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Testing my wife's fidelity

  • Thread starterAnshu69
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 13, 2010
Sarah and I have been married nearly two years and everything was great. One morning we were just waking up when Sarah said that she had strange dream. I asked her about it and she said that she dreamed about someone from work. That caught my attention. I asked, "You mean a guy? Is it somebody you know?"

"It was a guy from work. I don't really know him; he is just someone I see at the office occasionally."

Even through my sleepy eyes I could see Sarah was blushing.

"And what were you up to in the dream."

She said, "Nothing, just talking ...I don't remember much..."

"What's his name?"

"Colin Parker."

I could see that Sarah didn't want to say more so I teased her a little.

"Did you ever dream of him before?"

"No. That's what made it so strange."

I teased her for a little while longer then I got into the shower. By the time I finished my breakfast I had pushed Sarah's dream out of my mind and replaced it with thoughts about work.

The subject of Sarah's dream didn't come up again until several days later. I was having lunch with Justin Harris, a buyer for one of the studios I service. Justin is quite the ladies man. It seems like he is always talking about a new woman in his life. That day at lunch Justin started to tell me about a dream he had. When he finished I mentioned about my wife's dream expecting to get a laugh out of it. When I finished the story Justin said, "You better keep an eye on her."

I asked what he meant and he said, "When I have a dream about someone it's because I am sexually attracted to that person. Every time I wake up after a dream like that I can't get the person in the dream out of my mind. I think that is probably true for anyone including your wife."

I was getting a little angry with Justin. I didn't like him talking about Sarah that way, but I felt a certain truth in what he said. I have had dreams like that and I know when I wake up I can't get the person out of my head for a while. As I got up from the table to go back to work Justin said, "Remember what I said, she wants him. That's why she dreamed about him. You better keep an eye on her."

That pissed me off. I said, "Sarah's not like that. She would never cheat on me."

"I hope you're right," he replied.

When I got back to my office I kept thinking about what Justin had said. I couldn't believe that Sarah would be sexually interested in another man. But if she wasn't interested why did she dream about him? Then the answer hit me. The times I had dreams like that I would wake up aroused by the dream, but I never pursued any of the girls I dreamed about. Usually once I was fully awake I would forget about dream. I decided that this was the case with Sarah.

That evening as I was with Sarah watching TV, I suddenly thought of her dream. I looked at her face and asked her, "Have you had any more nasty dreams lately?"

Sarah looked puzzled. "What nasty dreams?"

"Like the one you had about Colin Parker."

"What? Are you still thinking about that? I had forgotten all about it. No, I haven't had any more dreams about him. Anyway there was nothing nasty about it. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. What does Colin Parker look like?"

"Oh I get it. You're jealous. Well you don't have anything to be jealous about. I have no interest in Colin Parker."

"Well, why do you think you dreamed about him?"

"You know what dreams are like. There are lots of times I see people in a dream and when I wake up I can't figure out why I dreamed about them."

Sarah kissed me and said, "You don't have anything to worry about. You know I would never cheat on you. If you really want to know, Colin is in his forties, he's shorter than me, and he weighs about 170 pounds and is slightly balding. He is not my type at all."

I felt much better. Not just because Colin Parker wasn't an Adonis, but because Sarah never had lied to me and if she promised that she would never cheat on me, I believed her.

I was able to put the whole thing out on my mind for the next couple of weeks. That's when Sarah got her own office. Sarah called me from work to tell me the good news and insisted that we go out to dinner to celebrate. She told me to come over to see her new office then we would go out to dinner.

Although I had been in Sarah's building many times over the last few years I had never been on the fifth floor where her new office was located. When I got off of the elevator I was in the center of a large open area filled cubicles made with modular furniture. The walls of the cubicles were about five feet high so you couldn't see who was in them. The managers and supervisors offices were along the outside walls of the building. Sarah's new office was in the back right hand side of the building next to the corner office. As I walked down a passage way between rows of cubicles one of the name tags caught my eye. I wasn't consciously looking at the name tags but Colin Parker's name just jumped out at me. I backed up and looked in at the man sitting the cubicle. He had his back to me and was on the phone. Although I didn't want him to turn around and see me I couldn't seem to make myself move and before I could recover my composure he put the phone down, glanced up and asked if he could help me.

I stammered for a second and managed to say, "I just saw the name Colin Parker on the name tag here," while I pointed at the tag next to the opening to the cubicle. "I went to college with a Colin Parker. You obviously are not the Colin Parker I knew. Is this your cube?"

"Yea, I'm Colin Parker. There's probably a lot of Colin Parkers' and I'm the one you don't know." He did not bother to look up while he answered my question, clearly showing that he didn't care much.

I was very disturbed as I walked away for Parker's cubicle. He was six feet tall, very athletic looking, had a full head of dark hair and couldn't be much more than 30 years old.

When I got to Sarah's office I was confused and a little angry. Sarah had lied when she described Colin to me. Now I was going to have to find out why. When I walked into her office I lost most of my anger. Sarah was genuinely happy to see me and I just couldn't stay mad. She was so excited about her promotion and her new office. She said, "Look, come here and look at this." She was pointing at the window behind her desk. Then she opened the blinds revealing a great view of the city. "What do you think of that?"

Her excitement was contagious. I told her I thought it was a great view and that I was very proud of her. Then I sat in one of the chairs in front of her desk and she told me about her new duties and how much more she would be making. After twenty minutes of chit chat we left to go to dinner.

As we started down on the elevator I casually mentioned that I had seen Colin Parker. Sarah caught my meaning immediately and she actually laughed. She said, "I guess he didn't look like I described him did he?"

"Not exactly."

"You know why, don't you?"

"I guess so. You thought I would be jealous so you wanted to put my mind at ease."

"Well, what would you have thought if I described him as he really is?"

"I guess I see your point." And I did. Sarah's demeanor told me that she had nothing to hide and I should stop worrying about Colin Parker except that I owed it to myself to be rude to him if I ever got the chance. The rest of the evening was very pleasant and we ended the night making love slowly.
A few days later I was having a business lunch with Justin Harris and Rachel Campbell. After we had completed our business we sat talking over coffee. Out of the blue Justin asked, "What ever happened with your wife and that guy she had the dream about?"

