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Anonymous poll what you think of pimpology101

  • Thread starterpassive_hotwife
  • Start date

How do you feel about pimpology101 and his views?

  • I agree with him sometimes!

    Votes: 54 24.7%
  • I love him and his views!

    Votes: 24 11.0%
  • I disagree with him and his views most of the time!

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • I disagree with him and his views all of the time!

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • I hate him and his views!

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Wish he would just shut the fuck up!

    Votes: 41 18.7%
  • Wish he would find a new place to post!

    Votes: 17 7.8%
  • Wish he would just drop dead!

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • His dick is as small as his brain!

    Votes: 27 12.3%
  • He is a hypocrite and thoughtless pig!

    Votes: 38 17.4%

  • Total voters
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  • #121
Smile, just sleepy

allenandpam said:
Viters? Popel? Are you really new at typing as well, or just a little shy about proper spelling?

Smile, your right, Im just sleepy and forgot to check it. I'm a bad girl!
  • #122
Not that I think this thread should continue as it must be pretty boring for everyone, if you take the " I love him" and the "I agree sometimes" vote and add it to the "his brain is as small as his dick" (If you have seen the size of his dick, you have to accept this vote is in favour of Pimp) - you get to 60% in favour of Pimp.

Job done, move on :)
  • #123
THreads like this are the very reason why I post so little in here and made niggerworship.com my IR "homebase". Come on everybody, let's stop bickering and instead enjoy the greatest pleasure on earth - Interracial sex!
  • #124
OMG yes.

Slavetoebony said:
THreads like this are the very reason why I post so little in here and made niggerworship.com my IR "homebase". Come on everybody, let's stop bickering and instead enjoy the greatest pleasure on earth - Interracial sex!

I love the web page, www.niggerworship.com its great.

Thanks for posting that.:flash:
  • #125
Then why aren't most of you there? That is one fucked up website and far better suited for a great many of you. Go over there. PLEASE!!!!!
  • #126
Every one join me in saying congrats to princess plimpy for surpassing the 2,000 posts goal. It has always been a dream for plimpy to achieve something in his life and since his life is achievment free, this feat (2,000 posts) is biggest and only achievment he will ever have! So once again congrats to him!

Almost forgot, he also boasts about owning over 10,000 porn movies. I am sure he makes his parents proud! Good job plimpy! lol
  • #127
BlackStud74 said:
Every one join me in saying congrats to princess plimpy for surpassing the 2,000 posts goal. It has always been a dream for plimpy to achieve something in his life and since his life is achievment free, this feat (2,000 posts) is biggest and only achievment he will ever have! So once again congrats to him!

Almost forgot, he also boasts about owning over 10,000 porn movies. I am sure he makes his parents proud! Good job plimpy! lol

Who cares how many post he makes that is what this web site is for. If all I came on here for was to look at how many post someone makes I can't say that I would be talking about someone not having a life.I see this is what 115 for you so who gives a shit. Achievments in life well lets start by saying that he is self emloyed are you he has a college degree do you he has published three books have you and he is still writing. I would say anyone not just the plimpy as you call him that this is a achiement in any bodies life.
  • #128
Ah, don't pay him any mind, Mule. Dud's just cranky 'cause the only woman he's ever had sex with is terminally ill. Seems she developed a leak last week and Matel said they can't patch her up; looks like it's back to the one-handed dance with Rosie for the dud.

And he's only about 40 posts late in congratulating me. Besides, with all his aliases he's up to about 5,000 by now. Dunno what difference number of posts make anyway. As I've said before, when you spend 14-16 hours a day on the computer, you need a deviation from Microsoft Word.

And he could never even read a book much less write one!
  • #129
pimpology101 said:
It didn't come "right to you," you had to go looking for it and, imagine that, it was in a thread about me. I think you're guilty of cyber stalking.

And furthermore, you just illiterated to his opinion of me........I guess you think I should just keep my mouth shut when he (and you) shoots off at the mouth. NOT!!!

And it's hardly rude given how he has represented himself and shown what he's made of. Nor is it opinionated. That would imply I am the only one who has such an opinion of him and, once you finally learn to read, you can see that many, many people, including the person who made the post above mine, share the same feelings about him (not unlike the many who have the same opinion of you I might add).

