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Her first "real date"

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Sorry for not getting back here yesterday but with the beautiful weather, it was hard to find a reason to be inside.

It's days (and nights) like yesterday that tell me this is all the right thing to do. We just had a lot of fun all day - she was in a GREAT mood and wanted more sex last night after teasing me on and off during the day.

She started off yesterday in the bathroom getting herself cleaned up. As she waited for the washcloth to get warm she made some comments to me about having cum a lot in her the night before and that she's going to be really messy if Don's tests come back okay. It took me a minute to realize she meant when he can have her bare like I do. Damn if that didn't start the day off right.

We did talk a bit. I asked her how she felt being his "girl-friend" and I asked if she met any of his friends and "did he introduce you that way?" She giggled and said that they'd run into a few people who'd seen the 3 of us when we'd been there together and she said they didn't say anything or make her feel weird. I asked her a second time how he introduced her to them and she did hesitate a bit and then just said "yes, he did say I was his girlfriend". I asked her how she felt about that and she smiled and said "I felt like I was a teenager". She said they played some pool with some of his friends - a guy named Barry and another guy named Nate and that both seemed nice.

On and off during the day she at times teased me more "I wonder what my 'boyfriend' is doing now?" and last night in bed she teased me how she was going to "cheat on her boyfriend with me!". As we started to get more into it last night I asked her if she liked how that sounded and felt - boyfriend and her being his girlfriend. She giggled and said that she liked it - that once he introduced her that way that he sort of relaxed a bit in how he treated her and talked to her and that he'd put his arm around her at times and yes, they'd kiss at times too. She said it was nice feeling those things again and then she added that "it really got her horny" too.

As we started fucking last night I asked her if she is eager for him to not have to use a condom with her. I don't know if she said it to tease me or if it was just her answer but all she said was "of course - you saw how much he cums!". Damn if that didn't turn me on that she was so open telling me that she wanted him. I asked her if I could be there "next time" and she said that she'd see what she could work out but then just said "promise, if not next time then the one after that".

The rest was sort of a blur from there on - I know at one point I had her on her hands and knees and I was holding her hips and I asked her if she'd like to have "Don in her mouth" as I was behind her and she started to moan uncontrollably and I could feel her float into one very long orgasm at that thought. I could just feel her pussy open up and then squeeze my cock - over and over, each time she'd be wetter and wetter. I said some other stuff to her "maybe he'll cum in your mouth" and "maybe he'll wait for your pussy after I'm done" - and she just lay forward and let me fuck her as she just floated along in this one long long orgasm. I came in her from behind like that and she just collapsed forward when we were done. I have to say, it felt so great to fuck her like that - till she just collapsed - kind of gave me a good ego boost!

This morning the only thing that she's said is that "I'm done for a few days".

What a great feeling.
Great story. Glad you're both enjoying her adventures
Good deal, STB. I continue to be amazed at how well you and Sue have managed navigating the risks so far.

One thing you do need to consider, now that she's dating Don publicly as his girlfriend, rather than the more clandestine situation she had with Brad, is how will you handle it if it gets back to one of your kids that someone "saw your mom out with some guy who wasn't your dad"?
Marys-pet - I don't post all the bad parts here but believe me, for as many ups as there have been, there have been their share of moments when things haven't been as nice. I don't post them here as I don't really care to dwell on them.

In a PM that I've been having separate from here I conveyed that I haven't been happy that we rushed into them being here and yes, using our bed. That hasn't set well with me at times - especially when Sue is out - that I went along with that. When we, Sue and I, are together, it's not really something I think about outright, but I have told Sue that I am not happy we did that, or rather, she did that. She giggles it off most of the time and says she enjoyed it and doesn't feel as emotional as even she thought she would be about it. So I guess I do have a soft-side that was bruised. She will tease me at times about it and I have to say that I ALWAYS get really turned on when she brings it up during foreplay or when we're fucking. I guess this is one of those things that you can't take back.

I am concerned about our kids finding out - but at least for the time being, the 2 social groups are well separated. It would only be a friend of a friend of a friend type of thing and it is something I do want to get cleared up. But to see how she has been since Friday night, you cannot question that this experience with Don is affecting her.

