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Her first "real date"

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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STB, in my post I don't think I was clear as I was rushed when I was asking the question.

I do not mean a permanent thing with the CB, but I was curious what your reaction would be if she asked you to be in one Thursday and especially Friday while Don and Sue are together just to heighten the situation even more so than it is already?

Or, on a tangent, if you are in the same room with Don and Sue, do you think it would ease Don's mind if you were 'contained' I can't help but wonder if Don might have some homophobic feelings if he is uneasy with you in the same room? Just a thought that I was thinking about today.
Grinch - yes, he "performed" very well - her sentiment was more that he was self-conscious "enough" as it was. Sorry if that didn't come across well.

Wunder - you're into this CB thing, aren't you? I don't think that'll be a problem that he's not comfortable with me there, as Grinch pointed out, he did pretty well last time. Somehow I don't think it'll be an issue. Besides, it's not like I expect to be in bed with them - that's not what we'd discussed.

Thursday and Friday? I don't think I need any more arousal than I already have. As I said before (well, maybe not so clearly), I don't find any interest in that aspect of being a cuck. I can understand how it could be arousing to some people - but hey, some people also like broccoli. I don't think Sue is even aware of such devices so it's kind of hard to envision a situation where it would/could happen. As it is, after 2 times tonight, I'm not going to be all that horny tomorrow night - and even if I was, I would definitely wait for her on Friday.

I was thinking more about Friday and I think this'll be interesting. We did this one time a long time ago when we first started discussing this stuff. We went out and she went in a little before me and we stayed apart and I watched her. She was surprised that I was turned on that other guys were hitting on her. It was one of the baby steps we took to get here. Of course this will probably be more than that if she/they truly behave as if I'm not there.
I was just thinking the use of a CB on a limited basis could be used by Sue to reinforce the fact that it is Don's pussy from Wednesday-Friday.

I could be way off, but I have seen it from going of one day of denial to two. What I was also getting at is that once you are very well denied, STB (like maybe a week since you seem to have a very high sex drive), that if you are present when Don fills your wife you will be more than eager to clean her and even Don for that matter.
The 2 days of "denial" came up when it seemed that Friday was the best night for them to get together. Thursdays had been the norm with Brad. I sensed her excitement with Don and I think it was me who jokingly asked about whether Wednesdays were going to change and I agreed to see how 2 days would be for me and us. It was a turn-on for me from the first time.

What I'm getting at is that there's no need for any restraints to "keep me in line".

I have already commented on longer periods of denial - it was what Sue wanted, we could try it on a limited basis without resistance from me.

I don't get the impression that Don has any bisexual desires nor is he particularly a dom so I do doubt he would ever want me to "clean him up" afterwards. However, I would love to clean up Sue and I hope to have the opportunity to on Friday if/when he goes bare with Sue for the first time. But I also don't want to freak him out if doing so will make him feel uncomfortable in any way.

More later.
Out of curiosity, what was the longest period of denial you were in?

You stated that Don has not shown any signs of bi-curiosity or dom persona, but what if either Sue or Don asked you to clean his cock, what would be your desires in that situation? Would you oblige, or would you have reservations? I ask because it is interesting to me as to the path leading to cuckolding.

Or, what if you offered to clean both of them as a present (assuming Don would be okay with it) as it would be their first real intimate moment together when Don is able to take his much larger cock and put it places that you physically are unable to in your own wife?

Regarding the 'restraints to keep you in line,' I don't think that is what is being considered, more of you doing it for Sue and Don's sake maybe again, as a "gift" to them both. Or when Don takes Sue on vacation and leaves you at home, I'm sure she would want you to refrain from self-pleasure until she returns, whether she has mentioned it or not at this juncture, she has probably thought about it to herself, given that she has already progressed very quickly compared to how she was with Brad, even to the point of bringing her boyfriend into your marital bed.

It's only my opinion, but a cuckold should respect the larger cock above him in the survival of the fittest realm. Naturally, you then physically become submissive to a bull. Don is larger in you muscule-wise and as you stated, has a much larger cock than you and greater cum ability than yourself, all of which Sue has noticed and has responded to very quickly, maybe an innate desire of her's that she may not even know is occurring.

