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Testing my wife's fidelity

  • Thread starterAnshu69
  • Start date

Even though people don't post as many comments as you have wished, your story has chalked up a very remarkable 5,800+ views since it appeared on March 23, more than any other recent posts. It is hugely popular.

We can only hope you contribute more.
With Elation

Anshu, I have just got the chance to read your new posts. I really believe you have written the hottest story i have ever read in my lifetime. I can almost see Sarah and she is a stunning figure of a woman who not only is now fucking other men. But deservedly should be doing so. You are a great writer and i have been absolutely spellbound by this artical. Very arousing sexually and totally consuming woman, this Sarah, that you have created. I really hope that you are not finished. But honestly cannot see how you can match the previous two seductions of your beautiful Sarah. I sincerely tip my 5 star stetson to you sir and with trembling hands and lusting mind say THANKS. Anshu you have created the a lady that all of us real men dream of a hundred times a day. Other than this at this moment i cant think of anything else to say. okdeacon
Wow... I just found this after a long absence and Wow... thank you!
In the morning Sarah treated me like someone with a deadly disease. An awkward silence separated us. She continued to treat me like that until later in the afternoon when she seemed to slowly ease up a little.

"Last night was crazy," I finally said.

Sarah nodded, but didn't say anything.

I remembered her cries the night before. I touched her arm. "Did he hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No, he didn't hurt me," she said softly.

"So ... you liked it?"

She hesitated, started to say something then stopped. Finally she shrugged. "I don't know," she said, "It was different."

She looked at me. "Did you like it?"

I hesitated too, afraid to hurt her feelings. "Like you said, it was different," I finally said.

The truth was I really got off witnessing Shane ramming his cock into my wife. I thought of it all the time. What I enjoyed the most was the way he slowly seduced her, how he slowly won her over and, even if she was married, she gave in and offered her body to him. I constantly had a huge boner and relieved myself several times.

She said, “I was mad! What happened last night was a big mistake. Is anything wrong with both of us?”

I told her I did not feel bad about what happened.

"I will never do it again. We're married and it might mess us up so bad we may never be able to get back what we have now."

I told her she didn't have to be scared, she had nothing to worry. "Look, let's forget Shane today. How would you like to go to dinner at the hotel's restaurant and then dancing? I heard there's a new club some 15 minutes drive from here."

She said yes, then asked, "Just you and me, right? It's our date, just the two of us?"

I told her it would be just the two of us.

That night Sarah looked fantastic in an all black outfit gave her a sexy look. The dinner at the restaurant was very nice and we had a good time until I saw Shane walking into the place heading to the other side of the room. Sarah saw him too and whispered to me that she didn't want to see him tonight.

But Shane saw us and waved at Sarah. She waved back and then looked down again.
I teased her, saying, "I think he's looking real good tonight. What do you think?"

"David, I feel uncomfortable. I can't believe you are talking about this," Sarah responded irately.

"All right, please, just listen for a second. Wouldn't it be fun just to flirt a little? You wouldn't have to go all the way," I insisted.

"That is unless you want to try it more than once," I kidded, seeing her hesitation.

She said, "What if that really happened? Would you be OK with it?"

I thought about it and said, "That could happen sure. And if it did, I'm sure we could talk about it."

"Can't you see this could really hurt us, both of us?"

"It would be ok for one more time and then we could get back to our lives." I was almost begging when I finished saying that. We sat there for a short while, not finding any more to say.

Before long Shane walked over to our table. He said, "Hello Sarah, you look very beautiful. You always do but tonight you seem to be even more lovely."

Sarah told him thanks. Shane then suggested we go for a drink after dinner. I told them it was OK with me but Sarah immediately said, "That's nice but we already have something planned!"

Shane said, "Only one drink, Sarah! Come on."

"Well OK. One drink and then David and I, we'll go dancing, OK David? This night is for us, not anyone else."

"Agreed, one drink and then we go dancing, just the two of us!”

Shane offered to drive us all to the bar that was just outside the hotel. Sarah stopped me on my tracks and said, "I think it would be better if we took our own car. We're only having one drink then we're going dancing. You promised."