I'm not scared to let the proverbial "genie" out of the bottle. We only live once and Sue's at the midlife age where this sort of thing is giving her a true "up" at a point in life when there are a lot of downers (like people actually dying, cancer, etc.). I honestly have told her that if being Dons girlfriend when they're together gives her what she needs and wants, then I want her to have it. It feels less and less weird to say that too.
STB, if I'm remembering correctly (sorry, I'm too lazy to go look it up) you and sue are similar in age to my wife and I — late 40's — and we also have teenagers in the house. Our situations are a little different in that my wife doesn't date other men in a BF/GF kind of way. In her mind, other men are purely for sex, as she already has a man (me) to wine and dine her, and treat her like the queen she is. My wife has a job that requires a certain amount of shmoozing, and she has some pretty strict rules about what is and is not acceptable behavior in public. No kissing, arms around each other, or what used to be called "heavy petting", for example. Dancing is okay, and even the occasional slow dance, but no dirty dancing. She reasons that as long as all overtly sexual behavior remains behind closed doors, anything that was seen by someone who knew one of our kids can be explained away as "work stuff".

She does date women in a GF/GF kind of way, and she's a little more lax about the rules there. For one thing, she reckons the odds of being seen by someone in one of our kids' social circles in a place like a dyke bar are pretty slim. For another, if the worst were to happen, she thinks that the situation of a bi woman who's married to a man but dates women on the side would be much more easily accepted, and easier for her to explain, than "mom gets fucked by other guys".
Just a moment for a short post before bed.

We talked more about the "being seen" thing tonight. She continued to say that there's nothing to be concerned about and that they've already been seen together, and with me, at both of the clubs Don likes to hang out at so whatever is going to happen is going to happen. I told her that the whole "girlfriend" thing has me concerned about their behavior when they're out, that it will be hard to deal with if they're all over each other or otherwise obviously "together". She said she'd try to be careful and would also remind Don the same and then she laughed and joked "what's the worst - that someone thinks I'm cheating on you?". But then she just said not to worry about it and that she just wants to enjoy this - and then she said it - she said "for a while" and I don't even thing she realized she said it. I didn't ask what she meant - if she meant anything at all, but it did make me stop my worrying for the time.

Grinch - I posted the thoughts I had about the whole "bed" thing as an example of the not so up moments. Perhaps I picked an extreme example. I don't recall who's suggestion it was - it may have been mine. I don't know if regret is the word I'd use to describe how I feel about it because that would deny the odd bit of pleasure and arousal I also get from what happened. I do want to experience things as a cuckold and I did want to know the feeling from having shared our bed. That Sue and I have had some very passionate love-making in that same bed after Don was here tells me that my concerns are ill founded though. Perhaps the only thing I would have changed if I could would be for me to have been more of a part of it - at least closer instead of lingering in the doorway and on the edge of the room so perhaps that is part of my regret too, that I wasn't able to fulfill more of what I'd wanted.

I don't think Sue is as comfortable as she seems to be with it either. She certainly shares the arousal part, but I suspect she shares some of the same concerns as other than during our own foreplay in bed, she doesn't say anything to me about that night as I might have expected her to. I mean she'll even tease me about kissing Don while they were playing pool but she hasn't said much anything about that night. I sometimes wonder if she'd tell me anything bad at all which is something I guess we'll need to talk about.

Enough of my sleepy thoughts for now.
SoonToBe said:
We talked more about the "being seen" thing tonight. She continued to say that there's nothing to be concerned about and that they've already been seen together, and with me, at both of the clubs Don likes to hang out at so whatever is going to happen is going to happen. I told her that the whole "girlfriend" thing has me concerned about their behavior when they're out, that it will be hard to deal with if they're all over each other or otherwise obviously "together". She said she'd try to be careful and would also remind Don the same and then she laughed and joked "what's the worst - that someone thinks I'm cheating on you?". But then she just said not to worry about it and that she just wants to enjoy this - and then she said it - she said "for a while" and I don't even thing she realized she said it. I didn't ask what she meant - if she meant anything at all, but it did make me stop my worrying for the time.