Before I could respond Rachel had jumped into the conversation, "What this about? It sounds juicy."

I said, "Nothing happened."

Rachel looked disappointed and asked, "What kind of dream?"

I was going to say it was nothing and leave it at that but Justin quickly told Rachel the whole story. Rachel seemed to really enjoy listening to the story and when Justin was done Rachel turned to me an asked, "And you don't think there is a problem with this man?"

I knew that Rachel didn't mean any disrespect for me or Sarah; she just saw this as an interesting story and she wanted to know more. So thinking that none of this was important I told them about how Sarah had described Parker as a short chubby bald man and that I had seen him and he turned out to be a tall handsome man with a full head of hair and an athletic body. Then I told them that Sarah told me why she lied about him.

When I was done Justin smiled and said, "You can't be that foolish. Your wife lies about what this guy looks like and that doesn't bother you? You need to find out what is really going on here?"

I said, "There's nothing going on. Sarah doesn't know this guy and I am sure if she ever met him she wouldn't like him."

Justin asked, "How can you know that?"

I was getting annoyed with Justin again, "I know because I know Sarah."

As I was staring at Justin I heard Rachel say something but wasn't sure what. I turned and asked him what he said.

Rachel said, "I said that you should get your wife and this guy together and watch how they act around each other."
I said, "There would be nothing to watch because there is nothing to see and even if my wife was interested in this guy, she sure as hell wouldn't do anything with me around."

"Well, then you shouldn't be around." Justin responded.

Then Rachel said, "Right. You need to get then together somewhere that you can watch them without them knowing."

I was getting pissed now. "I don't need to spy on my wife because there is nothing to spy on."

Rachel and Justin backed off after that, Justin said, "You know best, it's your marriage." That was the end of the conversation.

As I drove back to my office I thought about what Justin and Rachel had said to me and although I didn't agree with their assessment of the situation I was curious about how Sarah would act if she was in a social situation with Colin and I wasn't there. I didn't know how I could make that happen so I put it out of my mind.

Actually the opportunity happened without any help from me. About a week after my meeting with Justin and Rachel, Sarah told me that her company was having a dinner party at a hotel. The dinner was for employees and spouses or significant others. The dinner was the following Wednesday evening. I realized that this party gave me an opportunity to observe Sarah and Parker in a social situation without either of them knowing I was watching. So at five o'clock I called Sarah and told her that I had some people coming late to pick up orders and I wouldn't get to the dinner party until eight o'clock. Sarah said, "That's okay. We are supposed to go in for dinner at eight. We'll be socializing and having drinks from 6:30 until eight.

I got to the hotel around 6:45 and found that the reception before dinner was in one of the hotel meeting rooms so I headed back to the room. I found a place where I peek in a side door to the meeting room and see in without being seen by anyone in the room. It took a few minutes to spot Sarah. She was standing with some of her friends from work. Sarah had a drink in her hand and she was talking and laughing. As I watched her it struck me how beautiful she was and how much I loved her.

I continued staring at her for a while then turned my attention to finding Colin Parker. I spotted him on the other side of the room talking to a couple of attractive women. In spite of the fact that I was sure that Sarah wasn't interested in Colin I was relieved to see that they were not talking. As I continued watching him, Colin Parker turned away from the women he was talking to and headed across the room toward Sarah. I felt a sudden knot in my stomach as I followed his progress across the room. He passed no closer than ten feet from Sarah and never looked in her direction and Sarah never stopped the conversation she was having. Colin continued on to the bar, took three drinks and walked back to join the women he had been talking.

I felt very foolish, especially when there was obviously nothing to see. I gave up my post and walked back around to the main door to the reception and went in and joined Sarah.

A few nights later I stopped after work to have a beer with Justin and as we were talking Rachel came in and sat with us. We were on our third beer when Justin teased me saying, "So I guess everything is good on the home front?"

I said, "Things are great." Then like an idiot I told them about spying on Sarah at the party. I somehow thought that when I told them how Sarah never even looked at Parker and it was quite obvious that she had no interest in him that Justin and Rachel would realize that Sarah was never going to have anything to do with Colin. I was wrong.

Justin said, "That doesn't prove anything. It was a company party right? And your wife was with her friends. She couldn't very well flirt with Colin Parker in front of her peers and then innocently sit down to dinner with you. That would cause all kinds of problems for her at work."

Rachel added, "Just think of the gossip that would generate." That thought appealed to Rachel.

Justin said, "The fact that your wife dreamed about this guy doesn't mean that there is anything going between them."

That was the first positive thing Justin had said and I told him I agreed with him. But them he continued, "The dream just means that she is sexually attracted to him. Because she loves you she would never approach Colin Parker but watch out if he ever starts coming on to her."

I said, "Goddam it! Sarah is not attracted to that asshole and it doesn't matter if he comes on to her or not, she would never have anything to do with him.

Justin said, "Take it easy, we’re just teasing you. You're probably right. But then again how will you ever know for sure?"

Rachel cleared his throat and said, "Well you know, there is a way he could find out what would happen. I mean find out what would happen if Colin Parker did hit on Sarah."

By this time we were on our fifth round of drinks and I was just ***** enough to seriously listen to Rachel's idea when I should have just gone home. "How would I do that?"

Rachel looked at Justin then back at me as though we were about to get involved in a conspiracy and spoke softly so no one else could hear. "All you have to do is make Colin Parker think that Sarah has the hots for him. Unless he is gay, he will go after your sexy wife."

"What am I supposed to do, walk up to him and say 'My wife has the hots for you?'" I responded sarcastically.

"No. You get someone else to tell him." Rachel replied.

"I am not about to tell someone else to go tell this guy my wife is interested in him sexually. And besides you can't just walk up to the guy out of the blue and tell him that some woman has the hots for him." I couldn't believe I was even having this conversation. I knew I should go home but I was content to be one of the conspirators for a while.

