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Testing my wife's fidelity

  • Thread starterAnshu69
  • Start date
Harry2614 said:
I too cant wait for the next entry, But It seems more and More like a well written 'story'!
Are we right???


Of cause it's a story, but I'm enjoying the ride.
I got to the house at 11:35. There were a few cars parked in front of the house on both sides of the street, but it seemed that most of the guests were already taking their leave. I left my luggage in the car and went into the house.

There were no guests in the house they were all in backyard sitting or standing in groups talking. When I walked outside the first person I ran into was Andrea.

She said, "Well, you made it after all. Sarah will be happy to see you.'

I said, "I got lucky and found another way to get here. Where is Sarah?"

She said, "I guess she's around. “

I went back into the house to look for Sarah. There was no one on the first floor so I went upstairs to look. There was no sign of Sarah up there either.

I went back downstairs and through the kitchen, there was a door that seemed to lead down to the basement. I opened the door and when I looked down the stairs I saw faint light coming through the partially opened door at the bottom of the stairs and I could hear music. It sounded like the television was on the satellite easy listening channel. The light was from the television screen.

I was immediately a little suspicious as to why the television was on and the door closed so I moved down the stairs slowly and quietly. The door wasn't closed completely because it was warped a little and wouldn't latch when you closed it. This allowed me to peek into the room without having to open the door further. When I looked in I saw two people leaning against the back wall. At first it looked like they were looking at the television but as my eyes adjusted to the dim light I could see that they were involved in a different activity. I felt my stomach turn as I realized I was looking at Sarah and Aaron Baynes.

Sarah was leaning with her back against the wall and Aaron was bent over her. He had his left arm around Sarah's waist and seemed to be kissing her on the neck. I was about to charge into the room screaming but I realized that I didn't know if Sarah was a willing participant or if Aaron was forcing himself on her. I had to watch long enough to find out. I had to know if Sarah would do that willingly.

When my eyes had fully adjusted to the light from the television I could see the two of them much more clearly. I could see that Sarah was wearing a sun dress that had a split in the middle over her belly. I could also see the expression on her face and she did not appear to be upset by what Aaron was doing.

My heart rate increased dramatically and was thumping so hard in my chest that I was afraid that I might have a heart attack as I watched as Aaron moved his right hand to turn Sarah's face to him and then he kissed her on the mouth. It was a long soft kiss. Lowering his head, he lightly traced her upper lip with his tongue. I don't know why I didn't charge immediately but I didn't. I guess I just wanted to know how far Sarah would go. I had already seen enough to know our marriage was in big trouble now I had to know if the damage was irreparable.

The emotions running through me had my whole body shaking. I was angry about what she was doing to me, I was hurt by the betrayal, I was humiliated that she would do this while all of her colleagues were at the house and I felt the frustration of not knowing what I should do. My stomach was doing flips and I broke into a cold sweat and all I could do was watch them.

They were still kissing when I saw Aaron drop his hand down and he reached into the slit in the front of Sarah's dress. He ran his hand up under her dress and was caressing her navel. I had no saliva to swallow which made my throat hurt tighten up. I was also clenching my teeth so tight that my jaw was beginning to ache.

I watched as the bastard used his fingers to make small circular motions on my wife's navel. He said something to Sarah but I couldn't make the words. Right after he said it Sarah reached down with her right hand and pulled Aaron's hand away from her tummy.

I thought, ‘Thank God, she is going to stop him."

My relief was short lived as Sarah was only holding Aaron's hand so she could accompany his movement. When I saw that my wife had no intention of stopping him, it was all I could take. I had allowed this asshole to kiss and caress my wife but there was no way I was going to give him a chance to fuck my wife as I stood there watching.

I didn't want to make a big scene at the party. I just wanted to stop the proceedings. I decided that I would deal with Sarah later, after we get back home. I quickly moved back to the top of the stairway and stopped at the kitchen door and then I turned on the stairway light.

"Sarah, are you down there?" I yelled.

Then I very slowly but loudly clomped down the stairs making sure they would have enough time to straighten out their clothes before I came into the room.

When I entered the room Aaron was standing there by himself.
I said "What are you doing down here?"
Aaron stammered a little. "I... I'm waiting to use the bathroom."
"Have you seen my wife, Sarah?"
"Yeah, she's in the bathroom."

I could see that Aaron was uncomfortable but not anywhere near as uncomfortable as he had made me. I wanted to go over and punch his lights out but instead I just leaned against the wall and waited for Sarah to come out of the bathroom. I made no attempt to make conversation.

"So you are her husband. I thought Sarah said that you wouldn't be able to get home until after midnight tonight," Aaron said. "You had some problem with your flight?"

"Well, I got home early and it's a good thing too."

I could see that comment worried him.

"Oh and why is that?"

I said, "Because I wanted to get home early to be with my wife tonight."

"You know," Aaron said, “I think I'll go upstairs and use the bathroom."

He walked casually to the stairs and when his back was to me I gave him the finger. It was a meaningless gesture but I had to do something relieve some of my simmering anger.

When I heard the water running in the bathroom sink I knew that Sarah was about to come out and the knot in my stomach got tighter. I had no idea what I was going to say to her and I wondered if the expression on my face would give my thoughts away. I didn't want her to know that I had seen them yet because I didn't want to deal with it until we were alone.

When the bathroom door opened Sarah stood there staring at me. Her face was pale and she looked like she might have been crying. Sarah started to walk toward me and she ****** herself to smile.

"You made it home sooner that you expected," she said as she approached me.
"Yea," I said, "I was able to make it home just in time."

Sarah stopped for a moment and just looked at me, trying, I guessed, to understand the meaning of my last statement.

"I didn't want to miss the whole party. Have you had a good time tonight?"

I could see the relief in her face when she believed that I wasn't talking about her little escapade.

"I am so glad you got here," she said.