As the two of us walked outside to our car, Shane came running after us and said, "Well I'm having some trouble with my car, David, and if Sarah doesn't mind, we can go there in your car."

Sarah sighed and said, "Get in."

Fifteen minutes we reached the bar. I was surprised to see they had a band and there was dancing going on. I told Sarah, "They have a live band tonight. We can all dance here itself."

Sarah looked at me and said, "I was sure it would just be you and me. I mean isn't that what we talked about earlier?"

I said, "It's OK, Sarah."

Sarah said, "Well, I was sure tonight was our date night. I guess I was wrong."

She seemed pissed off but stayed calm as we went looking for a table. Shane did not accompany us and was chatting with a group at another table. Sarah turned to me and said, "What is this? Are you trying to set me up or something?"

I smiled and said, "Of course not … unless you want to be set up, Sarah."

She said, "David, I was hoping, truly hoping that you and I would have a great evening but you had to destroy it. You had to invite Shane to join us! It's like you're pushing me to him. Why are you doing this to me?"

I didn't answer. Sarah said, "Just when I think we are moving closer together, you do something dumb and wreck it."

"I only want you to be happy! I mean you wanted to dance and we're here so let's dance. What's the problem?"

"The problem is Shane is with us. And I'm sure before the end of the night he'll be hitting on me again. Is that what you want?”

"It's not what I want Sarah, it's what you want. We both know it. Look if you don't want to do it, we'll stop it now and tell him we're leaving."

I excused myself for the men's room. A few seconds later, Shane showed up at the urinal next to me. With his dick hosing out a heavy stream of piss, he said, "David, you've got a very intelligent, lovely looking woman. Sarah is such a sexy lady."

Curiously I had trouble getting started, somewhat intimidated by the presence of Shane near me. "Sarah is beautiful," I managed to say.

Shane pushed it a bit further as we walked out saying, "I'll have to ask her to dance."

I didn't say a thing and we returned to the table and ordered a round of drinks.

Sarah started out on a conversation with me, but Shane cut us short by saying, "David suggested I dance with you and make sure you have a terrific evening. What do you think about that, Sarah?"

Sarah looked anxious and uncertain. "I don't think it's a good idea.”

Shane smiled a large re-assuring smile. "Don't worry about that, I’m sure he won’t mind."

"Do I have a choice in this?" she tentatively asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

"Are those new heels?" Shane asked, suddenly noticing Sarah's new shoes. "You're so kind, to wear them for me."

Sarah flushed. "You think so much of yourself," she said. "I bought them to wear for my husband."

Sarah finally said, "I want to go home."

I looked at her and asked, "With me?"

She said, "Of course with you. You're still my husband."

"Ok," I said rising from the table, "let me fix the bill and we leave."

"It's time for us to talk. You've been avoiding me," I heard Shane say as I moved away.

"No, I haven't," Sarah said unconvincingly.

I stopped on my tracks to see what was happen.

"Did you fantasize about me today?" Shane asked.


"You heard me. Did you think about me while David fucked you? Did you fantasize about me while playing with yourself?" Shane reached over and placed his hand on Sarah's thigh.

Sarah almost jumped as she felt Shane's hand on her leg. "Please, take your hand away ..." she whispered, stifling a moan as Shane caressed her inner thigh.

"... please stop ..." Sarah pleaded as Shane's fingers trailed up her leg and disappeared under her dress.

"Stop!" Sarah gasped in an urgent whisper, covering Shane's hand with hers. "Please," Sarah begged.

Shane stopped but didn't pull his hand away. "I wonder if your husband is going to let me fuck you."

Sarah stared at Shane in horror. "You're crazy, David would never let you have me."

Shane smiled. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Are you sure he didn't already give you to me?"

"Never again," she insisted somewhat weakly, feeling less confident.

"You thought about me today, didn't you? You wore those new shoes for me?"

"No," Sarah said, repeating her earlier denial. "Not you. I wore them for my husband." Sarah abruptly pushed her chair back. "I ... ah ... I have to go to the ladies room," she said, hoping nobody would notice how flushed she looked.

"Sarah, you don't have to feel ashamed or guilty. You and I both know David wanted us to have sex. He wants us to have sex again."

"No, you're wrong. It was a mistake. I don't want it to happen again, and David doesn't either."