Suddenly Rachel broke into a big smile and said, "I've got it. You do it. You get to know him then tell him you heard that this lady named Sarah has the hots for him."

I said, "I can't do that. He would recognize me as Sarah's husband."

Then Rachel laughed and said, "He hardly looked at you that day you met him, and it seems he has not seen you two together much, right? He wouldn't recognize you. That way you could talk to this guy and get his trust and then tell him you heard from someone that Sarah was very interested in him. That way you could monitor his progress as he tries to seduce your wife."

At that point I said, "You know that just might work. That is if I felt any need to try to get some guy to seduce my wife, which I don't. I'm going home." Luckily the bar we were at was within walking distance of my house because I was in no shape to drive.

When I got home Sarah took one look at me and said, "I hope you didn't drive home." I told her I didn't, and she said, "Go to bed." Which I did and I quickly fell asleep.
That night I had crazy dreams. I woke up around 5 a.m and could not get back to sleep. My stomach burned and my head hurt and I couldn't get Rachel's idea of telling Colin Parker that Sarah was attracted to him out of my head. I guessed that it was because I was tired and hung over that the idea appealed to me. Somehow I knew it was a stupid idea but I couldn't get it out of my head.

I finally did fall asleep again and woke up at eight. I had to rush to shower and dress and I skipped breakfast to get to work on time. At ten, I slipped out to get some breakfast. While I sat by myself, I thought over the conversations from the night before with Rachel and Justin and the dreams I had. Somehow through all of this I arrived at the conclusion that maybe it would be a good idea to see if it could be feasible to give Colin Parker a push in Sarah's direction. After all when she rejected him I would be a winner on more than one level. First, it would show me that Sarah was a true and faithful wife, second, it would be a slap in the face for Colin Parker to be rejected and then I wouldn't have to look for a chance to be rude to him. Third, it would prove to Justin and Rachel that I was right about Sarah all along. I knew that whatever I did, I didn't want Justin and Rachel to know anything about it till it was all over, so I couldn't ask for their help. I really didn't need their help anyway.

I started planning what I would need to do if I decided to go forward with this scheme. The more I thought about it the more excited I got by the idea of playing a game on everyone. Kind of like playing private detective. So, I decided to give my plan a try.

The first thing I had to do was find out how I could get close to Colin Parker. I would have to spend some time talking to him to get his confidence before I tried to plant the idea that Sarah liked him in his head. If I couldn't work that part out there was no point in going any further with the scheme. So starting that night after work I sat in my car across the street from the building that Sarah and Colin Parker worked in. When Colin came out I waited to see what kind of car he drove. When I saw him get into a Pajero I was ready to follow him except that he turned in the opposite direction I was facing and I couldn't get turned around in time to follow him.

The next night I was there again, only this time I was ready to follow him in the direction he went the previous night. When I saw him get into his car I started my engine and was on his tail as soon as he pulled onto the street. I was getting a charge out of following him. It added a little excitement to my life. I followed Colin Parker for about ten blocks then he pulled into a shopping center. I pulled in and parked where I could watch him. He got out of his car and went into a bar call The Coffee Room.

I got out of my car and went over and peeked in the window. I couldn't see much except a couple of pool tables. I opened the door and took a quick look inside. Colin was just sitting down at the bar so I closed the door and went home. I followed Colin a few more times the following days and he stopped at that same bar almost every night. So now I knew where to find him.

Then came the hard part. It was time to start working on Colin Parker. The following Monday after work I went to the bar and entered. He was there when I walked in. He was shooting pool by himself so I got a beer and went over and asked him if he wanted to play. He said, "For a beer?"

I said, "Sure."

We played three times I won twice he won once. As we were drinking a beer after the last game I introduced myself as Justin Harris and he said he was Colin Parker. We talked for a while and I asked him where he worked. When he told me I said, "Some of my girlfriend's friends work there." I left it at that.

I went to the bar a couple more times that week and played pool with Colin and talked for awhile. On Monday of the following week I started things rolling. Colin and I were playing our second game of pool when I said, "Oh, I almost forgot. Do you know a girl named Sarah Whitman?"

"She's one of the supervisors at our office. Why?"

"Is she good looking?"

"Yeah, I'd say she is definitely attractive."

"Have you ever thought about asking her out?"

Colin shook his head and said, "No. I don't really know her I just see her around the office and she's married."


"Well it's just kind of risky to hit on a woman when she is married. It could be a costly mistake. Anyway, why all the questions about Mrs. Whitman?"

I said, "Well I was out the other night with my girlfriend when we ran into some friends of hers. I didn't know them but two of them work at your office. I asked them if they knew you and they said they knew of you but didn't know you personally. Then one of them said that it was funny that I mentioned you because there had been a discussion about you at work that day. It seems that this Sarah Whitman told a friend that she fancied you and she wouldn't mind going on a date with you."

"Wow. She really said that?"

"Well, I can't say for sure, but that's what this girl told us the other night. I don't know why she would make it up. If you want I will ask my girlfriend to try and get some more information from her friends."

"I never really thought of her this way, even though she looks damn good. But if she was willing I would jump her in a minute."

I asked him if he was married and he said, "Not married but I live with my girlfriend. But I sneak out on her occasionally and I certainly would if I got a chance to stick my meat into Sarah Whitman."

It was getting very difficult for me to act friendly when all I wanted was to knock his teeth out. When we finished shooting pool I said I had to leave then I said, "I will see what my girlfriend can find out for you."

After that I thought about dropping the whole thing. The idea of that asshole hitting on my wife made me a little sick. But in the end I decided to continue with my plan.

The next time I saw Colin I told him that my girlfriend had confirmed what her friend told her. That in fact Sarah Whitman had told a friend or friends that she did have a soft corner for him. Colin thought for a minute and then said, "I think I might consider pleasing the lady after all."

That night when I got home Sarah was in bed asleep. As I watched her sleep it struck me that maybe I had gone to far. I decided then that I wouldn't go back to The Coffee Room again. If I stopped encouraging Colin he might just drop the whole thing.

