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cuckold dominated by ex-wife,master and mother

  • Thread starterslave 45
  • Start date
Thanks for everyones input.In answer to your question mennocop1 Sheila is going through a divorce at the moment and hubby has been moved out.She has started seeing someone else and from what i can gather she can't get enough of him.I think i mentioned in a previous post that whoever is fucking her is a lucky guy.She is quite posh,great figure and always dresses well.So at the minute i think she is quite happy with him and helping my mum dominate me,yours slave 45
Thanks Derposi for your input.I have thanked my master for fucking both my mum and my ex.It is humiliating enough seeing your wife-or ex wife-looking down on you while you thank her lover for fucking her.But it is far more intense when seeing your own mum watching you as you thank the man responsible for fucking her.My mum told me soon afterwards that watching me thank him was amazing and she insists i do it everytime now.
I will go into more detail as i need to post new updates and that will cover your other questions,many thanks slave 45
Slave 45,

I haven't commented on your posts for a while so I'll rewind time, so to speak, and comment on your last post giving details of your life and times (this one).

slave 45 said:
.... One of my master's relations is recovering from an operation, so he and my ex have gone to stay with him for the weekend to help out. My mum invited Sheila over for dinner [at her place], and i was required to serve them. This time i was told to wear my maids uniform, along with my high heels. When Sheila first saw me in the uniform her comment to my mum was, "Doesn't she look lovely."

Very good. You dressed as instructed by your boss-mother and successfully impressed her friend Ms. Sheila, thereby increasing her pride in you.

slave 45 said:
While dinner was cooking Sheila asked me how my ongoing punishment was going (writing lines), a punishment she had suggested for me. I told her it was painstaking and could be soul destroying as my mum would normally find fault in at least half of the pages and rip them up in front of me. (She then doubles the amount that were not good enough to be written again.) Her one word response was, "Excellent."

Hm... it sounds like Ms. Sheila is something of a dominatrix (including, evidently, something of a sadist). Would you agree?

slave 45 said:
As they sat at the table to eat, i was made to sit under the table and eat [my dinner] from my bowl. During the dinner my mum told Sheila about my humiliation at the hands of my master. Sheila repeated what my mum had often said to me, that I deserved everything i got for being such a wimp. She also added (and i freely admit this turned me on) that if i was prepared to be treated like a slave, then they should do so and degrade me in every way possible.

Evidently that's what you want, so it sounds like your dreams will continue to be fulfilled...

slave 45 said:
Sheila also asked my mum how it had been with [i.e., fucking] my master.

This, of course, is a subject your boss-mother's friend... perhaps more than one friend... would be strongly interested in discussing with her.

slave 45 said:
There was a slight pause before [my boss mother] answered that he was amazing [in bed], and she could now see why he had taken my wife from me.

Perhaps your boss-mother should have commented that "she could now see why your former wife, now your mistress and co-owner, had left you for her lover, now your master."

slave 45 said:
Now, i've been present while [my boss-mother and fucked and have been totally humiliated by them, but hearing my mum say: "Sheila,i can't get enough of his cock. i have never had orgasms like that..." shocked me.

It's hard to realize one's mother is a strongly sexual woman, like other women (perhaps more so, in your case).

slave 45 said:
After dinner i served them tea and was used as a footstool. During their chat sheila asked my mum when i was next due a whipping. My mum asked her why and she said, 'can i?' My mum laughed and told me to fetch the riding crop. I was made to bend over the settee, Sheila then raised my dress and proceeded to give me a severe thrashing. .... My mum remained silent but had a huge smile on her face as the whipping continued. When it was over — and it was agony — i was told to kiss Sheila's feet and thank her,which i did.

Well, well... this confirms that Ms. Sheila, like your boss-mother, is something of a dominatrix with sadistic tendencies, all of which she hides, no doubt, in her daily life...

[I was going to make a suggestion, but I must break this off and leave now since a woman friend called me. More later.]

Slave 45,

This is a continuation of my previous post.

slave 45 said:
My mum remained silent but had a huge smile on her face as my whipping continued. When it was over — and it was agony — i was told to kiss Ms. Sheila's feet and thank her, which i did.