I really think Don is the one to make you a cuckold in the truest sense and I can see, in time, your physical sexual relationship with Sue moving from pleasing Sue sexually to pleasuring her in other ways as Don then has taken the reigns and is giving Sue what she "needs" at this moment in time.
Wunder - you asked a lot of questions that I will need more time to answer.

But you continue to go down the road where you think Sue will want to "lock me up" - and I simply don't see that EVER happening. She has no desire for that. As I said already, she's quite happy that I masturbate as it is - why do you at all think she cares at all that I do.

I see this as something that is definite between us - I and we are enjoying her newfound pleasure but none of what excites her has to do with denying me anything other than having sex with her.

I think you may be projecting some of your own desires onto my situation. Sue has no desire to control me. Nor do I see it as something she may want for the future.

Perhaps we are different in this aspect. I actually think she'd rather have me masturbate until I am bone dry such that I have no desire for a period of time which is basically how I feel today after last night, Of course, as I said, part of the satisfaction I derive from last night and tonight is that by tomorrow night when I will again get my turn with her, that my desire and arousal returns such that she and I "re-unite" in pleasure tomorrow night.

I'll continue later this evening.
Interesting and I can see your point.

Maybe what I am alluding to is what if Don is more dom than he is letting on and wants these things? I guess my question might be then would you be willing to go along with what I had previously written?

I'm just trying to get a feel of where you are and where you might be going in the future, not trying to parlay any desires that I may have onto the situation.
Wunder - here's more info, etc.

First, what I've found out, at least from the experience Sue and I have had is that most people are not into the kinky side of this whole experience. Don has had some experience with married women before. I haven't asked him but from the conversations, I don't even think Sue or Don is aware of the degree to which domination can exist - that also extends to even the existence of devices like CB-3000's or whatever.

The other aspect is that, and maybe this is my doing since I'm the one that "talked" Sue into all of this in the first place, is that the focus I've given her in this whole thing has been towards her pleasure. Denial and teasing me are the extent that she's felt comfortable with thus far. What she hasn't expressed a desire for at all is to control what I do. Quite the opposite in fact as she's encouraged me to "enjoy myself" without her to my hearts delight. Indeed, as I may have mentioned - perhaps the closest she has come to wanting to express any control over me is her encouragement for me to masturbate, in my words, "till I'm dry". I've told her in the past (well before her going with other guys) that at times I would masturbate until I could only cum a few drops and that afterwards my cock would ache but that it felt wonderful to be emptied out like that. She accepted that as something I enjoyed both whenever one of us would travel on business or during her monthly. So, and I"m going out on a limb here - but if I had to say how she may move forward in this regard, it would be for her to continue her encouragement of me in this regard. Perhaps we're different than other couples as we both know and acknowledge that we each (yes, her too) enjoys masturbating so this could be the next step she goes to .

But again, in terms of denial - it is as Grinch put it - self-imposed because I find arousal in just the knowledge that she'd "rather not" with me.

If we were to move into the hypothetical - as I have said, if it was what she wanted (I really don't care what Don wants in this regard) then I would be willing to try it - but again, as I've stated many times - it could not be for an extended period as I just wouldn't put up with it no matter how much she wanted it. Same as denial - a few days, maybe even a week or so is plausible/possible - but beyond that, I just think it would affect me too deeply and possibly negatively affect our relationship.

I may have not posted it here but in my past, before Sue and I, long before Sue and I - back in college - I did have a few bisexual experiences. Yes, I did suck a few guys off - it was back in the days of drinking/partying and the first time, it just happened. I was in my dorm room masturbating and a frat-guy we knew came into the room looking for my roommate. We were buzzed from smoking funny stuff and one thing led to another and literally before I knew it, he'd cum in my mouth. It wasn't a shock - I have posted here (somewhere) that I have long been going down on my girlfriends - since way back in high-school. All were amazed that I didn't mind my own cum - and NONE of them thought it was weird or were freaked out by it. After college I did try it a few more times. It was exciting feeling the arousal in the guy and bringing him to orgasm but it was never the fulfilling experience for me so it's not something that continued.