I wondered what the hell she meant.

"It's after eleven o'clock," I said. "I think it's time we get back home."

Sarah seemed to have completely regained her composure. If she was nervous about almost being caught she wasn't showing it. The only sign that something was wrong was that she didn't look at me when she was taking to me.

Sarah said, "I guess you are right."

We walked upstairs together and then we went outside.

"Too bad you couldn't get here on time," Nisha said, when she saw us. "It was a great party."

"Oh, I came just in time," I said.
This story may be fiction but I think every woman has it in her to be unfaithful. Its just a matter of getting to her in the right conditions. My wife tells she'll never sleep with someone else but I'm optimistic that she can be seduced under the right circumstances.
If this all relates to an infection in her mouth then it doesn't take long to turn septic and spread through the bloodstream. That's very dangerous and hopefully is not going on with your wife but she shouldn't wait any longer to find out.
He took Sarah's hand in his, kissing it softly from her hand to her arm to her shoulder. "You are a surpassingly beautiful Sarah. Any guy should consider him very lucky to have you. Your beauty has rendered me helpless. I would do anything for a kiss from your lips."

My heart skipped a beat even as my wife readied herself to taste the lips of this guy. I stayed there watching as he lowered his mouth to her and kissed her passionately.

Their kiss broke and Sarah leaned her head against his shoulder, breathing deeply. She whispered. "Why me? Why did you choose me?"

"Because you wanted to be chosen."

I could now see the guy’s face. It was Justin, my client from the office. He was now stroking my wife’s shoulders, kissing her neck and her arms and she was moaning softly.

I woke up in a jolt. I was immediately relieved it was a just dream. I sat up straight in bed and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 2.30 a.m.

Sarah who was sleeping next to me also woke up and immediately asked me what was bothering me. I told her I just had a strange dream. She asked me about it and I said that I had dreamed about someone from work….one of our major clients."

"And what were you up to in the dream that you seemed so bothered."

I said, "Nothing, just talking ...I don't remember much..."

At this point it seemed Sarah got the message that I did not want to say more and she went back to sleep. But I could not do the same, everything that has happened over the last couple of months came to me at one go.

I thought of the first time Sarah told me about her dream about that guy from her office: Colin Parker; how I later mentioned the dream to Justin and his telling me to be careful; Sarah lying to me about how Colin Parker looked; Justin and Rachel suggesting I checked on Colin and Sarah together; my visits to the Coffee Shop to inform Colin that my wife had the hots for him, Colin informing how he kissed Sarah in the parking, and later how Sarah had agreed to meet him; Colin getting fired and Sarah keeping her distance from her; Sarah losing her mother; Sarah asking me if I had ever thought of having an affair; the anonymous calls warning me about Sarah about to have an affair; my conversation with Justin where he tells me his idea that Sarah had made up her mind to have an affair and there was nothing I could do about it; my flight getting delayed in Seattle causing me to miss on Sarah’s boss’s party; my meeting with Colin where he informs me about Sarah’s boss hitting on her; and eventually my catching Sarah and her boss kissing and caressing her.

That night, after the party, when Sarah finally came into our room she didn't even look at me. She just went to her closet and started getting undressed.

I thought about how I would start the conversation. I kicked around a lot of ideas but none of them seem to work. They came across to me as being either too calm or too angry. I knew anger would not get me answers to my questions and if I was too calm Sarah might not understand how upset I was. In the end I decided to wait until she was in front of me and then just say whatever came to me.

During that time I thought about what I had seen and tried to make Sense out of it. How long had this been going on? Had they been together before? I believed that she would have.

"It was a good party tonight," I said. "Everyone seemed to be having a good time."

She did not reply and kept herself occupied.

"I know you were having a good time," I said.

Sarah looked at me as if she was trying to read my face. I felt like I was going to explode but I managed to stay under control. I tried to speak calmly but I wondered if Sarah could hear the growing anger in my voice.

"Wasn't it lucky that I was able to catch an earlier flight?" I said.
Sarah looked puzzled. "Yes, I was very glad you did."
"You were glad that I caught an earlier flight? I don't think so," I said. If I hadn't arrived when I did, were you going to fuck him?"

All of the color drained out of Sarah's face.

"Who... What are you talking about?" She stammered.
"I am talking about Aaron. Were you going to fuck him if I hadn't shown up when I did?"

Sarah was scared.

"I found the two of you downstairs alone when everyone else was outside."

Sarah said, "We just went into the basement to use the bathroom. He was just there waiting for me to come out."

"There was nothing going on then?" I said. She grew one shade more pale.
I said, "It's just that when I saw Aaron put his hand inside your cloth and kiss you …I was there …"
Sarah's eyes quickly filled with tears, "I am sorry …"
"So let me ask you again, if I hadn't arrived when I did were you going to fuck him?"

Sarah covered her face with her hands, bent forward and began sobbing loudly. I didn't say anything and for about two minutes the only sounds in the room were the ticking of the clock and Sarah's sobs. Finally Sarah lifted her head up and looked directly at me.

Sarah said, "Yes. I am sorry. I never meant... I never intended for... Please give me a chance to explain."
"Yes, what?" I said.
"I... I don’t know if I was going to have sex with him."
Sarah said, "I don't think I can explain what has been going on with me these last months. A lot of things have been happening …”
“Like what?” I insisted.
“You were never here… I mean things were not like it was between us. Then there is this guy from work who started flirting with me …”
“Who? Your boss Aaron, this bastard?” I said, pretending not to know it was Colin.
“No, not Aaron …A guy called Co…anyway he got fired and the Aaron too started flirting with me. “ I noticed she avoided mentioning Colin’s name, probably to avoid further questioning. I was relieved she did not, because it would have caused me some embarrassment too.

Sarah put her head into her hands and began to sob again.