Have you talked to Sue specifically about the scenario where someone who knows one of your kids might see them out together? That would be my biggest concern.
Hey guys,

I actually see this Grinch's way - there's just little to no chance this would come back and involve our kids. If anything, they are much more likely to pick up on changes here at home or something like that. Our son is too involved with his girlfriend to even pay much attention and they simply do not run in the same circles as anyone that Sue or Don would encounter as adults.

Remember, we don't live near each other - Don lives, from what Sue's told me, about 40 minutes on the other side of her work so socially, things are unlikely to merge. The possibility is much greater that someone related to Sue's job may run into them - but then again, as I said, the damage is already done there as it's now been several weeks that they've/we've been seen together.

I envision the same situation - that someone may come to me and say "I don't want to but in, but I did see Sue and.....". I'm sure I'll have the same reactions as Grinch posted and this may have been what Sue was saying that it's really her "risk" more than it is mine in terms of her reputation, etc.

I don't have more to share right now other than waiting hopefully to hear of any plans for this week. I am hoping she'll talk Don into a different night for them to get together but I am also now considering that as boyfriend/girlfriend, they may want to be together on Friday's as a normal course of events. I am not sure that I want to give up all my Friday's so that is my reason for pushing to remain involved somehow.

Gotta run.
There's another view to consider as opposed to the gloom and doom predictions. Her fucking him in your bed, being his obvious girlfriend with public displays of affection, risking being seen and known for her wildness, risking introduction as his married (if she wears her ring) girlfriend may be just her reveling in the sluttiness, the naughtiness of it all, and not signs of losing her.

I've had several women who opened up their deeply hidden slutty side to me and I helped them act it out. There's a real thrill for some to be naughty, really naughty, to bring out their slutty side in public even by what they wear and how they act. It makes they feel attractive and life's so exciting to do those things good girls never do.

Plus, having a wife (or my girlfriends) fuck other men in our bed and act slutty in public with another man is a cuckold's dream. Didn't you say it turns you on to know he introduces her as his gf, and she likes it, gets excited by it? That would both distress me and excite me, first that he does that and hug and kiss her in public, and even more that she loves it and probably encourages him to do more.

I'd have logical reservations but my cuck side would love for her co-workers to see her out, know she's kissing her boyfriend, and have them thinking she's available and hitting on her later. It'd be fun if they hinted to her that she ought to fuck them or they'd "tell her hubby" and she could fuck them and pretend to need to "keep the secret" or she could threaten to tell their wives they tried to get in her pants.

Anyway, having her bf treat her openly (you said they kissed openly when out together) as his gf would really, really be naughty for her, and maybe that's the thrill for her. As a husband I'd feel uneasy, but as a cuck, it's be wonderful, as would be the day of denial before she sees him and when she finally comes home with his cum inside her and dripping down her legs for me to lick off.
Thanks for your post Loveslife.... I am hoping this is indeed what she is experiencing.

I shared elsewhere that long ago, when we first met, she definitely had a slutty side to her and I knew she was EASY - but then again, most girls were back in the late 70's and early 80's. The thing was, back then she WANTED sex and wanted it a lot - day after day was a norm for us. Then, kids, family and life came along and it seemed that sex sort of became less "for her" and more "for us". Over time, as with most married couples, the frequency and intensity died down. Until last year, that is....

Since she's started with other guys - yes she is cucking me and denying me at times, but the other times (days) she is definitely now wanting sex. So, perhaps your thoughts about her wanting to be a bit slutty again are true and maybe she's found she is comfortable with Don. If that explains her nonchalant attitude about fucking in our bed, then I can certainly accept that.

Of course it turns me on to think of them together. She KNOWS that - she had the obvious signs of my cock swelling in her hand whens he told me about them kissing openly and stuff like that. And yes, I do feel that angst and anxiety about it - but my god, the cuck side of me is in heaven and I have never felt so alive and aware sexually as I do now.