As was proper and appropriate. You again increased your boss-mother’s pride in you by obeying her orders and kissing her friend Ms. Sheila’s feet, as well as thanking Ms. Sheila for your painful whipping.

slave 45 said:
I thought it was over, but my mum said to Sheila there was something my ex did which made me truly squirm. i was knelt in front of my mum and sheila went to her side so she too was looking right at me.My mum began slapping my face. I have said before how much i really hate this, as there is no hiding place. One has to look one’s tormentor right in the eyes. And yes, it does make me squirm. This went on for about 5 minutes. Believe me, that was long enough. By the end there were tears on my cheeks but big grins on their faces.

I must agree that sounds somewhere short of pleasurable. One wonders whether your boss-mother is sublimating her disappointment in you not being a “real man” by delighting in your servitude and your acceptance of her humiliating punishments of you, now with full participation by her friend Ms. Sheila. (Ms. Sheila’s delighted smile during your face slapping was, of course, obvious further evidence of her “dominatrix with sadistic tendencies” nature.)

slave 45 said:
When it was over, i thanked my mum and requested that i call her ma'am. (Thank you for the idea, Custer).

You’re welcome. “Ma’am” is a good choice. It’s the female equivalent of “sir,” as well as being a contraction of “madam” (obviously), and is succinct.

slave 45 said:
She laughed at me, but Ms. Sheila said it was a great idea. Without waiting for an answer, i thanked her again and called her ma'am.

Excellent. Your boss-mother received enthusiastic peer support from her friend, causing your totally-appropriate request to be instantly accepted.

slave 45 said:
The rest of the afternoon i knelt at their feet. The only other incident was Ms. Sheila asking to see my chastity device again.

Kneeling before them as you awaited further instructions was completely proper. (I hope you looked down at their shoes, and did not speak unless spoken to.)

Ms. Sheila is obviously fascinated by you being kept sexually frustrated in your locked chastity device, as all of your boss-mother’s other woman friends would be, I’m sure, if they knew. One wonders if this suggests what the future will bring for Ms. Sheila’s man, whom you mentioned in a more recent post…

slave 45 said:
Ms. Sheila wasted no time in taunting me about it, and telling my boss-mother to make sure i am kept frustrated. My boss-mother said i would be, and the next time i get released it will be in a humiliating way.

Ah… even further evidence of Ms. Sheila’s sadistic tendencies, supported by your boss-mother.

slave 45 said:
When Ms. Sheila left i of course kissed her boots, then pressed my lips to her arse and thanked her.

As you should have. You’re developing well as your boss-mother’s slave…

slave 45 said:
After tidying up and preparing to say goodbye to my boss-mother, i took Custer's other suggestion and crawled out of the room backwards keeping my head down. She loved this and told me i was learning fast. (Thank you, Custer.) …. —Slave 45

You’re welcome. I was quite sure your boss-mother, like any mother, would appreciate your progressive mastery of the correct protocols and nuances, as her son, of also being her subservient slave.

In a more recent post, you mentioned Ms. Sheila has a man. If so, she should accustom herself to taking lovers and otherwise accepting affection from men other than her (potential) future husband or LTR partner. But, of course, as your boss-mother’s slave, it would be inappropriate for you to enquire of your boss-mother whether she would consider it proper to enquire, in turn, of Ms. Sheila whether she would like you to be of sexual service. Indeed, I imagine that would earn you a whipping.

There may, however, be a way this possibility could be presented that your boss-mother and Ms. Sheila would consider appropriate. It would be for you to enquire, while kneeling before your boss-mother and looking down at her feet (at a time when Ms. Sheila is not present), whether she would consider it proper for you to more fully-express your respect for Ms. Sheila by becoming her asskisser.

You might then go on to suggest that after your boss-mother and/or Ms. Sheila have finished whipping and perhaps also face-slapping you, and after you have finished kissing their feet and thanking them for your punishment, you could respond to Ms. Sheila’s state of sexual turn-on (it seems obvious she is turned on by your whippings) by honoring her with a full ass kissing. That is, Ms. Sheila could kneel on your boss-mother’s couch with her crossed arms resting comfortably on the couch back, and you… on your knees, of course… could respectfully slide up her skirt, then slide down her panties, then nuzzle your face between the cheeks of her ass, then warmly kiss her anus with your lips while sensuously giving her analingus with your tongue. You should, of course, continue this for as long as Ms. Sheila wishes — i.e., until she says “that’s sufficient, Slave 45” (or words to that effect).