Shane laughed. "Sarah, you know that's not true. David wants us to fuck again. He told me when we were in the men's room."

Sarah looked disbelieving. "He did not."

"Are you really surprised? You know David's fantasies."

"I don't believe you," Sarah insisted, but her voice carried little confidence.

Shane sensed Sarah's indecision, and took a step closer. "Your husband wants me to fuck his pretty wife." Shane smiled knowingly, and then brushed his fingers against Sarah's soft cheek.

Sarah pulled her head back, away from Shane's hand.

"We've been as intimate as a man and woman can be."

Sarah reached up and pushed Shane's hand away. "That doesn't mean anything. It makes us two people who made a big mistake."

Shane grinned lecherously. "Big like what?"

"You think so much of yourself," Sarah scorned, but she couldn't prevent her voice from quivering.

"Admit it," Shane said, his lips almost touching Sarah's face. "You want it as much as me."

"No, I don't," Sarah insisted.

Shane saw the longing in Sarah's face and smiled. He abruptly pulled away and Sarah gasped in frustration.

"You can then go back to your husband," he said, a look of amusement on his face.
I am so glad you are continuing this story Anshu. It is so worth it. I really do want to see where these characters are going. The journey in this case is every bit as good as the destination.
Thanks Anshu. I am wondering if David is going to lose Sarah completely to Shane.
Anshu, great story. I'm glad you didn't conclude it. Keep the plot going.

This has to be the most fascinating story I've ever read in my whole life...Very interesting and very erotic. I love the way you developed the character of Sarah throughout the story and made her every man's dream.... I can't get enough of her.
I join all your fans to thank you for this wonderful story and hope you will write more.
Testing my wife’s fidelity – part 2

It was a Saturday afternoon and my wife Sarah and I were shopping in the mall. While she went into a store and was picking things out by herself, I chose to walk around and look at stuffs. At one point I thought I noticed my boss Daniel Walsh entering a store. When I spotted him, I immediately went over to him to greet him.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the office raising sales for the company?" he said when he saw me.

“Yeah ... maybe I should. Actually I am here shopping with my wife”

Just then I saw Sarah coming towards us. She had finished with her shopping and was looking for me.

"Oh ... she is your wife? Glad to meet you," Daniel said, as he stepped up, took her hand, and politely shook it. "

"Sarah, this is Daniel Walsh, my boss."

"Nice to meet you...." Sarah said.

"I don't think we’ve ever met. I just hope he doesn't use too many four letter words when he is talking about me," Daniel replied.

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. I seldom had much to say about Daniel when I got home from work in the evenings.

Daniel Walsh was the boss's son and had moved to InterMedia Chicago from the office in New York. The company decided that it was a good idea to spread their VPs around to different cities so that they could visit customers and help close big deals. When I met him he was friendly but the ladies at InterMedia seemed to think he was great and talked about him all the time, telling me about all the great ideas he had for driving new business, which in the long run would mean more money for the company.

We stood and talked awkwardly for a few minutes and then went on about our business. As we walked away, I said to Sarah, "While we were talking to him, we should have invited him over for dinner."

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Sarah said.

"Why not?" I said.

"Didn't you notice how uncomfortable we all were? I got the feeling that Daniel wants to keep your relationship professional and think of the impression that might leave with the other sales guys if they knew you had invited your boss over for dinner." Sarah said.

As far as I was concerned, over the last couple of months, I had established a working friendship with Daniel. From the outset, Daniel let me run my territory without interference and spent his time working, on his side, to improve our sales in other territories.

Sarah was right though, I might have a difficult time with the distinction between boss and friend if I took further steps to get any close to Daniel.

"Well, all right. We'll forget about inviting him over for dinner then." I said.

It had been 6 months since our vacation at Wild Orchids and our relationship had taken a different. After witnessing Sarah’s encounter with Shane, I knew I was putting her through an ordeal and I told myself that I should stop doing that. I never talked to Sarah about everything I heard and saw, and never brought up the subject with her. With the passing of time, I noticed an improvement in our relationship and did my best to listen to her needs.

A few days after running into Daniel in the mall, I got called into his office.