I like your way of thinking and I am hoping that may be part of what's going on too.
Grinch - you're preaching to the choir here regarding vacations that allow the slut-side to come out more. Even before we started with other guys, I'd long known that our sex together was incredibly hot when we'd be on vacation. The thing with Sue was that it always took more than one day to get her to flip the slut-switch to "on". Back a few years ago we would go out to bars or whatever and have some drinks and dance a bit and then we would sometimes rent a cheapie motel room where we'd have some pretty darn good sex. But with a baby-sitter at home and younger kids - we'd always have to come home afterwards. The few times we could get an overnight in ourselves - wow - it was like the floodgates were opened.

I see much of her same behavior and desires coming out when she's out with Don (or Brad). I suspect that she's more able to turn-off the whole home/family/life thing when she's not with me. And I know that the few overnight's she had with Brad were very intense for her - so surely she let that side of her loose then.

You're also correct that this is what hot-wifing is all about - getting her to stoke up the sexual furnace with another guy. And that is where I come back to owning up to my true cuckold desires. I want to experience the things we've done - even if I may say I don't, I still do. The 2 nights - Wednesday and Thursday - when she teasingly says "no" to me - even though I know I could have her if I really wanted - I don't want to - I want to have her deny me. For as much as it may bother me that they used our bed - as I said before, as a cuckold - I did want it - I wanted to feel it, to feel her give something to Don that had only been for us. It's crazy but I genuinely feel more alive after all of this even though some of what was only ours is no longer.

Oh well, back to work - the afternoon is almost over...
SoonToBe said:
The 2 nights - Wednesday and Thursday - when she teasingly says "no" to me - even though I know I could have her if I really wanted - I don't want to - I want to have her deny me.

That would be so hot. I'd love that, and having two days denial is several times more exciting than just one. I know she'd allow sex if you insisted, but I'd never insist. I don't know whether I'd prefer her to flaunt her naked body in front of me or not let me see her naked on those days. I think I'd prefer her to torture me by being naked, teasing me with how horny she is for the other man and how she's thinking of him.

I can imagine lots of other ways she could tease me verbally and physically during the denial days.
Loveslife - as I posted before, I am very turned on by Sue's denial.

Sometimes she will be very explicit, even to the point of her idly masturbating under the blankets as we watch Conan or whatever on TV at night.

Sometimes she wiil be naked - knowing it drives me crazy seeing her boobs and puffy pussy and knowing she doesn't want my attention.

But other times, she willl be just wearing panties or a t-shirt with nothing underneath. Sometimes it is much more erotic knowing there's this thin layer of cotton separating us.

On Wednesdays when she knows I love to masturbate alone she'll tease me and tell me she's "saving herself" for Don - knowing what she says will fuel some intense masturbation fantasies.

She is less explicit on Thursdays but I also know she is much more serious about her truly wanting to wait for Don - which in turn continues to drive me wild.
We (yes, Sue and I) are waiting for our daughter to go to bed shortly (she's watching the end of a movie) so we can have our time alone as our son is out till quite late. Sue teased me earlier saying "better get me tonight" and that thought alone has me all ready to go.

Denial is a strange thing - I saw mention of it in the JulieIsMe thread - just knowing she will not want me tomorrow or Thursday night is an incredible feeling.
I only have a few minutes now so I'll just answer Grinch's questions.

Yes - that is what Sue was sort of excited about last week. Don took her out to dinner at some nice restaurant where, as she described it, he "wooed" her. I have to say, the way she described it, it did sound exciting - even to me and I wasn't there.

Apparently he works for whatever company that services/stocks office equipment and supplies. He's more of the account-rep so it's not like he's fixing copiers or delivering paper. From what I understand, he's there most Thursdays but travels around a wider area on the other days. As I mentioned, he said he leaves the companies closest to home for later in the week and he says he's usually done by mid-afternoon on Fridays.

At work, Sue and he have not done - at least from what she says - they have not done more than go get a snack together or take a brief walk out onto the patio area as in taking a break and getting some fresh air. She did walk out to his SUV in the parking lot one time and they did kiss on spur of the moment - but she said she felt awkward with being at work so that hasn't happened. I remember telling her that was a smart thing as it's one thing if it's a co-worker, but it's another thing if it's a vendor they use as that can imply other things than just violating an HR policy (favoritism, contract manipulation, etc.).