"I never intended for any of this to happen," she said. "I am so sorry I hurt you."
"But have you two been together before?"
"No... never. I swear to you that's the truth. That's why it is so hard for me to understand my own behavior."
“How did it all start?” I wanted to know.
"One day he showed up in my office and asked me to have lunch with him so we could catch up on some projects. I felt compelled to agree.
After that he would not leave me along. He was always asking to lunch or to stop after work for a drink. I told him no every time but he kept trying. I would try to avoid him but he would always find me. Then when I came home at night I had this terrible guilty feeling even though I hadn't done anything. So one day when he came to seem in my office I told him that I didn't want him bothering me around the office anymore. I told him I would not have lunches with him and I would not go out for drinks. I said I'm married and I will not cheat on my husband.

“What did he say?”
"He said he understood and would do as I asked but that he also knew that I wanted him as much as he wanted me and that eventually it was going to happen."
I said, "If you were so worried about what would happen how it is that the two of you ended up in the basement together? “
"I went down there because I had to go use the bathroom but when I came out he was standing there and then he kissed me."
"So one kiss and you're ready to fuck," I hissed.
She said, "No. He was talking and kissing me on the neck and then I felt my self control fading. I don't know what else I can say… I am really sorry…”

By that time I was exhausted from the journey by plane and from being angry so I decided to call it a day.

"I'll go to sleep tonight and tomorrow we'll talk about it," I said.

In the morning, while we sat for breakfast, Sarah told me she had made a decision; she was going to take a local leave from work for one month. She said she wanted time to think things over. I immediately backed her decision as I knew it would be a big relief for me not to have to worry all day long where she was, and Aaron was still trying to make unsolicited advances at her. The fact that she thought of this solution on her own reassured me of her best intentions not to be unfaithful to me.

That was two weeks back. And now this dream I just had of Justin making out with my wife Sarah bothered me and brought back a lot of buried feelings. I didn't know what triggered the dream but it was always the same, the third time in the course of one week.

While I was dreaming it seemed so real, like it was really happening but the reality was different, Justin had never met my wife. I knew the explanation for this dream lay elsewhere. Even since the day I caught Sarah with her boss Aaron, one question constantly played in my mind. If I hadn't interrupted them would she have let him fuck her?

At first when Sarah proposed to take a leave from work, I was relieved that she would not be meeting Aaron. But now, I noticed that she would be growing restless staying home on her own. I was worried that this gave her more time to think of him. Moreover, one thought kept pestering me: what would happen once she resumes work in two weeks time? Every time I thought of it, it seemed like a tragedy waiting to happen. I knew one way or the other I had to talk it over with Sarah, but I kept postponing it. I did not know whether showing her that I did not trust completely was the best thing to do at this point in our relationship.
I knew that my wife Sarah and myself needed to get away by ourselves for a while. It had been some time since we had taken a vacation, and we really needed time alone to rekindle the flame in our marriage.

We chose to stay to spend the weekend at a vacation resort called Wild Orchids. The first day, everything went as planned. We spent the whole day swimming and site-seeing. In the evening we had dinner together in the restaurant that seemed to set the mood that I wanted.

When our food arrived, we sat there and ate slowly, making small talk between bites and sips. We had been out together after a long time and I felt a sense of relief at how well things were going.

Moments later, just as we were getting ready to leave the restaurant, I got an sms on my mobile. I checked it out and saw it was a message from Justin telling me he had just seen my car in the parking of Wild Orchids and wanted to meet me urgently. I was not sure why but I did not want to meet him in the company of Sarah. So I picked up the phone and said “Can’t this wait till tomorrow at the office?”
“No dear, once I tell you the news, you’ll thank me you took the time to come over here.”
While I was talking, Sarah had moved towards the door, waiting for me to join her. Even as I looked at her, a thought crossed my mind. Justin had never seen my wife, and I suddenly wanted to know how he would react upon seeing her, lovely as she looked tonight. So I told Justin, “Ok mate, Come up and join you in the lobby where we can discuss the matter. Wait for me there.”

Turning towards Sarah, I told her, “This has been a marvelous evening. How would you like us to go to the lobby and have a drink before we go back to our room?” Though this seemed to take her by surprise, she agreed straight away.

Five minutes later we were entering the lobby. “Sarah, please proceed to select a table for yourself. I need to go to the bathroom and will meet you in a moment. “
Once she was gone, I phoned Justin and told him “Hey, are you already in the lobby? I am at the reception, can you join me here instead?” Like I expected without 60 seconds, the door opened on Justin who seemed really happy to meet me.

“What makes you so happy,” I asked, hoping that would bring the subject matter straight away to my wife.
“Actually I came here to tell you about the project you’ve been working on for the last year.”
“Yeah …by the way did you see the woman who just went into the lobby?” I said, immediately feeling bad I had committed myself by directly asking about her.
“Oh that one, she was hot. For one moment I thought of letting you wait here while I keep her company.”
“Yeah, I knew someone like you would not help noticing a woman like her, right?”
He started on how hot Sarah was and he would be able to get in her pants if he had some time alone with her. I laughed.
"By the way, you are staying here at the hotel?" I said.
"No. I live in town, I just like to come out here to look for entertainment," Justin said as he moved over to sit next to me.

I looked around the room and then back at Justin. "Are these women what you mean by entertainment?” I asked.
"Yeah, they come out here looking for a good time and I make myself available," Justin said.
"So, what do you do when you get one of these women interested? Do you take them home with you?" I asked.
"No. The hotel manager is a good friend of mine. He usually lets me have an empty room that would otherwise be vacant. It's a win-win situation for the hotel and for me."
"And how successful you are with these women?"
"No woman who resists the charms of Justin Harris lives to tell the story," he joked.
"You mean you can seduce any woman you want? Can you seduce the woman who just entered the lobby …for example?"
“You don’t believe me, do you?”
“I suspect your mouth is much bigger than your dick.”
“Let’s do something …take this key and go to my room. I bet you in 30 minutes, I’ll be walking in with this woman for a torrid session of sex like you’ve never seen.”