For the next two weeks I came home after work every night. Every night as I sat and watched television with Sarah I wondered if Colin had tried to talk to her. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to know if he did, but I couldn't exactly ask Sarah about it. Finally I figured the only way I could find out what was happening was to go back to the Coffee Room and ask Colin.

The following night I went back to the Coffee Room. When I got there Colin wasn't there and I began to worry that maybe he actually got Sarah to agree to go have a drink with him. Then I thought better of that. Sarah would never go out with him. So I waited. About ten minutes later Colin came in.

He came over to me and slapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. Where you been?"

"Been getting some overtime. What have you been up to?"

"Remember when we talked about what I should do about that girl at work that has the hots for me?"

"Yeah, have you had any luck with that?"

To my surprise he said, "Actually it's going pretty good. At first she acted like it was out of the question and I must have been crazy to even suggest that we have drinks. But then after I talked to her a few more times I got the feeling that she might change her mind. Then I asked her again today and she said that she would stop for a drink tomorrow night. She said she would stay for only one drink but I am halfway home."

All I could think was 'Oh God now what do I do?' Well, I didn't do anything. I just sat there and listened as this asshole was telling me what a fine body my wife has. I wanted to hit him but because I couldn't do that, I didn't do anything.
Excellent story, Anshu69... well-written with good development of plot line and good suspense. Please continue...
This story, fact or fiction?

Anyway, I love it.
I didn't sleep well that night. I wondered if Sarah would actually go out for a drink with him and would it lead to anything else. I was sick with worry all the next day. Sarah didn't say anything, I couldn’t question her. She never said that she was going to be late or that she had someplace to go after work. If she had I could have asked her where and why and she would have been ****** to lie. I know she wouldn't want to lie to me. Sarah hadn't really even spoken to me that morning. I guessed she was mad at me for coming home late and ***** the night before.

Anyway, she left for work without giving me a clue about that evening. I was tempted to follow her after work but I decided that wouldn't be prudent. If she spotted me there would be a lot of explaining to do. I figured all I had to do was meet Colin the following night at the Coffee Room and he would tell all.

That night Sarah was about an hour later than usual coming home from work. When I asked her why she just said that she had some things she had to do. I sensed that she was a little upset with me. I thought it was probably still about last night.

The suspense of not knowing what happened drove me crazy until the next night when I caught up with Colin at the Coffee Room.

I asked Colin if he had his drink with Sarah the night before and he said he had but that it didn't go well. He said, "She met me at the bar and as soon as she had her drink she said that she wasn't sure why she agreed to meet me for a drink but she knew that she should not have and that it can't happen again. I tried to get conversation going but she didn't seem in the mood to talk. Finally after she finished her drink she said that she was sorry if she had in some way made me think that we could have a relationship. Then she said that I should not bother her again and she left."

The disappointed look on his face was making me very happy. I said, "That's a shame," but I was thinking you really didn't think you could score with a classy lady like Sarah did you? Then I said, "So you're going to give up then?"

Colin said, "I guess I'll have to. Otherwise I could end up being accused of harassment and it could cost me my job."

"I guess you're right."

I had a couple more beers with Colin to console him (actually to celebrate his loss). Then I went home to my wife.

During the next week I started putting all of this behind me. It was good to have things settled because I was real busy at work. I had to work late every night that week. It was bothering Sarah that I wasn't home at night and I kept promising I would be home on time the next night but then something would come up and I'd be late again.

When things settled down again I decided to stop at the Coffee Room for a quick game of pool and see what Colin was up too. When I saw Colin I asked how things were at work now that his advances on Sarah didn't work out. Then Colin said, "You won't believe this but I asked her out again and she agreed."

I was stunned. I had no idea she had gone out with him again. I tried not to let on how disturbed I was. "When did this happen?"

"Last Thursday. We met after work and had a snack and Sarah said that this can't go any farther than this. She said that we could be friends but nothing more. I didn't say anything so I guess she thought she made her point. Afterward I walked her to her car. She opened the car door and turned to say something to me and I just pulled her to me and kissed her."

I felt like Colin had just kicked me in the stomach.

"When I broke off the kiss Sarah told me, I shouldn't have done that so I kissed her again. She told me to stop that. I said that I needed her then I grabbed her hand. Sarah pulled her hand away, but not immediately. I think she liked the kiss but didn't want to admit it to herself. Then when I kissed her again she responded a little but then pulled away from me and got into her car.

"I asked her when we could get together again and she said she didn't think that was a good idea. I told her I was attracted to her and I thought that she found me attractive too. I could tell then from the look on her face that she didn't know what to do so I told her to think about it. She closed the car door and started the engine then she left."

I quickly excused myself and went into the men's room and splashed cold water in my face. When I went back into the bar, I told Colin I needed to leave but I would see him the next night. My thinking at the time was that I should show up at the bar the following night and beat the crap out of Colin.

When I got home from the bar I found Sarah in the kitchen. I pictured Colin kissing her in the parking lot and was repulsed by the image. I didn't speak as I went straight to bed. Sarah didn't say anything but she looked a little hurt. We didn't speak at all that night.

When I was sure that Sarah had fallen asleep I got up and went and sat in the living room and tried to figure out what I should do, but I couldn't.

After that I had a difficult time even talking to Sarah. I felt that she had let me down and was getting ready for the major betrayal. It was hard for me to pretend nothing was wrong but I managed. I started coming home after work so I could see what Sarah was up to but she didn't give anything away so eventually I had to go back to the Coffee Room.

I hadn't scene Colin in a week and when I asked him what was going on with his quest to get Sarah into bed, Colin said, "Nothing's happening. I called her but she hasn't returned my call."
I asked him if he met her at work or called her at home and he said that she was avoiding him at work. He said, "I don't want to call her at home then have her husband answer the phone."

After that I stopped at the Coffee Room every couple of nights to see if Colin had talked to Sarah. The answer was always the same. Sarah wouldn't return his call. I was starting to feel better and I was beginning to think that Sarah must have come to her senses. Then on Monday I stopped in the bar and asked Colin what he was up to and he said, "I just got off the phone with Sarah."

I said, "You what?"