If you present your proposal in this way (should you decide to do so), your boss-mother might see it as an opportunity to satisfy the sexual cravings Ms. Sheila feels during and after your whippings and face-slappings (which I’m sure your boss-mother senses), while also seeing it as a way to further her own humiliation of you. In other words, instead of sternly giving you a whipping your boss-mother might see it as a good idea.

Hi Custer,nice to hear from you again and thankyou for your thoughts and observations.Let me try and answer or address them for you.My mum has known Sheila since i was a baby and they are very close.Untill Sheila became involved in dominating me i cannot say i had ever seen much evidence of her being a dominatrix.Not being privy to her personal life i suppose that's not surprising.I do recall years ago my mum saying that Sheila wore the trousers in her house(i.e.she was the boss)My mum of course will know a lot more than me and i will ask her as i am now intrigued as to her history.
i think you are correct that my mum dominating me/humiliating me is a direct response to her feelings of anger and shame on discovering i was a willing cuckold (and more).At first i think it was to shock me out of my lifestyle but there is no doubt she is now really enjoying it.With the added bonus of now receiving my masters' cock whenever she wants.
I will address your other points in a new post.i have had lots of trouble posting and would rather keep them short just in case i have to retype the entire thing.Many thanks.slave 45
Hi Custer,i would like to continue with your observations.You say it is hard to realise ones' mum as a strongly sexual woman,you are spot on.Since my Dad passed away several years ago my mum had no other partner (and showed no interest in getting one)untill she became involved with my master.She never really dressed what you would call in a sexy manner,just very plain clothes etc.Now she has 2 leather skirts,leather trousers,a couple of pairs of high heels and a gorgeous full length rubber skirt.But the real eye opener is the way she is with my master.Being present while he has fucked her to orgasm is shaming,humiliating and exhilirating.The fact she is now so open about it when chatting is also something that gives me the same feelings.
Your idea of being used sexually by Sheila is mindblowing.I would love nothing more.When i first thought about it i dismissed the idea,she would never do it plus the repercussions.But the more i think about it the more thrilled i get at just the thought of asking.There are many possible outcomes if i do ask her and i will have to think carefully.i will let you know.
I don't know how things will go with Sheilas new guy but i know at the moment she is loving the attention she is getting.It hadn't occured to me untill you mentioned about her taking lovers that technically she is cuckolding her hubby.Although they are not living together the divorce is yet to go through.And i know from her chats to my mum that hubby wants her back.I haven't heard her say much about her hubby only saying that he was heartbroken when my mum asked her how he was coping.for the record they both gave a little giggle after she had said this.
Thanks again Custer,i will post updates as there are a couple of things i need to tell you all about.slave 45
Hi,i would like to post a couple of updates.The first concerns last weekend in november.My mum was invited over on the Saturday and the four of us dined out.Although it meant a break in my maid duties i was still kept in place.I drove so they could all have a drink,walked behind them at all times,took off their coats when sitting down and not allowed to talk unless told to do so.During the 2-3 hours we were out i was only allowed to speak twice.It may not sound too big a deal but i can assure you it makes you feel very,very awkward when not being allowed to join in with the conversation.
On returning home i was told by my ex to strip naked and serve coffee.Less than an hour later they were all ready for bed.i was told to report upstairs after tidying the lounge and kitchen.When i entered the bedroom (on all fours)my mum was putting on her silk robe.My master and ex were naked and my ex told me it had been too long since i had been whipped.I was bent over the bed,my mum and ex stood either side of me.My master picked up a riding crop while my ex held a cane.My master gave the crop to my mum and told her not to hold back.My mum swiped first followed by my ex.This pattern continued untill i was writhing in agony.My mum really made her last few swipes hard and i was close to tears when they stopped.
My ex then gave the blindfold to my mum who tied it around my head.My mum then pushed me onto the floor so i was facedown and told me not to move.What followed was exquisite humiliation as again i heard my master bring my ex to orgasm.There was quiet for a few minutes then i heard my mum say she was going on top.Her next words were almost too much.
' I'm going to ride that gorgeous cock of yours.'
The next thing she said was obviously to my ex.'No wonder you left him (me).i would do anything for this'
The urge to tear the blindfold off was unbearable but i lay as still as possible.It wasn't too long before i heard my mum let out a shuddering gasp as she orgasmed over his cock.She let out a few more loud sighs before i heard her say thankyou to my master.He then gave almost a roar as he came.before i had time to take this in my ex barked at me,telling me to crawl into my room.i went to remove the blindfold but was told to keep it on for the night.
I will finish off describing the rest of my mums stay in new post,slave 45
I would just like to finish describing the rest of my mums' stay.I did as told and crawled to my room and going to bed,keeping the blindfold on.I am not sure why my ex demanded this but any little thing she can do to torment me she will.Now of course i cannot wank and sleep was difficult.About half an hour after going to bed i heard my door open.I could hear whoever it was walk to my bed and they then sat down on it,i actually had to move over slightly to make room.I felt fingers stroking my head and then heard my mums' voice.i could now feel the sleeve of her robe as she stroked my hair.
She asked me how her slave was.I answered i was okay not forgetting to call her ma'am.She then asked me how i had felt,laying there while he had them both.I told her truthfully it was still a massive humiliation,shaming and at times had reduced me to jelly.She asked me to explain and i told her at times i was physically shaking like a jelly while it was going on.She gave a little laugh and again told me what she had said many times before.I had allowed myself to be dominated and was getting what i totally deserved.I agreed with her and then asked her wether she would remove my blindfold.Her 'no' was emphatic and i apologised for asking.without saying another word she got up and left.
The next morning my ex shouted through my door to get into their room.I crawled in and was told to remove the blindfold.the sudden light on my eyes was dazzling but i saw my ex stood by the bed.My mum was sat on the bed tying on her robe.My master i could hear in the shower.To keep it short my ex was livid that i had asked my mum to remove the blindfold,i had put my mum in an awkward position was her reasoning.Without waiting i crawled to my mum and begged her forgiveness.My ex shouted that wasn't enough.She picked up the cane,as she did my mum stood up and took it while my ex now sat on the bed.My ex pulled my head into her lap and held it tight.now my arse was tender from the beating the night before but my mum delivered 8 hard whacks to it.They were slightly lower down than the ones delivered earlier but the pain was intense.I had to thank my mum when finished and again begged her for forgiveness.i was still begging when my master came in 5 minutes later.
The rest of the day was spent serving them untill my mum left late afternoon.I will post another update from last week,Slave 45
Having watched my own mom years ago (different circumstances), I know exactly how strangely erotic it is to bear witness to her sexuality.
Slave 45,