My heart was now beating very hard. I could not believe I was encouraging this guy to seduce my wife.
“This is not possible …I mean won’t the lady be surprised to see me there.”
“No worry, the room has a see through mirror, so you will e in the bathroom and can see everything without being seen. Come on …what do you have to lose?”

I thought of it quickly and knew the truth was I needed to do this. Justin had been right all along, the decision to stay faithful to me was one only Sarah could take. And the only way to know was by putting her to the test.

Either Sarah will refuse his advances and this would give me enormous pleasure shutting out Justin’s mouth, or she would fail the test and let Justin have his way with her, in which case my reaction would be one of relief …. And I had lived with this for so long, I needed this release. So long as I did not have the answer, my whole life would be a torture.
The moment I entered Justin room, I started getting a sick feeling in my stomach. I waited five minutes and called Sarah.

"Hey Sarah. It's David."
"Where are you?"
"I am sorry, I just got an urgent call from a client. I will have to drive to his place and back.”
"At what time you will be back?" Sarah asked.
"Probably one and a half hour …or two at most."
"I don't understand."
"I am sorry …I call you when I am on my way back," I said.
"Okay …" she said.

Now the ball was entirely in her court. She could leave the lobby and go straight away to our room if she wished. I wondered if Justin had been successful in chatting her up already.

I must have been in the room some 30 minutes when the front door opened. I immediately felt a lump in my throat and my heart started beating hard and fast. The door swung open and I saw Justin enter, then he stepped aside to let my wife Sarah come inside. Sarah walked to the middle of the room and looked around without saying say a word while Justin went to the CD player and put some music on.
"I can't believe I agreed to come here with you, I need to get back to my room now." I heard Sarah laugh.
"Guess you lose track of time when you're having fun," Justin said.
"Yeah, it’s been really nice, but really I have to go now. I hope you're not mad, I mean..."
"I couldn't be mad with you even if I wanted to."
"I wouldn't want it to change anything."
"I'm glad to hear that." Justin said, putting his hands on Sarah's arms. Sarah looked uncomfortable, but didn't pull away. Justin reached out a hand to stroke at Sarah's hair. Her eyes looked to the floor. He continued stroking her hair. "You are so incredibly beautiful," he whispered to her.

They stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity to me, as Justin traveled his fingers over the blade of her naked shoulders and blew gently over it. Sarah closed her eyes as he moved closer to her. She gulped as he kissed her neck.

It was a light kiss...a tender kiss, but her entire body tightened, still hesitant, not sure how she was to respond. His hand rested on her waist. She sensed he wished to kiss her lips and she turned her head away. He didn't seem concerned or worried. He gently led her and sat her on the bed. Then, kneeling down in front of her, he moved his hand up her leg, caressing the soft flesh in his hand.
"Ooh!" She flinched, squirming slightly at his touch.

While rubbing my wife's feet, Justin let his hands slowly move up, so he was massaging her calves. Sarah sank back in the bed and closed her eyes. When he reached above her knee, Sarah straightened and said, "Whoa, better watch where your hands go."
"I know exactly where my hands are." Justin said.
"That's the problem. You're just trouble."
"I know." Justin leaned forward and started kissing Sarah's foot. She just giggled at that. His lips moved up, sucking her calf and then behind her knee. She sank deeper on the bed, her breathing getting deeper. While he sucked on the back of her knee, Justin slipped a hand up Sarah's thigh and it disappeared under her dress. Sarah caught her breath and opened her legs just a little wider. She was gripping to the pillow sheet and it clearly took a lot of effort for her to stop Justin before he reached the hem of her dress.

"C'mon, we really can't do this. You have to stop, " Sarah said, clearing her throat. There was not much contention in her voice. Her tone told a different story than her words.
"It's so hard to not touch you every time I see you."
Sarah looked flustered, like arguing was getting harder. "Someone could show up here at any time. Do you want to get caught?"

Still kneeling in front of Sarah, Justin reached up and touched her face, ran his fingers through her hair.

"We really should stop this. We shouldn't be doing this anyway." Sarah said breathlessly.
Justin was now back on his feet and gently pulled my wife’s hand, drawing her into his arms.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Justin pulled her face close to his lips her, "Should I stop?"
Justin leaned forward and kissed her. I thought I nearly **********, because Sarah didn't push him anyway. In fact, after a brief pause, Sarah leaned forward and kissed him back! "God help me. No..." she said. Soon she was putting her arms around him and they kissed deep and passionately.

Justin lifted the edge of her skirt up her waist. She opened her eyes again, and watched as his breath caressed the satin of her panties. She was *******. Justin continued pulling the skirt along her hips. Then he reclined back slightly, looking at her naked hips and legs, and the beautiful satin in the tender area between her legs. He wasn't saying a word, yet his expression and attention conveyed an appreciation of her beauty. It was pure adoration, and like any object of unspeakable beauty, he seemed afraid to touch it lest he ruined it somehow.

Justin then outstretched his hand and Sarah took his hand and moved to him, revealing her ******* panties as she let herself be led onto the bed. She didn't seem to wonder what he was to do to her. She seemed to want to let go, and let this man do to her as he wished. Whatever he chose, wherever he chose.

He continued to hold her hand and he sat her to the table in front of the window. He then proceeded to unzip her skirt and let it fall to the floor as he lifted her by the waist onto the table. Justin knew I was just behind and wanted me to witness his victory from real close.

Sarah rested there with her legs hanging freely on the side of the table as his hand moved up her arm, round her shoulders and onto her face. He then took her arms and lifted them over her head. Her hands now hanged loose and her chest arched towards him. Slowly he opened her dress, one button at a time, revealing her white soft body, covered only by her bra.