He said, "I just got off the phone with Sarah. I called her at home and she said her husband wasn't home so we talked for twenty minutes. I asked her if she was ready to go out with me and she said that she was. Now I don't know where to take her. I can't take her to my place. I am thinking of getting a room."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. For a moment I thought that Colin must have figured out who I really was and he was just having fun with me, but I knew that wasn't true.

"And when are you meeting with her?" I asked.
"Wednesday, after work," came the reply.

She had even agreed on a day too. I never really believed that she would agree to go with him. And even though I was quite shocked by what Colin had just told me I still believed that Sarah wouldn't actually go any further with him.

When I went home that night I was in a fog. This man had just made a date with my wife, and had made up her mind to have sex with her, and here I was facilitating the whole thing. I think I remained in that condition right up till Wednesday.

Wednesday morning I was sitting at breakfast feeling kind of numb when it occurred to me that unless I took some kind of action in the next few hours my wife was going to have sex with Colin Parker. As I watched Sarah get ready for work I thought about how beautiful she was and how much I wanted all this to go away so that things could be the way they used to be. Sarah hadn't said anything about the evening ahead so I thought I would test the waters. I said, "Why don't we go out for dinner tonight? We haven't eaten out in quite a while."

Sarah said, "I can't tonight, I have plans."

I said, "Oh! You have plans? What are you doing tonight?"

I thought I saw an uncomfortable look on her face as she thought about her answer. "I have something I have to take care of tonight."

It really hurt to have her lie to me. But it wasn't like she could tell me the true about her plans, so I pressed her on it. "What can you have to do that is more important than us spending time together?"

The coldness in her stare seemed to melt for a moment. I think she actually considered canceling her date to have dinner with me but then she said, "I have got to do this tonight."

When Sarah left for work I was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, wondering to myself, 'What do I do now.' In a few hours my relationship with my wife may be irreparably damaged and I didn't know how to stop it from happening. At the time I believed that it was already too late. If Sarah didn't love me anymore then it didn't matter if she had sex with Colin or not and if she did love me she simply wouldn't have sex with him.

All day at work I thought about what was going to happen …
Great posts

I am really enjoying your posts and hope you keep it coming without delay. It is an interesting adventure.
Anshu, you have the makings of a true cuck. From what you have written, it seems like you have pushed her to Colin and you are excited beyond belief, even though it frightens you.
Yeah this is great... I'm enjoying it as well! Keep it coming. I like your thoroughness.
Oh the web we weave, when we deceive!

Well the ball is bouncing, and which way will it go. It is obvious, you are torn between wanting her to do this, and secretly hoping it does not come to pass. Riding the fence rail is hard on the balls. Will you confront her, or wait till she tells you?


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Not sure if your story is fact or fiction...If its fiction, you're an outstand author. If its fact, you must decide right now what you want to happen. If you do not want her to go through with this, show up at her work unannounced with flowers or something to win her back. ASAP. If you do want her to go through with this, follow her after work to see where she goes and observe & enjoy.
"David, what's wrong, you look like hell?" Justin exclaimed seeing my haggard appearance.

"Justin, please. Do me a big favor and don't ask any questions", I replied as I passed the contract agreement over the desk.

He looked at it and looked up at me. "What the fuck is going on? Don't tell me not to ask questions - I don't deserve a statement like that. We're supposed to be friends, or am I wrong about that?"

I quickly debated whether to tell him or not. "You're right, Justin. We are friends, but please, I just can't talk about it. I have to leave ….we’ll talk about it later," and I did just that.

"Wait, David. Okay, I won't ask you anything. Call me later in the evening, okay? You can do that, can't you?"

I hesitated and then nodded. "Thanks." I mumbled as I left the office.

It was four thirty and Sarah was going to leave office at five. There was only 30 minutes left to stop something I did not want to happen. Suddenly everything became clear. I needed to talk with her and save my marriage. I picked up the phone and called her office. I felt stupid and relieved at the same time. Why had I hesitated so long before doing just that! Luckily I still had time. Thirty minutes more to tell her I have been a fool but I loved her and did not want her to go with that Colin Parker.

“Excuse me, may I speak to Mrs. Sarah Whitman please,” I said.
“I’m sorry, Sir, Mrs. Whitman is not here at the office,” came the answer.
“She …she is not at the office …”I repeated, my voice trembling. A thousand things went through my mind at that very moment. “But I am her husband …can you tell me where she went?” I managed to say.
“No, Sir, she left early today … at three o’clock”.
My heart was racing very fast. I needed to get out of here. The only place I thought of was home. Maybe Sarah has left for home; maybe she was just feeling unwell. I hoped against hope that this was really the case… but I knew it would not be.

My last hope was gone within thirty minutes, the house was exactly as I left it earlier in the morning. Sarah did not come home after work. She went straight to wherever she had to go, with whoever she intended to be with and …was at this very moment probably doing whatever it was that she was up to …

I could not conceive that she would do that. I fought the images that flashed through my mind …and decided to go for a drive just to avoid staying here and torture myself. The only place that came to my mind was the Coffee Shop and I took the car and went straight there. Colin would not be there but I needed to be somewhere else at this moment.

So I walked to my car, get inside and started my engine and was in front of the Coffee Shop before I knew it. I got out of my car like a robot, and went over and took a quick look inside before entering …and stopped dead.

I could not say which feeling came first when I saw Colin sitting at the bar: a feeling of surprise, of relief or of joy. Anyway I almost ran into his arms and shot several questions at him at one stroke.
“Hey …what are you doing here? What happened? Shouldn’t you be somewhere else right now?”
He was surprised by such a show of enthusiasm and seemed taken aback and just stood there staring at me. But I did not want him to wait, I wanted him to tell me the words, to confirm to me that he was not, at this very moment, somewhere else doing …well, in the company of my wife.
“So, tell me what happened to your ...date?” Just then an awry thought came to my mind and I added “it was meant to be today only, right? Your date with the lovely Mrs. Whitman?”
“Yeah it was to be today only,” he finally said. “But something terrible happened.” He said after what appeared to be a very long pause.