Regarding my suggestion:

Custer Laststand said:
.... As your boss-mother’s slave, it would be inappropriate for you to enquire of your boss-mother whether she would consider it proper to enquire, in turn, of Ms. Sheila whether she would like you to be of sexual service. Indeed, I imagine that would earn you a whipping.

There may, however, be a way this possibility could be presented that your boss-mother and Ms. Sheila would consider appropriate. It would be for you to enquire, while kneeling before your boss-mother and looking down at her feet (at a time when Ms. Sheila is not present), whether she would consider it proper for you to more fully-express your respect for Ms. Sheila by becoming her asskisser.

and regarding your reply:

slave 45 said:
.... Your idea [Custer] of [me] being used sexually by Sheila is mindblowing. I would love nothing more. .... The more i think about it, the more thrilled i get at the mere thought of asking.

Very good. It's completely proper and appropriate for you, as your boss-mother's submissive son-slave, to be erotically excited by the thought of becoming her friend Ms. Sheila's ass-kisser and servicing her fully-nude anus. From your boss-mother's point of view, expressing your respect for her friends in this way is certainly among the duties she should expect of you.

slave 45 said:
There are many possible outcomes if i do ask [my boss-mother], so i will have to think carefully about it.



slave 45 said:
It hadn't occured to me untill you mentioned [Ms. Sheila becoming accustomed to] taking lovers that technically, she is cuckolding her husband. Although they are not living together, the divorce has not yet gone through.

I agree. Ms. Sheila is, in fact, cuckolding her husband (but not just "technically").

slave 45 said:
I know from Ms. Sheila's chats with my boss-mother that her husband wants her back. I have not heard her say much about [her husband, but she replied] that he was heartbroken when my boss-mother asked how he was coping. For the record, both [my boss-mother and Ms. Sheila] giggled after [Ms. Sheila] said that.