He then moved his hand to her right shoulder and slipped off the strap of her bra, and repeated the process on the left side. All the while, Sarah didn't break the shared gaze with Justin. The bra fell down her body, ******** her bare, creamy breasts and nipples. She lay in front of him, now wearing only her satin panties. Justin seemed in awe, and offered no spoken word.

Sarah's lips quivered as Justin trailed his finger smoothly over her breast. He didn't move his gaze or his body... just his finger. It moved from the top of her breast, along the side, and underneath. He moved it slowly inward, covering every centimeter of flesh with his fingertip. Still, his eyes never left hers. Her body jumped with sensitivity, holding the potential for orgasm just from his delicate touch. She opened her lips, and let her breath flow freely. But Sarah didn't break her gaze with Justin as he moved the finger between her breasts, up her chest. Her left nipple pointed upwards, appearing to ache for its turn at the touch, her breast pulsating with the anticipation of his finger. She bit her lip as his finger traced its way to the left nipple. Sarah cried her first moan of ecstasy as his mouth moved between her breasts, licking the glistening flesh with his slow, writhing tongue. His mouth then closed on her erect left nipple.

For a long moment he continued loving her breasts. He kissed slowly, licked tenderly, and rubbed his face gently into them. Sarah was moaning. The quiet decent housewife was vocally responding to Justin's touch. She moaned at the attention to her body that had overpowered anything she could resist. Justin was now kissing her softly, slowly over her breasts and stomach. His hands lovingly caressed her as they slid up and down her legs. He paid attention to every part of them as well. Kissing and touching her legs as if he didn't understand them and needed the touch to discover her.

He moved to her ankles, her feet, and her arms. He loved her as if her elbows and shoulders excited him as much as her breasts and vagina. Nobody had ever loved a woman like this. No man ever seemed to get past a woman's obvious attributes and appreciate her so completely.

"Aahhh!" Sarah moaned with each tender placement of his lips, outstretching her legs as far as they could on the table.

She breathed low, long moans as he worked his lips on her legs. His fingers softly caressed her feet and ankles as he kissed her shins. Justin kissed her knees, tickling underneath with his tongue. His hands moved up her thighs in long, smooth strokes. She was so close... so close to liberation.
His hand moved up between her legs, palming the delicate area covered by her panties. His lips moved up her dripping thighs, and Sarah finally moved her hands. She rested them on his head, inviting him up higher ...patiently waiting for his lips to reach her panties. Her chest heaved as his first kiss pressed against the satin. A wonderful burst of energy glowed beneath the fabric, patiently waiting to be filled and loved. She wanted him. She wanted him inside her.

"Oh yes..." she could say it now. She slid her fingers under the panty straps, and slowly slid them down her legs. Justin took over from her and dropped the satin panties onto the floor. She glazed over with pleasure as she watched Justin removing his clothes, sliding his briefs down to ****** his cock. She lay there, completely naked and helpless before the erect man.

"Oh, please…!" He guided his cock inside her and gave a rapid thrust. He then pulled out of her slowly, watching her eyes as she received the pleasure he gave her and knowing she was watching him as she received it. Justin continued the gentle penetration of her, gently thrusting, apparently gaining inspiration from the increasing arousal of his lovely partner beneath him. His cock plunged deeper, more powerfully into her.

Sarah reached up her hand and massaged his chest, stroking the short hairs scattered across him. Their eyes remained locked on each other as their moans joined in harmony. She moved her hands to his hips, feeling the power of his body driving into her. Sarah cried out and her body flinched as he shot his load inside her. It was an ecstatic flinch. It was a flinch of digging her fingernails into his hips and tightening her body as if she would explode if she didn't. Her eyes closed as if wondering if Justin could ever understand how incredible he was making her feel. She was a woman. From his lovemaking. From his patient, dedicated lovemaking.

In one fleeting moment, I remembered the dream I had of the two of them together. Sarah's dream had awakened her passion that in the end caused her to break her own promise of fidelity. Her animal instincts triggered within her every woman's most secret desire… the urge to be filled and stretched by a dominant male's organ. Justin was the proverbial alpha male who seek and planted his seed in the most attractive female he could find.

The moment Justin had Sarah alone, he seduced her in less than no time. It was mother nature helping the most important seduction of all, leading a beautiful attractive female in the path of a handsome, virile male as part of a sensual dance that led to sexual union.

Everything that had happened over the last couple of months had set the scene for this, the final big show.
Bravo, the tempo finally reaches the crescendo.
Holy Mackerel

My cock is so hard a cat couldn't scratch it !!!!! :p:p:p:p okdeacon
We stayed at the vacation resort a few days longer. After Sarah’s encounter with Justin, I knew I needed to sort out things with myself, then try to talk things out with Sarah to see where we were in our relationship. Outwardly we still were the ideal family, we were an above average looking couple, actually Sarah was a lovely woman and we get along well together.

The following day everything was as planned. It was in the evening that I noticed a guy unashamedly ogling Sarah. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She noticed too, and I caught her glancing at him once in awhile.

His interest didn’t seem to annoy her, and he didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that I was there. ‘Arrogant bastard,’ I thought to myself.

This man sat at the bar while we were at a small table nearby. Sarah had her back to him, but I noticed that each time we came back to the table from the dance floor, she would glance up at him. They made eye contact several times, and she didn’t turn away until she sat down. I wondered how long this had been going on.

Obviously something about him had caught her attention; my guess was that it was his size and his rugged looks. He was a fairly big guy, probably in his forties. The fact that she had been maintaining eye contact for several seconds bothered me because she was, in effect, encouraging him. I kept my feelings to myself for the early part of the evening.