“What?!!!” I almost shouted. What terrible thing could have happened?
“Well …actually I am suspended from work,” he said.
“Suspended from work?!!” I repeated. ”How come? And since when?” This was the last thing I expected to come from his mouth.
“Since yesterday morning …I mean the day after I talked to you. You see, since last month I was doing …hmm …some side business …if you see what I mean…”
I did not see what he meant; at least I did not care the least. Still I asked him,” ok … and what happened then.”
“Well, yesterday when I went to office, the boss called me in his office and told me they knew all about it and I was suspended till a board decision is taken.”
“Oh, that’s so sad,” I said, somehow feeling pity for him. Still I wanted to hear from his mouth that nothing happened between my wife and him. “So, I take it that your date with Mrs. Whitman is …cancelled.”
“You are crazy man …everybody at the office is talking about me right now …do you think this woman or any woman for that matter, would want to be seen with me?”
“I guess not.”
“As a matter of fact, I met her in the corridor and she just ignored me. I seem to have lost interest in her eyes. I really regret not humping that bitch …I should really have got her to ride my cock, I guess it’s too late now.”

I knew better not to pay attention to his words. Now I could see how foolish I had been, to link my wife with such an insignificant guy, who could not even behave himself to save his job. Really I was too glad Sarah had not gone ahead. She obviously saw through him from the beginning and would not have been the least interested in him had I not come up with these stupid tests. Now, anyway she was giving her the cold shoulder and that was setting the records straight, once and for all.

Five minutes later, I was left the Coffee Shop in much better mood than when I came and reached home a little before seven. Sarah was sitting in the living room, waiting for me.
“David, we need to talk,” she said straight away.
“Where were you, I’d been looking for you since early afternoon …and don’t tell me you were at the office, because I phoned there and they said you left early.”
I realized I was shouting at her and it was not how I wanted it to be. But it was beyond me, I just could not control my emotions anymore.

I looked at Sarah and was surprised that she seemed so cool, so calm and rational. Was she really going to let me in on what was eating at her?

"It's over, Sarah. I no longer wish to live like this. Either you tell me what's gnawing at you, or I'll leave without any further discussion. It's up to you."

I saw a grimace on her face. She stared at me and said:
"My mother had a surgical operation today. She is probably not going to live much longer," she said softly.

“What?!!!” I shouted for the second time in the same afternoon. “Since when do you know that? And why didn’t you tell me about it before?”
“I learned about it yesterday …and tried to tell you but you seemed lost in your thoughts," she continued, without one changing her tone of voice even once.

I sat there, my mouth agape, totally shocked. There were so many things going on in my mind, so many things to be told or not. I knew I needed to sort out things for myself first. After a long silence, I took her hand in mine and said, “I am here now …everything will be just fine.”

My mother-in-law died the following week.

Progressively Sarah was able to overcome the lost and things started to get better between us. Until it came out at me out of the blue. We had just finished dinner; Sarah was reading a magazine and I was switching channels on television when Sarah said:

"Have you ever had an affair or thought of having one?"

How do you honestly answer a question like that? I give it a quick thought. Had I ever had an affair? No. Had I ever thought of having one? A couple of times. I knew there was only one answer I could safely give:

"Of course not. Why would you even ask me a question like that?"

"No reason, just idle curiosity."

I looked at her. I knew her better to know she would not ask a question like that without a reason. I guess she sensed my eyes on her, so she added, "That's all it was, just curiosity. Andrea told me that she just found out that Robert had an affair two years ago. Two weeks ago one of the girls I work with told me she found out her husband was having an affair. I wondered if it was some form of itch."

Nothing more was said about the subject that evening. I spent the following day wondering about it though. I knew my wife better than she thought I did and I could tell that there was more behind her question than she was letting on. She had asked that question to gauge my response to it. Usually when a woman does that, she is either thinking of having an affair or was already having one....
I am with Sole Man ... is this fact or fiction ... reads like u r copying and pasting some other person's writing?
Amazing story. You have kept me going for so long without anything actually happening. You are a master of suspense!
The following Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting in my office when the phone rang. I reached over and picked it up.

"Hello, David Whitman speaking."
"Is your wife's name Sarah?" asked a female voice.
"Yes," I said suspiciously, "what is this about?"
"I just wanted to warn you that your wife is going to have an affair."
"What? Who is this? Is this some kind of a joke because it isn't funny," I said.
"You are free to take it as you want ...but I warned you" she said, before setting down the phone.

This had to be some kind of a joke but who and why would anyone do anything thing like this to me? I wondered if the caller knew it was a joke or was she just doing something she was asked to do by someone else?

I got back to work for a meeting at 2 o'clock and the problems brought to light during the meeting kept me busy the rest of the afternoon. However I could not help thinking about the anonymous call as I drove home that evening. I intended to tell Sarah about the call but I decided that was not the best course of action. I had first to figure out if it was a joke and who was behind it.

There was also the fact that some time back Sarah asked me whether I had ever thought of having an affair. During the evening I kept wondering whether these two pieces of information were related. As it turned out I did not have much opportunity to talk with Sarah that night. After dinner I got a call from one of our project managers and while I was talking to him, Sarah came into my office and whispered that she was tired and was going up to bed. By the time I got off the phone, Sarah was already asleep.

The following day I had to tackle a few urgent issues and had to put the call out of my mind and it just faded into the background. I didn't think about it again until a few days later when I was going over a project with my partner Bryan. When my phone rang, I picked it up without lifting my head from the computer screen and answered, "David Whitman here."

"You didn’t pay attention to what I told you, did you?" came the familiar voice.
"Bryan, I have to take this call, do you mind," I immediately said.
"No problem," Bryan said as he went out and closed the door behind him. Trying to remain calm, I asked, "So, who are you?"
"It doesn’t matter …just pay more attention to your wife," the voice said.
A thought flashed through my mind, if I could to keep her talking some more, maybe I cold find where the call was coming from. "Is there something else I should know?" I asked.
"Yes …but it’s up to you decide if you want to keep your wife," she said.
My stomach muscles tighten involuntarily. "Why do you say that?" I said.

