Always good to read about your experiences.
msbevw said:
I have been getting several text messages from my daughter, Kim, throughout the morning. It seems she is really obsessed with me going to the Halloween party as a baby girl. Here is what she has sent me so far…
It is actually good to see that your adult daughter Kim is openly intrigued and asking questions of you directly in private, such as through texting as you have described.
msbevw said:
I think it is really brave of you to go to the party in front of your friends in a baby costume, and a baby girl at that!
How did Mom ever talk you into that costume? Or was it Tom? I bet it was Tom, wasn’t it? He seems to know how to push yours and Mom’s buttons.
Or was it your costume idea??? Hummm
Breaking down each of those individual text messages: It would seem that each would be thought provoking for you and will give you an idea on how accepting Kim actually might be about your desire/need to be an adult baby.
She is correct in that it is really brave for you to go attend a Halloween party as a baby girl when you already know that your friends, and other people you know will be present.
As far as Kim’s initial questioning you as to who’s idea this was and seems that she is opening the door for you to share some details with her. In various ways, all three of you had some involvement in that choice, directly and or indirectly.
msbevw said:
It sounded from Mom’s description that she has everything for the costume already. Where did she get it? At a costume shop or online?
I remember when I was little Mom dressed me in the frilliest baby girl and little girl clothes until I started school. It looks like she has a new baby to dress up. I bet she is loving it.
When looking at these two as a collective, it would seem that maybe Linda has shared more with Kim privately than you may have been aware. I have a feeling based on what you have shared that she has indeed shared more with her and or maybe Kim is just now truly putting one and one together.
As Kim said, “It looks like she has a new baby to dress up. I bet she is loving it.”
msbevw said:
Has she already started dressing baby?
Have you thought up a name for baby yet? I like Cissy, Cindy, Jenny, Brianna. LOL
How do you think Kim will respond if you honest with her by saying that you have already been dressing as a baby? Are you going to tell her that your name is Bev and or would you be open to allowing Kim to help guide you in selecting another baby girl name?
msbevw said:
Will Linda and Tom be going to the party as your Mommy and Daddy? What about at home?
Hey, does this mean I finally have a baby sister? I can’t wait to meet her! That would be fun!!
This is what point were you own the lifestyle choice; the door is open for you to share with Kim what brought you to this decision, the choice to exploring and embrace “AB/DL” with Linda’s support. This could also be a good Segway into letting her know that you were the one that suggested, encouraged, and supported Linda’s journey into dating another man (Tom). Do you consider Linda and Tom, mommy and daddy? This might me a good time to let her know that it started as a weekend/nighttime think yet has become more of a 24/7 arrangement.
Sounds as if she would be accepting of Baby Bev as a baby sister and is looking forward to you being in the roll and dressed completely.
msbevw said:
Each one has been a separate text message. I haven't replied to any of them yet. I want to talk to Linda first before I reply so I know what she has told Kim.
I would agree with you in that you should speak with Linda first to (1) to see what Linda may have shared with Kim already and (2) to get Linda’s approval before responding.