Would that make all of them opionionated also or merely just enlightened??

don't see any polls about us,only about you,there's no smoke without fire..Nobody is asking you to keep your opinions to yourself they are just asking you not to be such an asshole about the opinions of those people that exist in that area between what you like and what is illegal.Hard to believe that your a collector and publisher of poetry,considering your malicious tongue,hang on a minute what am i talking about of course you'd be a collector,hanging onto the coat tails of more capable people is what some people do best ,if they couldn't do that how would they make a living in this world,its a parasitic existance but some talentless fuckers gotta do it i suppose.Bit like your parties really,hired hands putting on a show for some sad orchestrator,more parasitic behaviour,and wow they must be such intimate affairs lmfao,i can say this about you without any feelings of guilt as i've seen you on many occasions rubbish what others do for a kick ,and i'm not talking about the kiddie/animal fuckers.Cyber stalking roflmfao,more self importance,by the way cyber stalking is generally regarded by people with real lives as something imagined by people with no lives desperately seeking some kind of attention,attention they wouldn't get in the real world
  • #130
For someone not guilty of cyber stalking your only posts seem to be in regards to and directed at me. Perhaps you are the one who should get a life. What does your wife do for company with all the time you spend just hanging around online for me to make a post? Oh, I bet you bought her a black dildo so she could feel what a dick is supposed to feel like.

Once you learn how to eloquently make a point and not butcher the english language to the point your posts are halfway discernable, come back and see me; maybe then we can have one-half of an intelligent debate. I'm sure even you can determine which half will be the intelligent one.
  • #131
Pimp, you definitely have my total sympathy. It is tough at the top. Hope you can take the heat into the unforeseeable future. Hang tough, my man.

By the way, who keeps this asinine thread going?
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  • #132
Ah hell, don't pay them any mind. I could care less about 99.99% of the jokers here; they don't bother me. There's enough decent folks here (like Mule, Mhall, Thawks, Will & Eve, Snowhite, TxBlue and a few others) to keep the rest of the disturbed nuck futs from entirely ruining the barrel.
  • #133
Pussy, oh pimpy

Just get the fuck out of here! Start your own site of virgin ASSHOLES!!

  • #134
whthub said:
Just get the fuck out of here! Start your own site of virgin ASSHOLES!!


Meanwhile, back in the Nursery........
  • #136
Last post huh? Sure it was.

It's amazing to me Pimp that since you vowed to not post anymore in this thread a month or so ago, you have completely taken it over. It's like a disease. You cannot let a single post go by without an answer. The anxiety attack would be to much to take.

And even your backers are really just apologists. Hence, "well yeah, maybe he takes things too seriously but..." or "yeah maybe he goes too far but..."

PimpMan, you can take over the thread but not the voting. Bottom line is that with well over 300 votes you have garnered a mere 28%. I really believe that if you had just shut up like you said you were going to (but everyone knew you couldn't) that you would have done better. At least 29%.

I say you should demand a rematch. Start your own poll on yourself and make damn sure that only two answers are against you and eight are in your favor. I want the handicap to be as much in your favor as you believe this one is against you. I know you won't do it because you know you would still only garner 28%.

Also Pimp, you wouldn't last one day on NW and you know it. That is why you are here and not there. Your being here is one of the reasons why I come here only once every two weeks or so and there is only 10 pages of new posts (half of it bickering). I check NW twice a day and there is an average of 6 pages of new posts total per day (of mostly good quality).

That is why I have almost a thousand posts over there in two years and just a mere few posts here in three years. Its quiet and peaceful there and is composed of an older and and much more courteous crowd. Bullies n' Blowhards are quickly taken out over there. The owner and Admin there realize that a handful of people can affect the membership and he has this site and you and xzpaw and muleman and one or two others as examples of what can happen to a good site if a few people are allowed to, in effect, "censure via attack".

Have a nice poll. Oops, look out. Down to 27% and falling.
  • #137
First of all, given you’re “home site” is one of such outlandish views as “nigger” worship (anyone frequenting the site is disrespectful of black people whether they realize it or not and certainly disrespectful of themselves as no person is worth of worship, especially when such adoration is racially based)), you should not be amazed at anything. In fact, after prolonged ******** to an ideology of such an extremist nature, I’m surprised you have the ability to rationally think at all, if you even can, and aren’t numbed or deadened to truly disturbing subject matter. I have contradicted myself in posting in this thread after saying I would not; so what?

If contradiction is all I am guilty of, comparative to the sickness that permeates many of these threads, I’ll live with it. Besides, I’m not going to sit back and be disparaged for the crime of possessing moral fiber or for having the testicular fortitude to stand up and speak out against things which are blatantly wrong. Others may fear recrimination from others to voice their disproval of many things they deem disgusting but I do not as I do not care who likes it or not or who likes me or not. You’re a perfect case in point; I don’t care what you think!