If Sue, or Don, were to ask me to clean either of them off, I would be fine with it. Part of me actually thinks it would be exciting to taste their combined juices! But again, I don't get the feeling from either of them that they are into this sort of scene as it, in my opinion, is something that is beyond their range of norms. I do hope to be there Friday night when Don may finally have her bare. From the filled-condoms I've seen when they were here - I can only imagine how Sue will look, feel, and possibly taste afterwards and it is something I do want to experience. Just as I did with Brad - I know it is a very intense moment/experience and I already know how my stomach and psyche will feel when he does cum in her. But Sue and I also know it is something that we both want as both of us feel that it isn't quite real-sex if he doesn't cum in her.

The other aspect of your comments that I don't see us fitting into is the whole alpha-male role that you want to put Don into. I don't see this in his behavior - yes he's cocky and likes to keep Sue close and attentive - but I don't get the feeling that he wants to be dominant in Sue's and my relationship. Despite what everyone here has said - there is still incredible passion and yes, satisfaction, in our sex life together. I am still able to make her sing. Perhaps in time, Don will be able to touch her emotionally as I do.

It is true he does fuck her well, and he does have a bigger cock. But that is the extent of it - it is not as though Sue is worshipping him or his cock. So the behaviors that most seem to ascribe to that type of scenario don't seem to apply here. You mention my being submissive - but I don't see that happening in the way you are thinking as that is not me.

To Grinch and Marys-Pet and others - yes, I am well aware that an overnight visit for Sue is probably not far off. I am expecting that and will be accepting of it if it is her true desire and not just "what Don wants". I do not see longer vacation-type visits at all though as there is no way to explain that to our kids other than "mommy is going on a business trip" which is very infrequent and they know that. So to those here who are fortune-tellers and see this as inevitable, I beg to differ.

Perhaps we are too boring and too set in our ways at our age to be considering the more extreme cuckolding scenarios. I like the feeling of being on edge and knowing Sue wants other men sexually. I like knowing she "doesn't want me" on Wednesday and Thursday and I totally enjoy her teasing me with what she does with Don or how Don "does her" such as telling me she's very sore or tired afterwards, etc.

I also get the strong feeling that Don will probably tire of Sue within a few weeks or maybe a few months. In the meanwhile, he seems to me like someone who is happy to be getting a good piece of ass weekly without many strings attached.

Now, it is possible that maybe Don will get more posessive of her - that could happen and depending on the degree of posessiveness, I would be okay with going along with it. As it stands he is amused by my willingness to abstain from Sue on Wednesday and Thursdays - and he is aware of pretty much everything that went on between her and Brad so he is aware of what I am willing to do in some ways. So, perhaps, in that sense he may feel emboldened over time to try to say/do more. If it happens naturally and it is what Sue wants and not just what Don wants, then it changes the equation a lot. As I've said all along, I am incredibly aroused that Sue now really has a sex-drive of her own as opposed to being something that was our combined sex-drive. So I cannot say for sure how things will progress but I can tell you already that I am not the submissive type to be put under Don's thumb and controlled. So perhaps our method of cuckoldry is a bit different than others.

That said, anything can happen in the future. But I don't know that Don will be the one to take us to the extreme you are talking about. Perhaps he will be a step on that journey.
Perhaps you have touched on the very essence of my limits. No just that it is what Sue wants, but in addition, ut always has to remain special between us too.
If that is ever at risk, it will signal the end of this adventure.

Within those limits, to the comfort level I've tried to describe above,I would say that anything is potentially possible.

I do know what excites me and thus far Sue either accomodates or is starting to like them herself.

In this sense I think Don is a good match for her. As I said, to me this all appears very short lived. What's that saying about a hot flame burning out quickly.
Special between you 2 indeed!!