At one time during the evening, when I returned from a trip to the men’s room, Sarah wasn’t at the table. I thought maybe she had gone to the ladies’ room, but then I noticed that the man wasn’t in his seat at the bar. I looked around the crowded dance floor and spotted them dancing. I immediately felt a shot of anger. I was however relieved that the song ended just then, and Sarah broke away from him and came back to the table. He tried to keep her out there, but she probably felt a twinge of guilt, knowing that I’d be back to the table by that time.

I decided that now was the time to say something. “That was interesting, who’s your friend?”
“His name is Shane.”
“What made you decide to dance with him?”
“He asked me, and kept pleading, and I did not want to attract attention, so I accepted.”
“I don’t appreciate you dancing with men that we don’t know.”
“Oh please! There was not much else I could do, right?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve noticed the way he’s been undressing you with his eyes all evening. I’ve also noticed that you’ve been making eye contact with him far too often. You’re encouraging him, and I don’t like that at all.”
“I knew you would be suspicious, that's why I have invited him to join us so you can get to know him.”

I was taken aback by that bit of information, but didn’t get a chance to say anything. He arrived at the table with a new round of drinks for the three of us, and Sarah introduced us, “Honey, this is Shane. Shane, this is my husband.”
I rose from my seat and reluctantly shook his hand. He said, “Pleased to meet you.”
I really couldn’t say that I was pleased to meet him.
‘Goddamn show-off,’ I thought.
Shane smirked, looked directly at Sarah and replied, “Isn’t Sarah the most beautiful woman around here?”
She blushed at his compliment. I couldn’t help but wonder what he expected to accomplish, she was not only married, but I was with her. “I couldn’t agree with you more. She’s also a great wife.”
“I envy you, you’re lucky.”
He was really laying it on thick and continued complimenting and flirting with Sarah at every opportunity. I was been getting more annoyed by the minute and knew that somehow I needed to get away from here.

When the band played a slow number, Shane asked Sarah to dance again. Without checking with me, she got up and went with him to the dance floor. The band played several slow ones in a row. I noticed that as time wore on, Shane was pulling Sarah closer to him. She seemed not to make a lot of efforts to object. When the band started into a fast song, they came back to the table.

Sarah was a little flushed, and it was obvious that she was not her usual self. She looked at me, I glared at her and she blushed. It must have just hit her that she had over stepped her line by carrying on with this stranger, much to my disapproval. She must have also realized that she may have been getting close to losing control. She stood up and said, “Honey, I’m a bit tired, could we go now?”

I was more than ready to leave. I wanted to tell her off once we got to our room. But I never had the time to. The moment the door was closed, we were in bed making love like we hadn't in a long time.

The next day we had been lounging around the pool at the hotel when I spotted Shane. Sarah was in the pool, I took advantage of the fact that we were alone to admonish him. “What the hell do you think you were doing with my wife,” I asserted.
“Sarah is an adult!”
“My wife is a married woman.”
“She’s capable of making up her own mind about things.”
I stated in a harsh tone, “don’t you get any fucking ideas, you bastard!”
“Your wife’s flirtations with me indicate that she would more than welcome my advances.” I did not know what to say. I really didn’t believe that he would seriously try to seduce Sarah. He was anyway not paying as much attention to Sarah today as he had the previous night.

That evening we arrived at the club to find Shane sitting at the same table we had shared the previous night. He motioned for us to join him. I was not really happy to do so, yet could not do so without being obvious.

I walked over to the table and said facetiously, “Shane, good to see you again.”
He glared at me and said nothing. He turned, smiled at Sarah and said, “Hello beautiful. I think you’re the most beautiful young lady that I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
She smiled back at him as we sat down. That evening was a repeat of the previous one. Shane dominated Sarah’s time, and I only danced with her twice. Several times when they returned to the table I could see the flushed look on her face. They were obviously attracted to each other.

It was late and a slow song came when she was dancing with Shane, he motioned her to get off the floor but she said something and he stayed. I had seen them dance before but something about tonight made it so sexy, her little skirt and breasts pressed against him and her head resting on his shoulder. They danced very seductively to the last song of the evening, and I watched as they exchanged a kiss. They were on the far end of the dance floor and probably thought that I couldn’t see them. They didn’t seem to notice me; I think that they were too preoccupied with each other.

As soon as we were together, I berated Sarah, “what the hell were you trying to do? Aren’t you aware that you’re married?”
“What does that mean?”
“That means that you’ve been flirting with Shane like you’re a single woman on the prowl. “
“I-I didn’t do anything wrong.” Sarah seemed to be trying to sort things out in her mind. Maybe she thought she could do it and keep it hidden from me.
“ You’ve been behaving shamelessly. He obviously turns you on. You don’t even care that you’re humiliating me.”
“I - I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to humiliate you,” she finally said. “You know I love you very much.”
I chose not to tell her what I knew about her and Justin.
This is a GREAT story

I really love the wife character. Please continue.
We stayed at the hotel a few days. The following day as we were dancing I said, “All the men are looking at you.”
“Yes, but I am all yours.”
“They all want you,” I said, holding her a little closer.
She giggled and said: “Let’s go to our room.”
“Ok, let’s go.”
As we walked past the tables, some guys leered at Sarah but she averted their gaze. When she could talk again she said hoarsely:
“It upsets you, these guys looking at me?”
“Yes. But you, it gets you hot, being stared at, being wanted?”
“Yes, it did.”
“Shane was there too. His eyes never left you all the time we were there.”
“I know.”
“You thought about what it would be like to stay with him, when we were leaving?”
We were quiet for a minute. I said thoughtfully: “You will never know what it would have been like.”
Then I said: “We are still there.”
She did not answer for a while. “What do you mean?”
“Would you like to go back up there?”
She could not believe his question, or her answer: “Would you like to?” She did not want to be the one to stop the game.
I was quiet for a full minute.
“Yes,” I said finally.
“And then, what?”
“Meet him. Sit with him. Talk, flirt, whatever.”
Sarah then realized it was no longer just a game.
“But, things could go too far.”
“No farther than anybody would want to.”
“I am not sure this is a good idea.”
“If you don’t want to go, all you have to do is stay where you are.”