A thousand things were going on in my mind at that time and it took me a few seconds to realize that the caller had hung up without answering my question. Now was the time to find out from where the call came and I knew only Peggy, our secretary could tell me. I immediately rushed to the reception room, but Peggy was nowhere to be seen. Just then I heard giggling in one of the cubicles nearby and knew it had to be her. I wanted to tell her off for not doing her work but knew right away that was not the best approach if I wanted her to help me.

“Peggy,” I said, walking up to her, “I need our help in retracing a call I just had.”
“Of course, Sir,” she said, not the least affected by the fact that I’d just caught her fooling around with her friend, instead of working. I accompanied her to her desk and waited patiently for her to take her seat.
“But, Sir, did you get the call directly?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Then, I can’t say which call it is.”
“Why that?”
“Because we have received 10 calls over the last 5 minutes,” she said, “and it is impossible to say which call was transferred to your extension.”

I now had to think out a solution fast. I told her “Peggy, can you please print out the list of all these 10 or more calls …”
She looked at me and said, “but, Sir, it is confidential …”
“Peggy, please … I need to contact a major client who intends to invest millions of rupees in our company, and you are the only one I can trust to find his number,” I said. The trick seemed to work. Peggy clicked on her mouse and immediately a screen capture of all incoming calls came out of the printer next to her. It was that simple. I immediately thought of something else.
“Peggy, do one more thing, this same client phoned me on Wednesday at around 1.30 …can you find a list of incoming calls in your archive. “
“Yes, Sir, it’s right here.” Peggy was now taken up in her role and was willing to do everything in her power to help.
“Thanks dear, the boss will be proud of you,” I said as I collected the second printed sheet and went to my office.

I knew that if I could find a phone number that was common on both sheets, this would probably be the one I was looking for. Unfortunately I found there were 3 numbers common on both sheets. These were from our regular batch of clients who must be calling the office every day. However I looked again and this time I recognized one of the numbers and ... it was the number from my wife’s office.

So, the caller was one of Sarah’s colleagues. Who would that be? Why would she play such a joke on me and Sarah? That brought me back to the basic problem. The caller was either telling the truth or she wasn't. If she was lying, why did she do it? But now there was a serious possibility that she was telling the truth, which would mean that my wife was in touch with Colin Parker again. The last time I met him, he told me the board was about to decide on his case and I had assumed that he would be fired. Could it be that his suspension had been cancelled and he was back at the office and back courting my wife?

The caller had told me that my wife was going to have an affair, meaning that they had not yet been at it. It could be she was one of Sarah’s colleague who had seen them flirting and thought I should be told about it before it is too late. I knew I needed to find the truth and fast.

One option was to ask Sarah some questions. I was going to have to do that in such a way that it would not make Sarah suspicious. If she was innocent, chances are she would be hurt to think that I don’t trust her. On the other hand, if the caller was telling the truth and Sarah became suspicious about me questioning her she might figure out that I knew something. If that happened I would never find out the truth. It might stop Sarah from having an affair but I would never know if she had actually considered having one or not.

The other option was to go back to the Coffee Shop and meet Colin Parker and find what he was up to. I decided that this was still the safer option.

At five, that very evening, I went back to the Coffee Room, parked my car on the other side of the road and entered my old haunt. I quickly scanned the room but Colin was nowhere to be seen. I began to think I got it all wrong, still I decided to wait. About fifteen minutes later, Colin came in.

“Hey mate, “he said as he saw me.
“Hi,” I replied, unsure I was to treat him as a friend or foe since I could not tell whether he was having an affair with my wife or not.
“What brings you here, my friend, “he went on.
“I was just passing by and thought I would drop to say hello and find out what you are up to. So, it seems you are back to work, right?”
“No dear, told you I have been suspended from work.”
I was taken aback. This was not what I was expecting. “But you said the board was to review your suspension, right?”
“Sort of, in fact they were to decide on my punishment …and in the end, I have been fired …”
“Oh …so what are you doing these days …for a living” I managed to ask.
“Right now I am helping my cousin with his shop. Hopefully I will get a new job sooner or later.”

That night after Sarah fell asleep I lay awake thinking about the phone calls. I was obvious that my initial assumptions had been all wrong. Colin Parker was well out of the picture and obviously had no mean to keep an ongoing affair with my wife. Yet the seed of doubt had been planted in my brain and as hard as I tried, I could not keep it from growing.

I again thought about telling Sarah about the phone calls but decided against it. It occurred to me that if I told her about the calls it could easily start a chain of events that would prevent me from ever finding out what this was all about. Then there was that small possibility that the caller was telling the truth. I needed to know. I couldn't let it end there. I had to know the truth.
Thursday was difficult for me. Every time the phone rang I wondered if it is was my caller again but the only calls I received that day were business related. One of these was for an urgent meeting with our client Justin Harris. The last time we met, I was deeply stressed as I was certain Sarah was going to sleep with Colin Parker the very same day. This time again, I was not much better off.

"I notice that you were in quite a mood the other day. So what did upset you so much you could not even talk about it?"
I said, "I just wanted to get home quickly that day."
"Can I ask you, as a friend, why that made you so tense? It might help you to talk about it. "
"I am a little nervous about leaving my wife home alone," I said.
"Why? Are you two still having the issues about the Colin guy?" He asked.
I said, "Well, you might say that."
"Why don't you tell me about it?"

Subconsciously I must have really wanted to talk to somebody about Sarah, because once I started talking I went on not stop right through the whole series of events.
"What are you going to do about it?" Justin asked.
I said, "I wish I knew."
The waiter had just brought the check and Justin insisted on paying it.
"Let me see if I can help bring things into focus for you," Justin suggested.

"I'd appreciate that," I said.
“I think your wife appears to have developed an unconscious interest in sex. It started when she had become extremely aroused by Colin Parker and then was not able to get the sexual release she needed. Most of the times she is in control and can push those feelings out of her mind. But from time to time she does feel the need to know more."
"What can I do to snap her out of it?" I asked.
"That's the problem. There's no simple answer here. I can't tell you what to do to snap her out of it. The problem will most likely persist until she ends up sleeping with some guy or the other. “
"But I am concerned about you. What you are putting yourself through now is like death by a thousand cuts. You are tense all the time, constantly worried about what your wife is doing, and also about something that hasn't happened yet. This is not healthiest way to live your life.”

