First of all, given you’re “home site” is one of such outlandish views as “nigger” worship (anyone frequenting the site is disrespectful of black people whether they realize it or not and certainly disrespectful of themselves as no person is worth of worship, especially when such adoration is racially based)), you should not be amazed at anything. In fact, after prolonged ******** to an ideology of such an extremist nature, I’m surprised you have the ability to rationally think at all, if you even can, and aren’t numbed or deadened to truly disturbing subject matter. I have contradicted myself in posting in this thread after saying I would not; so what?
If contradiction is all I am guilty of, comparative to the sickness that permeates many of these threads, I’ll live with it. Besides, I’m not going to sit back and be disparaged for the crime of possessing moral fiber or for having the testicular fortitude to stand up and speak out against things which are blatantly wrong. Others may fear recrimination from others to voice their disproval of many things they deem disgusting but I do not as I do not care who likes it or not or who likes me or not. You’re a perfect case in point; I don’t care what you think!
Furthermore, I can see you’re no statistics major. Look at the poll results of those who hate my views and love my views. It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that you’re allowed to vote for three choices per vote and only one or two choices reflect favorably for me. So any one person voting for me gets to choose one vote while any one person against me gets three. That’s even and balanced is it not? And even given those odds I still only trail 29% to 27%. Give my “apologists” equal voice and I’d wager I’d have a 70% approval rating.
But you’re right; I won’t start a poll to prove so because I simply don’t care. This has never been, to me, about who likes or dislikes me as I could care less. I’m not here to win a popularity contest among people I’ll more than likely never meet. I’m here to enjoy what this site was intended to provide: enjoyment garnered from interracial sex and hotwife sharing of a married white female and black males. Not cuckoldry, racial superiority, breeding, incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, ethnic cleansing or any other kind of deviant crap some twisted freak can think up.
I would not last a day on “nw” because I wouldn’t waste my time frequenting such a nauseating piece of garbage site. I was there once and left of my own volition after less than a day reading some of the sick and disgusting topics. That reason you prefer it there, as to here, is because you’re not welcome here. You and “your kind” have been relegated to such a site because you’re outcasts even among the swinger community because you have, share and promote twisted, disturbed views that people in ownership of positive mental health do not. By all means, please stay put on nw with your other sycophants and freaks and banter about all you wish on the subjects of filth that get your motors running.
We at Dark Cavern are very happy to not have you inundate this board with such trash. Censure is a needed tool at times when the things being shared are an affront to human decency. And I’ll reiterate my oft-shared mantra here: intolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry and freedom isn’t the ability to do what you please but rather the responsibility to do what you ought!