"It has been brought to my attention that a couple of your customers have complained about the level of service you have been giving them lately," Daniel said.

"What? I have never had a customer complaint before. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I did a follow up with the customers. In both cases the customers said that you have left out items that were supposed to be in the contracts that you sent to them for their signature."

"Daniel, you know that I have never screwed up on a contract before. This has to be a mistake. Who were the customers? I'll talk to them and straighten this out my self," I said.

"It’s fine really, I have already taken care of it. For now, I just want you to let me check over your contracts before you send them out. Don't worry, I have no intention of interfering with the good relationship you have with your customers."

"I don't understand what could have happened and why would they call in a complaint instead of calling me," I said.

"Actually, they did call in to talk to you but you were out of the office. In both cases, they left a message for you. Somehow I think we have to handle the calls as complaints. "

I wanted to argue that with Daniel but I knew there was no point. His mind was made up.

"Thanks, Daniel, I appreciate your support." I finally said.

When I left Daniel's office, I was as angry as I had ever been. I could not believe that any of my customers had complained. I had always prided myself on the rapport I had with my customers. On top of that, Daniel wouldn't tell me which customer complained because he was afraid that it might affect the way I deal with them in the future. The worst thing of all was that now I would have to suffer the humiliation of having Daniel looking over my shoulders.

"Did you have a bad day?" Sarah asked as I walked into the house that evening.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did but how did you know?"

"I could see it in your face as soon as you walked in the door."

I told Sarah what had happened and how Daniel had decided to treat the two customer calls as complaints rather than just let me handle them myself.

"So what happened? How did Daniel handle the complaints?" Sarah asked.

"I told you they weren't actually complaints. Daniel arbitrarily decided to handle them as complaints. He called the customers and took care of the problem," I said. "I still can't believe I made a mistake on those contracts. I proof read them before I mailed them out. Now Daniel wants to proof read my contracts before they go out."

"Isn't it possible that you missed something," Sarah said.

"I guess it's possible that I missed something but I have never made a mistake like that before and now I made two in the same week. I just can't believe it."

"Maybe it's not such a bad idea to have Daniel proof read your contracts," Sarah said.

"Whose side are you on?" I asked.

"I'm on your side, of course. I just think that having Daniel proof read your contracts with you before you send them out isn't such a bad idea."

"I can't believe that you actually think that I need help taking care of my customers after all this time."

"I know you are the best. I am just saying that you should do this, if for no other reason than to just to keep him off your back."

I was disappointed that Sarah didn't seem to be on my side of this issue but I could see the logic in what she said so I didn't argue about it with her. It was obvious that she was able to look at my situation much more objectively than I was.
For the next month I did as Daniel had ordered and had him proof read my contracts with me before I sent them out. Not once did we find a mistake. At the end of the month, I figured everything was back to normal but Daniel called me in for another chat.

"I am now comfortable with the way you run your territory and that any problem you may have had with any of your customers seems to have resolved itself," Daniel said.

"I never thought there was a problem to begin with," I said.

Daniel gave me a look that said he didn't agree with my assessment. "What I am saying is you no longer need me to proof read your contracts but I want you to keep me involved in any new contracts you are working on."

"Can I ask why?"

"I think we need to have better control of our business. I want to be involved in every significant contract to make sure we are doing the right things for our customers."

"Why am I being singled out?" I asked.

"You're not. I will be doing this with all of the sales guys. Don't worry about this. It's no big deal. It won't interfere with what you do; it's just more work for me," Daniel said.

Once again Sarah recognized that I was upset when I got home and I had to tell her what was going on and how much it pissed me off.

"Honey, you know it's just the way things turn out sometimes. Don't get mad because I feel Daniel is just trying to help you," Sarah said.

Sarah was right, of course, but it still annoyed me that she didn't show more support for me. I was angry and I expected that she simply agree with me that what Daniel was doing was an insult to me and he should just back off.

It took almost two months before I started to see the problem. We were at party at a friend's place and it was getting late. I poured myself another drink, silently hoping the party would end soon. I enjoyed these parties, but tonight I was feeling tired and wanted to go home.