Furthermore, I can see you’re no statistics major. Look at the poll results of those who hate my views and love my views. It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that you’re allowed to vote for three choices per vote and only one or two choices reflect favorably for me. So any one person voting for me gets to choose one vote while any one person against me gets three. That’s even and balanced is it not? And even given those odds I still only trail 29% to 27%. Give my “apologists” equal voice and I’d wager I’d have a 70% approval rating.

But you’re right; I won’t start a poll to prove so because I simply don’t care. This has never been, to me, about who likes or dislikes me as I could care less. I’m not here to win a popularity contest among people I’ll more than likely never meet. I’m here to enjoy what this site was intended to provide: enjoyment garnered from interracial sex and hotwife sharing of a married white female and black males. Not cuckoldry, racial superiority, breeding, incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, ethnic cleansing or any other kind of deviant crap some twisted freak can think up.

I would not last a day on “nw” because I wouldn’t waste my time frequenting such a nauseating piece of garbage site. I was there once and left of my own volition after less than a day reading some of the sick and disgusting topics. That reason you prefer it there, as to here, is because you’re not welcome here. You and “your kind” have been relegated to such a site because you’re outcasts even among the swinger community because you have, share and promote twisted, disturbed views that people in ownership of positive mental health do not. By all means, please stay put on nw with your other sycophants and freaks and banter about all you wish on the subjects of filth that get your motors running.

We at Dark Cavern are very happy to not have you inundate this board with such trash. Censure is a needed tool at times when the things being shared are an affront to human decency. And I’ll reiterate my oft-shared mantra here: intolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry and freedom isn’t the ability to do what you please but rather the responsibility to do what you ought!
  • #138
Lets make a deal Pimp

pimpology101 said:
Censure is a needed tool at times when the things being shared are an affront to human decency.

I think what riles those of us who detest your kind wherever we meet them is that you self righteously appoint yourselves as the authority to seek out what YOU dictate is an affront to human decency. Now I can stomach a "holier than thou" type in church, but on an IR porn site?

Get over yourself. You don't just appoint yourself to decide to chase off folks with different views. The site owner makes the rules and he appoints an Admin who appoints and oversees Mods to enforce those rules. If you have a problem with, say, a cuckold posting on this site? Take it up with a Mod. If its against the rules he will take care of it.

But that wouldn't be any fun for you at all would it? You really enjoy censuring people by attacking them till you've chased them away and the only reason you have been getting away with it is because whoever runs this site allows it.

As usual you take things too literally and way too seriously. www.niggerworship.com is a FANTASY IR porn site and it is very tightly run. We have Mods there who are very strict on anything even hinting of underage and I applaud them as I am sure you would. They also do not put up with "attack dogs" which I'm sure you instinctively felt on that one day you were there.

I would invite anyone who is sick and tired of the flame wars and self righteous bullies on this site to give it a try. Jenny Seemore, Kayla Kleevage, Neat n' Petite, Nopantiesever, and Dagoslut are revered members there (the last two you would remember from the old swinger mags). John Parsons the artist and his gorgeous wife, blackcockslut1963, and many more are fun and productive members there.

How's that Pimp. You push and I'll pull and together we can get all the members you don't approve of out of here and into NW. Then we will both be happy.


  • #139
I have and I do. I know what falls into acceptable and unacceptable behavior, even on a porn site, whether or not you can or do.

Yes, you can take the ilk who would fraternize nw and keep them. As for Kayla Kleevage......anyone who blatantly advertises herself as a "black man's cum dump" is not even worth mentioning. I even had an email relationship with her in the past and she was in my yahoo group. I ceased contact when she went to such an unflattering extreme. And by the way, the only thing I "felt" at nw was sick and revolted.

Sycophant fantasy is best relegated to a specific forum that is well-marked so others aren't subjected to the foul aroma eminating from it. And as I've said before, there are many who agree with me and many who know the difference between right and wrong, whether it's thinking about it or acting on it. I'm a doer not a fantasizer. If that's what you're more about then fine. There remain some real people who are here for the purpose of hooking up rather than promoting deviant and bizarre sexual fetishes. We'll cater to them and you can sweep up the other.
  • #140
pimpology101 said:
I know what falls into acceptable and unacceptable behavior, even on a porn site, whether or not you can or do.

You still don't get it. What riles folks like me is this: What falls into acceptable and unacceptable behavior on this site IS NOT YOUR CALL unless you own or run the site or site rules are broken.

I guess we have a deal. I'll start "sweeping up" behind you. When I see you jump all over someone, I'll be there to offer them an alternative.

BTW, NW is a hook up site also. What you have better here is your chat room in that more people use it.

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