Number of orgasms by Min-Ju:

Sex with others (e.g., gallery owner)
Number of blow jobs:
Number of fucks :
Number of orgasms by Min-Ju:

Sex between you and Min-Ju since KA's departure
Ruined orgasms:
Hand jobs:
Blow Jobs:
Fucks with condom:
Fucks bare:

Number of blue pills taken during KA visit:

Three most intense experiences for Min-Ju while KA visiting. These may be things
you didn't know about until he left:

Is Min-Ju still communicating with KA?

Is the possibility that she's pregnant a big worry for her?

Is the possibility that she's pregnant a big worry for you?

Most surprising revelation to you by Min-Ju:

Top things she didn't like about the experience, if applicable:

Top things you didn't like about the experience, if applicable:

Your most significant insights about Min-Ju from the experience or discussion afterwards:

Your most significant insights about yourself from the experience or discussion afterwards:

Was sex with KA really, truly that great? The unvarnished, unembellished truth:

Top things that KA do in bed that Min-Ju especially liked:

Other aspects of KA especially turned her on:

What much did KA know about you and your relationship before arriving?

What much did he know upon leaving?

Did Min-Ju have to negotiate in advance with KA about fucking in the
apartment with you present? Or did he just go for it?
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  • #709
While I agree that i would love to have KS come in here and post every minute detail and then follow that up with an in depth analysis I also realize the reality of that is probably not going to happen and i actually would be very surprised if it did.
I believe KS probably hasn't had time to even get back to this site after KA left as his time is revolving around work, and MJ. MJ probably as well is rightfully taking any free time he has to do things together as a couple... probably mundane things like cleaning, grocery shopping, and getting out for who knows what else.
Lets face it... KS went dark months back when the Caleb thing died off.
KS has free time to come on here when he's being fully cuckolded, but when hes not, other things are taking priority.

While i'm as impatient as the next guy... maybe even more so, we need to be careful not to pile on the pressure or make it sound like we are demanding. Some of the questions posed ... KS may not even know... may not even have been allowed to know, and doesn't dare ask.
I think given what i anticipate to be his time constraints, maybe answering 10 of the most pressing questions would be cool and not too exhausting. Are there some we could all agree on that we would love to know?
My top of the list are... the pill situation, did she get shared beyond just KA. Beyond that everything else sounds too clinical... I would rather have KS so eloquently paint the picture with his words, as he's done in the past, but that takes time and a lot of work, so i won't hold my breath.
I'm happy with what he's shared so far and I hope when there is another opportunity he'll come back and share it with us again. It was definitely exciting this time... wish i could have been a fly on the wall.
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  • #710
tfx said:
While I agree that i would love to have KS come in here and post every minute detail and then follow that up with an in depth analysis I also realize the reality of that is probably not going to happen and i actually would be very surprised if it did.

That would be disappointing.

While i'm as impatient as the next guy... maybe even more so, we need to be careful not to pile on the pressure or make it sound like we are demanding. Some of the questions posed ... KS may not even know... may not even have been allowed to know, and doesn't dare ask.

Sure, I realize we're not entitled to information. But lots more posters complain about readers not being interested and not responding than complain about getting too much pressure to post. At least KS knows he has an engaged readership.

You raise two more questions I find fascinating: What does KS not know? What does he dare not ask?

I think given what i anticipate to be his time constraints, maybe answering 10 of the most pressing questions would be cool and not too exhausting. Are there some we could all agree on that we would love to know?
My top of the list are... the pill situation, did she get shared beyond just KA. Beyond that everything else sounds too clinical... I would rather have KS so eloquently paint the picture with his words, as he's done in the past, but that takes time and a lot of work, so i won't hold my breath.

Those would be two of my top priorities, also. I would love for KS to tell the whole story from the beginning in his own way, but, failing that or until then, any answers to any of the questions, or any other questions, would be very welcome.

I'm happy with what he's shared so far and I hope when there is another opportunity he'll come back and share it with us again. It was definitely exciting this time... wish i could have been a fly on the wall.

Amen, brother. With the real-time reports, I almost felt like I WAS a fly on the wall!
  • #711
The first night after he left, Wednesday, was all about an urgent desire for both of us to see each other again. We were tired, emotionally drained, and missed each other like hell. So while the the intensity of the past week hung over us like a heavy blanket, at times claustrophobic, his name barely came up. There was a weird way in which by unspoken agreement we acted more as if she had been out of town for the week than meeting head on what she had really been doing. Not denial, just postponement. It was too much, too raw, too daunting.

That afternoon she texted me first saying "Come home soon, baby -- can't wait to see you." This, instead of any reference to having just put him on the plane. We traded messages back and forth over the afternoon, both of us eager to be in each other's arms again and me impatient with the work I had to finish up first.

When I did finally get home, dinner was waiting on the table and everything was cleaned and put away. There was no visible trace of him. But again, that blanket metaphor -- the weight of him, the smell of him, was palpable. She greeted me with a big kiss and hug, which I returned enthusiastically. She asked me if I still loved her. Her voice was so plaintive it broke my heart a little. I told her of course I still loved her, I loved her fiercely.