I looked across the crowded room and saw Sarah talking to one to her friends, Tracy. I was pretty sure Tracy hated Sarah. It always amazed him how catty women could be. The fact that Tracy’s husband always paid so much attention to Sarah didn't help things.

I walked around some more and saw that the crowd had thinned. "Maybe we can cut out and go," I thought, and went looking for Sarah. She was still talking to her Tracy. Their backs were to me, and they hadn't noticed me. I was about to say something and then froze. What had Tracy just said? I stepped back into the shadows, and listened.

"Sarah, you're definitely in awe of this guy," Tracy said as she playfully nudged Sarah's side.

"What? Of course I'm not, " Sarah replied.

I peaked around the corner to see who they were talking about. There was nobody.

"Anyway I don't think David likes him," she added.

"I don't blame him. I'd be mad too if my wife fancied the guy I worked for."

Sarah looked shocked. "I don't fancy Daniel!"

Tracy looked unconvinced. "Even gorgeous guys like Daniel? Come on, admit it, you're hot for him."

"Tracy, you're crazy. I'm married. I only said Daniel is good looking, this doesn't mean I have crushes on other men." Sarah scowled at her friend, and then laughed too.

I was surprised by these revelations. I never guessed my wife found my boss attractive. That night, when we went home, I recalled our meeting with Daniel at the mall and how Sarah had convinced me not to invite him for dinner. Women can really be hard to fathom at times, I concluded.

The following day I forgot about all this as a serious problem cropped up at work. One of my customers called to complain about some missing tasks in the contract I had negotiated with them. They asked me what I was trying to pull on them. I had to rewrite their contracts to include the missing tasks. I was confused as I was sure I had written the contract properly.

I later discussed the problem with Daniel.

"This is not good,' he said. "We have to keep the board from finding out about these mistakes or you'll be in serious trouble. I will keep quiet over this one, but promise me you will work out a solution. You have been doing this long enough that you don't need me to read your contracts before they get sent out but you have to make sure they go out right or it will be both of our asses. Besides, I wouldn't know if something was left out unless I was with you when you met with the customer to negotiate the contract."

Daniel seemed to be on my side but it didn't make me feel better.

That evening I discussed this new problem with my contracts and the conversation I had with Daniel with Sarah.

"How can you be so certain that you didn't make a mistake?" she asked.

What was I missing? Was Sarah beginning to think that I wasn't as competent at my job as she used to think I was? That was the impression I was getting from her.

"I don't know what's going on but I think someone is trying to make me look bad," I said.

"You can't be serious," Sarah said. "You just said that you mail the contracts as soon as you are done with them. No one has access to your contracts once your finish with them. If someone could get to the contract, who would want to do that to you? Who could possibly benefit by making you look bad?"

I thought about what Sarah said and realized I really had no answers.

"I guess you're right. Maybe I did make a mistake," I said but I didn't for a moment believe that.

"So what if you made a mistake," she said, "everyone does. Now that you know what happened you can take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe you could ask Daniel to start proof reading your contracts with you again."

"No, I still don't believe I made any mistake," I said. "Someone is out to ruin me."

"Do you have any idea how paranoid that sounds?" Sarah asked. "I am beginning to think that you are just stressed out. Maybe all you need is a vacation."

"I am getting stressed out but that is not what is causing these problems," I said.

"I think you need some professional help, honey," Sarah said. "I am really beginning to worry about you."

"I am beginning to worry about us," I said. "Not once since this started have you taken my side."

"That's nonsense. Of course I am on your side. I just wanted to help you."

That was the end of the conversation for that night. Sarah went off to bed and I retired to the family room with a large glass of scotch. I wasn't sure if it was my ego but I just couldn't accept that my wife having doubts over my abilities. I recalled her conversation with Tracy, how she confessed finding Daniel good looking. Now she was taking his sides too.
Sloppy at work? Maybe, sloppy seconds will help.;)
The following day, when I walked into the building, the receptionist told me. "David, Daniel is waiting for you in the office. I think he has a visitor." I thanked her and hurried to the huge office.

Daniel was there with a guy and a woman. The guy was M. Bradshaw who was one of my clients. They all got up to greet me.

"David, I got a call from Mr Bradshaw, the CEO at Bradshaw Products. I have been working over this project personally for the last 2 months. He came here with his wife, Kathlyn. Apparently they are interested in partnering with our company for a major assignment."