She stayed there, trying to think and failing. Then, she looked at me in silence, her body shaking a little.

“You don’t want to go?” She saw that I did not seem to want to follow her and wondered, with mixed relief and disappointment, if I had changed my mind.

“You go first,” I said, “and meet him. I will join you in twenty minutes.”

Before leaving, she kissed me on the cheeks. Before disappearing in the corridor she again turned around: “Are you sure of that?” I nodded, unable to speak a lie.

I went to our room and waited sometime. When I looked at my watch, I saw that only five minutes had elapsed. Long enough that, if she had changed her mind, she’d be back. I began to think about what might be happening down there. Was it a good idea? Was I ready for it? What has led me into this?

I went down to the bar and entered through the other door. I saw her immediately, at the table with Shane. She was glancing at the other door, expecting to see me. I was about to join them when I saw that he had his hand on Sarah’s thigh and that she was making no move to have him take it away. I sat at the bar and asked for a drink.

I watched for a while as the hand moved up and down my wife’s naked thigh, under the skirt. Shane said something and I saw her laugh. It was clear that some sort of proposition had been made. A couple of minutes later she looked impatiently at her watch.

I walked up to the table. Shane quickly moved his hand away, looking disappointed at my arrival; the fun was over. I then asked his wife to dance. Shane smiled, realizing he might not be taking away the pretty woman for good.

“I thought you would never come,” said Sarah.
“I have been here for a while, I thought you needed more time to flirt and get acquainted. You seemed to be doing fine… What happened?”
“He saw me right away and asked me to sit with him and then to dance. I told him you would join us later. When you didn’t, he started getting closer. You saw it.”
“I saw him touching you.”
“Only slightly. ”
“What did he say just a minute ago?”
“He said we should go down to his suite and continue the party there.”
“Would you have gone if I hadn’t shown up? ”
“I don’t think so,” she said without conviction.
“What did you say?”
“I told them to wait five more minutes.”
I recalled her looking impatiently at her watch.
“You wanted to go?”
She said nothing.
“If I had not interrupted, then at this moment he would be making love to you.”
She did not reply.
“How do you think it would be?”
“If I had gone? ”
“If you had gone. ”
“Great. He is quite eager.”
“Do you want to go ahead with it?”

She did not dare to say anything. What was ‘it’ exactly? What would we do? We had never talked about anything like that.
I asked again:
“How do you think it would be?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she managed to say in a whisper.
“Shall we sit with him after this song?”
She nodded.

When we went back to the table, it was awkward at first. Shane was happy she was back, but disappointed that my presence meant his hopes for access to her were dashed. But I pushed a chair for myself on the other side of the table, leaving Sarah to sit across from him, where she had been before.

Before long Shane began testing the limits, first brushing his hand lightly against Sarah’s knee, and when she, after glancing at me, made no retreating motion, letting it rest on her thigh. The hand moved up, looking for a stop sign and not finding it even as his hand reached up to her.

For the next few minutes, I watched with outward calm, but with racing pulse, as my young wife was being fingered, practically in public, by a stranger. It is hard to tell how long this would have lasted before somebody had to make a move.
“Why don’t we take a walk on the beach before we went back to our rooms,” Shane said to my wife.
Sarah said: “I don’t know if my husband…”
After a while, I nodded, not finding anything else to say. I didn’t really know what to say at that point because I didn’t know what was next or what I wanted next. Then Sarah gave me a look that said let’s see how far all this would go. The die was cast.

Except from us three, there was nobody else on the beach at this late hour. We walked for some time, the stopped and sat there watching the waves coming to splash on our feet. From where we were, we could still hear music coming from the hotel. Sarah suddenly stood up and walked over to Shane and said: “I love this song, let's dance here.”

Shane was rather surprised at that point but he took her hand and stood up with her. She held him close as her breasts were pressed against him and his crotch rubbing her navel. I couldn’t believe it; it was so hot. They danced for a couple of minutes and a different song came on, she kept dancing. She looked at me. I didn’t say anything, part of me didn’t want to blink for pride sake, but part of me also felt a bit threatened about what was happening.

As I thought about what to say, she took his hands off her back and placed them on her ass. He just held her ass for a bit but I guess not getting any stop from me and being very aroused at this point himself, he started to gently kiss her neck. She noticed his arousal I am sure and started to grind him more.

Meanwhile I was in another world, all different emotions were going on in my head. My brain was saying that I didn’t want him doing this with my wife. I just sat there and said nothing. I was not sure whether she was proving a point and wanted me to be the one to stop it or she was getting aroused.

She was the one to take the next step. She broke the dance and looked at me briefly as to give me a second to stop her and when I didn’t, she moved her mouth to his face and kissed him. That was the last time she looked at me, whether out of being daring or sheer sexual desire.
“I just wanted to get you here alone,” he said softly.
Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought…”
He silenced her by moving in and softly placing a tender kiss on her lips.
“I’m sorry,” he said wrapping his arms around her.
“You kissed me, didn’t you?” she smiled as she ran her hand softly down his chest.
“Last time I checked, kissing wasn’t an offense,” Shane said, taking her hand.
“No, it isn’t,” Sarah said, “But I’m married…” She wanted this, really, but she was afraid.
“And?” he questioned.
“And kissing another man isn’t supposed to feel this good,” she said as he moved in to kiss her again.
“Just go with it, Sarah,” he moaned through strained kisses.
“I’m serious Shane,” she said, scrambling to break away from his kisses.
“Okay!” he grinned, moving in to kiss her again.
She leaned her head back and looked at him. She leaned in and kissed him.

