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Interracial Dating....The Reverse Situation ??

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Re: A waywayrd opinon...

Another lost voice... said:
There are always two sides to a coin. And then there’s how you flip it.
Asking why there aren’t many white-male-black-female relationships these days to a group of subordinate white married men isn’t going to do the trick, to get the real answer your looking for. Of course there are white male dating black females couples, each and everywhere you look. Just you asked the question to the people who would know least about the answer. To even think the interracial community is completely black male - white female, you have to be nuts. Like this community, which borders round the theme of submissive husbands and their wives and black lovers, there are hundreds upon thousands of communities which are based on the theme of white male dating black females. There are hundreds of men that only date black women. Yin and yang. You ask a white guy from this are if a black women is attractive, and I bet he would say the black guys are sexier. But there are men out there that love black women, and that’s the amazing thing about it all. They are beautiful, the whole Black Race…not just the stereotypical view of only the “Superior black male� which for some reason only applies to hypocrite white males. I bet every white guy in here probably disagree with me, but a black women’s body is something prized beyond belief, something far more breath taking then a white girl’s. And those that view them as loud mouths or ghetto rats are playing to the haters, to the stereotypical assholes that already run far too much of our society.
There be a few reasons you think this. First, all the white boys you know be seriously submissive, something you should treasure because there is a surprising lack of it. Black women, there not girls they be women, are proud, graceful and diligent, and treat their bodies in the same way. All those that probably disagree have never been with a black women, never felt one single kiss from her sweet lips, never felt their warmth of their touch. To white women, they think black guys they think sexy and dominate, and it’s that sheer overwhelming aura round them that attracts you, beautiful black skin. You got to realize this works both ways. Have you ever ran your fingertips across a smooth, trembling sister’s stomach, have you ever felt their bodies curled so tightly round yours, in the heat of passion, a endless embrace? The most radiant thing about any black girl herself be her body, every curve and every inch of her, her hips, her thighs, her lips, her eyes, to the sweet scent of their sex...

There be many lucky white girls in here that do get to taste a little black , so let them pipe in to. And to all others, voice your opinion, this is democracy, while the rest of the world’s voice is muted in tyranny, you might as well make it count.
SandyWho said:
I know that for fact! My boyfriend's mom was just horrible to me. The only thing that broke that barrier was our daughter but that just brought it to the "tollerate" level. No friendship there.
jimz said:
I believe it's hard to enter the black community. Black families don't like the idea that their girls date and fuck white men. That's why when they grow up, they call bitches most of the white girls who go out with blacks.
Re: Interracial Dating .... The Reverse Situation??

a Visitor said:
Being a white male, I have met a few pretty black women. Those that I asked for a date told me they don't "date" white men. From what I have encountered so far that seems to be the norm. Not the exception.
SandyWho said:
Hi Visitor-
First, please join, it makes it so much easier to hold a conversation and you raise an interesting issue Second, I would not give up looking for a date with a black woman. You may have just had a few bad encounters. BUT I do agree with you, generally black woman do not date white men. BUT generally white women do not date black men. So there you have it. The racial and cultural barrier exisits in both directions.
lykingit said:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen as many beautiful black women as well as white,and as far race is concerned,we are all of the human race.
Re: Reverse Interracial

swoon92 said:
A few years ago I had an affair with a black woman and it was great. The softness of the skin, the touch of the lips and the torrid heat of the sex was something second to none. I can honestly say that no white woman has come close to satisfying me since that encounter.
I can only hope that I can find a black couple to indulge with my wife and I so she can feel the prowess of the BBC and I again can hold the beautiful black flower. If not, I'll have to go it alone because the first taste was addicting and I've got to have more.
I guess I'm a little confused about what our "Guest" has in mind, by repeating so many previous posts, without any comment of his/her own.

Looks like a waste of time to me.
Dated many black women

I don't know what it is like in other parts of the world but speaking as a white Englishmen I have dated many black women,but at the end of the day I find all women beautiful whether they are black,white large or small. :D

While I'd agree that in the past white men and black women dating has been a little more scarce than the other way around, I see it all the time now, particularly in NYC where nobody seems to date within their own race these days. As for myself, I wouldn't agree that black women are any more loud or obnoxious as many of the white women I've run across (let us not forget that Rosie O'Donnell is white) - that just depends on the woman. As for looks - personally - there is nothing hotter than a confident sister!
I've Dated many Women of ALL races including black women..

But I must admit Black females Top my list

Its not a matter of Black dating White,, Nor is it White dating Black
Here we are in the 21st Century
above and beyond Race calling,, and defragmenting

Here enjoying the different varieties of our fortunes, our likes, our pleasures, our fantasies, our Fortitudes.

Black Females Top my list,, because of their Sensual, Sexual, Prowness
it is my belief, they get into sex more than any other color, and for most they taste better Orally, for they really like to be eatin-- as to just have sex, They get into pleasing their partner more.
Call it the Sexual Dance, the rhythm of the sexual beat, passion and pleasure of giving and receiving,,Yin and Yang

and most of you might ask,,what is 2nd ?
Answer-- Asain, because of their bodies,,are genetically different
from any other -- but then thats in another Forum.. Not here
Black Woman

I think the difference has to do with the geographic fact that black women are heavily urbanized. White guys who are raised in suburban settings just simply do not relate that well to young black females either socially or economically. Therefore, the only places you see a large number of white males with black females is in the larger cities like Chicago and NYC.

The problem is further extended by the fact that as many black males excel in income levels and move beyond the urban and typically lower middle class settings, they don't always take their black sista's with them. And that cycle perpetuates the continued urbanization of black females.

Another good example of this segregation of black females is obvious in black males who come to this country. Many young black men import from Africa, the Carribean, and Middle East. These guys have even less chance of relating to and dating young black females than white guys in the US. So they move on and date white girls, etc. That might sound like an admirable situation for many black males but it really is not. How would you like to come to this country as a young male and not be able to relate to or have a chance at girls of your own race?

It reminds me of the old saying.... "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, but Black Women are stuck here on Earth!"

I have a white friend who grew up in a mostly black part of Detroit. Almost of the people he hung out with and dated were black. He does some work in Charleston sometimes and always hooks up with a sister or two when he is down there. He has absolutely no problems in that area.

Funny thing though. Whenever he is out in public with a black woman white AND black folks talk trash to them. Thats some shit huh?
SandyWho said:
In defense of my black sisters, maybe you need to hang around a better class of woman. If I could look like Halle Berry I would gladly be a black woman!

Halle Berry is half white. That's why the mixing of the races is not all that bad of a thing. Some very beautiful people result in the mixture of the races.

For me, as a white male, I don't find true black women very feminine, thus I am not attracted to most of them. Even their black men are intimidated by them. There are always exceptions to this oddity though. But, Black women are a lot of fun... and, they have the ability to make you laugh.
Zep. enjoyed your post. Very thoughtful. That unbanization issue is something I hadn't considered before, but it makes a lot of sense.

And, as usual, my Rhino has inserted a bit of his own real-world wisdom.

Super stuff, guys.
its all about personal opinion i had black girl friends in high school, some dated only black guys, a few of them dated only white guys, and the others went either way..it really is sort of the opposite of us white girls and black men but not on the same scale just yet, but id have to say its the black girls personal opinion because we all know guys will sleep with anyone they can!

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