This is an important observation. It implies your boss-mother and Ms. Sheila both have cuckoldress personalities, in the sense that they both derive feelings of pleasure from Ms. Sheila inflicting emotional pain on her estranged husband. That, in turn, suggests both will be secretly (perhaps not so secretly) titillated and turned on by the possibility of you providing sexual pleasure of a submissive nature to Ms. Sheila, while she has a steady lover and is also still married to her apparently-anguished cuckold husband. In addition, this would provide your boss-mother with the voyeuristic pleasure of watching.

Perhaps when you suggest your proposal to your boss-mother, it will be best-received if first, while kneeling before her and looking down at her shoes, you respectfully ask her if you may make a suggestion. (Presumably she will say "Yes, sweetheart" or something to that effect.) Assuming she does, then bow down and respectfully remove her shoes and begin kissing and licking her bare feet, which will be more sensuous than kissing her shoes. Then, in between foot kisses and licks, suggest that if it pleases her, you could express increased respect for Ms. Sheila by fully kissing her ass after the two of them have caned you, and after you have kissed her [your boss-mother's] feet, then Ms. Sheila's feet, and thanked them both. That is (continue to talk between your foot-kisses and licks), [express more specifically what you mean, if that seems desirable]. Then... if your boss-mother seems slightly taken-aback, and does not reply immediately... continue to kiss and lick her feet sensuously while she thinks about your suggestion.

The worst that can happen (I'll speculate) will be that your boss-mother will declare your proposal outrageous, and cane you severely. Or, she will arrange another visit from Ms. Sheila and both of them will cane you severely. But, you've withstood many severe canings and, if you're willing to bear the cost of additional welts, the thought will be planted in both of their minds (because your boss-mother will be unable to resist talking about your proposal with Ms. Sheila). It will gradually grow on them, and sooner or later (I'll guess), they will agree to order you to do it. If so, voila! You will become Ms. Sheila's ass-kisser, thus enhancing your submissive son-slave status.

Kind Of The Same But Different

My dad was in the military and died when I was three, so it was just Mother and my older twin sisters. When I was 13 I got caught masturbating and was punished severely in front of my sisters. They told the girl who was the center of my affections and she then used that to get me to do just about anything she wanted all through high school. About a week before we were to be married she introduced me to her lover and he made me suck him before he had sex with Debbie. Mother was in attendance and it was then that I found out that my dad was also a cuckold. Mother was guiding Debbie in all that she did. They had sex then but I had to wait outside the bedroom in the living room. I could hear them and when they were done Todd came out and made me suck him until he came. After that most of the time Debbie would go to Todd's apartment to have sex with him. Mother was involved in our lives until she became so old that she didn't care to anymore. So actually I was married to Debbie, but also kind of like to my Mother as well. She controlled so much of our lives. She even paid Todd to go on our honeymoon with Debbie. Mother and I went to Colorado.

Strange how our lives work out.
The more things change they stay the same!

Have you ever thought about the phrase "There Can Be Only One", its always been around but the Movie Highlander made it popular. It is true, and how does it relate to family cuckoldry, well there can only be one boss. I do not want to put all cuckolds in one pot, but a male that is dominated by his mother first then his wife is very likely going to be a cuckold. Boys tend to think their mothers can do no wrong and select, or is it selected, by women just like dear old Mom. Lets see, Mom was always the best dressed, and dressed to show off her attributes, the sons, we loved "your mom is hot" man she looks good and that was echoed by their dads.

You know what the wimp cuckold really wants?