Phone calls and text messages are almost never shared between them - Sue is too paranoid that one of the kids will take her phone and ask questions or see something. She does Email Don - I don't think she does it a lot as she's just not into Email - even with me or her friends.... But she DOES Email him and I have seen her mood change sometimes before/after she does. She has shared only a few with me - I do not read her Email though so I do not think it is excessive (put it this way, I spend much more time on the computer than she does at home and I don't think she'd use her work-Email for anything other than a "hello").

The "other partner" thing is interesting because I asked him about that in a round-about way "hey - you're a single guy, you must play the field a lot" - that sort of thing. His answer was that he does have a few female friends but that he isn't a "player" and he "doesn't juggle women". This was during, I think, the first time we met and he said something like "Sue's a great girl" but nothing beyond that. From what I got out of it, he seems like he's busy and isn't around other than the end of the week - which is why Sue said that Fridays were really the only night that worked for them - so I don't think there are other women in the picture right now. Sue was there for most of this conversation (well, she had walked away at the "great girl" point) so she's well aware of his situation.

Gotta head to a meeting in a bit and I should do some real-work today.
STB, I am a lurker here, but you have brought up lately the desire to be denied. How would you feel if Sue presented you one day with a CB-6000 or something of that sort? It seems to be that she realizes your desire to be denied and I can't help but be curious is since Don is her new "big cocked boyfriend" that she could desire for you to be denied in such a manner down the road.

How do you think you would react and how do you think she would react if you purchased one for yourself and presented it to her for you to wear the Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday while they are at it?
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Wunder - to me the excitement of the denial isn't in me not being able to do anything sexually, it's her denying herself to me. It's her desire for him and not me that I find arousing and fulfilling. I don't see the CB whatever fitting into that at all. She pretty much encourages me to masturbate whenever I want but definitely on Wednesdays - she does say it turns her on to think of me relieving myself like that while thinking about her.

You may be asking how I'd feel if it was something she wanted. I don't know but I don't believe, at this point, that I would say okay to it. Of course, as a cuckold, I will admit there is a certain arousal at the idea, but only in an abstract context - it is not something I would be okay with.

It also isn't necessary - if she truly wanted more time "without me" she need just ask. I would be willing to try longer periods if it was what she wanted, within limits of course, but I would never and could never accept it as something permanent.
Plans for this Friday night

Sue's on the phone but we've been discussing plans for Friday night.
She said that she and Don had swapped Emails today and that they came to an agreement on what they'll do on Friday.

She said she really, really, really (3 really's) wants to go out with him to dinner and to have some "alone time" and that if I want to, that I can meet them at the one club that's closest to Don's condo. She asked me how I felt about not really joining them that much in the club - meaning she wants to hang with him and dance and play pool. But that I could then go with them back to his place afterwards.

She said that they've been talking a bit about what I've been asking - to somehow be included. I asked what they're discussing and she said that he was a bit self-conscious at our house and that it was good I kind of stayed in the shadows. She said she mentioned how I said I'd like to maybe hold her hand or be closer when they're fucking and he said that maybe that might be okay at his place since he'd be more comfortable there. That made sense.

I"m wicked horny tonight though because she also told me that he hasn't told her yet but she's hoping his test results are in and, after our earlier discussion about being a part of things a bit more, she giggled and said - just like this - not more than 30 minutes ago - "you'll be there for the first time we do it without a condom!". My mind is racing right now.

Not more than 5 minutes before I started this post she told me "as soon as she (our daughter) goes to bed, you can go have your fun". I'm already running through some of my favorite videos in my head.
What would she say if you told her,
"This once, this special time, I want you to be with Don alone, so you can really be intimate with him.
Groove on his cock, Sue.
Make him feel how wonderfully beautiful you can be when he really feels you bareback.
I want to 'gift' you this night alone, with him...,
and I'll catch up to you next-time..."

What would Sue say to the offer of such a gift.?
She would know in her heart you are doing this for her.!? :eek:

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