I can't say that Justin's assessment of my marriage made me feel good but at least it gave me some perspective that I couldn't get for myself.

"Just keep in mind that you will have to accept is that this isn't about you, it's about her. You can't fix it, only she can. I cannot advise you strongly enough to keep your emotions under control. “
"You certainly have given me a lot to think about," I said, "and I do appreciate your input. I can promise you that I will think about what you said."

Justin took a long look at me as he sipped his drink.
"I know this is not what you wanted to hear but I thought I had to be honest with you." Justin picked up his glass and drank it and then suggested that it was time to leave.

A few days later, I had to fly to Seattle for two days of meetings with a client. The problem came when Sarah was invited for a party by her boss. Her boss had planned a big dinner party at his place to celebrate winning a major contract. The party was set to start at six o'clock on Saturday evening.

We talked it over and agreed that the best arrangements I could make was to book a return flight at one o'clock on Saturday afternoon, which would arrive in Chicago at 4:45 PM. This would give me enough time to get home and get ready for the party.

"If you can get home before six o'clock," she said, I can handle the preparations but you have to be here for the party."
"No problem," I said. "I should make it in plenty of time. “

The Seattle meetings were successful and we came up with interesting prospects but those were the only good news. At one o'clock Saturday afternoon my plane wasn't there. I called Sarah and told her I was going to be a little late.

She said, "How late. You have to be here tonight."
"They haven't told us what the problem is yet so I don't know what time we'll get out of here but I should still make the party on time."
"You better."
"I'll be there."

At three o'clock they announced that the flight was canceled. I scrambled over to the gate agent to get on the next flight but was told that there was nothing available until the 9:05 p.m flight, which would arrive at 12:50 p.m. I could not believe this was happening. I knew Sarah would be deeply disappointed and decided to call her to inform her.
Sarah said, "You won't be home until after 1:00 a.m?"
"Sorry, that's the best they could do."
Sarah said, "This isn't fair."
"Let’s do one thing. Please go to the party, I know how important it is to you. I’ll try my best to drop straight there once I arrive. Ok?"
Sarah said, "I guess that’s the best we can do, don't we?"
"Yes, I guess so," I said. "I love you."
"I love you too."

I went back over to the gate agent and stood in line behind an angry businessman who was taking his frustration out on the agent. The agent was saying, "I’ll see how I help you."

I immediately intervened and explained my problem to the gate agent and asked her if there was any other way I could reach Chicago earlier than the 9:05 flight. I told her that I would really appreciate anything she could do to help me. She typed on her keyboard for a bout five minutes straight and then she said, "I can put you on a flight to Chicago that leaves here in thirty minutes. From there we can put you on a 6:45 flight arriving at 9:50. Would that help?"

I said, "Yes. Thank you so much?"

The agent looked at me and then over at the grumpy businessman, then did some more typing on her computer. Two minutes later the agent handed us two boarding passes and I took off running to catch the flight to Chicago.

I wasn't able to call Sarah before the flight left and decided not to call because she would already be busy getting ready for the party. I would just surprise her when I reach there.

The Chicago flight arrived right on time and I was out of the airport. I was about to board a taxi when I thought I saw the familiar figure of Colin Parker coming out of another taxi nearby. I quickly took out my bag amidst abuses from the taxi driver and rushed after him.

I caught up with him in the hall and called him.
“Hey Colin, what are you doing around here?”
“Hey mate, how are you?”
“I just came from a Seattle, and I am now going back home. I am in a hurry but just thought of saying hello.” Truly speaking, I had no idea why I had chased after him in the airport. Somehow, in a strange way, I could not help relating him to those feelings of insecurity I had about my wife.
“Great seeing you here. I have to tell you I am taking up a job in Seattle from Monday. “
“So, I guess I won’t be seeing you for quite some time. “
“Yeah, but it’s better this way. I think I was hardly done by here. I now know I got fired because of one of the bosses at the company. He set up a trap to get me out of the way.”
“Out of the way …how’s that?” I said, suddenly more interested.
“Well, remember that married woman, Sarah Whitman I was telling you about?”
My heart had started beating very fast. “What about her?” I asked, my voice trembling.
“Well …that day you told me she said she had the hots for me, I couldn’t believe my luck. She is so lovely looking, any guy would love to be in her pants. So, I started pursuing her …but at that time I made a major mistake. I was so happy she was paying attention to me, I went out and confided to my boss, Aaron Baynes, how I was going to get this woman in the sack. He did not believe me at first, but when I told him more, his attitude changed. I think he wanted her for himself and that’s why he got me out of the way.”

I could not believe what I had just heard. So now, there was another guy at the office who was after my wife. But his time, it was her boss …immediately I thought of the night Sarah asked me about me having affairs. I decided to question Colin further.
“But how did you come to know about all this?” I asked.
“There’s one woman who knew this guy well, she told me what happened after I left. “
“Oh …”
“You know how it is with women …this woman was herself having an ongoing affair with this Aaron Baynes, now she is afraid Mrs Whitman is going to steal him away from her. “
Now I knew who the anonymous caller was.
“And you think Mrs Whitman is attracted to this Aaron Baynes …” I said.
“Hey, Aaron knows a thing or two about the ladies. At the office itself, few women would resist them. He would regularly invite them over to his place for parties and they would end up in his bed. Now he knows there is an opening with Sarah Whitman, chances are he is shoving his cock in her pussy even as we talk.”

I had heard enough, there was only one thing left: rushed out to Sarah’s boss’s place. On the way, I kept thinking about the conversation I had earlier with Justin. He was right in saying that now that Sarah’s curiosity had been peeked; she was in danger in falling for some guy anytime.
Verrry Interesting

I too cant wait for the next entry, But It seems more and More like a well written 'story'!
Are we right???


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