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Thanks Custer for your thoughts,i too have thought this through and agree with your ideas about what the outcome wil be.Sheila is visiting tomorrow evening and i have decided to ask about worshipping her arse.Just the thought of asking is thrilling enough to outweigh any thoughts about being rebuffed and/or punished.i still need to post update about her last visit which i will do after this.
Thanks for sharing your experience Subjaye.I of course know how you feel.Being cuckolded is one thing but having your mother involved takes it to a whole new dimension.What was your mothers' reaction to you being a cuckold? did she humiliate you and carry on punishing you as you got older?I hope you don't mind me asking but i am intrigued. Slave 45
Sorry for delay in this update,have been so busy.It concerns Sheilas' last visit,a few days after my mums' stay over.This time my mum told me to wear my maids uniform complete with my high heels.Sheilas' response on seeing me was to say 'doesn't she look divine'.I cooked and served dinner and this time i had to stand to attention by the table while they ate.Thankfully it all went well and i served them coffee afterwards.And this is where it got interesting.I was knelt at their feet and Sheila told my mum she had been invited to a 'vicars and tarts' party.Sheila was up for it and already had her outfit ready.She was borrowing a short latex dress from a colleague at work.
She was very keen for my mum to go but then she came out with something that had me reeling.She wanted me to go as well,as their slave.My mum expressed her concern that someone might be there who knew her or me.Sheila insisted that would not happen and no one there would be told that i was her son.There were about 20 people going and no one would be familiar with my mum or myself.My mum was still unsure,would it be a bit too much for what may well be just a few people having drinks? Sheila assured her it would be okay,she had been to one of their parties in the summer and it was virtually anything goes.
By the end of the evening she had convinced my mum,i of course had no say in the matter.Sheila told me she wanted me dressed exactly as i was for the party so that i could be their perfect little sissy maid for the evening.i told her i would be honoured and that i wouldn't let them down.Her reply was 'you'd better not'.
I was spared any physical punishment that evening but Sheila again insisted on seeing my chastity device.She asked my mum when i was due for release and my mum said it wouldn't be untill the new year.Sheila,with a huge smile,asked me wether i was getting frustrated.I told her i was in a constant state of frustration.She then asked me how it felt knowing my master was having my ex-wife(who i still worship)and also having my mum.I told her at times it was almost too much to bear and i felt totally inadequate as a man.Her reply -again with a smile-was 'That's because you're not a man.The person that's satisfying your ex and your mum is the man.'
The rest of the evening i was ignored while they chatted.Just before Sheila left she asked my mum about the party again and my mum promised we would both be there.i will post update after Sheila visits tomorrow and let you know the latest,Slave 45
The party will be a great opportunity for you to impress everyone as a slave...

Slave 45,

slave 45 said:
Sorry for delay in this update, have been so busy.

No problem... as your boss-mother's, mistress's, and now Ms. Sheila's slave, you're expected to be very busy.

slave 45 said:
It concerns Sheilas' last visit, a few days after my mums' stayover. This time my mum told me to wear my maid's uniform complete with my high heels. Sheilas' response was to say, 'doesn't she look divine'.

Very good... you obeyed your boss-mother, dressed properly in your maid's outfit, and impressed her friend. That's very important...

slave 45 said:
I cooked and served dinner and this time had to stand at attention by the table while they ate. Thankfully, it all went well and i served them coffee afterwards.

Yes, thankfully...

slave 45 said:
As I knelt at their feet, Sheila told my mum she had been invited to a 'vicars and tarts' party. Sheila was up for it and already had her outfit ready. She was borrowing a short latex dress from a colleague at work.

Hm... I know what "tarts" are, but what are "vicars" in this context? Anyway, it sounds promising that Ms. Sheila will be wearing a short latex dress...

slave 45 said:
She was very keen for my mum to go, and she wanted me to go as well, as their slave.

Excellent! This is a GREAT opportunity for your boss-mother and Ms. Sheila to show you off, and impress the other party-guests that they actually have a slave... you!

slave 45 said:
My mum expressed her concern that someone might be there who knew her or me. Sheila insisted that would not happen and no one there would be told that i was her son. .... etc .... Sheila assured her it would be okay,she had been to one of their parties in the summer and it was virtually "anything goes." By the end of the evening, she had convinced my mum. I, of course, had no say in the matter.

No, of course not. But, your life as a slave is about to take a step up. Afterwards, all the party guests will know your boss-mother and Ms. Sheila have a submissive slave who feels it his (/her) duty to serve them in whatever ways they wish — although, as you say, they won't know your identity — and, of course, they will talk with others they know about you. Your reputation, and the concept of women having a feminized male slave, will spread. (I imagine the guests will realize you're a feminized "man" from your voice and other noticeably male characteristics.)

slave 45 said:
Sheila told me she wanted me dressed exactly as i was for the party so that i could be their perfect little sissy maid for the evening. i told her i would be honoured and that i wouldn't let them down. Her reply was 'you'd better not'.