I wondered the possible reasons for this meeting. I have been talking to M.Bradshaw every month for more than a year. Over that time, M. Bradshaw and I had become friends and I had managed to sort of get my foot in the door. I wondered how Daniel has managed to get him to sign on the lines.

"David, good to see you again," M. Bradshaw said.
"Hi, nice meeting you," I said. "I guess I should congratulate you on your contract with Daniel."
"Hi, I'm Kathlyn," Mrs Bradshaw said.

She was dressed in a sleeveless white blouse that was tucked into a short black skirt, and it was difficult not to stare at the tremendous amount of thigh she was showing. She had sparkling eyes, a cute little nose, and wire frame glasses that only complemented her attractive face.

"Have you been working with Daniel for very long?" she asked

"A couple of months", I replied.

"Good, I'll leave you guys to finalize the technicalities. I'll just join Daniel in his office to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I am sure you understand," she said as she headed to the door. I found myself staring at her narrow hips as she walked away.

Daniel took me aside and said, "I hope you realize that there are a lot of companies they could have gotten these services from. He chose us, so don't let us down. Make sure M. Bradshaw gets what he needs, while I do the same with his lovely wife."

Hereupon Daniel followed Kathlyn out of the room, leaving me with M. Bradshaw.

"I have always liked you, David," he said. "I always felt that I could trust you and have never regretted dealing with you."

"Thanks a lot for your trust, M. Bradshaw."

"Actually we are about to announce the acquisition of two other companies that will at least triple the size of Bradshaw Products. My wife Kathlyn met with your boss last month in New York and was impressed by his capabilities. Kathlyn suggested we use a single source for all of our services and wanted to give you the first opportunity to put together a proposal for 5 years."

"Five years?" I could feel my heart rate increasing as I considered how much this contract would be worth.

I spent another hour with M. Bradshaw discussing the scope of the services he wanted our company to provide. Before I left we set up a schedule of weekly telephone calls to update him on the progress I was making.

On Friday, I managed to close one to the three cases I was working on and I was close to closing another. That night I stopped after work to have a drink with Edward Benson, to celebrate closing. We had a couple of beers and talked about work. Obviously the conversation was about the major deal we were signing with Bradshaw products. At some point, Edward asked about the lady. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Mrs. Bradshaw.

"I know you worked a lot on this but there is something you need to know," Edward said.

"There is nothing you can say that would be any more upsetting than what I have already been through," I said.

"Okay then, I heard we got the contract because Daniel is nailing his wife who is said to be a real bombshell," Edward said.

"How do you know that?” I said.

"You know I accompanied them to one of the meetings. Daniel asked me what I thought over this offer. I didn't want to act too anxious so I said that it was definitely interesting but still wasn't sure if it would be worth it. Daniel then asked me what I thought about Mrs Bradshaw. I said I hadn't got time to think about her, so I could not really say. He also asked if it would be worth it for the pleasure of working with Mr Bradshaw's beautiful wife. At that point I could not make out if he was serious or just pulling my legs. I got the feeling that he wanted to accept their offer for more reasons than to sign the contract. "

"That son of a bitch," I said. "Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"He is one sleazy bastard. I still wonder how he would get a married woman agree to sign a contract with him just for the pleasure of giving herself to him."

Sitting across him everyday in the executive boardroom, it was easy to see why Daniel was so popular with the office females: he was in very good shape and his face was pleasant, and he had an air of confidence and a strong dominant personality that really turned women on. Despite his situation as an eminently dateable guy within the company, he had wisely avoided the overt romantic advances of every woman at the office, though this only served to pique even greater interest and make him all the more desirable to them.

As a senior guy at the firm, I tried my best to avoid office gossip. Yet, from time to time, rumors persisted that Daniel was seriously 'packing'; something the women all seem to agree was simply too good to be true, given his looks, personality, and the amount of sex appeal he had to spare.

Now the story that Edward has told me about him and Kathlyn left me puzzled.
I remember a situation with one of the girls in the team. It was a few weeks back when Emily literally jumped up in the middle of a meeting and disappeared into the corridor, saying loudly that she was going to print out a document. Then, only a minute later, Daniel mumbled something and dashed off after her. It was all so sudden that the atmosphere was broken and the rest of the team sat there in stolid silence.

