SentientDog said:SandyWho said:In defense of my black sisters, maybe you need to hang around a better class of woman. If I could look like Halle Berry I would gladly be a black woman!
Halle Berry is half white. That's why the mixing of the races is not all that bad of a thing. Some very beautiful people result in the mixture of the races.
For me, as a white male, I don't find true black women very feminine, thus I am not attracted to most of them. Even their black men are intimidated by them. There are always exceptions to this oddity though. But, Black women are a lot of fun... and, they have the ability to make you laugh.
As always, whom you date for have sex with is up to you , and you alone. But to say that Black women are not feminine is every small minded. Please do not confuse strength or a "take no shit attitude as non feminine. Because that would mean a large majority of white, asian, indian and european woman lack feminity as well.
The idea of the classless, ghetto, black bitch is just that an idaa.
Being a black woman who has been rasied with culture and class i must ask where are you finding these non feminine sistas. I know that i am young but i do know how to carry myself. and if you are just judging black woman by the small slice that you have met, or what is protrayed by society that would be just as silly as me saying that
all white men have small dicks, can't fuck and like the fact their wives and girlfriends lust after and fuck black men. If i said something like that i would be wrong.
As I have stated before my two sons are both tri racial and they are beautiful but they also recognize that there mother , grandmother, aunts , and a whole slew of cousins are strong, smart, loving educated black women.
To answer the question stated : The image of the angry black woman or the Black ***** , are stilll vivid . So if something was constantly being advirtised as being Ugly, Loud, mean , wrong, why would you want to be around it.
But I implore any man or woman who is curious about the mystery that is the black woman . Find one that represents us at our best. Just like coal that is seen as black and dirty under pressure it turns into a diamond just like the black woman.
And I am not leaving out my sista's of other races, because if i did i would be denying the Greek and French in my own blood but i felt i had to speak up