Soon, I'm glad some of the people on this board like Grinch are uttering the same thing I PM'ed you about and certain aspects I strongly believe are essential in a long lasting cuckold relationship.

First, I feel that it's important that Sue is in the driver seat making the final decision as opposed to Don or anyone other lover of Sue's doing so. As I already mentioned, Sue has a vested interest in your relationship while Don might be only looking after his best interest.

Second, I like hearing you say that, whatever you do or decide on doing going forward, you keep certain things special between you two and that you both get to share the joy this lifestyle has brought to you so far and will continue to bring as you embark even deeper into it.

Hope you're enjoying every moment of it all and I certainly hope you get your wish of getting denied for longer periods :)

Just one comment on the last line.

My desire isn't for longer periods of denial. At least not directly as I could merely ask Sue to "play along" and tell me no for longer.

What I feel my desire is - it's to see Sue want it to be a longer period. I can't really explain it but somehow knowing she wants that and that she wants me to experience that, is what seems to matter to me. As I said, she does know the idea arouses me, I want it to be her decision and her desire not mine. I have steered her in my direction and sometimes I would believe I am somehow even orchestrating it. Perhaps I am, that may be what happens when we've been together this long (Sue and I) and you are at our age.
Thank you STB, for giving some of us here some fantasy's to enliven our sensuality. Your writing of your honest experiences and Sue's adventures brings some reality to this site. I myself am not in a position to experience what you are experiencing, so I am grateful to be able to do it vicariously. I am not a cuckold. Sure, My first wife 'cheated' on me, But we called it adultery. If I had known that I was being denied because she was 'cheating' I could have considered myself a cuckold. But I wasn't being denied, she just didn't do anything to make it fun for me.
Obviously, this is a cuckold site. There are several men here that, for whatever reason, can actually be called CUCKOLD. Some obviously like the experience and some are very depressed about it, but won't change it because they are inadequate or feel that they are inadequate in satisfying their wife. Some can not envision any other way of living and expect every other man to reach the same level as them. In my observation, You are enjoying Sue's 'Hot wife' adventure vicariuosly when she is with a BF, and in reality when she comes to you 'horny'. You have explained many times that this is to your benefit. I personally know several couples that are into swinging and Hot Wifing. I have participated with them. I have not experienced Cuckolding as it is described by several here, and wouldn't want to, but it is a great turn on to read adventures such as your's. I gues you will just have to ignore the morose predictions of those who have no control of their relationships.
SoonToBe, in addition to all the other complements I have given you, you are an incredibly patient man! You have been quite nice in answering the same questions over and over, and in answering off the wall questions from people who apparently have not taken the time to read all your posts.

Once again I commend you for your sane approach to cuckolding, and for your wonderfully well written accounts both of the events and your emotions and thoughts.

Well, I'm home and just got Wendy's for the kids. They already both have plans for later so they"re set.

I am leaving in a few minutes so as to stay with our story of my picking mom up on our way out for a late dinner. In reality I am going to go to get myself some dinner and maybe a drink or two before I go to meet them at the club near Don's. I said I would get there about 10pm but I may get there earlier and sneak around to see what I see when they aren't expecting me.
Nice Wunder.... I thought you had a serious question there at first.
Obviously he's smaller than that...
Good for a laugh before I go out.
Of course, perhaps Sue would be interested in something/someone that size. I didn't watch the whole video yet - does she actually take all of that?
Gotta run, I'm hungry.
Dear soon to be, I think you have misunderstood the post. The cb doesn't keep you in line. You could have xtra keys made? Its the fact that if you follow the rules your wife has the power to release you. Then and only then you would truely know if she wanted you. You have already agreed on two days "off limits", why not wear it for those 2 days? How good would it feel to be realeased afterwards. You know that at any time you can have her. Why not the visual reminder of being denied? You think of it as punishment, why not think of it as a stimulas. Relax, enjoy, don't fear the inevidable. P.s I enjoy your post regardless. Keep posting. If you choose to expand to the cb or not, You are always welcome. Just don't close your mind to the possible.It can get better and better.

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