The hands on the clock crept slowly round, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen, twenty minutes. At this point someone glared at me and demanded, "Well, are we going to conclude this meeting or not?"

My mind was in a mess. As the length of their absence had grown, I had grown more and more uneasy. Luckily I was saved from taking action because at that moment, Daniel walked in followed by Emily carrying some print outs about a survey carried out by our company. I had completely forgotten about this incident until now when Edward made mention of his suspicions regarding Daniel and Miss Bradshaw.

Later that night, I told Sarah about the meeting with Daniel and M. Bradshaw and the contract signed, and she again asked me if I was ready to consider asking for help. I was so pissed I didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. Later, she apologized to me.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings; it is just that there doesn't seem to be any logical explanation for the problems you are having," she said.

I chose not to tell her that I heard we got the contract because Daniel was sleeping with Mrs Bradshaw.

"Anyway, why don't you forget about work now?"

That sounded like a very good suggestion. Sarah and I took our drinks into the family room and sat on the sofa.

"You have been down and grumpy for the last couple of weeks so this contract is a welcome change," Sarah said.

"Sorry, I was frustrated because I feel I missed out on this proposal that could turn out to be very big," I said.

"You were not the only one, Daniel did put effort on this on it, right?"

I snapped my head around and gave Sarah a stern look. "No."

"Don't you think that the client would not have signed if he did not intervene at some stage?"

"I am completely capable of doing my job without outside interference" I said.

"It is not outside interference. It still is your deal. I just thought that after the recent problems you have had that it was not a bad idea to get some help," Sarah said.

The problems I was having at work were a real pain but the fact that those problems were affecting Sarah's confidence in me is what really hurts.

"I don't need or want any help from Daniel or anyone else," I said. "So let's just drop this, okay?"

To celebrate winning the deal with Bradshaw Products, Daniel informed us that he was inviting all employees of InterMedia to a party at his house. Because there had been too many restrictions the year before on our company party, it had been decided to have it at a private house, that way it wasn't technically anything to do with the firm. It was up to each employee to decide if they wanted to bring their partner. Even though we had been married for a few years, Sarah had never before been to any of our company party or socialized with any of my coworkers.

On Tuesday evening, I arrived at Daniel's apartment, drove and parked my car.
With Sarah by my side, we walked up the steps and approached the door just as Daniel was coming out. He greeted me with a big smile, "Hey David, glad you could make it,"

"Hi Daniel!" I said, steeping forward to introduce him to my wife. "This is Sarah, I believe you’ve met before."

"Glad to see you again," Daniel said as he took her hand and politely shook it.

"Oh, thank you," Sarah answered.

"Sarah, we'll have to talk later," Daniel said, leading us inside. "I'd like to get to know you better."

I did not appreciate his choice of words, but Sarah didn't seem to notice it.

"Looking forward to it," she accepted graciously.
“Since I have a few minutes to spare, let me show you around,” Daniel said when we were inside.

Even from the doorway, I had become so aware of a subtle, exotic fragrance that permeated the entire condo. I had heard of the term “a captivating fragrance” well that was exactly what this was. It was a pleasant scent throughout the condo and it grew even more obvious as we entered his house.

We strolled around stopping at various items as Daniel gave us interesting antidotes about how he acquired some of the more unusual things. He had a way of telling enough to keep the listener very interested and yet holding back enough to peak one’s curiosity. Many of his decorative items were foreign things found on his trips abroad. It was obvious that Daniel was a man of wealth. His decorations, art work, and collectables exuded money.

It was on three levels with long halls and a good many rooms on each level. The third level was dominated by a large bar area. It looked like a very high end sports bar, complete with a high definition wide panel television over the bar. What an attractive interesting room. Daniel indicated that his work required a good bit of entertainment so the bar area was used a good bit.

When we took our leave from him, I couldn’t help realizing that previously I had been impressed with his business approach, now I was equally fascinated with the man and his lifestyle.