Dinner was mostly in that vein. Quiet. The muted tension of "him" hanging over us. Punctuated by questions and reassurances from both of us that we still loved each other. It was kind of like that feeling you get the day after a bad fight, but different. Mostly, we just felt worn. My hand kept finding hers across the table as we ate, and her hand kept finding mine. It was sweet.

It wasn't bad, though, just worn. We talked around the edges of the subject: the gallery, my pride in the event she put together, our friends, whether his flight was on time, etc. I told her she looked beautiful. I told her she had never looked so beautiful as she did in candlelight right then. She smiled and blushed and basked a little. She asked how "he" was feeling, meaning my caged dick. I said "he" was very eager to get inside her glorious little pussy tonight. She smiled at that, both awkward and coy. She said she "might be a little sore." She was teasing, but if I read the signals correctly, also letting me know she might not be up for too much, which turned out to be the case.

Still, hearing her tell me she was "sore" from another man was intense. But no wonder -- the sex crazed week she had had!

We cleaned up together, cuddled on the couch with a silly TV show, petted each other pretty much constantly. Aside from trips to the bathroom, I'm not sure there was a moment all night we weren't touching each other.

Bed came early. Both because we were eager to be with each other and because we were both so tired. Lack of sleep among other things was catching up with both of us. She took my hand and led me from the couch. Walking back into the bedroom was intense. The sheets were freshly made; there was no visible sign of him. But again, the presence was palpable. And having been left out of the room for so long, it felt almost like I was an intruder. Like visiting a family members house and being asked to take their room for the night.

There was so much I wanted to do. So much I wanted to ask her. And I know she felt the same. But we were both so tired. Maybe this is lame or a missed opportunity. I wanted to have her strip for me, for example. Or to show me how she had dressed for him. So much.

But what happened was pretty much that we collapsed into each other's arms. We kissed a lot. Held each other tightly. I pulled her clothes off and kissed down her body. Her clothes and my clothes both ended up kicked to the bottom of the bed. The cage was unlocked and tossed aside without ceremony. I kissed my way down her naked breasts, her flat stomach, her narrow hips. Kissing between her thighs. She hesitated, and then parted her legs for me. I kissed down her pubic bone, to her lips and clit. I wetly kissed the lips of her vagina. She moaned a little, and bit her lips. Her eyes met and held mine.

I should say at this point that on top of feeling intensely aroused I was also scared. Looking back I'm actually still a little upset how scared I was. Scared how Min-Ju might be feeling. Scared how I was feeling. Scared at feeling so aroused and submissive while also scared. More scared that I ever anticipated that Min-Ju might have feelings for him or might even leave me. Scared at what she might think of me. And most of all scared how all this might change things between us.

I mean, here I was kissing the lips of her sex. Her tight little pussy that had opened for him and wrapped around him so many times this past week. The opening to her womb. His cock had been there just hours before.

I wanted to kiss her pussy to show her I still loved her, and that what she had done with him didn't change how I thought about her. Also, I felt a submissive need to kiss her and as I did so I found myself visualizing his cock there pushing inside her. It both aroused me, and if I'm honest, upset and repulsed me a little. I'm not really sure how I felt. I really hope it didn't show. I still worry about that.

I could feel some ambivalence from her, too. As I said, it took some coaxing from me before she opened her legs to me, and as I kissed her, her legs half-closed around my ears as though uncomfortable with the moment of intimacy even as her hand tentatively held my head and pulled me in closer.

The cunnilingus didn't last long and wasn't the entirely the moment of eroticism I had anticipated or hoped for. I was trembling, and I could feel her tremble, too. I think it was the eye contact that was holding us together at that point. Her eyes were shining wetly. She was on the verge of crying. The intensity was hard.

"I love you so much," I said. It came out an urgent throaty whisper. Her reply became a kind of chant: "I love you, baby. I love you, baby. I love you, baby."

Her hand reached down and guided me bare inside her. She made the same ragged gasp and whimper as I penetrated her that I heard muffled through the door when she was with him. I was only half-erect so it took some fumbling, but the feeling, for both of us, was amazing. So hot and wet and slippery and transporting. Sex brought us together. Intimate. She melted open for me and I was inside her.

It was only moments before I was reaching the moment of release. I would feel embarrassed but really with everything that was happening how could it happen otherwise.

Now, here comes a moment I know many of you will disagree with. I pulled out. I would have loved to cum inside her. "Reclaim her," as it were. The emotional connection would have felt amazing, and Min-Ju may have even needed that. But I knew, and we had talked about this earlier, that the pregnancy risk thing did not need to be complicated. So I pulled out. This is often my role in our relationship, one I maybe resent a little at times, to be the voice of reason and restraint to her little Id.