I was confused. Her comment about her love for me made it clear that she didn’t want to go any further. Yet now her kiss was demanding that she wanted more than anything to do just that. She put her arms back around him and their lips joined eagerly.
“I really like kissing you a lot,” Sarah smiled.
“Let me in,” he pleaded, his tongue softly trailing its way across her lower lip before parting hem softly, his tongue plunging between. Giving in to her desire, Sarah allowed Shane full access to her mouth. She gently moved her hands to his head, her fingers caressing his hair.

“Oh…” she moaned as his mouth traveled down the corner of her mouth to her neck, lingering just below her collar, nibbling on the skin there. Nudging her legs apart with his thighs, he settled himself comfortably between, both savoring the closeness.

“You know,” Sarah moaned as Shane stopped to stare into her eyes, “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to have no choice but to let you take me right here.”

“This is something worth considering,” Shane said. Excitement threatened to overwhelm her as he ran his hands over her bare back, then up to work on the knot of fabric behind her neck.

He turned her so that she was facing away from him and slowly unzipped the back of her dress. It was so quiet that the small noise of the zipper being undone sounded to my ears like a runaway train.

She then stood before Shane as he used his thumbs to push the straps off her shoulder. She cooperated as he slowly gets the garment collapse to the ground, revealing her full glory.

The two strips of cloth were dragged away by the breeze currents, and with them went all barriers to intimacy. He slid his hands over her shoulder blades and under her arms. As he started stroking her breasts she squeezed the back of his neck, pulling his mouth against hers. Their tongues locked together as he kneaded her breasts.

I was frozen in time. This went on for a few minutes more and then she stopped grabbed his hand and went towards the sea almost as if I wasn’t there. She brought him in the water, lay down and pulled him toward her. Then she broke their kiss and said something to him. With that they flipped over and she got on top of him. He squatted on the sand, buoyed by the water as she wrapped her legs around his waist. In this position her head was above his and her breasts at the height of his shoulders.

He tweaked and pulled on her hardening nipples. Then, lifting her slightly with his knees, he brought her right breast to his mouth. He chewed gently on her nipple, then took as much of her breast as he could into his mouth. She tightened her legs around his waist, pulling herself against him. She stroked his hair as he ran his tongue around.

I had followed and stood there watching. It was obvious by her moans that she was intensely aroused. Shane started kissing her all over and she quickly started to remove her panties. The sounds coming from her lips were unbelievably erotic.

Sarah was still supporting herself by holding the back of his neck, and as he eased her skirt over her thighs she held him tight against her breast and sighed. Her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily.

As her arousal grew beyond control, she moaned loudly, then cried out, “Oh, yes! Yes!” Locking her face to his, she kissed him savagely,

Pulling hard on his shorts. He pulled away from her and leaned backwards. He slid his legs under hers; eased forwards and down, seeking entrance, then up, guiding himself in. Her eyes opened wide as she felt him enter her, but with no hesitation she hooked her legs around him and pulled him in.

Sarah looked at me with a weird kind of look as she began riding his hard cock. Their moans were so loud, so erotic. She was in heaven. I was ashamed but I couldn’t remember the last time I had pleasured her like that.

Shane was in a hurry and he was rough with her, intent on gaining his pleasure. With his long strokes he took her deeply. I could tell that he was experienced and skilful in the art of pleasing a woman, and he fucked her for a long time and brought her, finally, to the point where her orgasm began to build up.

Very soon she was rising to a climax. When she started to moan gently, climbing to a climax, she tightened around him. I knew they would not be able to keep from coming for long. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes; a look of intense pleasure, of affection, of longing as, hands behind his neck, she drew his face to her breasts.

Unable to hold back much longer Shane drove his hips against my wife, powerfully, holding her firmly by her shoulders and sucking on her breast. She was on her way to a magnificent orgasm when finally Shane mumbled something. He was rewarded with a cry of delight as she was propelled towards another high. Her face was contorted with passion and her body was wracked by a continued orgasm. Both were gasping noisily as he exploded within her and she shuddered around him, collapsed on each other, sharing that most intimate of experiences as they came together.

Sarah lifted his head from her breast, and they exchanged a sloppy, passionate, exhausted kiss as their pleasure descended to manageable levels as I stood there watching.

I was in my room for two hours when Sarah joined me. The moment she saw me, she began to cry. I hugged her, reassuringly. “It’s OK.”
“Is it? Will it be?”
“Yes. It is and will be. You wanted it.”
“You wanted me to do it.”
“You liked it.”
She tried to swallow her tears and smile.
“Some of it. ”
“Was he good?” I asked her.
“Yes, he was.”
“What did he do to you?”
“He fucked me again, on his bed.”
There had been no need for any further foreplay.
“Like he did before? ”
“Yes. No. Not really, it was face down.”
“It was better that way?”
“It is deeper that way.”
She blushed because I knew the reason. “Yes”
“Did you come again, like the first time?”
She nodded.
“Was that all? You stayed there longer.”
“He told me to stay and, after a while, to suck his cock.”
“You complied.”
“Did Shane come in your mouth?”
“Did you like it?”
“Right then, yes.”
“Will anything like this ever happen again?”
“No, not in the same way.”
“But, in some other way?”
Wow, that was really hot. I loved this story.:eek:
Anshu, the test is over. She passed with distinctions as a hot wife/slut/cuckoldress. Your test as a writer and cuckold has also resulted in top marks. I am looking forward to more adventures.
After reading this story I was motivated to test my wife's fidelity so I set out to facebook one of her ex-s and copy his photo and profile and create a phony facebook account with his name and picture and proceeded to send my wife a friend request. That was this past weekend. I was a bit disappointed and yet excited that she accepted the friend request. Now I need some ideas on how to get her talking about thier relationship and talking sex. Anyone have any ideas. I don't want to make it obvious that it is me and don't want to seem like a horndog either.
I wish more people would post their comments and suggestions. Anyway thanks to all of you who appreciated this story and took time to write a few lines.

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