Sarah and I then walked over to the bar to pour ourselves a fruit drink. I greeted several of my coworkers along the way; remembering to introduce Sarah each time. We finished our drink and then made our way through the crowd of people. The party was pretty tame as these things go. There were forty-three people in attendance counting employees, spouses and significant others. We had drinks and appetizers and then dinner. After dinner, there were more music and dancing. We were all having a good time in spite of the low key party going on around us.

Later, in the middle of the evening, I had gone to the men's room and when I returned I found Daniel talking to Sarah. I got pissed off when I saw that. I knew that I could trust Sarah but I didn't like the idea that Daniel might hit on my wife. It showed a lack of respect for me.

I didn't say anything as I was not sure I could tell my boss to stay away from my wife but and make a scene. After all, nothing had really happened. They were just talking. I thought that night when we got home I was going to have a talk with Sarah about Daniel. I had never told her about Daniel or his attraction to women. The problem was that I could not think of any way to bring that up in conversation without making it sound like I didn't trust Sarah.

When I went back into the house I tried to appear normal and look as though I had just arrived back. My wife did a good job of pretending to be tired from too much dancing. For many reasons I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there and go home. My wife's goodnight kisses to the other guests included the two men. I felt a shiver watching her, and, strangely enough my cock began to grow.

The situation took a different turn the following day at breakfast. "Daniel sure was a lot different than what I expected," Sarah commented from across the table. "I mean at the party, he just seemed a lot nicer than what you made him out to be."


"Yes. Daniel Walsh."

"Since when are you on a first name basis with my boss?" I asked.

"We are on pretty informal terms," she responded, jokingly.

I was a bit irate about her discussing our personal matters with Daniel. "He just seemed nice at the party," I spoke between mouthfuls of pancakes. "I promise you would feel a lot different if you had to work for him."

"Maybe," she agreed with a smile.

"I just think you would have a different opinion of the guy if you really did have to work for him."

"But since you are the one working for him, we'll never know how he would behave with me if I was working with him."

An erotic thought formed in my own mind. I thought of Sarah working for Daniel, and then wondered if he would ask for any sexual favor if he was her boss. Ever since the situation with Shane, I had stopped entertaining these types of ideas, so I shook the thought away and decided to pull Daniel down a notch.

"All in all, he hardly brings anything new to the company.”

"The women seemed quite fond of him, you know," she shrugged her shoulders.

I couldn't believe she was still talking about him! I wish she would drop the subject. I didn't know what to say and shifted my attention to the breakfast. It didn't take Sarah long to notice something was wrong.

"What's the matter, David?" Sarah asked.

"Something is bothering me but I am afraid that it will come out wrong and I don't want to upset you."

Sarah suddenly looked tense. "What's wrong, David?"

"I guess I'll just say what's on my mind and we can discuss it until I can clear up any misconceptions. It's about Daniel."

The expression on Sarah's face changed.

"What about Daniel?" she asked.

"I don't know if you know this about him but he has a reputation as a ladies' man."

Sarah laughed. "I know. I've heard all the stories about him at the party.”

"Sarah. This is not funny to me," I said.

"You can't possibly think I have any interest in Daniel," Sarah said with a tinge of anger in her voice.

"No. I am not worried about you. I trust you."

"So what you are saying is that you don't want me to talk to Daniel anymore, is that it?" Sarah asked.

"If you wouldn't mind," I said.

"Well, I would mind. I think he's charming and I enjoyed talking to him. I don't understand what you are worried about. I don't like it when you act this way."

I wasn't happy with her response but I didn't push it any farther. She hadn't done anything wrong and my reaction was probably out of line.

I was worried that Sarah was really pissed at me but when I tried to discuss it further with her, she cut me off.

"I will let you know if he does anything that starts bothering me," she said.

The way she said it let me know that the conversation was over. I was a little upset with her unwillingness to even discuss further but I let it go.
do you have the right to tell your wife whom she can speak to. even if he is your boss if she finds him to be nice do not question her about a silly convo she had with.personally i would love my wife to fuck my boss but then again i am into humiliation. my wife does allow me to have a no vote one anyone she is going to fuck. i can not say that i can stop her from talking to someone though. if you push her to stop talking to your boss she just might fuck him to show you who is boss, or is that whay you really what

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