Re: A waywayrd opinon...
Another lost voice... said:There are always two sides to a coin. And then there’s how you flip it.
Asking why there aren’t many white-male-black-female relationships these days to a group of subordinate white married men isn’t going to do the trick, to get the real answer your looking for. Of course there are white male dating black females couples, each and everywhere you look. Just you asked the question to the people who would know least about the answer. To even think the interracial community is completely black male - white female, you have to be nuts. Like this community, which borders round the theme of submissive husbands and their wives and black lovers, there are hundreds upon thousands of communities which are based on the theme of white male dating black females. There are hundreds of men that only date black women. Yin and yang. You ask a white guy from this are if a black women is attractive, and I bet he would say the black guys are sexier. But there are men out there that love black women, and that’s the amazing thing about it all. They are beautiful, the whole Black Race…not just the stereotypical view of only the “Superior black male� which for some reason only applies to hypocrite white males. I bet every white guy in here probably disagree with me, but a black women’s body is something prized beyond belief, something far more breath taking then a white girl’s. And those that view them as loud mouths or ghetto rats are playing to the haters, to the stereotypical assholes that already run far too much of our society.
There be a few reasons you think this. First, all the white boys you know be seriously submissive, something you should treasure because there is a surprising lack of it. Black women, there not girls they be women, are proud, graceful and diligent, and treat their bodies in the same way. All those that probably disagree have never been with a black women, never felt one single kiss from her sweet lips, never felt their warmth of their touch. To white women, they think black guys they think sexy and dominate, and it’s that sheer overwhelming aura round them that attracts you, beautiful black skin. You got to realize this works both ways. Have you ever ran your fingertips across a smooth, trembling sister’s stomach, have you ever felt their bodies curled so tightly round yours, in the heat of passion, a endless embrace? The most radiant thing about any black girl herself be her body, every curve and every inch of her, her hips, her thighs, her lips, her eyes, to the sweet scent of their sex...
There be many lucky white girls in here that do get to taste a little black , so let them pipe in to. And to all others, voice your opinion, this is democracy, while the rest of the world’s voice is muted in tyranny, you might as well make it count.