So I pulled out and spilled wetly across her stomach. It was a watery load, quickly running off her belly onto the sheets in all directions. She pulled against me, our bodies slicking and gluing together, her head burrowed down under my chin against my chest.

We held that way for a while.

As we drifted to sleep, we talked for a bit. Checking if we were both ok but also, importantly, risking a few erotic comments and teases. She asked how I felt being with her after she "had been taken by another man." She teased me that I came so quickly. I said I was sorry I didn't make her cum the way he had. Her first response was to tease me about it but then she quickly followed up by burrowing deeper against my chest and saying she felt safe with me. "You kissed me down there," she said, not quite drawing out her meaning but pointing to it. We also acknowledged the pregnancy risk. As tease. But also real. "Are you scared?" I asked. She nodded into my chest. "A little," she said. I assured her it would be ok. She said the risk wasn't really that great, that she didn't feel pregnant. I pulled her closely.

Somewhere in there we drifted into incoherent sleep and dreams.

I know this wasn't the rough sex and reconquest many of you have urged. That comes later.
  • #713
Wow! "Beautiful" was exactly the word I was thinking, too. Thanks so much for the update! I was beginning to give up hope. Obviously, I hope there will be more frequently, even short, informal posts. In particular, I realize that the time for Min-Ju's period is coming up soon. I'm sure everyone will be eager to hear a one-sentence update on that when the time comes.

In spite of how you may have interpreted my posts, I approve heartily! (And I hope you don't give a shit! You don't need to perform for us, just tell us what happened!) This has the ring of truth, and I actually would expect you to ease into resuming your normal (or improved) relationship.

I've been advocating, I hope not too forcefully, for (1) using this (intentionally) traumatic incident to deepen your emotional as well as sexual relationship, and (2) getting the full erotic benefits from the experience, which will likely come from your "post-game analysis". Point (1) covers a lot of territory, including understanding and resolving any hurt feelings either of you may have, really making sure that Min-Ju is not romantically confused about KA, enjoying the incredible luck you have in having such a sexy wife, and each of you understanding what turns the other on, and hurts the other, for better adventures in the future. It's been 10 days or so, so a lot of this has already happened, or not.

I'm trying to understand what happened and why, and comparing my own feelings to yours to understand better. In some of my previous posts, including one I removed [which, I just noticed, has magically re-appeared. I'll leave it up.], I felt a bit upset on your behalf, and I'm still a little confused. But, after thinking some more, I think I might understand better what was going on. Rather than speculate now, I'll wait (I hope not long) for the story to unfold.

Here's one thing I've been thinking about and may not have said: Min-Ju is incredibly brave. She did so many things that must have tied her stomach in knots, partly because of anxiety about how you would feel, and partly because what she did was so radically opposed to convention. It must have felt like repeatedly diving off higher and higher cliffs, several times a day. Most women, even if they really wanted to do those things, simply wouldn't have had the guts. I don't think she's insanely reckless, just courageous. That personality trait must to carry over into other aspects of her life and career. Your life with her is going to be an adventure, and I don't mean primarily sexual.
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  • #714
One more thought: I think it's good that the decision to pull out was yours to make. Otherwise, it might be hurtful that she was willing (actually eager) to risk pregnancy with another man but not with you. That's ok as part of a cuckolding game, but might be hard to take after the game is over.
  • #715
Thank you for your descriptive post. The many commenters will soon have meaningful responses given your honesty. Please continue along this vein. Please don't skimp on acts, details, and most importantly, all parties' thoughts and feelings. Many more are reading and learning than are commenting.
  • #716
Superb post. It's great to have you back, KS.

This is so much more real-sounding than the porno story I wrote for you while you were waiting in your hotel room.

He never asked about me, not that first day. (This does piss me off, especially in retrospect, even as it was our plan and expectation.) He never even commented, not directly at least, on my placement of his luggage in the bedroom.

I just think that's really hot. I was hoping he would feel that he was entitled to her, no discussion required. Sounds like that's what happened.

Does it piss you off in an exciting way, or just make you angry?
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  • #718
I'm absolutely loving this.. Thanks for the update and for the details! Can't wait to read the next part... Are you worried that Min-Ju might be actually pregnant or you pretty sure she isn't?
  • #719
Great to see you posting again. :) That must mean you're both in a pretty good place with things already, and I'm so happy that's the case. Also, much faster than after Caleb, so your bond seems even stronger now than before.

We're all holding our breath for more updates. Thanks again for including us in your journey.
  • #720
KA and you share a bunch of things. One of them is joy in dressing Min-Ju. For example you bought her a second red bra and pantie set (how did it differ from the first?) and a blue cocktail dress for KA's visit. He has bought her at least two dresses and a bikini. And how many lingerie sets?

What did she wear to pick up KA at the airport? Did she dress special? Was she wearing her new red bra and panties? How did he like her clothes as he took them off the first night? Please include her state of dress when it would add to your narrative.

Oh, I can't think of a more loving, more reassuring confession than Min-Ju snuggling closer and saying with you I feel safe.
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