An entirely appropriate reply, on your part. It sounds like Ms. Sheila has come to view herself as your co-owner. This is good, from the point of view of your desire to become her ass-kisser.

slave 45 said:
I was spared any physical punishment that evening but Sheila again insisted on seeing my chastity device. ....

It's good to hear Ms. Sheila continues to be fascinated by your weenie being locked up in your chastity device. Also, no doubt she wanted to satisfy herself you were still wearing it.

slave 45 said:
The rest of the evening i was ignored while they chatted. Just before Sheila left she asked my mum about the party again. My mum promised we would both be there. —Slave 45

Good, good... thanks for your interesting update.

i enjoy reading your accounts, but i had a question. when you ask asked for your input, why do you always focus on the negative? for example, why answer how it is almost too much to bear and you felt totally inadequate instead of focusing on how grateful you are that he is ensuring the satisfaction to the ones you care most about in a manner that you could not do? it almost seems like you don't appreciate the situation, when internally you know you do.

have you considering doing something unexpectedly nice for all involved without being given direct orders to do so?
Hi and thankyou for all your thoughts.Thanks for an interesting observation odang.I didn't realise i was being negative but you raise a good point.I really do appreciate the situation i am in and you are probably right in that i don't emphasise this enough.
Thanks again Custer for your keen insight,things are going well as i will explain in my next post.
Thanks Sklavos for such a great idea.i hadn't considered signing a slave contract and no one else has ever mentioned it.I love the idea of the ceremony and it's something i will keep in mind.i don't think anyone else would have a problem with it.The more i think about the ceromony the more i am warming to it,i will let you know
slave 45
Please bear with me,i am only posting small updates as i am still having trouble in posting.
This post regards sheilas' latest visit.I was ordered to be naked except for my chastity device and leather colar.I had started doing my mums' ironing prior to her arrival and was told to carry on while they started chatting.My mum was now very keen on the party and told Sheila she would be wearing her long rubber skirt,so far not seen in public.She went upstairs to change into it.Sheila walked over to me and told me in future i would be doing her ironing as well.i told her i would be delighted to serve her in anyway i could.
When my mum returned she paraded up and down the lounge in her skirt which Sheila adored,adding she thought it 'yummy'.I was told to make dinner and while they ate i was made to kneel under the table at their feet.
  • #100
Is a "closer" relationship with Ms. Sheila in the offing...?

Slave 45,

slave 45 said:
This post regards sheilas' latest visit. I was ordered to be naked except for my chastity device and leather colar.

That, of course, is an entirely-appropriate alternative to your French Maid outfit, given Ms. Sheila's obvious interest in the visual pleasure of seeing your weenie locked up in its chastity device.

slave 45 said:
I had started doing my mum's ironing prior to Ms. Sheila's arrival, and was told to carry on while they started chatting.

Yes, of course...

slave 45 said:
My mum had become very keen on the party and told Ms. Sheila she would be wearing her long rubber skirt, so far not seen in public. She went upstairs to change into it.

Excellent! Your boss-mother has obviously become comfortable with her reawakened sexuality, and is eager to express it to a wider audience.

slave 45 said:
Ms. Sheila walked over to me and told me that in the future, I will be doing her ironing as well. I told her I will be delighted to serve her in any way I can.

Very good... you gave Ms. Sheila exactly the response she wanted to hear. Since it's hard to imagine she will bring her laundry with her when she comes to visit your boss-mother, her request implies she will expect you to come to her home to do her ironing. In turn, that suggests Ms. Sheila may expect you to submit to a closer (humiliating, no doubt) relationship with her — on her terms, of course. You might begin thinking about this... and about whether you should discuss Ms. Sheila's request privately with your boss-mother.

slave 45 said:
.... Then, I was told to make dinner. While they ate, I was made to kneel under the table at their feet.

All good. You must be becoming a skilled cook. Next time, you might consider asking your boss-mother whether she would consider it appropriate for you to kiss and lick her and Ms. Sheila's feet (i.e., alternating between the two of them) while you're kneeling under the table during a meal, awaiting further orders .


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